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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the ssx of acne?

1.  Chronic inflammation of the pilosebaceous units of skin

1. Chronic inflammation of the pilosebaceous units of skin

What is the key lesion in acne?

1. Comedo--- enlarged and plugged hair follicle

2. Open=blackhead

2. Closed=whitehead

How do you grade acne?

0= no acne

1= mild acne, comedos, papules, few pustules

2=moderate acne, multiple papules and pustules

3=moderately severe, multiple comedos, papules, and pustules

4= severe, multiple comedos, papules, pustules

What is the principal bacterium behind acne? Characteristics?

1. P. acnes--- metabolizes sebum to FFAs

2. Anaerobic

What are the characteristics of comedo inflammation?

1.  Nodule formed when comedo shatters
2.  Remnants extruded into tissue
3.  Can lead to chronic granuloma

1. Nodule formed when comedo shatters

2. Remnants extruded into tissue

3. Can lead to chronic granuloma

What is the etiology of neonatal acne? Infants?

1. Neonatal= comedonal

2. Infants= inflammatory

Does diet influence acne?

1. No evidence suggests that dietary habits influence acne

How do you tx acne vulgaris?

1. Benzoyl peroxide

2. Topical abx

3. Retinoids

4. OCs

5. Salicyclic acid

Tx must last 8-12 weeks

What abx can be used to tx acne?

1. Doxycycline

2. Minocycline-- most effective, significant SE

3. Erythromycin

4. Clindamycin

5. Sulfonamides

What is the clinical use of isotretinoin?

1. Severe acne

2. Poorly responsive acne to other tx

What are the complications of isotretinoin?

1. Pregnancy category X

2. HyperTG

3. Dry skin, lips, and eyes

4. Joint pains

What are the ssx of acne conglobata?

1.  Severe variant of acne
2.  Large, multiple comedones, abscesses, sinus tracts

1. Severe variant of acne

2. Large, multiple comedones, abscesses, sinus tracts

How do you tx acne conglobata?

1. Isotretinoin

What are the aspects of the follicular occlusion triad?

1. Acne conglobata

2. Hidradenitis suppurativa

3. Dissecting cellulitis

What is the mechanism of light tx to tx acne?

1. Triggers proliferation of porphyrins

2. Porphyrins attach to P. acnes, destroys bacteria

What are the ssx of rosacea?

1.  Chronic inflammatory dermatologic disorder
2.  Redness w/ pustules, papules, telangiectasia, and hypertrophy of sebaceous glands

1. Chronic inflammatory dermatologic disorder

2. Redness w/ pustules, papules, telangiectasia, and hypertrophy of sebaceous glands

What is stage I rosacea?

1.  Flusher/blusher
2.  Nose/cheeks
3.  Few telangiectasias, though they become more prominent
4.  Persistent erythema

1. Flusher/blusher

2. Nose/cheeks

3. Few telangiectasias, though they become more prominent

4. Persistent erythema

What is stage II rosacea?

1.  Papules and pustules begin
2.  Increased erythema and telangiectasias

1. Papules and pustules begin

2. Increased erythema and telangiectasias

What is stage III rosacea?

1.  Dense erythema
2.  Papules, pustules, nodules
3.  Diffuse telangiectasias
4.  Plaque-like edema

1. Dense erythema

2. Papules, pustules, nodules

3. Diffuse telangiectasias

4. Plaque-like edema

What factors can provoke flushing in rosacea?

1. Extreme temperatures

2. Spicy foods

3. Alcoholic or hot beverages

4. Exercise

5. Stronge emotions

6. Hormonal fluctuations

What are the ssx of rhinophyma?

1.  Progressive increase in connective tissue, sebaceous gland hyperplasia, ecstatic veins, and chronic deep inflammation

1. Progressive increase in connective tissue, sebaceous gland hyperplasia, ecstatic veins, and chronic deep inflammation

1. Ocular rosacea

How do you tx rosacea?

1. Sunscreen

2. Topical fsulfacetamide

3. Metronidazole

4. TCN, Doxy, minocycline

How do you tx severe rosacea?

1. Oral metronidazole

2. Clonidine for flushing

3. Prednisione

4. Isotretinoin

What are the ssx of hidradenitis suppurativa?

1.  Intertiginous skin with terminal hairs--- tender, firm red nodules
2.  Fluctuant suppuration sinus tract formation

1. Intertiginous skin with terminal hairs--- tender, firm red nodules

2. Fluctuant suppuration sinus tract formation

What are the complications of hidradenitis suppurativa?

1. Interstitial keratitis

2. SCC

3. Fistulas

4. Anemia

What is the MCC of hidradenitis suppurativa?

1. Follicular hyperkeratosis leads to rupture of follicular epithelium

2. Inflammation engulfs apocrine gland

3. 2o bacterial infections

How do you tx hidradenitis suppurativa?


1. Friction reduction--- weight loss

2. Topical abx soaps

3. Oral abx

4. Isotretinoin

What are the ssx of scabies?

1.  Severe itch
2.  Mostly at night
3.  Thread-like irregular line with tiny vesicle

1. Severe itch

2. Mostly at night

3. Thread-like irregular line with tiny vesicle

How do you tx scabies?

1. Permethrin

2. Ivermectin