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24 Cards in this Set

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who is the opa used for
unconscious, an npa can be used in conscious or semiconscoius
what shoudl be done after insertion of an opa or npa?
spontaneous respirations
what is the difference between soft and rigid suction catheters?
soft- mouth, nose, sterile, et tube suctioning, thin secretions or through an airway.
Rigid- oropharynx, thick secretions
4 universal steps for an AED
pwoer on
attach pads
analyze the rhythm
clear teh patient and shock
AED and hairy chest
press firmly on pads
check pads
may need to shave after removal (removal may take hair along with it.)
water and AED
get a patient out of the water,
wipe of the chest
pacemaker and AED
move it 1 in to either side
What is the algorhythm for a pulseless arrest and a shockable rhythm?
VF or pulseless VT
Give 1 shock
- Manual biphasic: 120-200J
- Monophasic 360J
Resume CPR- 5 cycles
Still Shockable?
2nd shock at 200 biphasic
or 360J monophasic
Resume CPR adn one mg of epi (repeat every 3-5 min)
- Vasopressin 40U may be given instead of first or second dose

5 cycles of cpr- check rhythm again

amiodarone 300mg, then 150mg OR
Lidocaine 1mg/kg max 3mg/kg
alternate with epi
what should be done with torsades?
mag 1-2g loading dose
what are the 6 Hs, 5 Ts?
H+ (acidosis)
Tension Pneumo
what should be done in PEA or Asystole?
epi 1mg every 3-5
atropine 1mg for asystole or slow PEA
what is the role of epi in ACLS?
give 1mg
what is the dose of vasopressin in ACLS?
40 U
what meds are used if epi or vasopressin don't work in ACLS
amiodarone 300mg then 150mg
lidocaine 1-1.5mg/kg then .5-.75mg
mg for torsades 1-2g
what should be done with hypothermia and VT/VF?
one defib attempt; no drugs or defibs until >30C or 86F

mild hypothermia should have slower dosing
meds through a peripheral iv
give meds
20ml bolus
then elevate arm for 10-20 seconds
what is postresuscitation maintenance therapy with amiodarone?
max: 2.2g over 24hrs
IV bolus of 150mg over 10 min
360mg over next 6 hrs (1mg/min)
maintenance of 540 over next 18hrs (0.5mg/min)
what is the dose for lidocaine for postresuscitation maintenance therapy?
loading dose of 1-1.5mg/kg
continuous infusion of 1-4mg/min
what are the clues that point towards hypovolemia
narrow complex rapid rate, history, flat neck veins;
what points towards hypoxia and waht do you do?
slow rate; cyanosis, blood gases, airway problems
treat: o2, vent
what points twards acidosis
small amplitude qrs complexes
hx: dm, preexisting acidosis, renal failure
Rx: bicarb, hypervent
what points towards hyperkalemia?
EKG: peaked t waves, small p waves, qrs widening, sine wave
Hx: renal failure, diabetes, recent dialysis, dialysis fistulas, meds
Rx: bicarb, ca, glucose and insulin, kayealate, dialysis
what points towards hypokalemia
EKG: flattened ts, u waves, wide qrs, prolonged qt, wide complex tachy
Hx: loss of K, diuretic use
Rx: K infusion, Mg
what points towards hypothermia?
EKG: J or osborne waves
Hx: exposure, temp