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585 Cards in this Set

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He says that his profit from learning language is that he knows how to curse. He describes his home in Act III, saying “The isle is full of noises, / Sounds, and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not.” Trinculo calls him a “mooncalf”, but he thinks Stephano is a god for providing him liquor despite the fact that Stephano says he smells like fish. The only real native of the island, this son of Sycorax failed in his attempt to rape Miranda and accuses his master of stealing the island from him. FTP, name this evil servant of Prospero in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.
The source of the play was probably Barnabe Rich’s Apolonius and Silla. Although Will Kemp was supposed to play the fool, the part of Feste was rewritten for Robert Armin, and he is given three of Shakespeare’s best songs. FTP, name this play, whose subplot features the bumblings of Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Sir Toby Belch, while the main actions concerns the loves of Sebastian, Olivia, Viola, and the Duke of Illyria, Orsino.
Twelfth Night
Characters in this play include the almost indistinguishable companions Salerio and Solanio and the servant Launcelot Gobbo. According to the terms of her father's will, the protagonist can only marry the suitor who correctly chooses a casket containing her portrait, saving her from marrying the Princes of Morocco and Arragon. Bassanio chooses the correct casket, but soon learns that his friend Antonio has defaulted on the loan that financed his trip to Belmont. However, the disguised Portia saves Antonio by outwitting the moneylender Shylock. FTP, what is this play by Shakespeare?
The Merchant of Venice
He was defeated and killed at Lumphanan in 1057, after an invasion from England made possible by the assistance of Earl Siward of Northumbria. Probably the grandson of Kenneth II, he took power after killing the king in 1040, and defeated a revolt led by Crinan, the father of his predecessor. FTP, identify this king of the Scots, who was killed by Malcolm Canmore, the son of the king he had killed, Duncan I.
Composed of 100 cantos written in terza rima, it begins with the poet lost in the Wood of Error on Good Friday, 1300. It then follows the poet's travels through the afterlife, led by Vergil and Beatrice. FTP, identify this epic poem by Dante Alighieri.
The Divine Comedy
It features the largest part by any non-title character in all of Shakespeare, and its probable source was a short story by Italian G.B. Giraldi Cinthio. Minor characters in this drama include the previous governor of Cyprus, Montano, and the Clown who acts as servant to the title character. Emilia proves distrustful of her husband, who convinces the foolish Roderigo to donate all his money to the cause of winning the title character’s wife’s hand. The former lieutenant Michael Cassio is used to play out the jealousy of the title character and his insecurities about his wife Desdemona’s infidelity. FTP, identify this Shakespeare play centering on the title Moor of Venice.
Othello, The Moor of Venice
the preface to this novel, its author assumes the role of a finder of a package, left by Johnathan Pue in the attic of the Salems Customs House. He then claims merely to transcribe the story based on the manuscript found in the package. For 10 points, identify the novel thus spun by Nathaniel Hawthorne, describing the actual and symbolic effects of sin on its characters.
The Scarlet Letter
Adam and Dennis are servants, Audrey is a country wench. Corin and Silvius are shepherds, while Sir Oliver Martext is a vicar. Lilllian Helman used the location of Act 3, Scene 5 to title one of her most famous plays. Other characters include Celia, Phebe, Jacques and Touchstone. FTP, name this Shakespearean play dealing with Rosalind and two brothers named Oliver and Orlando.
As You Like It
Sometimes, you have to resort to desperate measures to survive a siege. In this 1759 satire, "The Old Woman" had to lose a buttock to feed the defenders of a fort. She survived the attack, however, and, despite being the daughter of Urban X, ended up in the service of Cunegonde. FTP, Cunegonde was the beloved of the title character in what famous Voltaire work?
Candide, or Optimism
Balthasar and Peter are servants. Escalus is a Duke of Verona. Friar John is a friend of Friar Laurance. These characters--along with Benvolio, Paris, Mercutio, and The Nurse all appear in--for 10 points--what 1595 play.
Romeo and Juliet
Sir Thopas, Melibee, the Franklin, the Shipman, the Man of Law, the Manciple, the Prioress, the Summoner, the Pardoner, and the Miller are some of the pilgrims who tell their tales on their way to Thomas a Becket's shrine in Canterbury in what unfinished Geoffrey Chaucer work?
The Canterbury Tales
Events in this novel include a visit to Bald Hills to arrange a marriage between Marya and Anatol, which is dashed after an apparent tryst with Madam Bourienne. Nikolai arrives at Olmutz to receive a letter from Boris, Schmidt’s death in battle leads to an appearance at the court of Vienna, and Dolgorukhov’s rejection of truce terms precipitates the final scene. FTP, name this novel which opens at a party at the house of Anna attended by Pierre, Prince Vasily, and Prince Andrei, written by Leo Tolstoy.
War and Peace [or Voyna i mir]
In this novel, an outcast youth, feeling a "damp, drizzly November" in his soul, goes to New Bedford to become a sailor, where he becomes roommates and friends with a Polynesian prince. After a symbolic sermon by Father Mapple, they go to Nantucket and ship out to sea with such men as Flask, Fedallah, Daggoo, and Tastego. For 10 points, identify this symbolic 1851 novel by Herman Melville subtitled The Whale.
Moby Dick
T.S. Eliot said that it would be a landmark because it destroys our civilization. First published in Paris in 1922, it records the events that took place on June 16, 1904, focusing on the lives of three main characters. FTP, identify this novel, which follows Leopold Bloom, Molly Bloom, and Stephen Dedalus through Dublin, considered the masterpiece of James Joyce.
The Hindu word 'shantih,' repeated three times, closes this poem. A curious end to a rather curious poem. Allusions to Sanskrit mythology as well as to characters from Greek myth such as Tiresias, abound. It is divided into five sections ; The Burial of the Dead, A Game Of Chess, The Fire Sermon, Death By Water, and What The Thunder Said. FTP identify this 1924 work of T.S. Eliot, which opens with the line 'April is the cruelest month.'
The Waste Land
This novel contains two of its author's most famous minor characters, Mr. Collins and Lady Catherine de Bourgh. In the novel, Darcy interfers with his friend Bingley's courtship of Jane, whose sister Jane Darcy himself wishes to court. FTP, name this work about the Bennet family, written by Jane Austen.
Pride and Prejudice
John the Bastard frames the heroine of this play and fools her husband-to-be into thinking that she is cheating on him. All is discovered, however, with the capture of Borachio by the constable Dogberry. FTP, name this Shakespeare play that features the dual marriages of Hero and Claudio and Beatrice and Benedick.
Much Ado About Nothing
In this novel ,the narrator becomes suspicious of the business practices of the titular character after meeting his associate Mr. Wolfsheim, but he soon forgets his concerns after falling for his cousin's friend Jordan Baker. The climax occurs when the narrator finds the body of George Wilson, who has killed the title figure in revenge for the death of George's wife Myrtle in a car accident, but in reality it was Daisy Buchanan and not the title figure who was behind the wheel of the car. Such is a brief description of, FTP, what novel narrated by Nick Carraway, the best-known work by F. Scott Fitzgerald?
The Great Gatsby
The author asked for parts of this novel to be printed in eight different colors to represent different layers of the narrators’ memories. Although the request was not granted, this novel is still a radical experiment in form and technique. Three of the four sections are told in first-person, while the fourth is a third person narrative focusing on the black cook Dilsey. FTP, name this Faulkner novel about the Compson family.
The Sound and the Fury
He slays Mezentius, Lausas, and Turnus in battle. The son of Aphrodite and Anchises, his son Ascanius founds the city Alba Longa, and his departure from Carthage causes the lovesick Dido to commit suicide. FTP, name this hero of Vergil's _Aeneid_.
He slays Mezentius, Lausas, and Turnus in battle. The son of Aphrodite and Anchises, his son Ascanius founds the city Alba Longa, and his departure from Carthage causes the lovesick Dido to commit suicide. FTP, name this hero of Vergil's _Aeneid_.
Billy Bud: Foretopman
Originally written as one paragraph on a 250-foot roll of paper, with no punctuation, Truman Capote said of it, "This isn't writing; this is typing." Characters include Carlo Marx, Sal Paradise, and Dean Moriarty, drifters on a hitchhiking trip across the U.S. FTP, name this beat movement classic by Jack Kerouac.
On the Road
The arrival of the gypsy writer Melquiades begins this novel’s bizarre sequence of events, starting with the discovery of ice by Aureliano and his father. Other characters include the lonely ghost of Prudencio Aguilar, who searches for water to clean a ghastly wound, and a woman who ascends to heaven while doing her laundry. The entire population of the central village is struck with insomnia. A tropical storm takes five years to dissipate and in the end a hurricane erases all traces of Macondo, and Buendía faces a firing squad. This is the magic realist plot of, FTP, what famous novel by Gabriel García Márquez?
One Hundred Years of Solitude or Cien años de soledad
The last English monarch to die in battle, he had his two nephews murdered in the Tower of London to insure his succession to the throne. FTP, name this subject of a Shakespearean history who ruled from 1483 to 1485 and was defeated by Henry Tudor & killed at the battle of Bosworth Field.
Richard III
In this novel, you meet characters such as the convict Neil Sheldon, the secretary Laura Lyons, the neighbor with the telescope Mr. Frankland, Dr. James Mortimer, and Beryl. The story begins when Sir Charles dies and his nephew Sir Henry is about to move onto his estate. However, a curse upon the family is brought to life by Jack Stapleton, who is actually a relative of Sir Henry and eventually captured by Sherlock Holmes. FTP, name this novel in which no one can cross the moor without being attacked by a supernatural beast.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The measure of this poem is English Heroic Verse without rhyme, as that of Homer in Greek, and of Virgil in Latin, as rhyme is the "Invention of a barbarous age". So we are told in the introductory note to the 1668 edition of this work of twelve books and over ten thousand lines. Characters include Moloch, Belial, and Mammon, and the angels Uriel and Gabriel. FTP, name this canonical work written to "justify the works of God to men".
Paradise Lost
This literary character's death is brought about by his loyalty to Cassy and Emmeline. An intensely Christian man, he had earlier been separated from his wife Chloe by Haley, and is horrified by the brutalities endured by his fellow passangers on a ship during his subsequent voyage to Louisiana. He soon befriends Eva St. Clair, but seees his hopes of freedom ended when he is bought by Simon Legree. FTP, who is this title character of the most famous novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe?
Uncle Tom
This man visited the Acamedy of Projectors in Lagado, where scholars wasted their time trying to extract sunbeams from cucumbers and convert ice into gunpowder. FTP, who is this character who also visited Laputa, Brobdingnag, and Lilliput in a 1726 work by Jonathan Swift?
Lemuel Gulliver
Some scholar’s say the author based this work on Freud’s “The Case of Miss Lucy R.” Others, like Leon Edel, claim that it is a reflection of the author’s own family turmoil and movement out of London to Lamb House, which is represented by the estate of Bly in this work. The first narrator is a guest of Douglas, the man who introduces the story and loved the other narrator. That second narrator takes on a job in which she befriends Mrs. Grose, who shared some the duties of taking care of Flora and Miles. The terror begins with the appearance of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel, both of whom were known to be dead. FTP, name this Henry James ghost story.
The Turn of the Screw
Characters in this novel include Crooks, the colored stablehand; Slim, the jerkline skinner of the barley ranch; Candy, a swamper on the ranch; Curley, the son of the ranch owner; George Milton, a small and wiry man; and Lennie Small, a simple-minded man of great size and strength. FTP name this novel by John Steinbeck.
Of Mice and Men
Chapter XIV of Biographia Literaria tells of the concep­tion of this volume as a way to defray the cost of two friends' walking trip. Its title is a misnomer, since a third of the poems do not fit the title's description ‑‑ "The Mad Mother" and "The Tables Turned", for instance. Written from 1798‑1800, it contains Coleridge's Rime of the Ancyent Mariner. FTP, name this collaboration between Coleridge and Wordsworth.
Lyrical Ballads
He rides through the sky on a wooden horse called Clavileno and is named governor of the island of Barataria. Originally named Alonso Quijano, he changes his name, takes Aldonza Lorenzo as his lady love, and roams the countryside on his horse Rocinante. FTP, who is this title character, a native of La Mancha?
Don Quixote
According to a Russian trader, this man should not be judged by normal rules of society because he has enlarged his mind. His greatest virtue is his eloquence, which he displays in an unfinished report for the International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs, but he stops writing to preside over fiendish rituals performed in his honor, and becomes famous for the vast amounts of ivory he sends out from the Inner Station before dying on a ship on the Congo. FTP, who is this character described by Marlow in Heart of Darkness?
While dodging the proverbial draft on the island of Scyros, he met Deidameia, who bore him his son, Neoptolemus or Pyrrhus. Odysseus came to the island and discovered him despite his female disguise. In the Trojan War, he was a friend of Patroclus and the slayer of Hector. FTP, name this warrior whose mother Thetis made him invulnerable by dipping him in the river Styx.
The heroine of this novel marries the old German professor Dr. Bhaer, while her older sister marries the young tutor John Brooke and in a future novel gives birth to twins, Daisy and Demi. After failing to marry the heroine, next door neighbor Theodore Lawrance marries the artistic youngest sister Amy, while the sickly Beth dies young. Centering on the literary tomboy Jo March, FTP, what is this novel by Louisa May Alcott?
Little Women, or Meg Jo, Beth, and Amy
It is the story of a publican in Chapelizod, near Dublin, his wife
Anna Livia Plurabelle, and their three children Kevin, Jerry, and Isabel. In homage to Vico's theory that history is cyclic, it begins by completing a sentence begun on the last page. FTP, name this story of Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker, known as "Work in Progress" from 1922 until 1939, when finally completed by James Joyce.
Finnegan's Wake
A subplot in this work concerns the love of the young and impressionable Arkady for Katya Odintsova. Major roles are also played by Katya’s sister Anna, the love interest of the main character, and Arkady’s uncle Pavel, who is wounded in a duel with the same. The duel is fought over a perceived generational conflict between the men of the 40’s and the nihilists, exemplified by Evgeny Bazarov. FTP, identify this novel by Ivan Turgenev.
Fathers and Sons or Fathers and Children; also accept Ottsy i deti
Subtitled "The Children's Crusade, a Duty-Dance with Death", this novel tells the story of a naive optometrist who, on the eve of his daughter's wedding, is kidnapped by aliens who teach him about the fourth dimension. Allowed to return to his home in Ilium, New York, Billy Pilgrim must relive his wartime experiences, such as the firebombing of Dresden, as he becomes "unstuck in time". FTP, name this 1969 novel by Kurt Vonnegut.
Slaughterhouse Five
The king visits the tournament disguised as Ashby de la Zouch, and helps the title character defeat the Templar Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert. Sir Brian goes to the Preceptory of Templestowe, taking Rebecca with him, and she is accused of witchcraft. FTP, identify this 1819 novel, set during the reign of Richard I, in which Cedric, Rowena, Isaac the Jew, and the title character are imprisoned by Normans, the most popular historical romance of Sir Walter Scott.
Although both of his parents were Irish, his skin has been so thoroughly tanned by the climate of Lahore than none suspect his European ancestry. As an orphan, he is drawn to two surrogate fathers - the saintly Lama, who wanders in search of the holy River of the Arrow, and the horse-dealer Mahbub Ali, who recruits him into the world of espionage. FTP, name this member of
the British Secret Service in India, the title character of a novel by Kipling.
Kim (Kimball O'Hara)
Ultimately buried at Pere-Lachaise, he once fled a convent by concealing himself within the coffin of a dead nun. A manufacturer of glass beads, he evaded a jail sentence by jumping overboard off the prison ship Orion. His most treasured possessions were a pair of silver candlesticks that he first stole and then received as a gift from the Bishop of Digne. He extricated Fauchelevent from beneath a cart, adopted the prostitute Fantine's daughter Cosette, and rescued Marius Pontmercy by carrying him through the sewers of Paris. FTP identify this man pursued by the inexorable Javert, the protagonist of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables.
Jean Valjean
While ignorance and poverty persist on the earth, books such as this cannot fail to be of value." So said the author of this novel. It consists of 5 volumes subdivided into 48 books, the last of which, called "Supreme Shadow, Supreme Dawn," ends with an epitaph of the main character who, having risen from destitution to prosperity, has sacrificed himself for the sake of his adopted daughter Cosette. FTP identify this 1862 work, a broad landscape of post-Revolution France, the tale of Jean Valjean, the most famous
work of Victor Hugo.
Les Miserables or The Outcasts or The Wretched
Set in Igboland, this book tells the story of Okonkwo, a Nigerian tribal native who inadvertently kills a clansman, then, after Okonkwo returns from his seven-year banishment, Okonkwo finds that Christianity and Colonialism have overtaken the tribal laws and beliefs of his village. For 10 points, name this 1958 novel by Chinua Achebe
Things Fall Apart
In this play two characters debate the mathematical odds of salvation based on the four gospels, and its longest speech is made by a character who cannot speak for the rest of the play. In a plot described as "Nothing at all happens - twice," the audience should know the ending since the title character isn't on the cast list. FTP identify this 1952 work of absurdist theater by Samuel Beckett.
Waiting For Godot or En Attendant Godot
The three acts of this play are entitled “Fun and Games”, “Walpurgisnacht”, and “The Exorcism”. It takes place after a party of the faculty of New Carthage University in the house of a history professor who is married to the daughter of New Carthage’s President. When the new biology professor Nick and his wife Honey drop in for a nightcap, they witness the sarcastic, acrimonious relationship of George and Martha, who answers the title question with the reply “I am”. FTP, what is this play by Edward Albee?
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
The second part of his work was published in 1832, twenty four years after the first part, and depicts the title character trying to create a Utopian society by reclaiming land from the sea. In Part One, the protagonist seduces a young girl, who gives birth to his child, drowns the baby, and refuses to flee prison, although she is sentenced to death. FTP, identify this poem, which tells the story of Gretchen, Mephistopheles, and the title character, a scholar who sells his soul to the devil to gain
knowledge, written by Goethe (gerr-tuh).
It was an allegorical work celebrating the moral values of Christianic chivalry. Book 3 is a rendition of the Iliad, plus Britomart and her adventure. Book 4 is Calidove versus the Blatant Beast. Book 1 is the Red Cross Knight led astray. For 10 points, identify this late 16th century six book epic poem by Edmund Spenser.
The Faerie Queen
This novel centers on the life of Jurgis Rudkus, a Lithuanian immigrant, who endures the horrible conditions of the Chicago stockyards. Its author said of the book, "I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach." FTP, name this muckraking novel by Upton Sinclair that was instrumental in getting the Pure Food and Drug Act passed.
The Jungle
She meets the son of Pandion, who has come from Delphi seeking a remedy for his infertility, which she offers to cure with drugs if he will take her in after her impending exile. For Creon, the father of her husband’s new woman, is pushing her out of Corinth, which he rules. Before she left, though, she had the other woman killed by poison put on a gift of a crown that her children have, who she also slew. FTP, name this subject of a Euripides play, the troublesome wife of Jason.
One of this novel's main characters is loved by William Dobbin and George Osborne, who dies at Waterloo. The other lives at the height of fashion with the help of Lord Steyne and marries Rawdon Crawley. FTP, name this 1848 work, subtitled a Novel without a Hero, which depicts the contrast between Amelia Sedley and Becky Sharp.
Vanity Fair: A Novel Without a Hero
The play ends with Eugene Dorn pulling Boris aside and telling him to get Irina out of the room, because her son has just committed suicide. A subplot involves Masha, the daughter of Sorin’s estate manager, who marries Medvedenko even though she is in love with Constantine Treplev. FTP, identify this 1896 play, subtitled “A Comedy in Four Acts,” in which Nina Zarechnaya compares herself to the titular bird, and which was written by Anton Chekhov.
The Seagull
This play begins with two men addressing the tomb of Agamemnon. Soon, Electra discovers that her brother has returned home when she finds a lock of his hair on the tomb. Orestes and Pylades dress like travelers and are welcomed into the palace. They tell Clytemnestra that Orestes is dead, and when Aegisthus hears this news he vows to interrogate the messenger. Orestes proceeds to kill Aegisthus. When the murder is discovered Clytemnestra is summoned at which point she is killed as well. Such is the plot of, FTP, what play by Aeschylus—the second in the Oresteia.
Libation Bearers or Choephoroi
It is dedicated to Carl Solomon, whom the writer met while both were patients in the Columbia Psychiatric Institute. It begins, “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, / dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix.” When it was published, this poem was criticized as obscene, but soon became regarded as a fundamental work of the Beat Movement. FTP, name this 1956 poem, written by Allen Ginsberg.
After the protagonist of this play suffers a series of misadventures, including a dunking in the Thames, he winds up dressed in a costume adorned with stag's horns being teased and frightened by fairies and witches, who turn out to be his friends in disguise. A subplot of this play concerns Anne Page, who is simultaneously courted by Fenton, Dr. Caius, and Slender, but the main plot concerns the realization by Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Page that they are both being wooed by John Falstaff. Said to have been requested by Queen Elizabeth, FTP, what is this comedy by Shakespeare?
The Merry Wives of Windsor
"Concerning liberality and parsimony," "How to avoid contempt and hatred," "Why Alexanderâs successors were able to keep possession of Darius' kingdom after Alexanderâs death," "Mixed principalities," "Concerning cruelty: Whether it is better to be loved than feared, or the reverse," and "In what way princes should keep their word," are chapters from, FTP, what 1513 Niccol˜ Machiavelli work?
The Prince
A subplot in this novel involves the Tellson and Company employee Jerry Cruncher, who doubles as a grave robber at night. His sinful activities reveal to him that Roger Cly, the man who falsely testifies against one of the main characters, is not dead. Another subplot involves Gaspard, whose son is killed by the horses of the marquis, sparking the peasants’ uprising. The Vengeance is a revolutionist and lieutenant of the cruel Madame Defarge in, FTP, what Charles Dickens novel that centers on Sydney Carton, who dies in place of Charles Darnay?
A Tale of Two Cities
In this play, a professor of phonetics takes on the task of transforming a Cockney flower girl from a guttersnipe into an elegant woman, and succeeds, but the two do not marry. He is Henry Higgins; she is Eliza Doolittle. FTP, name this George Bernard Shaw play, later turned into the musical "My Fair Lady", based on a Greek myth about a sculptor who marries his creation.
Ben intended to go to Alaska and ended up in Africa. Biff is a kleptomaniac. Happy is a womanizer. And the title character is losing himself more and more in past memories as his job disintegrates. FTP, identify this Arthur Miller play about Willy Loman.
Death of a Salesman
The son of a saddler, he claimed his father was a Scottish immigrant, though no evidence supporting this idea has been found. In 1744, he wrote his first book, a treatise on kinetic forces. Offered a chair as professor of poetry at the University of Berlin, he refused, preferring to wait for a opening at the University of Konisberg, where he wrote "Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." FTP, identify this author of The Critique of Practical Reason who profoundly influenced theories of knowledge, ethics, and aesthetics.
Immanuel Kant
Part II details a journey taken despite the objections of Mrs. Timorous and others. The journey is successful, mainly because of the guiding skills of Great-heart. The first part introduces such characters as Apollyon, who tries to crush the hero to death. Notable locales include the Interpreter’s House, the country of Beulah, and Carnal City, from which Mr. Worldly Wiseman comes. Probably the two most famous sites are the Slough of Despond, in which the hero is mired, and Vanity Fair, where Faithful is put to death. FTP, name this allegory in which Christian flees the City of Destruction, a work by John Bunyan
The Pilgrim's Progress
His stepfather, Mr. Murdstone, sends him to the school of Mr. Creakle. He later meets Steerforth, runs away to his greataunt, Betsey Trotwood, and is associated with the family of Mr. Micawber. For 10 points, name this character of Charles Dickens, or that of a famous magician.
David Copperfield
It claims that imagination is ãnothing but decaying sense;ä and that knowledge comes from sense experience, while wisdom comes from reason. The book then describes the state as an artificial man, with officers as joints and punishments as nerves; its final chapter, ãOf the Kingdom of Darkness,ä alleges that the papacy is guilty of misinterpreting Scripture to justify its power. FTP, identify this treatise justifying absolute monarchy by Thomas Hobbes.
_Leviathan_ Or The Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil
He dies of coronary thrombosis a few days before his trial for murder but not before he commits to writing such famous witticisms as “You can always rely on a murderer for fancy prose.” The son of European hotel owners, his mother is killed by a lightning bolt when he is three. His manuscript, subtitled The Confession of a White Widowed Male, is “edited” by John Ray, Jr., and discusses the aptly named Annabel Leigh, before it ends with the murder of Clare Quilty. FTP, name this lover of Dolores Haze, the central character of Nabokov’s Lolita.
Humbert Humbert (I guess either can be acceptible)
The title character falls in love with Aleksei Vronski, a handsome young officer, and abandons her child and husband to be with him. When she thinks Vronski has tired of her, she commits suicide by leaping under a train. FTP, what is this work by Leo Tolstoy?
Anna Karenina
Written in less than 80 pages, this work ends with the statement “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” “Outside of logic everything is accidental” is statement 6.3, while 4.021 states “a proposition is a picture of reality”. These and other numbered statements develop out of seven primary theses, including “A sentence is a truth function of elementary sentences” and “The world is everything that is the case”. FTP, what is this magnum opus of Ludwig Wittgenstein?
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
The city of Black Hawk had not been kind to her family: her father had killed himself and she must ward off the advances of Wick Cutter. Her male counterpart and friend of Otto Fuchs and Jake Marpole has gone off to Harvard, but returns to Nebraska at the end of the novel, where he encounters the title character who is happily married to Anton Cuzak. FTP identify this 1918 Willa Cather work featuring Jim Burden and the Shimerda family.
My Antonia
One of its minor characters is the actress La Berma, based on Sarah Bernhardt. Some of its more bizarre characters are the sadistic lesbian Miss Vinteuil (van-TOY) and several other characters who get married but turn out to be homosexual, such as the Marquis de Saint-Loup, the Baron de Charlus, and the narrator's great love, Albertine. The list of characters gets even more complicated through marriages; Madame Verdurin becomes the new Princesse de Guermantes (gaire-MANT), and Gilberte (jill-BAIRT) de Saint-Loup was once Gilberte Swann. FTP, name this Marcel Proust novel.
Remembrance of Things Past or A la Recherche du temps perdu or In Search of Lost Time
Despite the pleadings of his aged mother, he wanders the world trafficking in slaves, rum, and religion. Abandoning his love Solveig, he marries and deserts the Troll King's daughter. Along the way he faces the Great Boyg, who wants to eat him, and the Button Molder, who wished to melt him down and recast him. FTP, name this Ibsen title.
Peer Gynt
This novel contains two references to a character from Romeo and Juliet in the form of a prospective gift horse named Queen Mab. A trip to London reveals to one of the central characters that her love has been engaged to Sophia Grey, and other devastating news follows when it is learned that Lucy Steele has married, though we are deceived as to whom she married. However, the novel ends happily with the marriages of Colonel Brandon and Edward Ferrars to the heroines and John Willoughby nowhere to be found. FTP, identify this novel about Elinor and Marianne Dashwood written by Jane Austen.
Sense and Sensibility
The spurning of Madame Hohlakov proves to have tragic effects. Near the end, most are entertained by Ippolit Kirillovitch’s speech, while his opponent Fetyukovitch claims that Mitya has been attempting to repay Katerina Ivanovna and that the 3000 rubles never existed. A subplot involves the antipathy of Father Ferapont for Father Zossima and discussions include “The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor.” The testimonies of Grigory and Grushenka prove damning as Smerdyakov had committed suicide without revealing the truth. FTP, name this Dostoevsky novel, featuring Alyosha, Ivan and Dmitri.
The Brothers Karamazov or Bratya Karamazovy
After the central character is wounded in a mortar attack, he is sent to a hospital in Milan for surgery. He returns to duty in Austria, but deserts and flees to Switzerland with his pregnant lover, who gives birth to a stillborn son in March 1918 and dies shortly afterward. FTP, identify this novel, published in 1929, which tells the story of an English nurse, Catherine Barkley, and an American ambulance driver, Frederic Henry, written by Ernest Hemingway.
A Farewell to Arms
This poem begins with a long Latin epigraph concerning the multitude of “invisible creatures” that inhabit the world, and it is sometimes published with scholarly notes typed into the margins which seem designed to confuse rather than enlighten the reader. The protagonist is finally rescued by a Pilot, his son, and a Hermit, but not before encountering Life-in-Death, dreaming of a spirit “nine fathoms deep” following his ship, and seeing his 50 sailors die while his ship is stranded without winds. FTP, what is this poem about a sailor who shoots an albatross by Samuel Taylor Coleridge?
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
At the end of this play the protagonist is sent to an asylum due to her belief in the imaginary friend Shep Huntleigh. Having driven her homosexual husband to suicide, she left Laurel, Mississippi, to live on a street named Elysian Fields with her sister Stella, where her relationship with Harold Mitchell is thwarted by Stanley Kowalski. FTP, this describes what Tennessee Williams play about Blanche DuBois?
A Streetcar Named Desire
His brother Allie died of leukemia, his brother D.B. writes scripts for Hollywood, and his younger sister Phoebe attends elementary school in New York City, where he visits her when expelled from Pencey Prep. For ten points, this foe of all things phony is what J. D. Salinger protagonist?
_HOLDEN CAULFIELD_ (prompt on "Catcher in the Rye")
The narrative in this work is in a spiral structure that repeats most of the book’s events several times from only slightly different perspectives. A repeated refrain alludes to François Villon’s Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis (bah-LOD day DOM doo TOM zha-DEE), but the question has been changed to “Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?” Other important characters include Aarfy, Clevinger, Appleby, and Nately’s whore’s kid sister. FTP, name this novel about the pilot Yossarian, whose title is now used to describe any lose-lose situation.
Catch 22
In this novel the narrator’s insecurity is evident when he explains to Georgette the reason why he cannot have sex with her. Secondary characters include the wise Count Mippipopolous and the strong-willed American woman, Frances Clyne. The narrator is in love with the central female of the novel, who has a brief affair with young Romero. Set during one week in Pamplona, other characters include the writer Bill Gorton, a friend of the narrator, and another writer, Robert Cohn. Michael Campbell is the drunken fiancŽ of Lady Brett Ashley in this story told by Jake Barnes. FTP, identify this novel by Ernest Hemingway.
Sun Also Rises, The (1926) [aka "Fiesta" as published in England]
The main character meets Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson, alienated intellectuals, and argues about freedom with Mustapha Mond, the World Controller. Set in the year 632 After Ford, it is the tale of a Savage, raised on an Indian reservation, who kills himself in disgust after being introduced to hedonistic civilization. FTP, identify this dystopian 1932 novel in which workers are divided into categories labeled with Greek letters and the drug soma maintains happiness, written by Aldous Huxley.
Brave New World
An avid chess player and fan of the Times chess column, his table is always reserved for him at the Chestnut Tree Café with his chessboard in place and the paper already open to the column. Though he works occasionally in a sub-basement for a sub-committee of a sub-committee, he is not sure exactly what he does. This is the later life of, for 10 points, what former employee in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, lover of Julia, and central character of George Orwell’s 1984?
Winston Smith
Written in 1712, it was revised and expanded in 1714. In this poem, the author offers a view of English upper-class society which is both mocking while at the same time exuding a sense of admirability. In describing the theft of the central object, the author used the elevation and apparatus of epic poetry, thus making his poem the first "mock epic" in English literature. FTP, name this poem centering around Belinda by Alexander Pope.
The Rape of the Lock
Born into a wealthy Geneva family, he developed an early fascination with the scientists Albertus Magnus and Paracelsus. He was also obsessed with his adoptive sister Elizabeth Lavenza, but she was killed on their wedding night. The killer also murdered this man's brother William, his childhood friend Henry Clerval, and finally this man himself, while he tells his story to Captain Walton on the Arctic tundra. FTP, name this fictional scientist.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein
The protagonist turns down a job working with his friend Fouque in the lumber business because he desires a noble title, which he is finally given so that he can marry Mathilde, who he has impregnated. Using his photographic memory, he quickly advances at the Besancon seminary under Pirard, who soon secures for him the position of personal secretary to the Marquis de la Mole, but his ambitions to follow his hero Napoleon are shattered when his previous indiscretions are exposed by his first love Mme. de Renal. FTP, what is this work about Julien Sorel, the best known work of Stendhal?
Red and the Black, The (1830) [Le Rouge et le noir]
Amos Ames, Louisa Ames, and Minnie; Josiah Borden, Emma Borden, and Everett Hills; Joe Silva, Ira Mackel, and Abner Small. These three groups assist gardener Seth Beckwith in playing the role of the chorus in subsequent parts. Adam Brant assumes the role of Aegisthus while Christine Mannon appears at Klytemnaestra. FTP, what is this Eugene OâNeill play about Lavinia Mannon in the role of the Greek girl of the title?
Mourning Becomes Electra
First performed in 1904, it has been performed internationally, including an New York performance in its original Russian. Its theme concerns the conflict of the old aristocracy and new bourgeois merchant class in turn of the century Russia. It characters include Lyubov Andreyevna, Gayev, and Varya, whose lack of earnings causes his noble family to lose its estate to Lopakhin, the son of a peasant. FTP, identify this Chekhov play, whose title symbol represents the gentry class which is effectively 'chopped' down by modern changes.
The Cherry Orchard
The protagonist of this novel first appears as a 15-year-old in Kansas city, where he is embarrassed by his preaching parents Asa and Elvira. After his sister Esta runs away he works as a soda jerk, then as a bellboy at the Green-Davidson hotel. His affair with Hortense Briggs and a hit-and-run in a stolen car lead him to flee to Chicago, and later to his uncle's collar factory in New York, where he meets the wealthy Sondra Finchley and the poor Roberta Alden, whom he impregnates and murders. FTP, this is the story of Clyde Griffiths, the main character of what bleak novel by Theodore Drieser?
An American Tragedy
One of the earliest versions of this novel was to be called The Boy Who Killed His Mother; a later version, The Drunkard's Holiday. The story tells of a young psychiatrist and his marriage to a schizophrenic patient. In effecting her cure, he loses her to another man and this loss leads to the psychiatrist Dick Diver's eventual decline. FTP, identify this novel which drew heavily upon the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald's own alcoholism and his wife's mental illness.
Tender is the Night
The protagonist of this novella is inspired to travel by the sight of a man standing before a mortuary chapel, while symbolically important is his encounter with an old man who has joined a group of young clerks by donning a wig and false teeth. The protagonist, the acclaimed author of Maia and The Abject, sees his prized discipline and reasonableness desert him after encountering a vacationing Polish family, whose youngest member, the charming youth Tadzio, captivates the protagonist and leads him to his downfall. FTP, what is this work about Gustav von Aschenbach, arguably the best-known novella by Thomas Mann?
Death in Venice (1911) [Der Tod in Venedig]
The main character of this novel is last glimpsed with hundreds of young comrades in a barrage of shrapnel and gunfire. While visiting his cousin Joachim Ziemssen, the main character is influenced by Clavdia Chauchat, Leo Naptha, Settembrini, and Pepperkorn, and he stays in the tuberculosis sanatorium for seven years. FTP, what is this novel about Hans Castorp, written by Thomas Mann?
Magic Mountain, The (1924) [Der Zauberberg]
This novel ends with the narrator resuming his thesis on the papers of Cass Mastern. Minor characters include the bodyguard Sugar-Boy O’Sheean, and the political opponent Sam MacMurfee. The main character asks the narrator to learn about Judge Irwin, who later commits suicide. Tiny Duffy incites the assassination that this novel centers on, the affair between the main character and Anne, who is married to Dr. Adam Stanton, the main character’s assassin as narrated by Jack Burden. FTP, identify this novel about Willie Stark depicting the life of Huey Long, written by Robert Penn Warren.
All the King's Men
Written before 1941 when the author presented it to his third wife, Carlotta, it was published posthumously and tells of the harrowing domestic tragedy of the four members of the Tyrone family. FTP, identify this play, the winner of the 1957 Pulitzer Prize in drama, written by Eugene O'Neill.
Long Days Journey Into Night
Volumes 2 and 3 of this work serve as supplements to the first volume, which is divided into four books. Book 2 contains the author’s so-called “great extension” of his major premise to all phenomena, Book 3 contains his theories of art, and Book 4 explores the implications of will-less perception. More famous is the Volume 2 essay criticizing aspects of Kant’s philosophy, while the main premise holds that Kant’s “thing-in-itself” is in fact the will. FTP, what is this philosophical work, the masterpiece of Arthur Schopenhauer?
The World as Will and Idea or The World as Will and Represtentation
t’s not Romeo and Juliet, but it features characters named Juliet and Escalus, and important roles played by a friar and a meddlesome Duke. In it, Claudio faces a death sentence for getting his fiancée pregnant, but the draconian Angelo agrees to let him off the hook only in exchange for the sexual favors of Claudio’s virtuous sister Isabella. FTP, name this Shakespearean comedy, which takes its title from a passage from the Sermon on the Mount beginning, “Judge not, that ye may not be judged.”
Measure for Measure
As a child, he was nicknamed Ix because his father was the only survivor of the Collapsing Hrung Disaster and his given name was unpronounceable. He chose the name by which he is now known because he thought it would be "nicely inconspicuous." Although he claimed to be from Guildford, England, it turned out that he was actually from Betelgeuse Five. FTP, identify this companion of Arthur Dent and field writer for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Ford Prefect
She becomes an orphan at an early age, and lives for several years with her aunt, who despises her, until she is ten and sent to a school for orphans. After graduation and two years as a teacher there, she leaves the school to become a governess. She falls in love with her employer and agrees to marry him, but their wedding is called off when it is revealed that he already has a wife, whom he keeps locked up because she is insane. For 10 points, name this title character.
Jane Eyre
The husband of the title character of this literary work is a scholar writing a book about the domestic handicrafts of Brabant in the Middle Ages. A recurring theme is the desire to "die beautifully", and is first seen when the protagonist uses her power over her husband's academic rival Eilert Lovborg to convince him to commit suicide, after which Judge Brack tries to blackmail the title character into sleeping with him. FTP, this is a brief description of what play named for the female protagonist, written by Henrik Ibsen?.
Hedda Gabler
Her first publication was a mystery play, _The Night of January Sixteenth_. The author of critical works such as _For the New Intellectual_ and _The Virtue of Selfishness_, she founded the journal _The Objectivist_ in 1962. FTP, name this novelist, best known for _We The Living_, _The Fountainhead_, and _Atlas Shrugged_.
Rand, Ayn [Alice or Alissa Rosenbaum]
The novel begins in 1801, after the narrator arrives at Thrushcross Grange. The housekeeper Ellen Dean tells the story, and the novel ends with Lockwood's visit to three headstones after he learns of the marriage of the heirs of Linton and Earnshaw. FTP, identify this 1847 novel, set in a remote part of Yorkshire, which was originally published under the pseudonym of Ellis Bell and features the love of Catherine and Heathcliff.
Wuthering Heights
She “had that indefinable beauty that comes from happiness, enthusiasm, successa beauty that is nothing more or less than a harmony of temperament and circumstances,” not to mention marriage to a simple yet goodhearted doctor. For 10 points, name this Norman bourgeois woman, the title character of a 1856 work by Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary or Emma Bovary
This play is usually published with a letter to Arthur Bingham Walkley defending its author’s views. Humor is provided by Roebuck Ramsden and the secret marriage of Hector to Violet. Major foils for the protagonist are his friend Octavius and his chauffer Straker, whose sister is loved by the brigand Mendoza. The protagonist achieves notoriety for his publication The Revolutionist’s Handbook, but is still appointed guardian to Ann Whitefield. Containing the famous interlude “Don Juan in Hell” and centering on Jack Tanner, FTP, identify this George Bernard Shaw drama with a Nietzschean title.
Man and Superman
Mrs. Lemuel Struthers is something of a strumpet and is being courted by the nouveau-riche Julius Beaufort. Mrs. Manson Mingott is the morbidly obese matriarch of one of the oldest, most respected families. May Welland, her pretty, innocent, and vapid relative, is the fiancee of lawyer Newland Archer. May's cousin, Countess Ellen Olenska, has just returned from an abusive marriage in Europe to have an emotional affair with Newland, which she later renounces. FTP, identify this Edith Wharton novel, which examines the social mores of the patrician classes of 1880's New York.
The Age of Innocence
The protagonist of this novel and Herbert Pocket are discovered by the police trying to help their friend escape London due to a tip provided by the criminal Compeyson, while at the same time the woman the protagonist loves marries Bentley Drummle. A key moment occurs when the lawyer Jaggers informs the protagonist that he has been given a large fortune, leading him to mistreat his brother-in-law Joe Gargary, but he soon learns that his benefactor is not Miss Havisham but rather Abel Magwitch. FTP, such is a partial description of what novel about Philip Pirrip, written by Charles Dickens?
Great Expectations
Barrelhouse is the owner of a saloon in Harlem. MacDuffy is the personnel manager at the Liberty Paint Factory. Ras the Exhorter is a black separatist. And Brother Jack is the leader of a religious group known as the Brotherhood. FTP, these characters all influence the unnamed title character in what 1952 Ralph Ellison novel?
Invisible Man
Near the end of this poem, the poet imagines an old farmer, described as a "hoary-headed swain", who replies to the questions the poet has posed. Earlier, the author claimed that many of the poor could have flourished outside their rural environment, stating "Full many a flower is born to blush unseen/ And waste its sweetness on the desert air". Lamenting the unfulfilled potential of a "mute inglorious Milton", he then wonders how many potential evil doers were rendered guiltless by living "far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife". FTP, such is a partial description of what famous poem by Thomas Gray?
An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
In his earliest works he argued for as disassociation between psychology and philosophy in order to fully understand man. More specific doctrinal criticisms grew out of his studies with Heinrich Rickert and are expressed in such works as _Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics _ and _What is Called Thinking? _. His most controversial comments were made with his Freiburg acceptance speech, entitled “The German University’s Self-Affirmation” which many saw as an affirmation of Nazism. The developer of "dasein", FTP identify this philosopher who argued that man was thrown into existence and is always struggling for an authentic existence in his 1927 masterpiece _Being and Time _.
Martin Heidegger
Silent spectators in this work include the orator Lysias and Euthydemus. Polemarchus argues only in the first section and then disappears from the dialogue. Carried on in the house of Cephalus, the principle speakers are Glaucon and Adeimantus, though the chief antagonist to the main figure is Thrasymachus. The discussion in this dialogue centers on political and individual justice, using such vehicles as the “Myth of Ur” and the “Allegory of the Cave” to strengthen the concept of the ideal state created by Socrates. FTP, identify this dialogue that discusses the philosopher-king by Plato.
The Republic or Polis
It incorporates a 50-line fragment of another poem, called "The Fight at Finnsburg" which is sung by a minstrel at a feast. Known from only one eleventh-century manuscript, which was badly burned in a 1731 fire, causing many letters to crumble away, it was written down by an unknown poet around 700 A.D. FTP, name this tale of a king of the Geats who mounts his enemy's arm as a trophy in the Heorot feast hall.
This man is captured by Barbary pirates and made a slave; after a Moorish boy named Xury saves his life, he sells the boy for a good price to a Portuguese trader. He later builds a house, domesticates wild goats, and saves the life of a cannibal native whom he names Friday and makes his servant. FTP, identify this literary character based on the sailing master of the Cinque Ports Galley, Alexander Selkirk.
Robinson Crusoe, The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of
He first appeared in 1887, died in 1893, but returned in 1903. He been busy ever since, usually in the company of a veteran army surgeon. Over the years, he has taken on the appearance of such diverse personalities as Charlton Heston, Peter Cushing, Jeremy Brett and Basil Rathbone. FTP, name this detective, the most famous creation of Arthur Conan Doyle.
Sherlock Holmes
The author’s sibling probably did not become an actress in New York, or spend her waning days rocking in a chair by the window longing for more than she had, but she did elope to Montreal with a married man who had stolen money from his employers, thus inspiring the first half of this novel. For ten points, name this naturalistic novel about Charles Drouet (droo-AY), George Hurstwood and Caroline Meeber, written by Theodore Dreiser in 1900.
Sister Carrie
We learn about his failures in managing the family estate and in the court of an ambassador through descriptions in letters to his friend Wilhelm. A fan of Ossian’s poetry he is in love with the fiance of the more bourgeois Albert, and after a night of misunderstanding, the novel features him throwing himself on Lotte in a hopeless passion and, finally, shooting himself in the face. FTP, name the title character of this first success by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. (GER – ta)
Sorrows of Young Werther
Called “a squanderbird” by her husband, she rejects the assistance offered by Dr. Rank, who confesses his love for her, and receives a card signaling his death at the same time her crime is revealed. With the help of Christine Linde, she attempts to charm the man who discovers her secret, but to no avail. She saved her husband when he was ill by secretly taking out a loan so they could travel to Italy, but forged her father's signature on the bond because he was dying. Nils Krogstad reveals the secret to her husband Torvald after he is fired. FTP, name this protagonist of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll's House.
Nora Helmer
In this work, the main character murders his daughter and an entire nunnery with poisoned porridge and dies by falling into a bubbling cauldron. Over the course of the drama, Barabas degenerates from a man of some dignity into a caricature of a greedy Jew. For 10 points, name this tragedy by Christopher Marlowe.
Jew of Malta, The (1592) [The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta]
The title of this play comes from the protagonist's description of the period between the happiness of childhood and the security of old age. Unable to marry her fiance before his death in World War I, the main character marries Sam Evans, has an affair with Dr. Ned Darrell which produces a son named Gordon, and, after Sam's death, settles into a comfortable marriage with the novelist Charlie Marsden. FTP, name this drama whose nine acts describe the life of Nina Leeds as told by Eugene O'Neill.
Strange Interlude
Important plot developments in this novel include the marriage of the female protagonist to Prince Gremin and the death of the poet Lensky in a duel with the title character. Initially, a St. Petersburg aristocrat fails to return the love of Tatyana; after she attains eminence in society he falls for her, but the now-married Tatyana refuses him. FTP, this is the plot of what verse novel by Alexander Pushkin?
Eugene Onegin or Yevgeny Onegin
After the main character of this novel is released from an Oklahoma jail, he runs into Muley Graves, who tells him about the plans of the townspeople. Tom then joins his family on the dusty trail to California, where all kinds of misfortunes befall the Joads. FTP, name this 1939 migrant worker epic, written by John Steinbeck.
The Grapes of Wrath
This poem, composed of 700 verses, begins on a battlefield as the war between the Pandavas and the Karauvas is about to begin. Upon considering the cruelness of the upcoming war, Prince Arjuna decides to protest the battle, then is recalled back into action by his wise charioteer, who just happens to be the avatar Krishna. FTP, name this Hindu epic poem which forms Book VI of the Mahabarata.
Originally titled A Moment’s Ornament, its protagonist commits suicide by overdosing on pills. Earlier, she had run up gambling debts and found herself unable to marry Lawrence Selden, a nice man who lacked wealth, and Simon Rosedale, a rich Jew. FTP, name this work, which describes the life of Lily Bart, a 1905 novel of Edith Wharton.
The House of Mirth
Its epigraph, revealing the title character has no family and has time to wander among men, is taken from Robert Burton. The second edition ends with “L’Envoy,” an elaborate apology for previous sections, including “The Angler,” “Traits of Indian Character,” and “The Spectre Bridegroom”. It begins with “The Voyage,” and other essays include “Westminster Abbey” and “English writers in America.” It is best remembered for introducing Katrina van Tassel, Brom Bones, and Rip van Winkle. FTP, identify this work with “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” a work by Washington Irving.
The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, Gentleman
Dorine the maid helps keep Mariane from becoming the wife of this "hypocrite", who tries to seduce Elmire right before her husband Orgon's very eyes and is only exposed just as he kicks Orgon's entire family out of their own house. For 10 points, name this title character of a comedy by Moliere.
The hospital manager hides the patient’s tobacco, the judge ceases to hunt and feeds his drunk servants garlic, and the head of the school is advised to control his teachers. All of these precautions are advised by Anton Antonovich, whose daughter Maria and wife Anna, are both charmed when thetitle character arrives with his servant Osip. However, the ruse is finally uncovered in a letter in, FTP, what 1836 work that features Ivan Khlestakov impersonating a government official.
The Inspector General
Based on legends collected by O-bah-bahm-wawa-ge-zhe-go-qua (The Woman of the Sound Which the Stars Make Rushing Through the Sea) and compiled by her husband Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, it was first published in November 1855. Also drawing upon the Kalevala, it too is written in trochaic meter. The title character is reared by his grandmother Nokomis, daughter of the Moon, and avenges his mother Wenonah against the West Wind, his father. FTP identify this American epic in which some of the action takes place "by the shores of Gitche Gumee, by the shining Big-Sea-Water" that was written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
The Song of Hiawatha
The novel aroused much controversy when it was published and was attacked by Meredith Nicholson and by Carolyn Wells in a novel subtitled, The Tale of Warble Petticoat, 1921. The fictional town in this novel is probably based on the real town of Sauk Centre and the story centers on the heroine Carol Kennicott who is bored with the dullness of her life as the wife of a local doctor in Gopher Prairie. FTP name this novel published in 1920 by Sinclair Lewis.
Main Street
Although the central character of this novel is proposed to by Caspar Goodwood and Lord Warburton, she chooses to marry Gilbert Osmond, a dilletante who lives in Italy with his daughter Pansy. After her marriage, she discovers that Madame Merle, OsmondÕs mistress, arranged their marriage so that he could get her money. FTP, identify this novel, published in 1881, which tells the story of Isabel Archer, and which is considered the greatest work of Henry James.
The Portrait of a Lady
Some of its final sections include "From Noon to Starry Night," "Songs of Parting," and two annexes entitled "Sands at Seventy" and "Goodbye My Fancy.” It is generally read today in the ninth or "Deathbed Edition" which appeared in 1892, 37 years after the book was first published. FTP, name this collection which includes “A Passage to India,” “O Captain! My Captain!” “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking,” and “Song of Myself.”
Leaves of Grass
In this poem, first published in 1915, the main character whines of having his life measured out in coffee spoons. He goes on to proclaim that he is not Hamlet, but is only an attendant lord, and wishes that he were a pair of ragged claws scuttling across the floors of silent seas. FTP, name this poem by T. S. Eliot, in which the women come and go, talking of Michelangelo.
The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock
The second part of this work argues for the need of more men like Zoilus, Sir Richard Blackmore, and Reverend Luke Milbourn; and echoes John Dryden in praising Sir John Denham and Edmund Waller. It begins with the author’s explanations that like poets those who feign to be masters must “from Heav’n derive their light.” This work endures with such famous lines as “Fondly we think we honour merit then, / When we but praise ourselves in other men” and “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” However, best-known is the verse that contains “To err is human, to forgive divine,” and “A little learning is a dangerous thing.” FTP, name this 1711 didactic poem by Alexander Pope.
An Essay on Criticism
The title character is Mellors, a simple but honest gardener, who is seduced by Connie, the bored, sexually-frustrated wife of a crippled, impotent war veteran. Written in 1928, shortly before the author's death, its realistic language and graphic portrayal of sex caused it to be banned in the U.S.A. and Britain until 1960. For 10 points, name this last great work by D.H. Lawrence.
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Its plot was taken from the ‘Decameron.’ The count of Rousillon (roo-see-YOHNH) scorns his bride and leaves for the Florentine war, telling her that he won’t return or allow her to call him husband until she obtains the ring on his finger and produces his child. The wife, Helena, succeeds in both aims by impersonating a young Florentine girl whom her husband Bertram likes. FTP, identify this Shakespearean comedy.
All's Well That Ends Well
The prologue to its “Second Part” opens with a quote from Damascene, and its concluding “Supplement,” unlike the rest of the work, was compiled by Fra Rainaldo da Piperno. This text’s unique format contains a minimum of two “Objections,” an “On the contrary,” an “I answer that,” and “Reply to Objection” sections for each of the questions that it poses. Containing treatises on such topics as “Fortitude and Temperance,” “The Work of The Six Days,” and “On the Creation,” its final portion is a commentary on the Fourth Book of the Sentences of Peter Lombard. Written by “Doctor Angelicus,” FTP, name this magnum opus of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Summa Theologica
His fiancée worked for a “hideous Jew in the most amazing waistcoat ever beheld in this life.” He thought her an amazing Juliet, but when he rebuffed her she committed suicide. Later, the name he used in his dealings with her came back to haunt him when her brother, James Vane, came upon him and recognized this “Prince Charming.” He was saved by the fact that he did not look as old as Vane expected, but he died when he tried to destroy the object that absorbed his moral degradation. FTP, name this title character of Oscar Wilde’s only novel.
The Picture of Dorian Grey
Book XV discusses early man, Adam, Cain, and the patriarchs, and the nature of the giants in the earth at that time. The first seven books talk about the futility and obscenity associated with the worship of pagan gods, decry astrology, and praise Varro for his views on these subjects. The intention is to prove that Christian worship is not to blame for contemporary difficulties. Book XII argues that evil is non-existent, being the turning away of a creature from God to itself, and Book XIV distinguishes two cities, one characterized by love for the creator and the of by love for the created. FTP name this work completed in 426 by Augustine.
The City of God
One of the earliest memories of this novel’s protagonist is the ongoing arguments between his father Simon and his aunt Dante Riordan over the merits of Charles Parnell. He becomes popular at school after being beaten by Father Dolan for breaking his glasses, at age 16 is seduced by a woman in a pink gown, and in conversations with Davin and Lynch expresses his doubts about the Church and Ireland, which he leaves at the end of the novel, intending never to return. FTP, what is this autobiographical novel concerning Stephen Dedalus, written by James Joyce?
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Under questioning by his father, one of this play’s characters realizes that his alcoholism is due to his attraction to his college friend Skipper. During the course of this play, Mae and Gooper try to secure the inheritance of Gooper’s father, who is dying of cancer, while the sexually-frustrated Maggie tries to win Big Daddy Pollitt’s sympathy by claiming she is pregnant with Brick’s child. FTP, what is this 1955 play by Tennessee Williams?
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
At the end of this novella the protagonist’s parents decide it is time to find a husband for his sister Grete. Earlier, he had lost his job as a clerk, been wounded in the back by apples thrown at him by his father when he tried to leave his room and join his family, and after horrifying the three lodgers living at the house, he returned to his room for the final time and died in his sleep, after which the charwoman swept him up with the trash. FTP, what is this novella in which Gregor Samsa is transformed into a giant insect, written by Franz Kafka?
The Metamorphosis
The title of this novel refers to a wound received when a fellow soldier strikes Henry Fleming's head with the butt of a gun. FTP, what is this Civil War novel written by Stephen Crane?
The Red Badge of Courage
The last two volumes ("The Lady of the Boat" and "The Bridge of Dreams") deal with the rivalry in love between the title character's supposed son and grandson. First translated into English by Arthur Waley, the title character is an illegitimate son of the emperor, living in the eleventh century A.D. FTP name this work of the Heian period, written by Lady Murasaki Shikibu.
The _Tale of Genji_
[Host: Pre-read to get the poetic meter right.] “His eyes had all the seeming of a demon that was dreaming/On the pallid bust of Pallas just above the chamber door./He came in bleak December to one who did remember/All too well the radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore./And, stately in his bidding, poses for his ridding/Merely such a query: to name this ebon fury/For ten points now and ceasing phasmagore,/Speak aloud this piece of quaint and curious lore.”
The Raven
Its tenth section contains the creation hymn Nasadiya, which states contradictions such as “There was neither death nor immortality then. There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day.” Arranged in ten books, it was used by the hotri or reciters who invoked the gods by reading its hymns aloud. Written between 3000 and 3500 years ago, it is the first and oldest section of a larger work that dedicates much of its writings to the god Indra. The books following it are known as Sama, Yajur, and Atharva. FTP, identify this first book of the Hindu Vedas.
The Rig-Veda
At the end of this play Don Parritt confesses to the anarchist Larry Slade that he had turned his own mother over the the police due to her affair with Larry before killing himself by jumping from the fire escape. The protagonist is arrested after revealing he shot his wife Evelyn in her sleep to escape the guilt of his drinking and womanizing, but not before convincing bar patrons like Piet Wotjoen, Hugo Kalmar, and Jimmy Tomorrow to pursue the impossible pipe-dreams that are causing guilt in their lives. Set in Harry Hope’s saloon, FTP, what is this drama centering on Theodore Hickman by Eugene O’Neill?
The Iceman Cometh
In this poem, a guest is taken to the top of a steep staircase where he narrarator uncovers a painting by Fra Pandolf. The painting portrays a smiling woman whose smiles have been "stopped" by the narrator's order. Its subtitle, "Ferrara", is perhaps a clue to the identity of its narrator. FTP name this poem about a Duke who jealously has his wife murdered, the most famous of Robert Browning.
My Last Duchess
In this play, the characters Addie, Cal, and Birdie provide a contrast to the central family. The plot concerns a deal between the Chicago financier William Marshall and Ben Hubbard to build a cotton mill. Needing funds, Ben and his sister Regina mastermind the theft of $80,000 from the bank of Regina's husband, Horace Giddens, who discovers the theft. In the ensuing argument, Horace suffers a heart attack and dies while Regina refuses to bring his medication. FTP, name this drama by Lillian Hellman.
The Little Foxes
In the last two lines, a couplet, the speaker asserts that not even death can remove the beauty of the person to whom this poem is addressed. This work personifies the concept from the first line as the “eye of heaven” with its “gold complexion.” Though “every fair from fair sometime declines,” as in the approach of autumn, the speaker promises “thy eternal summer shall not fade” beginning with the rough winds shaking “darling buds of May.” FTP, identify this famous sonnet by Shakespeare that begins with the line “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
Sonnet 18 (accept Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? early)
The second stanza of this poem describes the sun as “the glorious Lamp of Heaven,” and notes that the higher it gets, the “sooner will his Race be run.” The third quatrain holds that the best age is the first, “When Youth and Blood are warmer,” but observes that the warmth will soon be spent, while in the fourth and final quatrain, the poet again addresses the title figures, urging them to marry while still in their prime. FTP, what is this poem with opens with the advice “Gather ye Rose-buds while ye may,” perhaps the best known work by Robert Herrick?
To the Virgins, to make much of Time
This poem ends each of its 4 stanzas with the same invocation, though the last line becomes a positive statement with the insertion of the word “enjoy”. The speaker compares himself to a “committed linnet”, or finch, and celebrates the title character, imagining himself “tangled in her hair” and “fettered to her eye”, much preferring the restraining effects of love to the literal restraints he must deal with. FTP identify this 1649 work by Robert Lovelace that includes the lines “Stone walls do not a prison make/ Nor iron bars a cage.”
To Althea, from Prison
At the end of this poem, the poet observes that the “sweetest songs ... tell of saddest thought”, and asks to overflow with “harmonious madness”. Earlier, the poet loses sight of the title animal, but can still hear its “shrill delight”, prompting the poet to describe it as a “blithe Spirit”, because its song comes from Heaven. Written in 21 5-line stanzas, FTP, what is this poem by Percy Shelley?
To a Skylark
Based on a story taken from Diodorus Siculus, the second to last line echoes a description of Julius Caesar'scollosal magnificence in Shakespeare. First published in Leigh Hunt's _Examiner_ in 1818, a year after it was composed, the acquaintance marvels at the passion displayed by the "shattered visage" and "wrinkled lip" that sit "half-sunk" in the sand. These observations are made by a traveller from a distant land in, FTP, what sonnet by Shelley about the ruined statue of an Egyptian "King of Kings."
Written in loose rhymed couplets and divided into four books totaling 4000 lines, it is considered an allegory of a poet seeking perfection and expresses the Romantic notion that perfect love may indeed be possible and not just an unattainable ideal. The title character has been represented in literature by such writers as John Lyly, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Edna St. Vincent Millay. FTP, identify this 1818 poem that recasts the Greek legend of a mortal son of Zeus who is in love with Selene, the goddess of the moon, written by John Keats.
The theme of the poem is a voyage which ends with its beginning, and important passages are the crossing of the Alps in book 6 and the ascent of Mount Snowdon at the beginning of the final book. It ends with the poet at home in the Vale of Grasmere. FTP, name this fourteen-book poem, subtitled “Growth of a PoetÕs Mind”, the autobiographical masterpiece of William Wordsworth.
The Prelude
Various literary works describe this person in a dialogue with Alexis, taking the waters at Tunbridge, weeping, and paying her obsequies to the memory of the poet's cousin Mrs. Bowes Barnes. In another work the poet observes that "though sea and lands betwixt us both, ...Above the highest sphere we meet, ... and greet as angels greet." In the most famous poem addressed to her, the poet opens "Tell me not, sweet, I am unkind, that from ... thy chaste breast and quiet mind to war and arms I fly", holding that "I could not love thee, dear, so much, lov'd I not honor more." FTP, who is this woman addressed before "Going Beyond the Seas" and "Going to the Wars" by Richard Lovelace?
He offered a bed of roses, a cap of flowers, a kirtle of myrtle, a woolen gown, "fair-lined slippers for the cold," and "A belt of straw and ivy buds / with coral clasps and amber studs" in order to move her to live with him and be his love. FTP, who is this Christopher Marlowe character who diverted time from tending sheep to write poetry?
The Passionate Shephard to His Love
It had been begun in 1793 during a walking tour of southern England with the author's friend William Calvert; but it was not completed until June 1798 during a four-day ramble to the Wye River Valley. According to most accounts, the site to which the title refers was a ruin and would have been inhabited with unseemly beggars and hobos rather than "the outward forms of beauty." FTP name the final poem in the collection Lyrical Ballads, which contains the name of a site visited twice by William Wordsworth.
Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
“Sightless, unless/The eyes reappear/As the perpetual star/Multifoliate rose/Of death's twilight kingdom/The hope only/Of prickly men./Here we go round the prickly pear/Prickly pear prickly pear/Here we go round the prickly pear/At five o'clock in the morning.” These lines come from, for 10 points, what T.S. Eliot poem, subtitled "A Penny for the Old Guy," which predicts the end of the world, "Not with a bang but with a whimper"?
The Hollow Men
It describes the young soldiers as "Bent double, like olf beggars under sacks" and "drunk with fatigue." One doesn't fit his mask on in time, and as the poet sees him "guttering, choking, drowning" the others toss him in a wagon with blood "gargling forth from froth corrupted lips”. FTP, name this war-time poem including an adage to Horace, by Wilfred Owen.
Dulce Et Decorum Est
The title to this group of poems was actually suggested by an earlier poem by the author entitled “Catrina to Camoens.” There are numerous references to Greek literature in them, such as the reminiscence of the pastoral poet Theocritus in the opening line of the first poem. In poem five, the poet compares the sadness of the Greek heroine Electra to her own heavy heart. Unlike previous efforts, they tell the story of a love affair from a woman’s point of view. Dedicated to the poet’s husband, FTP, identify this group of poems, of which number forty-three opens, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” a collection of sonnets written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Sonnets from the Portugese
The fourth stanza ponders the nature of the titular creature, attempting to imagine “In what furnace was thy brain?” The previous stanza asks what shoulder and art “Could twist the sinews” of the title creature’s heart, also pondering “What dread hand? & what dread feet?” This poem offers the question of why God created something so beautiful and deadly in the manner of Swedenborg, summed up in the last two lines “What immortal hand or eye, / Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?” FTP, identify this poem contrasting The Lamb, found in Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake.
The Tyger
It opens with the invocation 'Nunc lento sonitu dicunt, Morieres.' This devotion seeks to make 'recourse to my God, who is our only security.' It also famously advises, 'Ask not for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.' FTP, name this work by John Donne.
Meditation 17
Written in prose except for the opening “Argument” and the “Song of Liberty,” it is composed of “Memorable Fancies” in one of which the narrator dines with Isaiah and Ezekiel. Aphorisms such as “Exuberance is Beauty” and “Where man is not, nature is barren,” are included in “Proverbs of Hell.” Milton is described as a “true poet” whose Devils are so convincing because he was “Of [their] Party without knowing it.” Often parodying the Bible and the writings of Swedenborg, and containing the famous phrase “doors of perception,” FTP, identify this synthetic work written by William Blake.
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
It was not too late for him to seek a newer world with his friends, those souls that toiled and wrought and fought with him, and ever with a frolic welcome took the thunder and the sunshine. He had learned that it little profited an idle king to mete and dole while matched with an aged wife, so he left Ithaca to his son Telemachus and set out "to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." FTP, who is this classical hero reinvigorated by Alfred, Lord Tennyson?
Written in heroic couplets, this poem is addressed to and was inspired by Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke. It is divided into four epistles dealing with man's relation to the universe, himself, society, and happiness. Like Milton's _Paradise Lost_ it aims to "vindicate the ways of God to man." FTP, name this deistic poem, written by Alexander Pope.
An Essay on Man
The first part was written in Somerset in 1798, while the second was written in the Lake District in 1800. First published in 1816 along with The Pains of Sleep, this poem discusses how the title character retreats to the wood late one night to meet “her own betrothed knight,” who “Hath a toothless mastiff bitch.” She meets the woman Geraldine in the forest, who at the end is led forth by “The aged knight, Sir Leoline.” This poem begins, “’Tis the middle of the night by the castle clock, / And the owls have awakened the crowing cock.” FTP, identify this long poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
The characters of this dramatic poem include the Abbot of St. Maurice, the Witch of the Alps, Manuel, and Herman. The title character is wracked with remorse for committing incest with his sister Astarte, who has committed suicide. By rejecting an agreement with the powers of darkness, he sets himself up as a totally independent man, alone in his Alpine castle. FTP, name this poem by Lord Byron.
“Fear Death? To feel the fog in my throat/ The mist in my face,/ When the snows begin and the blasts denote/ I am nearing the place...” These lines begin a poem written in 1864 which was written soon after its author’s wife’s death. The poem expresses a courageous outlook upon death as is evidenced in lines 13-16: “I was a fighter, so-one fight more,/ The best and the last!/ I would hate that Death bandaged my eyes, and forebore,/ And bade me creep past...” FTP name this poem written by Robert Browning.
The title of this poem was probably taken from a work by Bion. Written in 55 Spenserian stanzas, it laments the death of the title character, but ends by placing him among the Immortals, declaring that, while "We decay/ Like corpses in a charnel," the creative spirit of the title character, "like a star,/ Beacons from the abode where the Eternal are." FTP, name this elegy on the death of John Keats, written by Percy Shelley.
The interlude is a sermon to an invisible congregation. Much of the imagery is based on Frazer's The Golden Bough. The villians are four tempters in Part One and four knights in Part Two. FTP identify the play by T.S. Eliot that deals with the assassination of the Archbishop of Canterbury
Thomas a Becket.
Murder in the Cathedral
The epilogue of this poetic work concerns the marriage of the author’s friend Edward Luckington. Containing the two famous “yew-tree” poems, it is organized structurally around three Christian lyrics strategically placed within it, and uses images drawn from Sartor Resartus to examine the major intellectual and religious problems of the 19th century. Containing 131 lyrics, FTP, what is this elegy on the death of Arthur Henry Hallam by Alfred, Lord Tennyson?
In Memoriam, A.H.H.
This collection was written in 1892 after the author’s bank failed while he was honeymooning in America. It includes the poems “Tommy”, “Fuzzy Wuzzy”, “Danny Deever”, “If”, and “Mandalay”. For 10 points, identify this book of verse by Rudyard Kipling and including the famous poem “Gunga Din”.
Barrack Room Ballads
The speaker comments how he and his lover are “cloysterd in these living walls of Jet”, and goes on to state that the death of the title character would mean “sacrilege, three sinnes in killing three.” The speaker begins by stating how little that which his lover denied him is as small as the title creature, and notices how the mingling of their blood within the title creature “Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is”. In the third stanza, the speaker’s lover, “Cruell and sodaine”, purples her “naile, in blood of innocence” by killing the title creature. FTP, identify this poem about an insect by John Donne.
The Flea
Born in 1757, he was educated at home prior to being apprenticed to the engraver James Basire. In the early 1780s, he exhibited his first art work, married Catherine Boucher and published his first poems. This book, Poetical Sketches, was quickly withdrawn from circulation and it was the only volume he ever published by conventional means. His later works were produced and published using a unique method of engraving both illustration and text on copper plates. FTP name this English poet whose works include include Milton, Jerusalem, The Book of Thel, and Songs of Innocence and Experience.
William Blake
He was taught Latin and Greek from a priest at 8 and was said to have been whipped for satirizing a master at Twyford School. Contracting TB and asthma at an early age, he was unable to dress without assistance and needed to wear a stiffened canvas bodice to support his spine. For 10 points, identify this author whose first important piece of writing was The Pastorals whose other works include An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot and The Rape of the Lock?
Alexander Pope
He married Thomas Mann's eldest daughter Erika in order to grant her British citizenship. Interestingly, he would emigrate to the US by 1939, where he wrote the works for which he is now famous, including The Double Man, Nones, and About the House. For 10 points, name this author, winner of the 1947 Pulitzer for The Age of Anxiety, and co-author of On the Frontier and The Ascent of F6 with Christopher Isherwood.
WH Auden
His important poems on early Celtic and Norse themes included "The Bard," "The Fatal Sisters," and "The Descent of Odin." The author of "The Progress of Poesy," his most famous poem helped establish the "graveyard school" of reflective poetry, although he also wrote relatively light verse, like the "Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes." FTP, name this poet best known for his "Elegy written in a Country Churchyard."
Thomas Gray
Educated under Richard Busby, and later educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, he wrote Religio Laici, and The Hind and the Panther, as well as the blank-verse play All For Love. For 10 points, name this 17th century British writer, who also wrote The Medal, MacFlecknoe, and Annus Mirabilis.
John Dryden
In 1809, he took a seat in the House of Lords, two years after the publication of his first work, Hours of Idleness. Author of The Bride of Abydos, Lara, Marino Faliero, and The Siege of Corinth, he died at the battle of Missalonghi, after which his body was shipped from Greece to his baronial seat at Newstead Abbey. FTP, identify this English romantic poet, best known for The Prisoner of Chillon, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, and Don Juan (JOO-an).
George Gordon Lord Byron
He won a poetry contest at age 19 with the poem The Force that through the Grass Fuse Drives the Flower, from his first major collection Eighteen Poems. Though known for his poetry, he also published such prose works as Quite Early One Morning and Adventures in the Skin Trade. “Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs / About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,” begins his poem Fern Hill. Other works include Poem in October and the radio drama Under Milkwood. FTP, identify this Welsh poet and creator of Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.
Dylan Thomas
At the age of 21, in order to gain the attention of a woman he loved, this man joined the army under the name of Silas Comberbache, but his brothers rescued him and returned him to college, where he began to write. He founded a newspaper, The Watchman, which lasted only 10 issues, and he collaborated with Robert Southey on an historic drama, The Fall of Robespierre. FTP, identify this poet whose The Foster‑Mother's Tale, The Dungeon, and The Nightingale are included in Lyrical Ballads, his collaboration with William Wordsworth.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
This author of the play “Lithuania” is chiefly valued today for works like the poem “The Old Vicarage, Grandchester”, his Tahiti poems, including “Tiara Tahiti”, and his final fragment, “I strayed about the deck”. Known for his remarkable beauty and charm, after serving as leader of the Cambridge literary world he gained renown for his collection “Poems 1911”, but his fame truly exploded with the poem “The Soldier”, which was one of his five “War Sonnets”. However, his career was cut short when he died of blood-poisoning while on his way to fight in the Dardanelles. FTP, who was this British war poet best known for the collection “1914 and Other Poems”?
Rupert Brooke
Early works by this author include a translation of Prometheus Bound, an account of The Battle of Marathon as well as an Essay on Mind in verse. An early critic was William Thackeray who rejected one submission as containing “an account of unlawful passion.” The first volume to achieve any real success was The Seraphim though the somewhat anti-British Poems Before Congress proved controversial as did the emancipation tome, The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point. Advocating Italian independence in Casa Guidi Windows, she also wrote the verse novel, Aurora Leigh. FTP, name this author of Sonnets from the Portugese whose Last Poems was published posthumously by her husband, Robert.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The title character of this novel is sent by Stein and Company to work at a distant trading post, where he hopes to escape the shame of his conduct on the Patna. On Patusan he falls in love with his predecessor Cornelius’ step-daughter Jewel and befriends Dain Waris, son of the chief Doramin, but when Cornelius’s treachery allows the ruffian “Gentleman” Brown to ambush the tribe and kill Dain Waris, the protagonist turns himself over to tribal justice and is shot by Doramin. FTP, what is this novel by Joseph Conrad?
Lord Jim
At the end of the novel, the title character’s daughter marries Aaron Winthrop, who is happy to allow the title character to live with them. After the opium addict Molly Farren dies in the snow, 16 years pass, and the skeleton of Dunstan Cass is found in a drained pit, along with the title character’s stolen gold. FTP, identify this 1861 novel, which ends with Godfrey Cass admitting that Eppie is his daughter, the story of a linen-weaver from Raveloe which was written by George Eliot.
Silas Marner
Near the end of the novel, Father Time, the title character’s son, kills the title character’s other children and then hangs himself. Afterwards, the protagonist goes back to his first wife, Arabella, and Phillotson and Sue Bridehead reunite. FTP, identify this novel, the last one written by Thomas Hardy, which was recently made into a movie starring Kate Winslet.
Jude the Obscure
“The Rally,” “The Consequence,” and “Fulfillment” are names of some of the Phases in this novel. While working at the Talbothays Dairy with Marian, Izz Huett, and Retty Priddle, the protagonist falls for a parson’s son, who weds her but soon deserts her when she reveals her past impregnation by a supposed relative. After reencountering her seducer Alec, the title character eventually couples with him, but following her husband Angel Clare’s return, she kills her lover and flees with her husband to Stonehenge, only to be caught and later executed. FTP, name this 1891 novel by Thomas Hardy.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
At the center of this novel is a portrait ten years in the making that is finished at the story’s end. Mrs. McNab restores the house of the central characters, who are frequented by the opium-using poet Augustus Carmichael. The marriage of Paul Rayley to Minta Doyle ends with Paul taking a mistress. Its three sections include “The Window,” “Time Passes,” and the final section about the title object, which tells how Lily Briscoe finally completes her portrait of Mrs. Ramsay, whose husband was based on the author’s father, Leslie Stephens. FTP, identify this 1927 novel by Virginia Woolf.
To the Lighthouse
As the novel comes to an end, William Bradshaw and his wife are late-- one of their patients who'd been obsessed with reading Shakepeare and had visitations from his dead comrade, Evans, had jumped out of a window. Meanwhile, Millicent Bruton had taken the protagonist's husband to lunch, while Miss Kilman was corrupting her daughter Elizabeth. Her own childhood friend shows up at the end of the day having changed her name from Seton to Rosseter, as does her former flame Peter Walsh. All of this happens on the same day in, FTP, what 1925 novel named after a London socialite, a work by Virginia Woolf.
Mrs. Dalloway
Originally called Paul Morel, it follows the story of Gertrude and Walter Morel and their children Annie, Paul, William, and Arthur. Gertrude begins to love the children more than her husband, and her sons devote their souls to her. William commits suicide after lack of luck with women, and Paul wishes for Death after his mother falls ill and dies. For ten points, name this novel by D. H. Lawrence.
Sons and Lovers
The main character has a love affair with Mildred, a waitress. After years of struggle as a medical student, he marries, gives up his aspirations, and becomes a country doctor. The hero is a club-footed orphan named Philip Carey. FTP, name this partially autobiographical novel by W. Somerset Maugham.
Of Human Bondage
The first volume begins in the 1880s when a solicitor buys land at Robin Hill to build a house for his family. His wife Irene falls in love with the architect, Bosinney, but returns to her husband after Bosinney is run over and killed, only to have an affair with her husbandÕs cousin, Jolyon, who she divorces her husband to marry. The last book ends with Irene and her son, Jon, going to America, leaving Soames behind in England. FTP, identify this sequence of novels, including Awakening, To Let, In Chancery, and The Man of Property, written by John Galsworthy.
The Forsyte Saga
A suicide letter written by the maid Rosanna Spearman is an important plot development in this novel, at the end of which the adventurer Mr. Murthwaite reveals the final resting place of the title object, which had been brought to England by John Herncastle. Earlier, it had been placed in a bank by Godfrey Ablewhite and the notorious pawnbroker Luker, who had taken advantage of a side-effect of the laudanum given by Dr. Candy to Franklin Blake to frame him for its theft from Rachel Verinder. Although three mysterious Brahmins are initially accused, the theft is finally solved by Sergeant Cuff. FTP, what is this first English detective novel by Wilkie Collins?
The Moonstone
This novel was published in the U.S. under the title The Labyrinthine Ways. The main character is contrasted with criminals when his picture in the police station is put up next to that of a bank robber. The main character avoids the Red Shirts by traveling by mule into the country’s interior, where he takes Marcía for his wife, as did his counterpart Father José. The main character is then duped by a mestizo and then imprisoned for practicing the rituals of the Church despite being outlawed in Mexico. FTP, identify this novel centering on Father Montez, one of the most famous works of Graham Greene.
The Power and the Glory
It tells of life at 27 rue de Fleurus, which became a hub of artistic discussion in the early 1900s. Featuring real-life encounters of its author and its narrator with artists from Picasso to Hemingway, this 1932 work was its author’s first critical and commercial success. FTP, name this work, which despite its title mainly concerns the life story of its author, Gertrude Stein.
The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas
Born in Newgate, and living a life of continued variety for threescore years, she was a whore for 12 years, a wife five times (once to her brother), 12 years a thief, spent eight years in Virginia as a transported felon, and finally grew rich, lived honest, and died a penitent. FTP, name this female character, the eponymous heroine of a Daniel Defoe novel.
Moll Flanders
His last will and testament stated "that Elizabeth‑Jane Farfrae be not told of my death, or made to grieve on account of me, and that I be not bury'd in consecrated ground.... and that no man remember me." For ten points, give the name of this title character of one of Thomas Hardy's greatest tragedies, a character who at the beginning of the work sells his wife in a drunken stupor.
Michael Henchard (or the Mayor of Casterbridge)
The characters in this tale live and talk like humans but have charming individual animal personalities. A tender portrait of the English countryside, it tells of the life on the river bank experienced by Water Rate, Mole, and Mr. Toad. FTP, name this children's fantasy by Kennth Grahame.
The Wind in the Willows
They include The Last Battle, The Magician's Nephew, The Horse and His Boy, The Silver Chair, The Voyage of the ‘Dawn Treader’, Prince Caspian, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. FTP, give the title of this children's series by C.S. Lewis.
The Chronicles of Narnia
It begins with letters to the editor from himself and from John Puff, following a dedication to Miss Fanny written by the psedonymous Conny Keyber. The text that follows is sent from Parson Oliver to Parson Tickletext, and describes the title character's affair with Parson Arthur Williams before she tricks Squire Booby into marrying her. FTP, identify this parodic work of 1741, which mocks a popular epistolary novel by Samuel Richardson, written by Henry Fielding.
Shamela or An Apology for the Life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews
His skill as a carpenter gives him good marriage prospects, but he unwisely rejects Mary Burge to pursue a pretty, superficial girl that loves only Arthur Donnithorne. For 10 points, name this unlucky George Eliot title character that marries Dinah Morris after failing to save Hetty Sorrel.
Adam Bede
It borrows heavily from the style of Marivaux, though its subtitle claims it was “Written in Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes.” The title character and his love are set upon by thieves but rescued by the Parson Abraham Adams, whose name also forms part of the subtitle to this novel. The title character refuses the advances of Mrs. Slipslop, but is first seen as a footman refusing the advances of Lady Booby, who later gives a generous gift of 2000 pounds to his love Fanny Goodwill. FTP, identify this novel by Henry Fielding whose title character is the brother of Samuel Richardson’s Pamela.
The History and Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend, Mr. Abraham Adams, written in Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes
He has a problem with a horse while travelling to Dingley Della and unintentionally makes his landlady, Mrs. Bardell, think that he desires to marry her, resulting in a breach of promise lawsuit. His servant, Samuel Weller, accompanies him to jail, while Tracy Tupman, Nathaniel Winkle, and Augustus Snodgrass comprise the rest of his club. For ten points, name this man whose “papers” made up the first novel of Charles Dickens.
Samuel Pickwick [The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club]
A notable incident during this novel is a knife fight between two men in the Piazza Signoria, which leads to the central couple kissing for the first time. The Miss Alans are two spinster sisters and Miss Lavish is a showy writer. These women along with Charlotte Bartlett, the heroine’s cousin, are some of the people we first meet in Florence, where the novel opens. Later on, the heroine is free to be united with her true love after breaking off her engagement with Cecil Vyse. FTP, name this novel centering on the romance of George Emerson and Lucy Honeychurch, a work by E.M. Forster.
A Room With a View
This novel tells of the old Breton monk Mael, who lands on an island and in his semiblindness fails to see that the inhabitants that he baptizes are not men. This raises a furor in heaven, where it is decided that they must be turned into humans even though the animals have done nothing to deserve such a cruel fate. For 10 points, name this satiric masterpiece of Anatole France.
Penguin Island or L'Ile des Pingouins
Susan, Rhoda, Jinnie, Neville, Bernard, and Louis alternate speaking interior monologues. As children, all six live in the same house by the seashore and take lessons from the same governess. In a final monologue, Bernard looks back over his life and the lives of his friends and feels himself flowing into their consciousnesses. FTP, identify this original and unconventional novel by Virginia Woolf.
The Waves
At the end of this novel, the protagonist is attacked by a parrot while at the Night of Joy bar watching the act of Harlett O’Hara, and leaves with Myrna Minkoff for New York just before an ambulance from Charity Hospital comes to institutionalize him. Earlier he had led the Crusade for Moorish Dignity while working for Levy Pants and added to his enormous weight as a hot dog salesman for Paradise Vendors, just some of the adventures which resulted after a car wreck by his mother Irene forced the scholar Ignatius J. Reilly into the workplace. FTP, this describes what 1980 novel by John Kennedy Toole?
A Confederacy of Dunces
He owns over twenty patents, including a system for smelting iron ore. He has two children by his ex-wife Mimi Jorgensen, a house in the Catskills, and an accountant named Herbert Macauley. His real name is Clyde Wynant, and he is accused of murdering his secretary Julia Wolfe--though he is, in fact, dead. FTP name this man sought by Nick and Nora Charles--the subject of a mystery by Dashiell Hammett.
The Thin Man
Born on July 4, 1776, he first gained a reputation for being seasick while at anchor at Spithead. He soon transferred to the Indefatiguable, serving under Sir Edmund Pellew as a midshipman. His first command as a captain was the Atropos, which served as the flagship of the funeral procession for Admiral Nelson that he organized. Later, he commanded the frigate Lydia in the Pacific and the ship of the line Sutherland in the Mediterranean, before marrying Lady Barbara Wellesley after the death of his first wife, Maria. FTP, name this fictional naval hero of the Napoleonic Wars, created by C. S. Forester.
Horatio Hornblower
DH Lawrence spoke of him as 'sitting in a corner, sucking his pacifier long after his age' and Virginia Woolf described him as 'limp and damp and milder than the breath of a cow'. For 10 points, name this British author who collaborated with Benjamin Britten on the opera Billy Budd and wrote the novels The Longest Journey, Maurice and Where Angels Fear to Tread?
Edward Morgan Forster
As a boy, this correspondent was handsome, intelligent, and charming, but restless and solitary; this crack shot was expelled from Eton when his fondness for girls, gambling and automobiles conflicted too conspicuously with school restrictions. In a Portuguese casino, he unsuccessfully tried to ruin German agents at chemin-de-fer, one of many personal anecdotes heused in his novels. However, as he told an interviewer in 1963, 'One can't go on forever having blondes and guns and so forth in the same old mixture.' For ten points, name this author whose heart gave out soon after the 1964 publication of 'You Only Live Twice.'
Ian Lancaster Fleming
A painter like his father, his training was in law. However, this friend of Charles Dickens is best remembered as a writer. No Name and Armadale are two of his works that exploit mystery identities to create a Sensation Novel. Perhaps his greatest character is the corpulent, intelligent, and villainous Count Fosco, who appears in The Woman in White, but his most famous works includes such characters as Ezra Jennings, Franklin Blake, Rachel Verinder, and Sergeant Cuff. FTP, name this author of The Moonstone.
Wilkie Collins
This author's first novel, Jocelyn, was published under the pseudonym John Sinjohn, while the first book to appear under his own name was The Island Pharisees. A successful dramatist who examined controversial social issues in plays like Loyalties, Justice, Strife, and The Silver Box, he secured lasting success by examining the members of one family in works like The End of the Novel and A Modern Comedy and in the novels The Man of Property, In Chancery, and To Let, which comprise his most famous trilogy. FTP, who was this author of The Forsyte Saga?
John Galsworthy
Originally an atheist, he converted to Christianity under the influence of a fellow member of the Inklings. A noted authority on British courtly literature and a critically acclaimed novelist with books like Til We Have Faces and Perelandra, he became a cultural critic and religious proselytizer with such works as The Abolition of Man, Pilgrim's Regress, and, after the death of his wife, A Grief Observed. FTP, name this author of Out of the Silent Planet and children's literature like The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Clive Staples Lewis
This man could not receive an education because his family was poor, but overcame it, becoming an office boy in a law firm, a county reporter, and finally a reporter of debates in Parliament. He serialized many of his stories in his own periodicals, such as Master Humphrey's Clock, Household Words, and All the Year Round. For 10 points, identify this popular 19th century English novelist, author of Our Mutual Friend, Little Dorrit, and A Tale of Two Cities.
Charles Dickens
Born in 1840 near Dorchester, England, this son of a stonemason grew up with loves for both music and literature. He was forced to apprentice as an architect due to lack of money for schooling. While in this position, he continually wrote, turning out Desperate Remedies and A Pair of Blue Eyes. His success made marriage feasible, and he married Emma Lavinia Gifford in 1874. FTP, name the man who wrote the novels The Return of the Native and The Mayor of Casterbridge.
Thomas Hardy
Her first works of fiction appeared in _Blackwood's_ and were published later as _Scenes of Clerical Life_. Born Mary Ann Evans, other works include the historical novel _Romola_ and the novels _Felix Holt_ and _Daniel Deronda_. FTP, name this Victorian best known for _Adam Bede_, _Silas Marner_, and _Middlemarch_.
George Eliot
The Licensing Act of 1737 was aimed particularly at this authorÕs politically satirical plays. Turning from the theater to novels, he parodied RichardsonÕs novel _Pamela_ in his _Apology for the Life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews_ and _Joseph Andrews_. FTP, name this English novelist, whose greatest novel, _Tom Jones_, appeared in 1748.
Henry Fielding
Born in Ukraine, he joined the British merchant navy and sailed to many parts of the world, during which time he became a British subject. He portrayed individuals suffering from isolation and moral disintegration in novels such as _Altmayer's Folly_, _Chance_, and _Under Western Eyes_. His real name was Josef Korzeniowsky. FTP, name this author of _The Secret Agent_, _Nostromo_, and _Heart of Darkness_.
Joseph Conrad
He began as an ardent Zionist, which he wrote about in Arrow in the Blue. He then became a Communist and was sentenced to death while covering the Spanish Civil War, which he wrote about in Spanish Testament. His loss of faith in Communism is the basis for The Invisible Writing, while an examination of Yoga and Zen is the center for The Lotus and the Robot. For 10 pointsnname this versatile Hungarian-born English novelist, most famous for Darkness at Noon.
Arthur Koestler
This English novelist wrote about the survival of society in _Mankind in the Making_ and _Men Like Gods_, but he is more famous for his science fiction like _The First Man in the Moon_ and _The Island of Dr. Moreau_. FTP, who is this author of _The Invisible Man_ and _The Time Machine_?
Herbert George Wells
P.G. Wodehouse said that this playwright "succeeded in shocking Broadway so that the sidewalks were filled with blushing ticket-speculators," and at one point only Shaw had more plays running at the same time in London. He is best remembered, however, for his novels. His favorite locales include rural and urban England, Singapore, Malaysia, the Hawaiian and other Pacific islands, as well as Spain, France, and the United States. Name this writer whose novels include The Painted Veil, The Moon and Six Pence, Cakes and Ale, and Of Human Bondage.
William Somerset Maugham
Sir Edward Mauley is the title character of his novel The Black Dwarf and he told the story of the escape from prison and flight to England of Mary Queen of Scotts in his The Abbott. For 10 points, identify this resident of Abbotsford who in the early 19th century created such popular works as Rob Roy and Ivanhoe.
Sir Walter Scott
From 1960 to 1964 he worked as editor of the New American Library, a period during which he wrote his first novel, _Welcome to Hard Times_. His later books include _Big as Life_, _Loon Lake_, and _The Book of Daniel_, which is based on the Rosenberg affair. FTP, name this novelist, whose best known works include _WorldÕs Fair_, _Billy Bathgate_, and _Ragtime_.
Edgar Lawrence Doctorow
Her only novel, published under the name Pierre Andrezel, describes in allegorical terms the plight of her native country during the German occupation in World War II. Her first book of stories, Seven Gothic Tales, dealt with the world of the supernatural, as did most of her later fiction such as Winter's Tales. Born in Rungsted, she married her cousin in 1914 and wrote all of her major works after divorcing him and returning to her native Denmark in 1931, although many were inspired by her life on a coffee plantation in British East Africa. FTP name this author, actually named Karen Blixen, who wrote the sketches of African life contained in Shadows on the Grass, the novel The Angelic Avengers, and Out of Africa.
Isak Dinesen
"The Rout of the White Hussars," "At the Pit's Mouth," " A Second Rate Woman," "Namgay Doola," "The Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney," "Wee Willie Winkie," "The Phantom Rickshaw," "The Man Who Would Be King," and "Rikki Tikki Tavi" are all short stories by this English writer. FTP name this man who also composed the poems, "White Man's Burden," "Fuzzy Wuzzy," and "Gunga Din."
Rudyard Kipling
Born John Wilson in 1917, this English novelist lived in Malaya from 1954-9 which was the setting for a trilogy, Time for a tiger. For 10 points,name this author of Man of Nazareth, Earthly Powers, and A Clockwork Orange.
Anthony Burgess
Born in 1907 in London, she moved to Paris at an early age. After being schooled in France, she returned to England where she began to write, mainly period romances and novels set in the West Country. FTP, identify this author whose most famous work is Rebecca.
Daphne du Maurier
He met Esther Johnson, to whom he wrote the "Journal to Stella," but it is uncertain if he ever married her. In 1729, he published his ironical "A Modest Proposal," suggesting that poor people should raise their children to be eaten. FTP, name this satirist most famous for _Gulliver's Travels_.
Jonathon Swift
Born in Edinburgh but brought up in England, he spent his working life in the Bank of England, eventually becoming Secretary, but found the work uncongenial and took early retirement. He was a contributor to _The Yellow Book_ in the 1890's and works such as _The Golden Age_ and _Dream Days_ are concerned with childhood. FTP, identify this man remembered for the classic book derived from stories he composed for his young son, entitled _The Wind in the Willows_.
Kennethe Graham
Born in London and educated at Oxford, his autobiography A Little Learning was published 2 years before his death in 1964. Earlier he had served as a commando in the Mediterranean during WWII, an event which would inspire novels such as Put Out More Flags and Men at Arms. However, this writer is best known for his creation of the Marchmain family, as well as early satirical novels such as Decline and Fall and Scoop. For ten points, name this author of Black Mischief and Brideshead Revisited.
Evelyn Waugh
Sir Henry Maine once remarked that he didn't know of a single law reform that couldn't be traced to this man's influence. Born in London in 1748, he was trained for the law, but devoted his life to correcting faults in the social, legal, and political system. His beliefs were based in the idea that happiness for all beings is the ultimate ethical goal. For 10 points, name this philosopher who along with Mill and others was a founder of Utilitarianism.
Jeremy Bentham
This man's Memoirs of His Life and Writings, commonly called the Autobiography, first appeared in a highly bowdlerized version published by Lord Sheffield, and is one of the more acclaimed English-language works of its kind. In his youth he was engaged to Suzanne Curchod, future mother of Madame de Stael, but his father prevented the marriage. Although he was harshly criticised for the historical criticism of Christianity found in several chapters of his most famous work, he gained general acclaim for his masterpiece, whose scheme was developed in Italy while he was "musing amidst the ruins of the Capitol". FTP, who was this author of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"?
Edward Gibbon
His first work was in mathematics, and his The Analyst suggested that mathematical assumptions were more incomprehensible than Christian dogma. The first part of his Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge was published in 1710, but the second part was lost while he was traveling in Italy, and he refused to rewrite it. FTP, identify this philosopher, whose ‘esse est percipi’ doctrine held that there is no external reality, an Irish bishop best known for the Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonus.
George Berkeley
In this novel, the priest Calenus is witness to the murder of the female protagonist's brother Apaecides by the sinister Egyptian Arbaces, who had also tricked the blind slave girl Nydia into poisoning Glaucus. Glaucus is wrongly accused of Apaecides' murder, but after a miracle saves him from a lion his innocence is pronounced by Sallust, and Glaucus escapes with his love Ione as Vesuvius destroys the title city. FTP, what is this popular novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton?
The Last Day of Pompeii
Recent years have seen a renewed interest in this philosopher's moral theory, especially among certain feminist ethicists who are attracted to his idea that ethics is mainly about sentiments and interpersonal relations rather than about abstract rules and reasons. He has never been too popular among Christians, however, partly for his scathing attack on what he called "the monkish virtues" in his book Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals. For ten points, name this British Empiricist, most famous for his Treatise of Human Nature.
David Hume
Early on he wrote An Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock, which argued against high tariffs on grain imports. It was with this publication that he was established as a major proponent of what would become the concept of free trade. He also is credited with determining the theory of comparative advantage. FTP, name this economist more famous for his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.
David Ricardo
In 1767 he published Dorando, an allegory of the Douglas inheritance case, and two years later married his cousin, Margaret Montgomerie, after many philanderings. He was so impressed by General Paoli that he wrote An Account of Corsica, and his later work includes essays written under the name Hypochondriack and The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. FTP, name this Scottish author, who, on May 16, 1763, met the man whose biography he would publish in 1791 as The Life of Samuel Johnson.
James Boswell
Its first book is a polemic against the doctrine of innate principles and ideas. Its second book deals with ideas, and the third with words. The culmination of this work lies in its fourth book, which states that knowledge is “short and scanty,” and that life requires the formation of beliefs on matters where knowledge is unavailable. The idea for this work came from a discussion the author had with several friends about morality and knowledge at the apartments of Lord Shaftesbury. FTP, identify this 1689 philosophical treatise by John Locke.
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
The first was written to criticize Robert Filmer's Patriarcha which justified the divine right of kings as a result of the descent from Adam. The second outlines the true origin of government out of a happy state of nature; governments whose primary aim is the protection of personal property. FTP, what are these 1689 and 1690 works of political science by John Locke?
Two Treatises on Government
It attacked the 1643 order that no book should be printed unless approved and licensed by the authorities, by arguing that licensing had previously been practiced by the Papacy and Inquisition, that reading and diversity of opinion were necessary for the growth and virtue of knowledge, and that it is ineffective at keeping out wrong doctrines. For 10 points, identify this pamphlet, named after Athen's Mars Hill, written by John Milton.
This character had his origins in Plautus' Miles (MEE les) Gloriosus and the capitano of the commedia dell'arte. He holds forth at the Boar's Head Inn with a rascally crew that includes Bardolph, Nym, and Pistol, and Prince Hal's companion Poins. FTP name this comic character who appears in Henry IV: Part I and II, and The Merry Wives of Windsor, whose death is given attention in Henry V.
Sir John Falstaff
Its plot was taken from the ‘Decameron.’ The count of Rousillon (roo-see-YOHNH) scorns his bride and leaves for the Florentine war, telling her that he won’t return or allow her to call him husband until she obtains the ring on his finger and produces his child. The wife, Helena, succeeds in both aims by impersonating a young Florentine girl whom her husband Bertram likes. FTP, identify this Shakespearean comedy.
All's Well That Ends Well
Samuel Taylor Coleridge declared its plot, along with those of Oedipus Rex and Tom Jones, to be one of the three most perfect in existence. Because of plague, Master Lovewit has left the city. His butler Jeremy, known as Face to his underworld friends, invites his cohorts to use Lovewit’s unoccupied home as a base of operations for their rascally activities. Their victims include Dapper, Abel Drugger, and Tribulation Wholesome, who is searching for the philosopher’s stone. Finally, their schemes are exposed by Pertinax Surly, friend to a would-be victim, Sir Epicure Mammon. FTP, name this 1610 Ben Jonson play which also featured the prostitute Doll Common and the swindler Subtle, who pretended to have the titular career.
The Alchemist
Peachum, a receiver of stolen goods, is a partner of Lockit, the warden of Newgate prison in London. Peachum’s daughter, Polly, falls madly in love with an ill-repute client of Peachum, the highywayman Captain Macheath. When Macheath is sent to Newgate, he is set to be be hanged for trying to escape, but narrowly saved by the intervention of a beggar. FTP, name this 1728 play, the most famous by John Gay.
Beggar's Opera
In the Shakespearean play Richard Ill is Duke of this area before he goes on his killing spree aimed at attaining the throne. In "King Lear", the earl of this area shelters Lear from the storm but ends up suffering the same fate as Lear in that he is fooled by his bastard son Edgar into thinking that his true son, Edmund is plotting to kill him. For 10 points, give the common title and name.
In this comedy, Charles's brother Joseph, supposedly more respectable, is shown to be a conniving schemer who courts Lady Teazle, the young wife of a wealthy old nobleman. Sir Oliver, their uncle, disguises himself to discover which of his nephews shall be his heir. Joseph is exposed as a hypocrite, and Charles triumphs, winning both fortune and true love. FTP, identify this 1777 comedy, focusing on the Surface family, by the author of A Trip to Scarborough and The Rivals.
The School for Scandal
The title character's family endures many trials- including the loss of most of their money, the seduction of one daughter, Olivia by Squire Thornhill, the destruction of their home by fire, and the title character's incarceration- before all is put right in the end. FTP name this novel, whose narrator and title character is Dr. Primrose, written by Oliver Goldsmith.
The Vicar of Wakefield
Mrs. Erlynne had left her family to run off with a man who in turn abandoned her. Therefore, she does not want her daughter to make a similar mistake. Unfortunately, because of the attention her daughter's husband has given to her, the daughter decides to run off with Lord Darlington. Erlynne convinces the title character not to act so rashly, then claims ownership of the title object to save her daughter's reputation. For 10 points, name this Oscar Wilde comedy.
Lady Windermere's Fan
At the end of the play, Vivie rejects both of her suitors and decides to continue to do actuarial work with her friend Honoria. Written in 1893, the Examiner of Plays would not allow it to be acted, and its first public performance did not come until 1925. FTP, identify this play, which hinges on the conflict between Vivie and her mother, who runs a chain of brothels in European capitals, written by George Bernard Shaw.
Mrs. Warren's Profession
The second and third parts are collectively known as The Whole Contention between the two Famous Houses, Lancaster and York. In the second, a power struggle turns around the ineffective English king, as the Duke of York emerges as a contender for the throne. In the third, the Lancastrians kill the Duke of York, and the King is murdered by York's son, the future Richard III. FTP identify the name of the trilogy into which these three Shakespeare plays were arranged in the First Folio.
Henry VI
Nicola is an old servant of the family who is fond of the servant girl Louka, who ends up marrying a man who prefers chocolates to ammunition. Catherine is the energetic matriarch of the family, and the heroine Raina has romantic misconceptions of war that are shattered during the action. FTP, identify this play with title taken from Vergil’s Aeneid featuring the Petkoff family, written by George Bernard Shaw.
Arms and the Man
He coined the term "sardoodledom" to describe plays with formulaic plots and no intelligent ideas, and disparaged the works of Shakespeare. Some of his minor works include Three Plays for Puritans, The Philanderer, and Candida. FTP identify this critic and playwright who championed Ibsen and dramatized Joan of Arc's life in Saint Joan.
George Bernard Shaw
After an early play, _White Desert_, this American playwright collaborated with Laurence Stallings on works like _The Buccaneer_
and _First Flight_. His historical dramas include _Barefoot in Athens_, a play about Socrates, and _Anne of the Thousand Days_.
FTP, who was this author of _What Price Glory?_ and _Winterset_?
Maxwell Anderson
This author of the plays The Glorious First of June and Cape St. Vincent was one of the greatest orators in England during his 32 years as a Whig in Parliament, but he did not achieve great political success because of his reputation as an unreliable intriguer. His skill for adaptation and revision can be seen in works like Pizarro and A Trip to Scarborough, and he revived the plays of Congreve through his ownership of the Drury Lane Theater, but is best-known for original works like The Critic. FTP, who was this playwright of The Rivals and The School for Scandal?
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
His father, Eugene Straussler, was a physician whose company sent him to Singapore, where he was killed during WWII. Assuming his stepfather’s surname, he went on to write his first play, A Walk on the Water, which was televised in 1963, and among his recent productions are The Romantic Englishwoman and Despair. FTP, identify this Czech-born playwright, best known for Arcadia and a re-creation of the roles of two minor characters from Hamlet.
Tom Stoppard
Scholars have called it the play from hell: its plot is preposterous, its characters flat, its moralizing stale, and its authorship disputed. For all that, however, it was a tremendous hit when it opened in 1608. It is now believed that the first nine scenes are by George Wilkins, which is probably why it was left out of the First Folio. FTP, identify this earliest of the Shakespeare "romances," whose title character is the Prince of Tyre.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
It was written in 1933 by a young journalist who had been assigned to produce a Christmas tale for his newspaper. It is told in flashbacks by the 85 year old title character, who sits by the fire on a November day and reminisces about his arrival in Brookfield in 1870, his marriage to Kathy Bridges at the age of 48, and his retirement to Mrs. Wickett's after the war. FTP, name this sentimental novella, whose title character is a teacher of Latin and headmaster of a school for boys, a work of James Hilton.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips
A lawyer, Mr. Tulkinghorn, is killed by Lady Dedlock, who herself later disappears and is found dead. In the background of the novel is a dispute as to how the trusts under a will are to be administered, the interminable suit of Jarndyce v. Jarndyce. For ten points, name the novel where the heroine, Esther Summerson, seeks to learn her family origins, an 1852 work by Charles Dickens.
Bleak House
In this novel, Maria marries the boring Rushworth but eventually runs off with Henry Crawford, leading Julia to elope with Yates. Henry had earlier used his ability to gain a Navy promotion for William as leverage to try to marry the protagonist, the daughter of a disabled drunken sailor who has come to live with her wealthy aunt and uncle. Finally, Edmund Bertram comes to his senses, stops pursuing Mary Crawford, and marries the protagonist, Fanny Price. FTP, this is a description of what novel by Jane Austen?
Mansfield Park
This countryâs architecture, for safety reasons, is dominated by pentagonal structures. Rains come from the north, also an area where gravity is demonstrably weaker. Its military consists of isosceles triangles while its government is composed of polygons with so many sides that they are accorded the title of "circle." FTP, what is this two-dimensional country first described by Edwin Abbott?
The author of over 60 works, including novels, poems, criticism, and travel books, he edited both the English Review and the Transatlantic Review. He was friends with Hardy and Joyce and although not in their class as literary craftsmen, he did write such notable works as The Fifth Queen and No More Parades, and collaborated with Conrad on The Inheritors. FTP, name this author of The Good Soldier, grandson of Ford Madox Brown.
Ford Madox Ford
In the first section of this work the author tells of how he ran away at the age of seventeen and lived homeless for two months, before being allowed, on the permission of a seedy lawyer, to sleep in a rat-infested house. It goes on to describe the author’s friendship with a young prostitute, Ann. In its third and last section, the author describes his love for a specific child, his friend William Wordsworth’s daughter, Catherine. Originally published anonymously in two issues of London Magazine, contemporaries charged that the dreams it described were fabricated. FTP, what is this work that in various sections deals with the “pleasures” and “pains” of taking a certain drug, the best-known work of Thomas De Quincey?
The Confessions of An English Opium-Eater
After the death of her father, the protagonist of this novel goes to St. OggÕs to stay with her cousin Lucy, who is engaged to Stephen Guest. After Stephen acts inappropriately on a boating trip, she is ostracized, and only Lucy, Dr. Kenn, and Philip Wakem, the deformed son of the town lawyer, will see her. FTP, identify this novel, first published in 1860, which tells the story of the children of the miller of Dorlcote, Tom and Maggie Tulliver, and which was written by George Eliot.
The Mill on the Floss
A rock group called Sick Dick and the Volkswagens, a radio DJ named "Rabbit" Warren, a philatelist named Genghis Cohen, a Jacobean revenge drama called "The Courier's Tragedy," an ultra‑right‑wing group called the Peter Pinguid Society, and a massive underground mail system called the Trystero are all plot elements in, for ten points, what atypically succinct Thomas Pynchon novel?
The Crying of Lot 49
In this work, after reading Cicero's account of Scipio Africanus' appearance to the younger Scipio in a dream, the poet himself dreams that Scipio Africanus leads him to a garden where he sees the Temple of Venus. Then he comes to a hillside where there is a great gathering, at the bidding of Nature, to choose mates on St. Valentine's Day. FTP, identify this poem of 699 lines in rhyme royal by Geoffrey Chaucer, in which a dispute by the title birds is resolved by Nature.
The Parliament of Fowles
It ends when Mehemet's xebec is blown fifty feet in the air by a waterspout somewhere in the Mediterranean. It includes the Confessions of Fausto Maijstral; Kurt Mondaugen's story, which tells of his two and a half months at Foppl's Siege Party; and a ballet in which Melanie, as Su Feng, is spectacularly impaled when she forgets to put on her chastity belt. FTP, identify this novel, winner of the Faulkner Prize for the best first novel of 1963, which also includes Herbert Stencil and Benny Profane, a work of Thomas Pynchon.
This author's mother Frances was also an author who wrote the novel "The Vicar of Wrexhill" and the controversial travel account "Domestic Manners of the Americans". This man, longtime postal surveyor to Ireland, wrote novels like Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite, Orley Farm, and the Eustace Diamonds, but is best-known for two series, one of which is known as either the Parliamentary Novels or the Palliser Novels. FTP, who is this British novelist best known for his 6 novels of clerical intrigue found in the "Chronicles of Barsetshire", including "Barchester Towers"?
Anthony Trollope
The main character is forced into debt by his troubled wife, Louise, and by an affair with Helen, a young widow. He accidentally causes the death of his servant Ali, and commits suicide after altering his diary to hide the manner of his death from his wife. FTP, identify this novel, which ends when Wilson, a young intelligence agent, exposes ScobieÕs fraud, set in West Africa during World War II and written by Graham Greene.
The Heart of the Matter
The title is taken from the name of a shepherd in VergilÕs third Bucolic, and the poem wrestles with the fact that the good die young and false priests and poets prosper. Composed in memory of the death of a Cambridge schoolmate who drowned in the Irish Sea, the solution offered is partly Christian and partly humanist. FTP, name this elegy upon the death of Edward King, written by John Milton.
The Tsarist officer in the cell next to the main character taps out the phrase, “Serves you right… the wolves devour each other.” The main character callously betrays young Richard and his secretary Arlova to the Party. This novel focuses on the interrogation by the coarse Gletkin, who is thought to betray his fellow interrogator Ivanov for being “a cynic.” Both interrogators are ultimately controlled by the feared No. 1. At the novel’s end, the hero Rubashov is given to the “shrug of eternity” as he is killed for crimes he did not commit. FTP, identify this 1941 novel written by Arthur Koestler.
Darkness at Noon
It tells the story of an aristocratic English family shacked up on their estate during WWII, and their individual reponses to their Catholic faith. FTP, name this 1945 Evelyn Waugh work subtitled "The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder."
Brideshead Revisited
The author concludes this novel by leaving the reader to determine whether it recommends “parental tyranny, or filial disobedience.” The heroine, who learned the fable of “The Hare and Many Friends” as quick as any English girl, is vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Allen in Bath when we first meet her. Her brother James is engaged to Isabella, and she is pursued by Isabella’s brother, John Thorpe, whose exaggeration of her wealth earns her an invite to the General’s estate. Carried away by her Gothic reading, the heroine is soon kicked out of Henry Tilney’s house but ends up marrying him anyway. FTP, name this work about Catherine Morland, a Jane Austen novel in which much of the action takes place at the titular estate.
Northanger Abbey
An example of this technique is: “I caught this morning morning’s minion, kingdom of daylight’s dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding.” Characterized by alliteration and the use of archaic and heavily Anglo-Saxon vocabulary, it replaces metrical smoothness with heavy accents and abrupt halts, as in such works as “God’s Grandeur” and “Pied Beauty.” FTP, name this metric device most famously employed by Gerard Manley Hopkins.
Sprung Rhythm
Divided into 18 essays, this work describes a 2 year period from March of 1845 to September of 1847. And in it, the author describes his encounters with an Irish family, a Canadian woodcutter, his trip to Concord, and a description of his bean field. For ten points, what is this autobiography subtitled Life in the Woods by Henry David Thoreau?
One section discusses a 1961 Ladies’ Home Journal article entitled “The Sandwich Maker,” in which a woman who tries to run a sandwich stand at her husband’s factory ends up discontent. Published in 1963, this work coined the term “comfortable concentration camps” to describe “the problem with no name,” whose psychological roots the author attributes in the fifth chapter to Freud. It contended that suburban middle-class housewives, despite all of the apparent comfort of their lives, cannot find happiness in a gender-stratified society. FTP, identify this work by Betty Friedan.
The Feminine Mystique
Father William Kleinsorge was reading a Jesuit magazine. Personnel clerk Toshiko Sasaki was turning her head to speak to the girl at the next desk. Hatsuyo Nakamura was watching a neighbor tear down his house because it blocked an air-defense fire lane. Dr. Terufumi Sasaki was carrying a blood sample, and the Reverend Kiyoshi Tanimoto was unloading a handcart, when, at exactly 15 minutes past eight, a noiseless flash occurred above the city. FTP, in what nonfiction work does John Hersey follows these survivors of the above 1945 event?
This philosophical work opens by citing the example of Moses, Plato, and Milton to show that one should not be ashamed to voice original opinions, and goes on to observe that “to be great is to be misunderstood”. Then the author points out that the movements of history are often the reflections of the personality of single men like Caesar, Luther, and Wesley, and observes that want for the title condition is seen in imitation, desire for property, and the use of government as a crutch. FTP, what is this essay which advocates trust in the divine self, written by Ralph Waldo Emerson?
Its namesake section begins with an anecdote about a squirrel and a man going around a tree trunk. Its first section, “The Present Dilemma in Philosophy,” distinguishes between the “tender-minded” and “tough-minded.” The rest of this series of lectures attempts to apply its method to materialism, and asserts that Locke was correct in stating that “spirit” means nothing unless defined as consciousness. Defining the title concept as a way of interpreting ideas by discovering their practical consequences, FTP, identify this work named after the school of philosophy espoused by William James.
Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking
Notably absent from this work are the thirteen years of its author's marriage and first seven years after his wife's suicide. Concluding that the titular subject was inadequate to prepare the author for the modern world, its subtitle declares it "a Study of 20th Century Multiplicity", and it seeks to contrast the modern age to the 13th century, notably in the chapter "The Virgin and the Dynamo". The companion piece to Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres, FTP, what is this famous autobiography?
The Education of Henry Adams
This novel’s second part, The Horror and the Glory, was edited out of the 1945 first edition. The story begins when the narrator is 4 years old; he sets fire to some curtains out of boredom and burns down half the house. After the family moves to Memphis, the six-year-old narrator begins to drink at the local saloon and curse to the amusement of customers. Eventually he moves to Chicago and joins a communist group. At a national meeting of the John Reed clubs, he can’t find lodging because of his color. FTP, name this autobiographical novel by Richard Wright.
_Black Boy_ The original, which has been lost, was obtained from the J. L. Mott Iron
In this book, the author finds work as a maid and discovers a discarded copy of John Milton’s complete works in the trash, which helps her decide to return to school. Sharply criticized by other African-American writers for its refusal to attack segregation, the story goes from Morgan College to Howard University and finally to Barnard, where the author meets the anthropologist Franz Boas. FTP, identify work, the autobiography of Zora Neale Hurston.
Dust Tracks on a Road
One version of it was founded in 1880 in Chicago as a literary review forum, and moved to New York in 1918. Another version was published from 1959 to 1962 in the same city by James Silberman. Much before that, in 1860, Moncure Conway edited an incarnation for a year. However, its most famous version was published quarterly from 1840 to 1844 and edited first by Margaret Fuller and next by Emerson. For 10 points, name this New England based transcendentalist publication.
The Dial
First published in 1850, it is a series of biographical sketches. Modeled on Thomas Carlyle's On Heroes, Hero Worship and The Heroic in History, the volume reflects its author's democratic leanings and discusses such figures as Shakespeare, PIato Goethe, Napoleon, Swedenborg and Montaigne as ideals of their age and professions. For 10 points, identify this work which argues that great figures are shaped and determined by their time, written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Representative Men
This author fought at Shiloh and Chickamauga and was wounded at the battle of Kennesaw Mountain. He left the army in 1865 and in 1868 became editor of the San Francisco News Letter. He moved to England in the 1870s where his first three books were published, among them Cobwebs from an Empty Skull. He moved back to San Francisco before again moving to Washington DC in 1896. In 1913, he went to Mexico to report on Pancho Villa's revolution. FTP, name this writer who may have died in the siege of Ojinaga, well known for Can Such Things Be? and The Devil's Dictionary.
Ambrose Bierce
He argued in favor of economics as an evolutionary science, intending an inquiry into the genesis and growth of economic institutions. He drew on history, psychology, and anthropology in his writings, and he coined such colorful phrases as "ostentatious display", "pecuniary emulation", and "conspicuous consumption". FTP, who is this economist, author of _The Theory of Business Enterprise_ and _The Theory of the Leisure Class_?
Thorstein Bunde Veblen
He married a Diaghilev ballerina, Lydia Lopokova. He explored the logical relationships between calling something "highly probable" and calling it "a justifiable induction" in his 1931 Treatise of Probability. A member of the Bloomsbury group, he was encouraged by South African premiere Jan Smuts to write The Economic Consequences of the Peace. FTP, who is this economist most famous for the General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money.
John Maynard Keynes
He compared Man Unthinking to "rot grub, maggots, and bile" and described members of his circle as "walking monsters." He sponsored the first American publication of Carlyle's _Sartor Resartus_ and was worshipped by Nietzsche. FTP, name this American thinker who advocated becoming a "transparent eye-ball" in an open field, and who wrote of becoming "part and particle with God" in his "The Over-Soul."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Educated at Harvard, he became part of the Transcendentalist circle through the influence of his friend, Emerson, and substituted for him as editor of the Transcendentalist magazine "The Dial" for a short time in 1843. To protest the Mexican War, he refused to pay a poll tax and was jailed for a day, an action he explained in his essay "Civil Disobedience". FTP, name this American author who also spent two years, two months, and two days on Walden Pond.
Henry David Thoreau
This English deist had worked as a marine, schoolmaster, and tobacconist before sailing to Philadelphia in 1774. Serving with the American army, he was made secretary to the Committee of Foreign Affairs, but lost that post by divulging state secrets. He went to Paris and was elected to the National Convention and voted with the Girondists, but was imprisoned in 1794. Just before his arrest, he wrote _The Age of Reason_. FTP, name this writer of _The Rights of Man_, _The Crisis_, and _Common Sense_.
Thomas Paine
Born in 1887, he was a wealthy Harvard graduate who embraced communism. The only American to be buried in the Kremlin, in 1919, he wrote about the Bolshevik Revolution to which he was a witness in 10 Days That Shook the World.
John Reed
He was orphaned in 1907, though a recent biography suggests that the widow who adopted him may have been his biological mother. After winning a scholarship to Swarthmore, he began to pursue an academic career, but that ended when World War II broke out, and he wrote his first novel in a Quonset hut while he was with the Navy. FTP, name this author of _The World Is My Home_, _The Drifters_, and _The Bridges of Toko-Ri_, who is better known for sprawling historical epics like _Centennial_, _Space_, _T
exas_, and _Hawaii_, and who died recently.
James Michener
She recently collaborated with photographer Chester Higgins Jr. on a portrayal of eighty thriving senior citizens entitled Elder Grace. While living in Egypt, she edited the Arab Observer and held the same post for the African Review during her time in Ghana. In the autobiographical Gather Together in My Name and the essay collection Even the Stars Look Lonesome she revisited her childhood in rural Arkansas. FTP, name this writer, best-known for her inauguration poem, “On the Pulse of Morning,” and the controversial I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
Maya Angelou
A history of two millenia of ties binding England and Palestine, a study of the American Revolution in the context of two centuries of European politics, a social history of the 20 years preceding World War I, a study of the opening month of World War I, and a biography of General Stilwell. FTP, what American historian has penned such works including The Proud Tower, Bible and Sword, and The Guns of August?
Barbara W Tuchman
He was reporting on the war for the San Francisco Chronicle when he was captured by the Boers and deported. Returning to America, he began working for The Wave, a magazine which published his The Joyous Miracle, A ManÕs Woman, The Third Circle, and Moran of the Lady Letty. FTP, identify this American novelist, who died in 1902 after a failed appendix operation, best known for The Pit, The Octopus, and McTeague.
Frank Norris
His works include a study of Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe as three philosophical poets and a group of imaginary conversations between figures like Alcibiades, Dionysius, and Democritus, entitled Dialogues in Limbo. He believed that man is the unintended product of a dynamic flux, and his books include The Life of Reason and Realms of Being. FTP, name this author of The Sense of Beauty, Scepticism and Animal Faith, and The Last Puritan, a Spanish-American philosopher who taught at Harvard.
George Santayana
Along with playing old phonographs, this collection is the primary focus of a crippled 24-year old girl. She is shy and sees her leg brace like her collection's unicorn whose horn sets it apart from the other horses. FTP, what is this group of fragile figures owned by Laura Wingfield, the title zoo of a Tennessee Williams play?
The Glass Menagerie
The main characters interact with jugglers and the fortuneteller Esmerelda, and the character Cain changes his name to Harry. A pet dinosaur owned by Henry and Gladys is continuously shooed away by the maid Sabina, who vacillates between a fluttery domestic and a determined seductress throughout this play. It is set in the New Jersey commuter suburb of Excelsior and focuses on the main family as they experience an ice age, the Biblical flood, and a devastating war. FTP, name this Thornton Wilder play about the Antrobus family, who barely survive various disasters.
The Skin of Our Teeth
It is a drama in three acts based on an actual case in 19th century Edinburgh that was detailed in the essay “Closed Doors, or The Great Drumsheugh Case” in Bad Companions by William Roughead. The story concerns an attempt by Mary Tilford, a student at a New England boarding school, to explain to her rich, indulgent grandmother why she has to run away from school. She accuses the women who own and run the school of being lesbians, which ends up closing the school. FTP, what is this play written by Lillian Hellman?
The Children's Hour
Henri Christophe was a slave-born general who helped to free Haiti from the French in 1811 and who took to calling himself King Henry I. According to a circus man, a former President of Haiti predicted that this man could never be killed with a lead bullet-- only with a silver one. These two stories led to a play about Brutus, a former Pullman car porter who sets himself up as the despotic ruler of a West Indies island. FTP, what Eugene O'Neill play is this?
Emperor Jones
The event at the center of this play was triggered when the protagonist, while on a date with Jill Mason, discovered his father at a pornographic movie. With the help of the child psychiatrist Martin Dysart it is discovered that the protagonist, Alan Strang, has developed a belief in the god of the title, and in order to avoid being seen by the god puts out the eyes of six horses at the stable where he works. FTP, this is a brief description of what play by Peter Shaffer?
One of the last lines of this play goes: “Sure! Yuh’re regÕlar! Me you, huh? -- bot members of dis club! We’ll put up one last bout dat’ll knock ‘em offen deir seats! Dey’ll have to make de cages stronger after we’re trou!” The speaker is Yank, the leader of the stokers in the hold of a transatlantic ocean liner, talking to a gorilla before he lets it out of its cage, whereupon it crushes him. FTP, this is the ending of what play by Eugene O’Neill?
The Hairy Ape
The main character quotes passages from authors considered to be “racy” and avant-garde as family members gather to celebrate the Fourth of July. This drama’s climax occurs in Act III when the main character goes to a saloon with his brother’s friend and resists the overtures of the prostitute Belle. The main character is eventually reunited with his love Muriel McComber after some help from Uncle Sid. At the play’s end, Nat is finally reconciled with his son Richard. FTP, identify this play centering on the Miller family, the only comedy by Eugene O’Neill.
Ah! Wilderness
Born in California to Armenian parents, his reputation was established with the short story collection The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze. The novels The Laughing Matter and The Human Comedy were substantial, and he refused the Pultizer prize awarded in 1940 for his most famous play because he believed that commerce should not patronize art. FTP, name his playwright, whose most famous works include My Heart’s in the Highlands and The Time of Your Life.
William Saroyan
Of this American's literary works, _The Archbishop's Ceiling_ dealt with Soviet treatment of dissident writers, _The American Clock_ dealt with the Great Depression, _Focus_ dealt with Anti-Semitism, and _All My Sons_ dealt with a manufacturer of faulty war materials. He also wrote one screenplay, _The Misfits_, for his second wife, Marilyn Monroe. FTP, name this writer, whose best known plays are _The Crucible_ and _Death of a Salesman_.
Arthur Miller
This man is known for the novels _The Cabala_ and _Theophilus North_, and his play _The Matchmaker_ was the basis for the musical _Hello, Dolly!_. FTP, name this American author, better known for the novel _The Bridge of San Luis Rey_ and the plays _The Skin of Our Teeth_ and _Our Town_.
Thorton Wilder
Some critics call his plays misogynist; a charge that has been renewed by some with his latest work. He has adapted Carson McCullers' "Ballad of the Sad Cafe" for the stage and some of his other works include "The Death of Bessie Smith", "The Sandbox", and "Three Tall Women"- which won him the 1994 Pulitzer Prize. For 10 points, identify this playwright who also wrote "The Zoo Story".
Edward Albee
His 1931 critically acclaimed trilogy of plays, a New England version of the Greek Oresteia set during the Civil War, was instrumental in his winning the Nobel Prize. FTP, name this author of Homecoming, The Hunted, and The Haunted, the three plays which comprise the trilogy Mourning Becomes Electra.
Eugene O'Niell
He only wrote one novel, The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone. Known primarily as a playwright, he first gained fame with American Blues, but had to struggle as a theatre usher to make ends meet. Success finally came with The Glass Menagerie in 1944, and the Pulitzer-Prize winning Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in 1947. FTP, name this American playwright.
Tennessee Williams
He was born in Lancashire in 1584, and as a young man fought against the Spaniards in the Netherlands. In 1620, he was on the Mayflower, but in 1625 he returned to England to gain a more favorable agreement with the financers of Plymouth colony. He helped found Duxbury, MA, in 1632, then served as assistant governor and military captain of Plymouth from 1633 until his death in 1656. FTP--identify this founding father, whose "courtship" by Longfellow is said to be completely fictitious.
Miles Standish
His 1931 critically acclaimed trilogy of plays, a New England version of the Greek Oresteia set during the Civil War, was instrumental in his winning the Nobel Prize. FTP, name this author of Homecoming, The Hunted, and The Haunted, the three plays which comprise the trilogy Mourning Becomes Electra.
Eugene O'Niell
Into the historical background of this poem are woven a number of fictional characters typifying various social groups, including the aristocrat Clay Wingate, the Southern Belle Sally Dupre, the idealistic Jack Ellyat, and the runaway slave Spade. Opening with a prelude entitled The Slaver about the introduction of slavery to America, it is a book-length historical narrative of the Civil War whose dominant image is the legend of the title figure’s abortive 1859 raid on a Federal arsenal. FTP, what is this most-famous poem by Stephen Vincent Benet?
John Brown's Body
He only wrote one novel, The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone. Known primarily as a playwright, he first gained fame with American Blues, but had to struggle as a theatre usher to make ends meet. Success finally came with The Glass Menagerie in 1944, and the Pulitzer-Prize winning Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in 1947. FTP, name this American playwright.
Tennessee Williams
He was born in Lancashire in 1584, and as a young man fought against the Spaniards in the Netherlands. In 1620, he was on the Mayflower, but in 1625 he returned to England to gain a more favorable agreement with the financers of Plymouth colony. He helped found Duxbury, MA, in 1632, then served as assistant governor and military captain of Plymouth from 1633 until his death in 1656. FTP--identify this founding father, whose "courtship" by Longfellow is said to be completely fictitious.
Miles Standish
This poem’s second stanza urges the reader that “Yet not to thine eternal resting place / Shalt thou retire alone…” The poem goes on to state that the sun, planets, and “all the infinite host of heaven” are looking down upon “the sad abodes of death.” The final lines urge the reader to approach death “sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust” like one who “lies down to pleasant dreams.” This poem opens with the lines “To him who, in the love of Nature, holds / Communion with her visible forms…” FTP, identify this 1821 poem, a meditation on death, written by William Cullen Bryant.
Into the historical background of this poem are woven a number of fictional characters typifying various social groups, including the aristocrat Clay Wingate, the Southern Belle Sally Dupre, the idealistic Jack Ellyat, and the runaway slave Spade. Opening with a prelude entitled The Slaver about the introduction of slavery to America, it is a book-length historical narrative of the Civil War whose dominant image is the legend of the title figure’s abortive 1859 raid on a Federal arsenal. FTP, what is this most-famous poem by Stephen Vincent Benet?
John Brown's Body
The speaker in this poem’s fourth stanza speaks of “a Power whose care / Teaches” the title figure’s way “along that pathless coast”. The title figure’s “toil shall end; / Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and rest,” though the moral of the poem is given in the last stanza, which proclaims “He who…guides thy certain flight” shall “lead my steps aright.” This poem begins with the lines, “Whither, midst falling dew, / While glow the heavens with the last steps of day”. FTP, identify this American poem about a particular bird written by William Cullen Bryant.
To a Waterfowl
This poem’s second stanza urges the reader that “Yet not to thine eternal resting place / Shalt thou retire alone…” The poem goes on to state that the sun, planets, and “all the infinite host of heaven” are looking down upon “the sad abodes of death.” The final lines urge the reader to approach death “sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust” like one who “lies down to pleasant dreams.” This poem opens with the lines “To him who, in the love of Nature, holds / Communion with her visible forms…” FTP, identify this 1821 poem, a meditation on death, written by William Cullen Bryant.
At the end of this poem, each century of immortality is described as seeming shorter than a day. In it, a carriage passes childhood at play, the fields, the setting sun, and finally the grave, where even the cornice has crumbled to a mound. The coachman of the carriage is death, who forces each person to put off worldly considerations to make the journey toward eternity. FTP, what is this Emily Dickenson poem whose second line is “He kindly stopped for me”?
Because I Could Not Stop for Death (or poem 712)
The speaker in this poem’s fourth stanza speaks of “a Power whose care / Teaches” the title figure’s way “along that pathless coast”. The title figure’s “toil shall end; / Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and rest,” though the moral of the poem is given in the last stanza, which proclaims “He who…guides thy certain flight” shall “lead my steps aright.” This poem begins with the lines, “Whither, midst falling dew, / While glow the heavens with the last steps of day”. FTP, identify this American poem about a particular bird written by William Cullen Bryant.
To a Waterfowl
The most famous line in this poem alludes to John 14:2, while another line alludes to Wordsworth’s “The World is Too Much With Us.” Its author distinguishes between the Pearly and Paper kinds of its subject, citing Roget’s Bridgewater Treatise as a reference. From the death of the subject, “a clearer note is born than ever Triton blew from wreathed horn,” suggesting the soul’s transcendence after death. That death knell declares, “Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul.” For 10 points, name this poem first published in The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, in which a mollusk is described by Oliver Wendell Holmes.
The Chambered Nautilus
At the end of this poem, each century of immortality is described as seeming shorter than a day. In it, a carriage passes childhood at play, the fields, the setting sun, and finally the grave, where even the cornice has crumbled to a mound. The coachman of the carriage is death, who forces each person to put off worldly considerations to make the journey toward eternity. FTP, what is this Emily Dickenson poem whose second line is “He kindly stopped for me”?
Because I Could Not Stop for Death (or poem 712)
To pass the time in this poem, the schoolmaster plays the violin and the prophetess proclaims the Lord’s speedy coming, while the author’s parents tell stories of Indian raids and his aunt tells of her childhood. This occurs while the group is shut off from the world for a week, and the poem concludes by telling how the rural New England community works together to dig itself out of a winter storm. Subtitled “A Winter Idyll”, FTP, what is this most-famous poem by John Greenleaf Whittier?
Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyll
The most famous line in this poem alludes to John 14:2, while another line alludes to Wordsworth’s “The World is Too Much With Us.” Its author distinguishes between the Pearly and Paper kinds of its subject, citing Roget’s Bridgewater Treatise as a reference. From the death of the subject, “a clearer note is born than ever Triton blew from wreathed horn,” suggesting the soul’s transcendence after death. That death knell declares, “Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul.” For 10 points, name this poem first published in The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, in which a mollusk is described by Oliver Wendell Holmes.
The Chambered Nautilus
They include Chinese ideograms, long tirades against usury, and one of the author’s most famous lyrics, the section of the eighty-first which begins “What thou lovest well remains.” First published in 1919 in Quia Pauper Amavi, 117 of them appeared over the next 50 years, in such volumes as The Fifth Decad, Thrones, and Section: Rock-Drill. FTP, identify this landmark of contemporary poetry, the masterpiece of Ezra Pound.
The Cantos
To pass the time in this poem, the schoolmaster plays the violin and the prophetess proclaims the Lord’s speedy coming, while the author’s parents tell stories of Indian raids and his aunt tells of her childhood. This occurs while the group is shut off from the world for a week, and the poem concludes by telling how the rural New England community works together to dig itself out of a winter storm. Subtitled “A Winter Idyll”, FTP, what is this most-famous poem by John Greenleaf Whittier?
Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyll
"I should prefer to have some boy bend them .../One by one he subdued his father's trees/By riding them down over and over again
Until he took the stiffness out of them,/And not one but hung limp, not one was left /For him to conquer. .../One could do worse than be a swinger of", for 10 points, what sort of trees in a poem by Robert Frost?
They include Chinese ideograms, long tirades against usury, and one of the author’s most famous lyrics, the section of the eighty-first which begins “What thou lovest well remains.” First published in 1919 in Quia Pauper Amavi, 117 of them appeared over the next 50 years, in such volumes as The Fifth Decad, Thrones, and Section: Rock-Drill. FTP, identify this landmark of contemporary poetry, the masterpiece of Ezra Pound.
The Cantos
Its author said of it, "It's the whole story. It's all my politics." Its title sacrifice is described as "many deeds of war to the land vaguely realizing westward," and describes that land “such as she was, such as she would become.” Written in 1942, it was not well known until January 20, 1961, when the poet read it for John Kennedy's inauguration. FTP name the poem which begins "The land was ours before we were the land's," written by Robert Frost.
The Gift Outright
"I should prefer to have some boy bend them .../One by one he subdued his father's trees/By riding them down over and over again
Until he took the stiffness out of them,/And not one but hung limp, not one was left /For him to conquer. .../One could do worse than be a swinger of", for 10 points, what sort of trees in a poem by Robert Frost?
In his youth, this man served as a soldier in the Netherlands, where he met the religious exiles who would become the Pilgrims. He learned the language of several Native American tribes and led expeditions against them as military leader of the Plymouth colony, served as its treasurer from 1644-49, and joined John Alden in establishing the community of Duxbury, where he remained until his death. FTP, who was this colonist whose legendary proposal to Priscilla Mullins was described in a poem by Longfellow?
Myles Standish
Its author said of it, "It's the whole story. It's all my politics." Its title sacrifice is described as "many deeds of war to the land vaguely realizing westward," and describes that land “such as she was, such as she would become.” Written in 1942, it was not well known until January 20, 1961, when the poet read it for John Kennedy's inauguration. FTP name the poem which begins "The land was ours before we were the land's," written by Robert Frost.
The Gift Outright
Included in this poetry collection are "Four Elements", "Four Seasons", "Four Ages of Man", "Four Constitutions", and "A Dialogue between Old England and New". Appearing in the second edition was "Contemplations", which is generally considered the poet's best work. FTP, name this poetry collection published in 1650 by Anne Bradstreet, the first volume of poems written in North America.
The 10th Muse Lately Sprung Up in America
In his youth, this man served as a soldier in the Netherlands, where he met the religious exiles who would become the Pilgrims. He learned the language of several Native American tribes and led expeditions against them as military leader of the Plymouth colony, served as its treasurer from 1644-49, and joined John Alden in establishing the community of Duxbury, where he remained until his death. FTP, who was this colonist whose legendary proposal to Priscilla Mullins was described in a poem by Longfellow?
Myles Standish
Published in Little Friend, Little Friend, its violence presaged its author’s own sudden death in a 1965 car crash, and its content reflected his service as a navigation tower operator in the airforce. The narrator sleepwalks into military service, awakening in the midst of battle and the title event occurs “six miles from earth,” and is cleaned up with a hose. FTP, name this 5-line poem published in 1945 by Randall Jarrell.
The Death of a Ball-Turret Gunner
Included in this poetry collection are "Four Elements", "Four Seasons", "Four Ages of Man", "Four Constitutions", and "A Dialogue between Old England and New". Appearing in the second edition was "Contemplations", which is generally considered the poet's best work. FTP, name this poetry collection published in 1650 by Anne Bradstreet, the first volume of poems written in North America.
The 10th Muse Lately Sprung Up in America
Published in Little Friend, Little Friend, its violence presaged its author’s own sudden death in a 1965 car crash, and its content reflected his service as a navigation tower operator in the airforce. The narrator sleepwalks into military service, awakening in the midst of battle and the title event occurs “six miles from earth,” and is cleaned up with a hose. FTP, name this 5-line poem published in 1945 by Randall Jarrell.
The Death of a Ball-Turret Gunner
This collection contains three excerpts from a woman named Cress, based on the author’s exchanges with poet Marcia Nardi. Based on the author’s concept of “no ideas but in things,” its title character “treads there the same stones” through the title location. The feminine counterpart to the title city is brought about in book two, “Sunday in the Park,” which begins “Outside / outside myself / there is a world, / he rumbled…” Published in five volumes between 1946-58, FTP, identify this epic poem about a New Jersey town written by William Carlos Williams.
A Carl Sandburg poem with this title invokes the battles of Austerlitz, Waterloo, Gettysburg, Ypres and Verdun, suggesting that "two years, ten years, and the passengers ask the conductor: What place is this? Where are we now?" In the first line of Walt Whitman's Song of Myself, a child asks the poet to define it: "I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful green stuff woven." For 10 points, name this natural floral phenomenon.
The romance between Zekle and Huldy is decribed in the poem “The Courtin”, found in the second series of this literary work which also includes “Sunthin’ in the Pastoral Line”. Published with notes by the Jaylem, Massachusetts minister Homer Wilber, number 3 is entitled “What Mr. Robinson Thinks”, number 5 is “The Debate in the Sennit” and attacks arguments for slavery, and they are introduced by a letter from the author Hosea’s father Ezekiel. Written in the Yankee dialect, FTP, what were these poems inspired by opposition to the Mexican War, written by James Russell Lowell?
The Biglow Papers
He published his first book of poems, Tower of Ivory, in 1917, and in the 1920s published four more collections of verse, including The Pot of Earth and Streets in the Moon. Author of verse plays such as Panic and Nobodaddy, he wrote The Fall of the City and Air Raid for radio before returning to verse with The Trojan Horse and Herakles. FTP, name this author of Conquistador, the librarian of Congress during World War II who is best remembered for 1958Õs J.B.
Archibald MacLeish
One of this author's works is a collection of aphorisms meant for the instruction of her son. Only one volume of her work was published during her lifetime. In such works as Meditations: Divine and Moral, she shows a sensitivity to beauty not usually associated with the Puritans. FTP, name this poet, author of "To My Dear And Loving Husband," and The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America.
Anne Bradstreet
A friend of the poets H.D. and T.S. Eliot, he wrote a good deal of poetry himself such as in the collections, Cathay, Lustra, and A Lume Spento. Considering himself a Jeffersonian Democrat, he had to stand trial in 1945 for treason and spent a dozen years in a mental hospital. FTP identify this American poet, best known for such works as Homage to Sextus Propertius, Hugh Selwyn Mauberly, and his "Cantos."
Ezra Pound
Her first and only novel was published in 1962 under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas, presumably to protect her mother, who was portrayed pretty badly in the loosely autobiographical story of a woman's descent into madness. Although her first book of poetry, The Colossus, was greeted with mixed reviews, her posthumously published work, including Winter Trees, Crossing the Water, and Ariel, solidified her fame. For 10 points, name this American poet and author of The Bell Jar.
Sylvia Plath
An early regional writer, his first published works were Legends of New England and Moll Pitcher. Later he served in the Massachusetts legislature where he supported the Abolitionist cause. FTP, identify this Quaker author of Songs of Labor, "Marguerite," and "Barbara Frietchie."
John Greenlief Whittier
In 1923, he published his his first book, a collection of sixty-six poems called _Tulips and Chimneys_. Among other genres, he experimented with drama in _Santa Claus_ and even wrote a satyrical ballet called _Tom_. His most substantial works are impressions of Russia in _Eimi_ and an expressionist drama titled _Him_. FTP, name this American writer best known for his memories of imprisonment in a French concentration camp near Paris, which are recorded in _The Enormous Room_.
ee cummings
Some of this poet's notable works include Robert of Lincoln, The Fountain, and The Flood of Years. A direct descendant of John and Priscilla Alden, he influenced politics as editor of the New York Evening Post, but is most important today for works written in his youth, including a satirical poem attacking Jefferson entitled The Embargo and the short poem To a Waterfowl. FTP, who was this first great American poet most famous for Thanatopsis?
William Cullen Bryant
His prose collection, The Necessary Angel, released when the author was 72, asserted that poetry was “the supreme fiction.” In his 60s he echoed Baudelaire’s notion that beauty is inextricably linked with evil in “Esthétique du Mal.” Later poems include “The Plain Sense of Things” and “A Quiet Normal Life,” but he’s better known for early works like “The Snow Man,” “The Idea of Order at Key West,” and “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird.” FTP, name this American author of the poems “Sunday Morning,” “Peter Quince at the Clavier,” and “The Emperor of Ice Cream.”
Wallace Stevens
The Civil War interfered with this poet’s plans to attend graduate school in Germany and he served as a volunteer in the Confederate Army. Captured in 1864 and imprisoned at Point Lookout, Maryland, he emerged from the war with tuberculosis, which was to afflict him for the rest of his life. In 1867 he published Tiger-Lilies, which contained some of the first real descriptions of southern life. For ten points name this author of such works as The Revenge of Hamish, The Marshes of Glynn and The Song of the Chattahoochee.
Sidney Lanier
His first collection of poems, entitled _Ready's Mirror_, was written under the pseudonym Webster Ford. His later collections of poems include _Songs and Satires_, _Domesday Book_, and _The Serpent in the Wilderness_. FTP, name this poet, most famous for his _Spoon River Anthology_.
Edgar Lee Masters
He began his career as a serious poet, though he became famous for his wit and rhyme such as: “There was an old man from Calcutta/ Who coated his tonsils with butta,/ Thus converting his snore/ From a thunderous roar/ To as soft, oleagious mutta.” For 10 points, identify this author of Hard Lines, The Old Dog Barks Backwards, and I Wouldn’t Have Missed It.
Ogdan Nash
Championed by Vachel Lindsay and best known as a poet, he wrote a series of stories about Simple, a street-smart resident of Harlem. A major figure of the Harlem Renaissance, his autobiographies are titled The Big Sea and I Wonder as I Wander. FTP, identify this author of the poem which provided the title for Lorraine Hansberry's Raisin in the Sun.
Langston Hughes
A wealthy literary critic named Humphrey Van Weyden is shipwrecked while crossing San Francisco Bay. He is rescued, forced to work as a cabin boy, and later meets Maude Brewster with whom he escapes to an island following a shipwreck. For 10 points, identify the Jack London novel in which this occurs on board the ship Ghost commanded by Wolf Larsen.
The Sea Wolf
Among the characters in this novel are the slave girl Sada, who risks her life to pray before a statue of the Virgin Mary, and Jacinto, who risks his life protecting the secrets of the Navajo faith. The protagonist, an aristocrat from Auvergne, France, initially comes into conflict with the morally suspect Padre Martinez, but with the aid of his friend Joseph Vaillant he is soon successful enough in his endeavours to build the cathedral in Sante Fe which eventually becomes his resting place. FTP, what is this novel about Archbishop Jean Latour's attempts to bring Catholicism to the American West, written by Willa Cather?
Death Comes for the Archbishop
The young narrator of this novel is disabused about the boarder Henry Washington when she sees him elicit the services of the local prostitutes, China, Poland, and Miss Marie. She also has a poor opinion of young and snobby Maureen Peal, who makes fun of the protagonist. Claudia, the narrator, and Frieda, her sister, as daughters of the MacTeer family, serve as the antithesis of the protagonist. That protagonist is neglected by her mother, Pauline, and raped and impregnated by her father, Cholly. FTP, name this Toni Morrison novel, which takes its title from Pecola Breedlove’s wish for what she thinks will give her the epitome of beauty.
The Bluest Eye
He rebels after his friend, Paul Riesling, goes to jail for shooting his wife. After initiating an affair with Tanis Judique, he comes under the sway of Seneca Doane, a socialist lawyer, and refuses to become a member of the Good Citizens League. FTP, identify this title character of a 1922 novel, a real-estate agent from Zenith who represented conformity, created by Sinclair Lewis.
This novel’s climax takes place in the section entitled “The White Mulberry Tree”. Minor characters in this novel include Amédée Chevalier, who dies from appendicitis, and Crazy Ivar, the hermit horse doctor. The main character’s older brothers, Oscar and Lou, hope only to inherit her land, while her younger brother Emil is caught making love to Marie Shabata in her husband Frank’s orchard. After Frank kills them both, the main character attempts to have him pardoned. Carl Lindstrum eventually returns from Alaska to marry Alexandra Bergson in, FTP, what major novel by Willa Cather?
O Pioneers
This book was attacked by Richard Wright for its use of dialect, but the dialect is generally true to form and evidences the author's expertise in anthropology. It tells the story of a woman with unsuccessful marriages to Logan Killicks and Jody Starks, and finally a third which works out until she is forced to kill her rabies-stricken husband, Tea Cake Woods, with a shotgun. FTP, name this novel about a black woman in rural Florida named Janie, written by Zora Neale Hurston.
Their Eyes Were Watching God
This novel is narrated by the cheif, a patient in a mental ward dominated by the Big Nurse. The docile patients are transformed when the eccentirc McMurphy has himself transferred in from prison and contends with the nurse for control. When Mcmurphy gets a lobotomy, the chief suffocates him as an act of mercy and escape. This Ken Kesley novel later became the 1975 best picture. FTP, name this novel whose movie version starred Jack Nicholson.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
An American dies. It is soon determined that he was an infamous child kidnapper and killer. A misplaced button, overheard conversations, a mongrammed handkerchief, and a mysterious figure in a kimono become important clues for Hercule Poirot. Of course, his snow-trapped fellow travellers are intrigued as well. FTP name this Agatha Christie about a famous train.
Murder on the Orient Express
A key theme of this novel is sexual ambiguity, as demonstrated in the character of New York Café owner Biff Brannon, whose wife Alice has recently passed away. An ardent follower of Spinoza and Marx, the only African-American doctor in town is Benedict Copeland. The central character takes in the drunk ne’er-do-well Jake Blount, and the central character in turn is taken in by the pre-pubescent and androgynous girl Mick Kelly. Distraught over the loss of his friend Spiros Antonopoulos, John Singer shoots himself at this novel’s end. FTP, identify this acclaimed work by Carson McCullers.
The Heart is A Lonely Hunter
The communists Mr. Max and Jan Erlone are characters in this novel which opens with the protagonist battling a huge rat that has invaded his apartment. He later begins work as a chauffeur for the Dalton family, but ends his first day accidently killing Mary Dalton. Then he and his girlfriend Bessie Mears concoct an extortion scheme, but he kills Bessie to cover up his crime. FTP, what is this novel about Bigger Thomas by Richard Wright?
The Native Son
The title character goes to work in a collar factory, is seduced by Pete the bartender, is disowned by her mother, becomes a prostitute, and finally kills herself in despair. This tale set in the New York slums is considered one of the first realistic American novels. FTP, name this novel by Stephen Crane.
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
The first section of this novel takes place during the summertime as the main character works in the office of a college magazine in order to put out a special issue. The second section of the novel illustrates a vastly different viewpoint, as the protagonist, Esther Greenwood, struggles with schizophrenia and attempts suicide. FTP, name this 1963 work written under the name of Victoria Lucas, the pen name of the author, Sylvia Plath.
The Bell Jar
The title character is slave who escaped back to Africa, leaving his wife Ryna behind. The group Seven Days consists of such characters as Porter, Hospital Tommy, and Guitar, the main character’s best friend who kills for love of his people. The main character’s sister First Corinthians has an affair with Porter, while the main character himself makes his way to Virginia in search of his family’s roots and sleeps with Hagar. This novel centers on Macon Dead III, nicknamed “Milkman.” FTP, identify this Toni Morrison novel that shares its name with a book of the Bible.
Song of Solomon
Creedence Clearwater Revival based their song "Bad Mood Rising" upon the movie based on this story. The main character is but a poor farmer whose crops won't grow, and who is beset on all sides by misfortune. In a fit of rage he swears that he'll give it up to the devil, who promptly shows up and makes him sign a contract, the former a Newhampshireman who won't take back what he's said. He rises to town selectment and state representative before the devil decides to claim his property. Not knowing what to do, he travels down to Marshfield to visit the Secretary of State, who is busy writing speeches against John C. Calhoun and tending the farm. The former Senator argues in front of an American jury to defend Jabez Stone's soul and wins in, FTP, what Steven Benet classic?
The Devil and Daniel Webster
He told his cousin-in-law about a kiss heâd seen between Ruth Varnum and Ned Hale, but that was as close as he would come to making advances. Nevertheless, his love is returned by his cousin-in-law, but is thwarted by his shrewish hypochondriac wife Zenobia. A failed attempt at suicide by sled leaves Mattie crippled and this New England farmer forever with a limp. FTP, name this tragic title character of Edith Wharton.
Ethan Frome
Luis the Charro, pays Raul, the captain, to avenge the murder of one of his relatives. Alfonsa was forced by her family to abandon her revolutionary lover and though she eventually pays to get the hero and his friends out of jail, she disapproves of her niece’s relationship with him. By this point, however, Perez, another prisoner, has Rawlins stabbed, and Blevins is already hanged. In the end, Don Hector’s daughter, Alejandra, does not leave her family, and the protagonist returns to Texas. For 10 points, name this novel about John Grady Cole, written by Cormac McCarthy.
All the Pretty Horses
This novel, published in 1899, featured as its protagonist Edna Pontelier, a young woman who defied conventional social standards of 19th century society. She became involved in a scandalous extra-marital affair and eventually drowned herself. FTP, identify this novel, set in New Orleans and written by Kate Chopin.
The Awakening
An important symbol of maturity in this novel is the protagonist’s journey to the theater across Sixth Street. The protagonist’s step-aunt Florence reveals in her prayers she is too embittered to find salvation, while Roy gets involved in race riots and street brawls. Elizabeth issues sad prayers, while her husband Gabriel favors his own children over the protagonist, who demonstrates homosexual tendencies toward the preacher Brother Elisha. Taking place in Harlem in the early 20th century, FTP, identify this religious novel by James Baldwin that centers on the character John Grimes.
Go Tell It On A Mountain
Toby, the narrator, is rescued from cannibals by an Australian trading ship, the Julia. He then meets such colorful characters as Zeke, Shorty, Captain Guy, and Dr. Long Ghost. After a series of exploits on various Pacific islands, he joins the crew of the whaler Leviathan. For 10 points, Name this semi-autobiographical novel subtitled "A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas," which was published as a sequel to Typee by Herman Melville.
The fictional families of Lower East Side Jewish immigrants and upper-class WASPs from New Rochelle are interspersed with real-life figures such as Harry Houdini, J.P. Morgan, and Booker T. Washington. The most prominent character is the black piano player Coalhouse Walker, who is probably based on the rag composer Scott Joplin. FTP, name this novel set in early 20th century New York by E.L. Doctorow.
After the protagonist of this novel marries Leora Tozer he is forced to quit his research position with Max Gottlieb to support his family. He succeeds the incompetent Pickerbaugh as Director of Public Health in Nautilus, Iowa, and then works at the fashionable Rouncefield Clinic, but finally returns to a life of research after conquering the West Indies bubonic plague epidemic which killed Leora and his friend Sondelius. FTP, what is this 1925 novel about an idealistic doctor by Sinclair Lewis?
In this novel, the protagonist fails to respond to the romantic overtures of the narrator Cecilia, but he soon falls in love with Kathleen, who bears an uncanny resemblence to his dead wife. He has developed a heart condition due to his work as a film producer, and outlines for the unfinished part of this novel indicate he was supposed to die in a plane crash after losing in a power struggle with his unscrupulous partner Brady. FTP, what is this novel about Monroe Stahr by F. Scott Fitzgerald?
The Last Tycoon
One of the narrators of this novel tells the story to Shreve McCannon after he hears it from the protagonist's sister-in-law Rose Coldfield. It tells of the son of a poor West Virginian who desires to establish himself as the head of an aristocratic southern family. However, after returning from the Civil War he finds his plantation in ruins, and discovers that his son has murdered Charles Bon, whose son is now being raised by Charles' lover, the protagonist's daughter Judith. FTP, what is this novel about Thomas Sutpen by William Faulkner?
Absalom, Absalom
On a magazine assignment the narrator of this novel goes to the island of San Lorenzo, where the black adventurer Earl McCabe has been ousted by Papa Monzano with the aid of Franklin Hoenikker. Meanwhile, Lionel Boyd Johnson has become a spiritual leader by creating a religion called Bokononism. The climax occurs with Papa Monzano kills himself with an invention of Franklin’s father Felix called ice-nine, which freezes any water in which it comes in contact. FTP, such is a description of what 1963 novel by Kurt Vonnegut?
Cat's Cradle
He was killed by Joab, one of his father's generals, because he plotted against good ole dad. Before this affair, he himself killed his half brother Amnon due to Amnon's involvement in an incestuous relationship with his sister, Tamar. For 10 points, name this one time favorite son of Kind David whose story is told in Second Samuel 13-19 and whose name may remind you of a William Faulkner novel.
Much of the information in this book comes from Floyd Wells, who is serving time in Lansing Prison. The central event is investigated by KBI agent Alvin Dewey, while other information and rumors are circulated in Hartman’s Café. The original suspect, Bobby Rupp, is cleared after passing a lie detector test, and it is eventually learned that the murderers are Richard Hickock and Perry Smith. FTP, what is this work about the murders of Nancy, Gonnie, Herbert, and Kenyon Clutter, written by Truman Capote?
In Cold Blood
Its title comes from a poem by Rupert Brooke, and one if its characters wrote the prefacing poem to The Great Gatsby. A pivotal event in this novel is the end of the main character’s affair with Eleanor Ramilly, who throws herself off her horse right before it gallops over a cliff. The main character takes the rap for Alec Connage’s violation of the Mann Act because he is his dear friend and the elder brother to the woman he loved most, Rosalind. This novel centers on the kinship between Monsignor Darcy and Amory Blaine during his years at Princeton. FTP, identify this first novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald.
This Side of Paradise
The main character’s son, Nelson, must deal with his pregnant girlfriend. In addition, Nelson wants to become salesman at his father’s Toyota dealership, which means displacing the top salesman, Charlie Stavros, who once had an affair with the main character’s wife, Janice. Nelson’s father wants him to return to college in Ohio, but Janice and his mother-in-law, who owns Springer Motors, want Nelson to have the job. FTP, name this John Updike novel, the third in his series about Harry Angstrom.
Rabbit is Rich
In 1960, he gets his start as a salesman for the MagiPeel Peeler Company. Soon his wife Janice begins an affair with Charlie Stavros while he himself moves in with the prostitute Ruth Leonard. Known by a nickname derived from his habit of bearing his teeth while a star high-school basketball player, his life is defined by his aimless flight south whenever confronted by a major problem. Seen "rich" and "at rest" in recent novels, FTP, who is this protagonist of four novels by John Updike?
Rabbit or Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom
He is a self‑reliant businessman who has become wealthy and moves to Boston. Building a home on Beacon Hill, he begins to recog­nize ethical standards, but is financially ruined by the end of the novel. His wife Persis has been unable to control their daughter Penelope, and Penelope eventually marries Tom Corey, and the two escape to Mexico. FTP, who is this character whose "rise" is described in a novel by William Dean Howells?
Silas Lapham
The hero doesn't have much to start with, and loses it all. His mother is killed by his son, who had married Jeeter's sister, in an auto accident; one of his daughters, married at 12, runs away with her husband and takes his other daughter with them. That's good for her, though, because their home shack catches fire one night, killing Jeeter Lester and his wife. FTP, name this 1932 novel by Erskine Caldwell.
Tobacco Road
Among the subplots of this novel is the redemption of a man obsessed with the death of his grandfather in the Civil War who reconnects with the world by delivering a baby and attempting to save a fugitive from lynching. In addition to Gail Hightower, it features the love of mill-hand Byron Bunch for the baby’s mother, Lena Grove, and their quest to find Lucas Burch, a bootlegger also known as Joe Brown, the baby’s father. FTP, name this novel most of whose narrative concerns the tragedy of Joe Christmas, one of the most famous of William Faulkner.
Light in August
Her adventures, narrated to a therapist named Spenser Montag, begin when she inherits her late husband's share of an acting company owned with his uncle Buck Loner. Her idea is to teach men how to behave in the age of "Woman Triumphant" and to avenge the many abuses of her late homosexual husband by forcing Buck Loner out and completely humiliating the acting student Rusty Godowsky, but by a strange twist of fate it is revealed after an auto accident that she is, in fact, her late husband who had had a sex change operation. Such is the weird plot of, FTP, what novel, one of the most famous of Gore Vidal?
Myra Breckinridge
It focuses on 13 characters, whose lives before entering the military are described in flashbacks. The author’s cynicism is expressed in the clash between Lieutenant Hearn, a wealthy liberal, and General Cummings, a fascist who believes that soldiers must be mere automatons. FTP, identify this 1948 novel, set on a Pacific island during World War II, and written by Norman Mailer.
The Naked and the Dead
The daughter of a sharecropper, she was profoundly influenced by her mother's creativity, which she celebrated in the essay "In Search of Our Mother's Gardens." Her first collection of poems was published in 1968, and her first novel, _The Third Life of Grange
Copeland_ in 1970, followed by _Meridian_ and _The Temple of My Familiar_. Her most famous novel, published in 1982, details
Celie's struggle with society and sexuality in a series of letters. FTP, name this author of _The Color Purple_.
Alice Walker
He and fellow journalist George Jean Nathan co-edited the _Smart Set_ and started the _American Mercury_ in 1924. Many of his critical essays were aimed at complacent bourgeoisie and were compiled in his six-volume work _Prejudices_. FTP, name this man who compiled the philological work _The American Language_, a noted Baltimore _Sun_ columnist.
Henry Louis Mencken
The influence of Zola and Maupassant on her writing is evident in a daring work, The Storm, a sequel to At the ‘Cadian Ball. Her first novel, At Fault, was published in 1890, but she did not receive fame unitl her second work, a collection of stories about rural Louisiana life. A second collection of stories, A Night in Acadie, was published three years later with success, but today she is most famous for a controversial novel about the sensualist Edna Pontellier. FTP, identify this author of The Awakening.
Kate Chopin
_The Mortgaged Heart_ is a posthumous collection of the writings of this writer, who is best remembered for poetic handling of complex inner lives of lonely people. Her second novel "Reflections in a Golden Eye" dealt with a latent homosexual army officer who is baffled and made savage by his faithless wife. Other works include the play "The Square Root of Wonderful" and her final novel "Clock Without Hands." FTP, name this author best known for "The Member of the Wedding" and her first novel "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter."
Carson McCullers
This Virginia native was born in 1873 and graduated from the University of Nebraska at the age of twenty-one. Author of several short stories such as "A Wagner Matinee", this author was the recipient of the 1923 Pulitzer Prize for the novel _One of Ours_. FTP, name this author, best known for such works as _Death Comes for the Archbishop_ and _O Pioneers!_
Willa Cather
Among this author's works are _Picture This_, _No Laughing Matter_, _God Knows_, and _Good as Gold_. In his latest work, _Closing Time_, he satirizes modern politics in the same spirit as he satirized war in his most famous work. FTP, name the author of _Catch-22_.
Joseph Heller
Around 1897, he married Cora Taylor, the owner of a Florida brothel, and the two of them went to Greece to work as war correspondents. The author of short stories such as “The Monster” and “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky,” he was on board the Commodore when it sank on the way to Cuba, an experience which became the basis for his “The Open Boat.” FTP, name this author of _War is Kind_, best known for his novels, _Maggie: A Girl of the Streets_ and _The Red Badge of Courage_.
Stephen Crane
The title of his doctoral dissertation, "The Kinetics of the Reaction Inactivation of Tyrosinase during its Catalysis of the Aerobic Oxidation of Catechol", is only slightly more boring than his fictional dissertation "The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimiline". FTP name this American who moved from research to writing with such works as Gold, The Caves of Steel and Nightfall.
Isaac Asimov
His novels Past All Dishonor and Mignon, unlike most of his work, are historical fictions set just after the Civil War. After writing editorials for the New York World under Walter Lippmann, he became managing editor of the New Yorker in 1931, but gave that up after 10 months to go to Hollywood, where he wrote such novels as Love’s Lovely Counterfeit, Career in C Major, and The Embezzler. FTP, identify this noir writer, best known for Mildred Pierce, Double Indemnity, and The Postman Always Rings Twice.
James Mallahan Cain
His second novel, _Giovanni's Room_, dealt with his experience in Paris as an expatriate writer. In 1955, he produced the play _The Amen Corner_, and 8 years later became a major civil rights spokesman with _The Fire Next Time_. FTP, name this Harlem writer best known for _Go Tell It on the Mountain_.
James Baldwin
After the U.S. military rejected him for being too short, he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force, but World War I ended before he could fight. He won Pulitzer prizes in 1962 for _The Reivers_ and in 1954 for _A Fable_, but he is better remembered for early works like _Sartoris_, in which he introduced Yoknapatawpha County. FTP, name this author of _Light in August_, _Absalom, Absalom!_ and _The Sound and the Fury_.
William Faulkner
This author's life and writings illustrate the central contradictions and divisions of American society; the chief of these being the gap between high and low culture. In 1899 he broke into print in the ‘Overland Monthly’ with his Alaskan stories which brought him immediate success, and are among the best he ever wrote. FTP, name this San Francisco-born writer whose works include his first novel, ‘A Daughter of the Snows’; ‘The Iron Heel’; and ‘White Fang.’
Jack London
He took the experience of being black in the South during the early years of the 20th century and made it the material for literature. The stories of his ‘Uncle Tom's Children’ develop an ironic play on the popular term for accommodating to white demands by showing a series of protagonists becoming increasingly rebellious. FTP, identify this writer whose works include the autobiographical works ‘American Hunger’ and ‘Black Boy,’ and the novel ‘Native Son.’
Richard Wright
He entered Yale in 1803, but was expelled in his third year for a prank. His naval career ended after he became a lieutenant, and he settled down to farm and write novels. His first, Precau­tion, was a dismal failure. For 10 points, name this author of The Pilot, Satanstoe, and The Prairie, part of his Leatherstocking Tales.
James Fennimore Cooper
This author worked as an surveyor at customs houses in both Boston and Salem, and spent a year at the Utopian community of Brook Farm. FTP, name this author of the short story collection _Twice Told Tales_, and the novels _The Blithedale Romance_, _The House of the Seven Gables_ and _The Scarlet Letter_.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
H.L. Mencken once said, "None but the brave play chemin de fer," commenting on the gambling losses Robert Sherwood incurred when playing cards with this group of literati from various professions. The club met at a New York hotel, and included George Kaufman, Robert Benchley, Harpo Marx, and Dorothy Parker. FTP, name this mock‑chivalric society, led by Alexander Woollcott.
Algonquin Round Table
The first two novels by this Montreal-born, Chicago-raised writer were _Dangling Man_ and _The Victim_. He won acclaim with the novella _Seize the Day_ and _The Adventures of Augie March_, and later turned to weighty philosophical themes in works lik
e _Henderson the Rain King_ and _Mr. Sammler’s Planet_. FTP, name this author, whose other works include _Herzog_ and _Humboldt’s Gift_.
Saul Bellow
His 1959 book "The Years With Ross", was a memoir of Harold Ross, editor of the New Yorker for nearly 25 years, and his last book of essays, "Lanterns and Lances", was published in 1961. For 10 points, identify this American humorist and author of The 13 Clocks, Fables for Our Time, and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
James Thurber
This man worked briefly as a reporter, then felt The Sure Hand of God lead him to become a Hollywood screenwriter. He travelled North of the Danube and saw Russia at War as a foreign correspondent, then tried to win Love and Money as a writer of novels about the Deep South. FTP, identify this Georgia Boy who is best known for such books as God's Little Acre and Tobacco Road.
Erskine Caldwell
His father was a leader of the Cadet party who was assassinated in exile by radical monarchists. He himself fled to Germany after the revolution, and in 1926 he published his first novel, "Mashenka." For 10 points, name this author of "Laughter in the Dark" and "The Gift," who later emigrated to the U.S. and wrote "Lolita."
Vladimir Nabokov
In 1913, dissatisfied with the life of a businessman, he decided to write fiction. Floyd Dell and Theodore Dreiser arranged the publication of his first two novels. With his next work, a collection of short sketches published in 1919, his reputation as an author was made. Two of this man's autobiographical books are A Story Teller's Story and Tar: A Midwest Childhood. FTP, name this author of Marching Man and Windy McPherson's Son better known for Winesburg, Ohio.
Sherwood Anderson
The philanthropic schemes of her father kept the family poor. So writing under the pseudonym, A.N. Barnard, she wrote a number of gothic tales, such as ‘Pauline's Passion and Punishment’ and ‘Behind a Mask: or A Woman's Power’ for various magazines to contribute to the family income. Her family finally mananged to find financial security when she turned out such successful books as Under the Lilacs, Eight Cousins, and An Old-Fashioned Girl. FTP, name this American author.
Louisa May Alcott
He published his first volume of poetry, Permit Me Voyage in 1934, and his first novel, The Morning Watch in 1951. From 1948 until his death, he worked primarily as a scriptwriter, notably for The Night of the Hunter and The African Queen. He is probably best known for his work for Fortune magazine, which yielded the lyrical Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. FTP, identify this author of the 1957 pulitzer prize winning A Death in the Family.
James Agee
This story takes place in the modern Tarrytown, NY. A schoolmaster begins to court Katrina Van Tassel and insults the locals by scoffing at their folklore. Another suitor, Brom Bones, disguises himself as a demonic apparition and rides down the schoolmaster at night. FTP, name this legendary Washington Irving tale.
Legend of Sleep Hollow
The locale of this story and its “flush times” become news in Red Dog after the pony expressman leaves. Many of the tough residents attribute the changes that occur at the site to the arrival of the title character, whose ‘rasslin’ tendencies impress Kentuck, and make Man O’War Jack start singing lullabies. Stumpy eventually names him and raises the boy on Ass’s milk, but it is John Oakhurst who first gives the boy his nickname for surviving the birth that kills his mom, Cherokee Sal. FTP, identify this short story featured in the Overland Monthly in 1868, one of Bret Harte’s most famous works.
The Luck of Roaring Camp
key moment in this short story is the protagonist’s remembrance of a song about a dying soldier in Algiers. Despite the aid of a glowing man with a halo, Billie dies at its conclusion, but not before spending two days with the wounded captain of the Commodore, the cook, and the correspondent adrift at sea in the aftermath of the Commodore’s sinking. FTP, what is this classic short story by Stephen Crane?
The Open Boat
A neighbor thought it was Italian, an Italian thought it was Russian, a Dutchman thought it was French, a Spaniard thought it was English, an Englishman thought it was German, and a gendarme thought it was Spanish. But, FTP, the voice behind the locked door was actually an orangutan in what ratiocognitive exercise by Edgar Allen Poe, C. Auguste Dupin's first case?
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
This freemason is a quack in painting and gemmary like most of his countrymen, but his weakness is the well-deserved pride he takes in his wine connoisseurship. Despite his severe cold, he risks damp and nitre to show that he is a better critic than Luchresi. He has a Medoc and a De Grave, but never gets to try the pipe of alcohol he was asked to evaluate, and ends up walled inside Montressor's cellar. FTP, identify this ironically named character in Poe's "A Cask of Amontillado."
This fictional character is hired by an elderly Wall Street lawyer, but one day, to the dismay of his colleagues Turkey, Nipper, and Ginger Nut, he suddenly stops working and refuses to eat or move out. Thrown out by the office's next occupant, he's arrested for vagrancy and dies in prison. For ten points, name this copyist and Herman Melville title character.
Bartleby the Scrivner
The cat Pitty Sing is taken along on the journey because of the fear that he might brush against one of the gas burners and asphyxiate himself. Along the way, the family described in this story stops at Red Sammy Butts’ restaurant, The Tower, to eat some barbecue sandwiches. The trouble begins when the decision is made to go see an old house and their car flips over and off the road. Bailey and John Wesley are the first to be shot, and his wife and June Star are killed soon after. Meanwhile the grandmother pleads with The Misfit, whose seemingly remorseless murder of them all simply reaffirms the title of this short story. FTP, identify this Flannery O’Connor tale that also names her first story collection.
A Good Man is Hard to Find
The subject of a horrible dream that places it in the heart, many a desperate swain would have risked life to press their lips on it. Alternately described as crimson, red, or bloody, it may have been the product of fairies and resembles a tiny hand. By the end of the tale, the quest for its elimination drives Aminadab and his master to create a magical elixir that kills the beautiful woman that bears the title feature. FTP, identify this short story that focuses on Aylmer’s quest to rid his wife Georgiana’s cheek of the titular object, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
The Birthmark
Regarded by its author as his finest story, it was first published in Esquire magazine in 1936 and later appeared in the story collection _The Fifth Column_ and in the _First Forty-Nine Stories_. In it, a wealthy woman sends a writer named Harry on an African safari, where Harry dies of gangrene in his leg. FTP, in what Hemingway story does a dying Harry dream of seeing a gigantic frozen leopard on the summit of Africa's highest mountain?
The Snows of Kilimanjaro
This short story ends with the protagonist unable to sleep after a nightmare in which the recent suicide Eugenio blames her for his death. It is set during a single evening in the upper room of the protagonist, who, while being serenaded by the vain revolutionary Braggioni, reflects on her belief in Roman Catholicism and her time teaching Indian children during the Mexican Revolution. FTP, what is this short story about Laura, written by Katherine Anne Porter?
Flowering Judas
Her third short story collection, _The Golden Apples_, is set in the fictional town of Morgana. Her first collection, _A Curtain of Green_, appeared in 1941 with an introduction by Katherine Ann Porter. FTP, name this author of _The Wide Net_ and _The Bride of the Innisfallen_, who is best known for _Delta Wedding_ and _The Optimist’s Daughter_.
Eudora Welty
While in London, he met Sir Walter Scott and began his own translation of the folktale “Peter Klaus the Goatherd.” His later publications included Astoria, The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, and the travel sketches A Tour on the Prairies. Upon his return to the U.S. he completed the multi-volume Life of Washington, his first significant writing since some sketches he penned on the Alhambra while he was U.S. minister to Spain. At this point he had already introduced Launcelot Langstaff, the first of his pseudonymous characters, in the Salmagundi Papers. FTP, name this man who also created Diedrich Knickerbocker and Geoffrey Crayon and wrote “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”
Washington Irving
Whirligigs, Rolling Stones, Postscripts, The Voice of the City, The Trimmed Lamp, Strictly Business, The Four Million, Sixes and Sevens, and Cabbages and Kings are all collections of short stories by, for ten points, what author whose real name was William Sydney Porter?
Among his lesser known stories are Miggles, the story of an ex‑saloon woman who takes in one of her admirers after he has a stroke and Tennessee's Partner about a man and his mining partner in Poker Flat. For 10 points, identify this author of The Outcasts of Poker Flat and The Luck of Roaring Camp.
Bret Harte
The novel is split into four parts, "Red and Black Laughter", "The Struggle for Life", "Men in War and the Death of Society", and "The Passing of a Great Race and The Making and Marring of Americans. It chronicles the adventures of Scripps O'Neill and Yogi Johnson, but it is more of a ruthless parody of Sherwood Anderson's Dark Laughter and satire on the literary scene of its author, Ernest Hemingway. FTP name this novel, the first published by Hemingway, which shares its title with a work by Ivan Turgenev.
The Torrents of Spring
The "Quaker Hill" section was apparently an afterthought in this poem, whose famous images of the seagull and the elevator are found in its unnamed opening section, while the work is unified by its eighth and final section, "Atlantis". The opening "Ave Maria" section is a monologue by Christopher Columbus. Subsequent sections like "Powhatan's Daughter", "Cutty Sark", "Cape Hatteras", and "Three Songs", lead up to its most famous and oft anthologized section, "The Tunnel". FTP, what is this American epic whose central image is the Brooklyn landmark of the title, the most famous work of Hart Crane?
The Bridge
The protagonist of this novel is prevented from killing himself by his desire to pass on a translucent stone to his daughter Ellen in the hopes that her honesty can redeem his family. Earlier, he had provided his alcoholic friend Danny Taylor the means to drink himself to death so that he could gain valuable land owned by Danny, but soon realized the error of his ways after plotting the deportation of his boss, Alfio Marullo, in order to gain ownership of Alfio's grocery store, all done to try to reestablish his family's preeminence in New Baytown, Long Island. Centering on Ethan Allen Hawley, FTP, what is this John Steinbeck novel which takes its name from the first line of Richard III?
The Winter of Our Discontent
Among its clever lines is: “They spell it Vincky and pronounce it Vinchy; foreigners always spell better than they pronounce” Based on a series of letters the author wrote from Europe to newspapers in New York and San Francisco, it was published in 1869. FTP, name this satyrical travel book by Mark Twain.
The Innocents Abroad
It was made into a film in 1930 and was also the basis for a musical comedy, _New Girl in Town_, by George Abbott. Winner of
the Pulitzer Prize for drama in 1922, the plot concerns a girl who is sent to live in Minnesota, but falls in love with the sea and
with Mat Burke. FTP, name this play about Chris Christopherson's daughter, which won Eugene O'Neill his second Pulitzer.
Anna Christie
Because of his insomnia, the protagonist of this novel has a sound-proof room built in his basement and gets Doctor Pillsbury to put him to sleep through hypnosis. Although he is engaged to marry Edith Bartlett, he ends up marrying Edith Leete after his house burns down with him sealed in the basement room. FTP, name this novel, in which Julian West becomes a professor of history and marries the great-granddaughter of his first fiancee after sleeping for more than 113 years, a Utopian work by Edward Bellamy.
Looking Backwards: 2000 to 1887
The title character is a US Naval officer involved in treason with Aaron Burr. His expressed desire never to hear the name of his country again is carried out. And for 55 years, he goes from 1 vessel to another in exile, never permitted to be reminded of the United States in print or conversation. FTP, what is this novel featuring the character Philip Nolan by Edward Everett Hale?
The Man Without a Country
He once worked for Western Union as an employment manager. Later in life, he settled in Big Sur, where he wrote his autobiographical trilogy, The Rosy Crucifixion, consisting of the volumes Sexus, Plexus, and Nexus. But his best-known works arise from his stay in France during the 1930’s. FTP, name this author of The Cosmological Eye, The Tropic of Capricorn, and The Tropic of Cancer.
Henry Miller
The main character of this novel is a brutal miner who strikes it rich but loses his beautiful fiancee Rosa when she accidentally drinks poison. After fathering an illegitimate son with his servant girl Pancha he marries Rosa’s clairvoyant sister Clara. Meanwhile their daughter Blanca and twin sons Jaime and Nicoalas are shattered by Clara’s death. The patriarch then pours all his affection into Alba, whom Clara’s ghost protects from the military coup and the brutality of Esteban Garcia. Such are some of the adventures of Esteban Trueba in, FTP, what novel, perhaps the best known of Isabel Allende?
House of the Spirits (La casa de los espirítus)
A critical moment in this work occurs when the two main characters are unable to get their Buick up a hill in the snow. The main character’s obituary appears as the entirety of chapter five despite the fact that his death will not come until the end. The swimmer Deifendorf is regarded as a merman and sometimes Hercules. Most characters have direct analogues in mythology, such as Venus for Vera Hummel and Zeus for Principal Zimmerman. FTP, what is this novel by John Updike about the science teacher George Caldwell and his son Peter, who represent Prometheus and the title character Chiron?
The Centaur
This colonial writer was one of the most prolific prose writers in American history, publishing nearly 500 books and pamphlets, including the tract Bonifacius. In recognition of his scientific writings, he became the first American elected to the Royal Society. FTP, name this New England thinker who doubled as a Boston clergyman, one of many preachers to be found on his family tree.
Cotton Mather
Only the last name, Smith, of the narrator and title character of this work is given. He is sent to reform school for robbing a bakery in this 1959 work, either a very long short story or a very short novel that functions as a critique of the society that led him to delinquency. In the end, the boy humiliates the school's warden by intentionally losing a footrace. FTP, identify this exemplary work of the British "angry young men" movement, written by Alan Sillitoe.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Included in this novel are descriptions of Interzone, where Liquiefactionists, Divisionists, Senders, and Factualists contend for control. It opens with the protagonist disposing of his herion paraphernalia in Washington Square, after which he travels with his friend Gains buying drugs, escapes the narcotics agents Hauser and O'Brien, and travels to South America in search of sex and a halucinogenic vine called Yage. Throughout the novel, the protagonist, Bill Lee, experiences paranoid fantasies in which he believes he works for Islam Incorporated in Freeland, where he engages the services of Dr. Benway. FTP, what is this surrealistic classic of Beat Literature written by William S. Burroughs?
Naked Lunch
It ends with a separate section portraying seven black men and five white men working in a chain gang by the Forks Falls highway. Denizens of the nameless Georgia town include the Rainey twins, malaria victim Merlie Ryan, and the Macy brothers, which consist of the amiable Henry and the violent Marvin. The latter defeats the protagonist Miss Amelia in a wrestling match at the title locale after the malevolent hunchback Lymon intervenes. FTP, name this dark tale about the parasitic nature of love, a 1951 novella by Carson McCullers.
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
This play was first performed around 411 BC when Greece was torn by civil war. Written by Aristophanes, its plot was simple, its language ribald, and its situations often hilarious. Because of the topics it deals with it has been occasionally revived by feminist or anti‑war groups in recent years. FTP, name this play in which the women of Greece attempt to bring an end to the Peloponnesian War by refusing to have sex with the men who are fighting it.
Three rolls of thunder precede the death of this play’s aged title character, who dies in a grotto and is interred in a location known only to Theseus and his male descendants. After he and his daughter arrive at an olive grove near Athens, the elders of the town try to persuade them to leave; instead, his other daughter Ismene and his son Polynices come and find him, but are unsuccessful in their attempts to persuade him to return to Thebes. FTP name this play, whose events precede those of Antigone, possibly the last play written by Sophocles.
Oedipus at Colonus
The subtitle reads, "A Treatise how the High Father of Heaven Sendeth Death to Summon Every Creature to Come and Give Account of their Lives in this World." It was the counterpart of the Dutch play Elckerlijc, and was later adapted into German verse by Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Beauty, Kindred, and Worldly Goods all abandon the hero, and only Good Deeds stands by him when Death comes to call. FTP, name this anonymously-written morality play.
It comprises 13 books and 465 propositions, and is based upon 5 postulates, 23 definitions, 5 common notions of general axioms. Nearly 1700 years passed between its writing and its first printed edition. For 10 points, name this classic of geometry written by Euclid.
The Elements
The play opens with a prologue spoken by Poseidon, who is then approached by Athena with a plan for bringing good fortune to her former enemies. The playwright wrote it in response to an event depicted in the fifth book of Thucydides’s History, the annihilation of the natives of Melos. In it, Polyxena is sacrificed to the ghost of Achilles while Astyanax is thrown from the walls to end the royal line. Troy is burning and Hecuba, Andromache, and Cassandra are to be slaves, while Helen appears to ask for her life in order to represent the futility of the war fought for her. FTP, name this 415 BC play by Euripides, whose title refers to the aforementioned females.
The Trojan Women
The first of Euripides' tragedies to win first prize in the annual drama festival in Athens, it tells how King Pentheus of Thebes tried to prohibit the spread of the cult of Dionyses, but was torn apart by Maenids. FTP, what is this play whose title comes from the followers of the new god?
Minor characters include a messenger who describes speeches made by Talthybios, Diomedes, and the title character, as well as a Phrygian slave who speaks broken Greek. Pylades suggests the title character kill Helen, thereby punishing Menalaus, who failed to help him after being threatened by Tyndareus. The play ends with the title character holding Hermione hostage, though conflict is avoided by the appearance by Apollo, who admits that he ordered the original crime. FTP, name this Euripides tragedy about the aftermath of the murder of Clytemnestra by her son, the title character.
In this treatise, a statue of Mitys killing Mitys' murderer is given as an example of a providential incident which produces amazement. The works of Empedocles are excluded from this work because, though it is written in hexameter, it does not characterize its subject matter as a “representation of life,” or mimesis. Key concepts discussed include the moment of recognition, or anagnorisis, the fatal flaw, or hamartia, and purgation, or catharsis, which is the most important function of tragedy. FTP, name this important work of literary theory on non-prose writing written by Aristotle.
At the end of this play the title character looks out on the universe, awhirl with manifold terrors, and prays to mother Earth for comfort. It opens on a barren peak in the Caucasus with two demonic servants of Zeus, Might and Violence, supervising Hephaestus, the blacksmith of Olympus. At various points in the play the title character is visited by Ocean and Io, whose descendant will free him. When asked of his imprisonment, he explains the role he and his mother, Themis, played in the fight between the Titans and Olympians. FTP, what is this Aeschylus play, about a Titan who saved mankind by giving them the secret of fire?
Prometheus Bound
The content of this philosophical work is a story Apollodorus learned from Aristodemus, which begins with a suggestion by Eryximachus that a certain topic should be discussed and ends with a speech by a very drunk Alcibiades. The climax occurs when Socrates tells of what he has learned from the wise woman Diotima, which follows speechs on the nature of love by Phaedrus, Pausanias, Aristophanes, and the party's guest of honor, Agathon. FTP, what is this Platonic dialogue which takes its name from the dinner party where it is set?
The Symposium
The legendary emperor Fu Hsi is said to have discovered the pa kua that help unlock it, while Wen Wang is generally credited for having formed the correct interpretation of it. Solid lines in it represent yang, while broken ones represent yin. It is unique in that it contains 64 symbolic hexagrams that, if properly understood and interpreted, contain profound meanings applicable to daily life. Han dynasty followers of this book justified their use of it by attributing certain of its commentaries to Confucius, despite contrary evidence. FTP, name this text, one of the Five Classics of Confucianism, which comes from Chinese for “Book of Changes.”
I Ching
According to its last line, it was written by one Turoldus, who seems to have been an eleventh-century poet with a rather gory imagination: its title character dies when his head explodes, and by the story's end, nearly all of the other characters have been killed in some nasty way, with the exceptions only of the princess Bramimonde and king Charlemagne. For 10 points, name this medieval French epic about the battle of Roncevalles.
The Song of Roland (acc: CHANSON DE ROLAND)
This book aroused the suspicions of the Church authorities, but its author was no stranger to controversy, having had earlier work condemned in 1121. This work, however, provided the initial programme for the scholastic method. It is a compilation of contradictory propositions drawn from Scripture and the Church Fathers, without any clear indication of where the truth lay. For 10 points, what is this Peter Abelard work whose Latin title literally translates as “Yes and No”?
Sic et Non
This work reveals that poor-quality hair dye can leave one nearly bald. Written partially to attack a governmental family values campaign, it urges confidence and suggests that men first seduce a lady’s maid, in addition to avoiding bad breath and making sure that their togas fit. Though its author reveals that he cheated on her with her own maid, Cypassis, his mistress Corinna is chided for an attempted abortion. Containing numerous references to personal symbols of the Emperor Augustus, it resulted in its author’s banishment. FTP, name this sexually graphic work by Ovid.
Ars Amatoria or The Art of Love
In its second section a note to unmarried men advises, “Let your wife have been grown up four years, and marry her in the fifth.” Other topics like injunctions against a variety of evils, a taunting tongue, and gossip occupy the remainder of that second part, which makes up lines 276 through 828. The first part includes an allegorical passage addressing this work to the author’s brother, Perses, and then discusses two major myths. The second myth traces the decline of man from the Golden Age to the author’s own Iron Age, and the first myth discusses Pandora and her box. However, the overall theme deals with peasant life and the necessity of honest, strenuous work. Written sometime in the 8th-century BC, FTP, name this long poem by Hesiod
Works and Days
Their names mean 'gullet' and 'all thirsty'. The first was born through his mother's ear shouting, 'Drink, drink, drink,' and stole the bells of Notre Dame to hang around his mare's neck. The second was the son of Babedec, and was so strong that he had to be chained to his cradle, but eventualy broke his bonds with one blow of his fist. FTP, name these two descendants of Gargamelle and Grandgousier, both title characters of Francois Rabelais.
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Many translations of the work were made, notably by King Alfred the Great and by Geoffrey Chaucer. Although written by a non-Christian, it contained so many elements of Christian ethics that it was highly regarded in Europe during medieval times. In it, a personified Philosophy explains to the author how earthly fortune is mutable and that happiness can only be attained by virtue, by being like God. For ten points, name the philosophical work written by Boethius while in the prison of Theodoric.
The Consolation of Philosophy or De Consolatione Philosophiae
He was warned by a soothsayer that he would be died by a blow to the head. Rather than accept his fate, he took refuge in a wheat field where an eagle mistook his head for a rock, dropped a tortoise on it, and killed him. For 10 points, who was this father of Greek drama who was the author of such plays as The Persians and Prometheus Bound?
Known for his strong heroines and for ending with a deus ex machina, this playwright composed his dramas in a cave on the island of Salamis. There are 17 or 18 plays surviving out of a probable ninety-two he wrote. He first competed at the Dionysia in 455 B.C. and won his first victory in 441. Among his works are _The Heracleidae_, _Hecuba_, _Ion_, _Cyclops_, and _Helen_. FTP, name this author of the _Bacchae_ and _Medea_.
A monk at the Northumbrian monastery at Jarrow, he wrote over thirty works of history, grammar, science, and theological commentary. His writings are a major source of historical and legendary information and also provided the material for the early part of The Anglo‑Saxon Chronicle. FTP, name this English scholar, the author of Ecclesiastical History of the English People.
The Venerable Bede
He served as a secretary in Cambrai, eventually leaving for Paris to learn Greek, then travelling for several years where he met and made friends with such learned people as Sir Thomas More. Eventually, he returned to Louvain, but but fled for southern Germany after the Reformation started and died in Basle. For 10 points, name this thinker and theologian, author of Antibarbari, Adagia, a Greek translation of the New Testament, and In Praise of Folly.
Desiderius Erasmus
He was arrested in 1451 for attacking a prior and spent much of his life in prison for crimes including extortion, plundering the abbey of Coombe, and rape. William Caxton published the magnum opus that he prepared during his incarceration from 1469-1470. As a boy from Newbold Revell, he appears as a character in T.H. White's The Once and Future King. FTP identify this man whose Morte d'Arthur standardized Arthurian romance.
Thomas Malory
He is the supposed author of a late 14th century manuscript from the Cotton collection that contains four alliterative poems, though it is not clear whether the same man wrote all of them. His poems "Purity" and "Patience" are didactic works drawing heavily on Biblical themes. The work which lends its title to the poet's moniker is an allegorical tale capped with a description of New Jerusalem. His final poem's characters include Lord Bercilak and Morgan Le Fay. FTP to whom is attributed the authorship of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"?
The Pearl Poet
He wrote, "Under every stone lurks a politician" in his play "Thesmophoriazusae" (Thez moe four ee ah ZOUS eye), which attacked Euripides, though his most quoted line is surely the onomatopoetic "brek-ke-ke-kex, ko-ak, ko-ak." His favorite victim was the demagogue Cleon, whom he attacked in The Knights. FTP, name this playwright, the author of The Birds and The Clouds.
This contemporary of William of Malmesbury was appointed the Bishop of St. Asaph in 1152. He has been denounced as a fabricator, though many scholars are now recognizing the value of his works. FTP, name this historian whose History of the Kings of Britain first brought King Arthur to the realm of literature.
Geoffery of Monmouth
It was sent by Artemis as a punishment for King Oeneus, who had neglected to sacrifice to her. A dispute over its head led to a war with the neighboring tribe of Curetes. FTP, name this creature that ravaged the land in Aetolia until it was killed by Meleager after being wounded by Atalanta.
The Calydonian Boar
He was only twenty-seven when his first tragedy won the playwrights' contest, and he must have been in his late eighties when he wrote his last surviving play. A general in the Peloponnesian War, he was the choragos when the Athenians celebrated victory over Xerxes at Salamis. FTP, name this playwright who added the third actor to Greek tragedy - the author of Women of Trachis, Philoctetes and Antigone.
In the final line of this work, the author admits that he should have kept to a more limited sphere, shortly after his comment, “The reason for which Henry IV is said to have embraced the Roman religion ought to make every honest man leave it.” Sections of this work include “The Right of the Strongest,” “Slavery,” “Democracy,” and “How the Sovereign Authority Maintains Itself.” It rejects the idea of Grotius and Hobbes that the ruler-subject relation is like that of father and child. FTP, name this work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau which opens, “Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.”
The Social Contract
Each one of these is accompanied by an isnad, and explanation of the chain of transmission of these stories. They had surprisingly little influence on Islamic law, but are today the main source for the study of doctrinal development during the first few centuries of Islam. FTP identify these stories, based on traditions supposedly founded by the Prophet Muhammed, whose name is from the Arabic for 'news' or 'story.'
By 1939 this book had sold over five million copies, which made it more popular than even _Gone With the Wind_, although it took twelve years to reach that level. It was written in two volumes; the first in 1925 was titled "The Settlement of Accounts." FTP, name this best-seller whose second volume was titled "The National Socialist Movement."
Mein Kampf
As a result of this tract, the author was forced to flee to France and was tried in England in absentia as a traitor. Part II is an excoriation of Edmund Burke's Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs while Part I responds to Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France. FTP name this political tract which defends a Declaration made by the French Assembly, written by Thomas Paine.
The Rights of Man
Twelve strokes of a bell announce the arrival of midnight in this musical work’s final section, “The Song of the Night Wanderer”. Earlier sections include “Of Science”, “Dance Song”, “Song of the Grave”, “Of Joys and Sorrows”, “Of Great Yearnings”, and “Of the Dwellers in the World Behind Us”, and it opens with the title character’s invocation to dawn, represented by a proclamation from the trumpet which builds to an immense climax for full orchestra and organ. Intended to convey the stages of human evolution, FTP, what is this Richard Strauss tone poem based on a work by Nietzsche?
Thus Spake Zarathustra (or Also Sprach Zarathustra)
At the age of thirty, he left his home and went to the mountains, living there for ten years with an eagle and a serpent. He then felt overflowing with wisdom and thus began his down-going. Thus begins this story whose main character slowly expounds his philosophy by speaking with the different people he meets on his journey. FTP, name this protagonist of a late nineteenth century work of philosophy and title character of a Strauss tone poem.
It was an attack on the certainties of traditional scholastic thinking that prevailed at the time. It proposed that all knowledge must begin with doubt and proceed to the accumulation of a body of evidence before any certainty can be obtained. Although even personal existence had to be doubted, the proof of the existence was postulated by the phrase "Cogito, ergo sum." FTP, give either the French title or its English translation of this famous essay of Rene Descartes.
Discourse on Method (or Discours de la methode)
Its author specified three categories of novels which it included: Analytic Studies, Philosophical Studies, and Studies of Manners; and set them in six scenes: private, provincial, country, military, political, and Parisian life. The Wild Ass's Skin, The Country Doctor, A Harlot High and Low, Eugenie Grandet, and Cousin Bette are among the about 90 novels of which it consists. FTP, what is this series of books, intended to comprehend the whole of contemporary society, by Honore de Balzac.
The _Human Comedy_ (Le Comedie humaine)
It declares that “it is a crime to worship the sabre as a modern god when all of human science is laboring to hasten the triumph of truth and justice”, and praises Auguste Scheurer-Kestner for his honesty. It attacks Armand Mercier du Paty de Clam, three hand-writing experts, and two court martials. Appearing in the January 13, 1898 issue of Clemenceau’s L-Aurore and addressed to the French president, Felix Faure, it praises Georges Piquart and attacks Commandant Esterhazy. FTP, name this open letter in favor of Alfred Dreyfus written by Emile Zola.
A philosophical work in the form of a collection of aphorisms, in it, Nietzsche expresses his desire for a "transvaluation of all values." He contends that no human values are absolute; that all value distinctions are artificial, the result of mere traditional prejudices; and that humanity should discard its old, outmoded values in favor of ones more suited to contemporary cultural reality. FTP identify this work that addresses the curious dichotomy between concepts of right and wrong.
Beyond Good and Evil
Key concepts in this text are substance and attribute, where substance is the totality of the universe, and attribute is a property of the universe. The third section distinguishes between three forms of knowledge, and concerns the origins of the mind. The third and fourth sections analyze the relation between emotions and morality, and are titled “On the Origin and Nature of the Emotions” and “Of Human Bondage.” The first section, “Concerning God,” argues for the coextension of God and the universe. For 10 points, name this work organized like Euclid’s Elements, a pantheistic treatise by Baruch Spinoza.
In aphorisms 333 and 334 the author asserts that the “greatest part of the spirit’s activity remains unconscious and unfelt,” while 77 through 98 assert that art’s function is to prevent mankind from dying from the truth. Originally composed of four books, its publication ended a two year hiatus that began following the writing of The Wanderer and His Shadow. Number 341, “The Greatest Weight” is the first mention of the Eternal Recurrence, while the final aphorism is the prologue to Thus Spake Zarathustra. FTP, identify this work by Friedrich Nietzsche that contains the assertion that “God is Dead.”
The Gay Science or Die fröhlichen Wissenschaft
Part Two of this philosophical work is a defense of romantic love and marriage presented by Judge Vilhelm, and is intended as a response to Part One, which contains the writings of a egocentric, melancholy young man, including reflections on Mozart and the famous "Seducer's Diary". Subtitled "A Fragment of Life", it is unclear whether the author meant to endorse one of the two positions or to force the reader to make a radical, existential choice. FTP, what is this first great work by Soren Kierkegaard?
Either/Or: A Fragment of Life
Published in 1888, it is subtitled How One Becomes What One Is. The penultimate section is entitled “Why I am Fatality,” and discusses the author’s “yea-saying” works and philosophies. This section is followed by “An Attempt at Self-Criticism,” in which the author chides himself in such a manner as to reveal his greatness. The first three sections are more famous and include “Why I am So Wise,” “Why I am So Clever,” and “Why I Write Such Excellent Books,” which discusses such works as The Gay Science and Human, All Too Human. FTP, identify this autobiography by Friedrich Nietzsche.
Ecce Homo
Part One defines the titular entity as "despair," which is "a sickness of the spirit, of the self, and accordingly can take three forms: in despair not to be conscious of having a self, in despair not to will to be oneself, in despair to will to be oneself." Part Two states that "despair is sin," and the appendix to this "Christian psychological exposition for Upbuilding and Awakening" discusses forms of that sin. FTP, identify this work, published in 1849 under the pseudonym Anti-Climacus, which begins with a discussion of Chapter 11 of John and the story of Lazarus, a work of S¿ren Kierkegaard.
The Sickness Unto Death
“Faith is a marvel, and yet no human being is excluded from it; for that which unites all human life is passion, and faith is a passion.” This quote concludes a chapter from this book where the author unfavorably compares the tragic hero with the “knight of faith.” This work is built on a Biblical story about a figure who defies all societal ethical norms in his attempt to carry out divine will through the sacrifice of his first-born son. The author calls this the “teleological suspension of the ethical,” through which the individual can fulfill a higher duty. Based on the story of Isaac and Abraham, FTP, identify this early existentialist text written by Søren Kierkegaard.
Fear and Trembling
Author of the works "God, Freedom, and Immortality" and "Abelard and Heloise", this philosopher defined religion as "the dream of the human mind". Attacking his former teacher Hegel's idealism and the Christian theology of his time, he argued in works like "On Philosophy and Christianity" that divinity is man's projection of his own human nature. FTP, name this Bavarian philosopher best-known for "The Essence of Christianity".
Ludwig Feuerbach
He studied under the great Liberal theologians Von Harnack and Herrmann and was ordained into the Reformed Church of Switzerland. Questioning Liberal theology?s grass-roots relevance, his "Der Romerbrief" shook the theological world. Emphasizing God?s ?yes? to humanity in Jesus Christ, his "Church Dogmatics" focused solely on the exposition of God?s Word. FTP, identify this thinker, who was actively involved with Bonhoeffer in the 1930s anti-Nazi Confessing Church movement, the most influential theologian of the twentieth century.
Karl Barth
A highly unstable man, he broke violently with his mentor, the social reformer Saint‑Simon. He taught philosophy for a while, but suffered a nervous breakdown and was supported in his last years by friends like George Grote and John Stuart Mill. He sought to expound the laws of social evolu­tion and establish a true science of society. FTP, name this French philosopher who anticipated sociology with his philosophy of Positivism.
Auguste Comte
The works of his third and last period of thought refer to a new system of control that traditional concepts of authority are unable to understand, known as “bio-power.” He attempted a series of works concerning the history of sexuality, including such books as The Use of Pleasure and The Care of the Self. He traced how madness came to be thought of as an illness in Madness and Civilization, and one of his most important works was The Order of Things. Perhaps the most famous Professor of the History of Systems of Thought in the College de France, FTP, identify this author of Discipline and Punish.
Michel Foucault
The author of “Classical Judaism” and “Hinduism and Buddhism”, this sociologist argued in On the Methodology of the Social Sciences that social scientists needed the concept of verstehen to make explanations. A leading theorist of liberal imperialism, he argued that social science could not be based on crude physical or economic explanations, and in his most famous work contended that rather than using technological or economic analysis, religous ideas should be used to analyze the rise of capitalism. FTP, who was this German author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism?
Max Weber
Born on October 15, 1844 in Rocken in Prussian Saxony, he began writing a long series of works expounding upon his revolutionary philosophy. He felt giving unbridled freedom to the struggle for existence would lead to developed the ideal of the "overman", one who will seek only his own power and pleasure. For ten points name this philosopher who gained fame for his rejection of Christian theology with statements like "God is dead."
Fredrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Lesser known works by this thinker include "Love, Power and Justice", "Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality", and "My Search for Absolutes". Forced to flee Germany by the Nazis, he was invited to America by Reinhold Niebuhr, where he taught at the Union Theological Seminary, and later Harvard and Chicago. His thought was a mixture of existentialism, depth psychology, and neo-scholastic ontology, and although he was often attacked as an atheist who disguised his lack of faith with complex language, he argued that the basis of theology was man's estrangement from the divine. FTP, who was this German best known for his three volume opus "Systematic Theology"?
Paul Tillich
He wrote a series of 160 fictional letters exchanged between two Persians, satirizing the social situation in Paris. In 1734, he wrote _Considerations on the Gradueur and Decadence of the Romans_, demonstrating how democratic governments succumb to tyranny. Born Charles Louis de Secondat, his most famous work includes the line ÒLiberty is the right of doing whatever the laws permit.Ó FTP, name this author of _The Spirit of the Laws_.
Baron de Montesquieu
Following both Husserl and Heidegger this philosopher used the phenomenological method to defend his central thesis that human beings are essentially free, free to choose (though not free not to choose) and free to negate the given features of the world. He claimed that the heart of existentialism is not gloom or hopelessness, but a renewed confidence in the significance of being human. FTP, name this twentieth century philosopher whose perhaps most famous work is Huis Clos or in English, No Exit.
Jean Paul Sartre
His second book, The Mint, dealt with life in the barracks of the Royal Air Force, his last military service before he was killed in a motorcycle accident. Early in his career, he worked as an archaeologist at Carchemish, where he was possibly employed by the British Intelligence service. FTP, name this British liaison during the Arab Revolt who wrote of his experiences in Seven Pillars of Wisdom.
Thomas Edward Lawrence of Arabia
Raised in the city of Aix‑en‑Provence with his close friend, Paul Cezanne, he went to Paris at the age of eighteen publishing his first novel, The Confession of Claude in 1865 before embarking on his twenty‑two year, twenty novel naturalistic experiment, Les Rougon‑Macquart. FTP, identify this French author perhaps best known for his famous defense of Captain Dreyfus, J'Accuse.
Emile Zola
He appears in Shadwell's _The Libertine_, Moliere's _La Festin de Pierre_, in Merimee's _Les Ames du Purgatoire_, and in George Bernard Shaw's _Man and Superman_. He is also in the name of a Richard Strauss tone poem and a work by Byron. FTP name this character first given literary popularity in _El burlador de Sevilla_ by Tirso de Molina.
Don Juan
The theme for this play is set in the first act, when the protagonist insults Oronte by attacking the quality of one of his sonnets, while in the final act a damaging letter causes Oronte, Acaste, and Clitandre to reject the coquettish Celimene. The protagonist's reasonable friend Philinte wins Eliante, while the protagonist, angered by the unjust loss of a court case and the dishonesty found in society, decides to flee to the country after seeing the results of his plan to always speak with complete honesty. FTP, what is this play about Alceste by Moliere?
The Misanthrope
This work features a maid named Mary and a storytelling firefighter; as it proceeds we learn that the daughter of one of the couples has one white eye and one red eye. Other revelations include the realization that everybody the Smiths know is named Bobby Watson, and it culminates in an argument composed of non sequiturs, clichés, tongue teasers, and nonsense identifying this as one of its author’s antiplays. FTP name this 1950 play an absurdist masterpiece by Eugene Ionesco.
La Cantatrice Chauve or The Bald Soprano
This play features a fire at the beginning of the third act which cruelly reminds the nurse Anfisa and the old boarder Ferapont of class distinctions. Act 4 features Solyoni and Tuzenbach killing one another in a duel for the hand of Irina, while Natasha is seduced by Protopopov. These events are foreshadowed by Olga’s initial distrust and Chebutykin’s melancholy attitude, and conclude with Masha reechoing her unrequited love for Vershinin. FTP identify this 1901 work focusing on the titular siblings of Andrei Prozorov, a work by Anton Chekov.
The Three Sisters
Although this play is in three acts, the curtain only falls once, when the stagehands accidentally drop it at the end of act 2. Important moments include a scene at Madame Pace’s establishment where the Father realizes he is trying to seduce his step-daughter, and the drowning death of the Child in a fountain, which is acted out for the benefit of an acting troupe who were originally rehearsing a performance of the play “Mixing It Up.” Subtitled “A Comedy in the Making”, FTP, what is this play by Luigi Pirandello?
Six Characters in Search of an Author
In this play, the character of Kristin the cook provides a contrast to the title character, whose engagement to an attorney was broken off due to her sadistic attempts to dominate him. Having been raised by her mother to hate men, in a moment of weakness she seduces her valet Jean and, unable to deal with the consequences, decides to commit suicide. FTP, such describes what one-act play by August Strindberg?
Miss Julie (or Countess Julie or Lady Julie)
Balthazar murders Andrea and then seeks the hand of Bel-Imperia, Andrea's lover, in marriage. She slights him for Horatio, so Balthazar murders him with the help of Lorenzo. Hieronimo, the father of Horatio, contrives a play in which the guilty parties suffer very real deaths. FTP, identify this 1587 Thomas Kyd play which influenced Shakespeare's Hamlet.
The Spanish Tragedy
Its author responded to its critics in two works, one of which was titled L’Impromptu de Versailles. Horace is able to persuade Agnes to run away with him because of her lack of sophistication. Agnes’s father, Enrique, arranges with Horace’s father for their children to be married. That thwarts Arnolphe’s plan for Agnes, his beloved, to be raised in innocence so that she may prove to be a faithful wife. These events occur in, FTP, this 1662 verse comedy by Moliマre (mole-YAIR), which, despite its title, has nothing to do with formal education.
L’Ecole des Femmes or The School for Wives
This Frenchman was wounded at the siege of Arras in 1640 and gave up his military career to study under the mathematician Pierre Gassendi. Under the influence of Gassendi's scientific theories, he wrote his two best known works, usually translated as Voyages tothe Moon and Sun. He was the basis of many romantic but unhistorical legends, the most famous being an 1897 play by Edmond Rostand. FTP, name this large-nosed man.
Cyrano de Bergerac
The protagonist, who made his first appearance in 1957's The Killer, is an average citizen in a nameless French city. He quarrels with his friend Jean and his attractive secretary Daisy outside of a grocer's shop, with others joining in - the grocer and his wife, a logician, and a café owner, all trying to figure out the chaos surrounding them. The herd of animals is growing constantly, as Berenger witnesses when he sees fellow government workers turning into the title animal. For ten points, name this Eugene Ionesco work, a conventional allegory of the Nazi phenomenon.
After writing “No” three times on a card, the protagonist of this play decides to set up a school for poor children in his town’s great hall. At one point he thought he had the support of The People’s Herald, but Asklaksen and Hovstad are convinced to turn against him by his brother, the town’s mayor. After claiming that “the strongest man is he who stands alone,” the protagonist decides to stay in town despite the ill will engendered by his report on contamination in the public baths. FTP, identify this play about Thomas Stockman by Henrik Ibsen.
An Enemy of the People
He based his theory of epic theater on the Marxist belief that human nature is a result of changing historical conditions. To this end, his plays attempt to distance the audience from the characters on stage and to make them think objectively about them. FTP, name this German playwright of Galileo and The Caucasian Chalk Circle. In his plays like "In the Jungle of Cities", "Galileo", and "The Good Woman of Sechuan", dramas were filled with paradoxes. For ten points, name this playwright of "The Threepenny Opera"
Bertolt Brecht
First coined by Martin Esslin, this class of literature consists of a pessimistic view of humanity struggling vainly to find a purpose and
to control its fate. There is little dramatic action: however frantically the characters perform, their business serves to underscore
the fact that nothing happens to change their existence . Language in such works is full of cliches, puns, repetitions, and non sequitur. FTP name this movement whose main figures include Arthur Adamov, Jean Genet, Harold Pinter, Eugene Ionesco, and Samuel Beckett.
Theatre of the Absurd
His first two plays, No-Good Friday and Nongogo, were published in 1977, along with Dimetos. His The Island was developed in collaboration with the actors who played the leading roles, John Kani and Winston Ntshona. Hello and Goodbye, Boesman and Lena, and The Blood Knot form a trilogy dealing with family relationships in and around Port Elizabeth, his hometown and the setting of most of his plays. FTP, name this South African playwright, whose other works include Master Harold...and the Boys and Sizwe Bansi Is Dead.
Athol Fugard
Known for his avant‑garde themes, much of his later work such as the plays Breath, and Company tried to eliminate the physical world altogether, and with the notable exceptions of his novel Watt and the plays, Happy Days and Krapp's Last Tape, all of his works were written in French. FTP, identify this Irish‑born French dramatist who was awarded the 1969 Nobel Prize in Literature best known for the plays, Endgame and Waiting for Godot.
Samuel Beckett
This author’s former teacher, Pierre Nicole, once accused him of having no more redeemable virtues than a “public poisoner.” Ironically this author of The Litigants and The Thebiad would later be charged with poisoning his mistress, the Marquise du Parc. He was urged by Madame de Maintenon to write his final two plays, Esther and Athalie, which do not reflect the Hellenistic leanings that mark his early subject matter. FTP, identify this contemporary of Corneille best known for his tragedies Andromache and Phaedra.
Jean Racine
A former male prostitute who was convicted for theft at least ten times, he wrote most of his early works in prison. He shocked audiences of his time with his pornographic and violent descriptions of homosexual activity in works such as The Thief's Journal and Deathwatch as well as with his unconventional, absurdist approach to the theater. FTP, identify this French playwright of The Balcony and Our Lady of the Flowers.
Jean Genet
His early work included an essay on the intermaxillary bone and The Metamorphosis of Plants. He attacked Newton’s Opticks with his own Theory of Colors, though he is better known for his literary endeavors, including his poetic essay Prometheus, which spawned a short-lived philosophical school. His prose drama Iphigenia in Tauris earned him some acclaim, though he is better remembered for his Roman Elegies and the drama Egmont. A major proponent of the Sturm und Drang movement, FTP, identify this German author of Elective Affinities, The Sorrows of Young Werther, and Faust.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Rumors abounded after the publication of this work, stating that its author had dyed his hair green and was overheard in a café saying, “Have you ever eaten a baby? I find it most pleasing to the palate!” An important symbol drawn in this poetry collection is the image of the “ridiculous hanged man” who is torn to shreds by birds in A Voyage to Cytherea. Dedicated to Gautier, this collection divides all the good and bad in the world into the Ideal and the Spleen. FTP, identify this work written by Charles Baudelaire.
Les Fleurs du Mal or The Flowers of Evil
A woman by this name has been the object of poetic admiration by Robert Tofte, Lord Byron, and Friedrich von Schiller, although none of these celebrations are as well-known as the original. The original poet says that he first saw her on April 6, 1327 and fell in love, and that her death, 21 years later, resulted in profound spiritual crisis for him. FTP name this women, the subject of the collection Canzoniere by Petrarch
A romance of medieval times, it includes such characters as Captain Phoebus de Chateaupeurs, the playwright Pierre Gringoire, and the archdeacon Claude Frollo. Frollo denounces a gypsy girl as a witch, a mob pursues the girl Esmerelda, and the deformed bellringer Quasimodo shelters her in the belfry of the Parisiancathedral. FTP, name this novel by Victor Hugo.
_The Hunchback of Notre Dame_ or _Notre Dame de Paris_
As this novel opens, one main character is returning from his first visit to Bombay in fifteen years. On the same plane is the other protagonist, an Indian film star who specializes in playing Hindu gods. After the plane is hijacked and explodes over the English channel, the two men, Saladin Chamcha and Gibreel Farishta, experience a series of metamorphoses, dreams, and revelations that imply a new interpretation for the founding of Islam. FTP, what was this controversial novel by Salman Rushdie?
Satanic Verses
Returning from medical treatment in Switzerland to Russia, the protagonist finds himself heir to a large fortune and meets Rogozhin and Nastasya Filippovna. He becomes involved with two families, the Yepanchins and Ivolgins, who are drawn to his gentle, childlike nature. He asks Nastasya Filippovna and Aglaya Yepanchin both to marry him but marries neither; instead he reverts to his earlier lunatic state when he sees the scene of Nastasya's murder by Rogozhin. FTP, name this title character of a Dostoevsky novel.
The Idiot (accept Prince Myshkin)
The main character of this novel is an fat, unctuous swindler whose only talent is flattery. The novel follows him as he makes friends with the landowners Manilov, Sobakevich, Korobochka, and Plyushkin, who are unaware that he, Chichikov, has already been in trouble for shady deals. His plan is to pay these owners a small sum of money for their serfs, who have died since the last census. FTP, name this novel by Nikolay Gogol.
Dead Souls
At the end the narrator settles down in the Konigstrasse with his pretty Virland girl and his uncle, one of the three central characters. In the 27th chapter, those characters discover 40-foot-high mushrooms and bones of mastodons and other creatures. After battling various monsters and a storm sailing in a raft on the 200-fathom deep Central Sea, the three men eventually complete their trip on the Italian island of Stromboli. FTP, name this story about Hans, Harry, and Professor Hardwigg, who take the titular trip as told in a novel by Jules Verne.
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Three Frenchmen on the beach in Algiers saw two natives whom Raymond recognized. They fought inconclusively with fists and knives. Later on, they met the same men; the protagonist shot and killed one of the Arabs. This was the climactic action in a 1942 existentialist work featuring the unfeeling Monsieur Meursault. FTP, name this Albert Camus work.
_L'ƒtranger_ (The _Stranger_ or The _Outsider_)
The main character undertakes his hasty world tour as a result of a bet at his London Club. He and his French valet Passepartout meet with some fantastic adventures, but these are overcome by the loyal servent and the endless inventive Fogg. FTP, name this Jules Verne work.
Around the World in Eighty Days
The narrator is spell-bound by a composition of Vinteuil’s and at first falls in love with the sentimental novels of Bergotte. With its first part set in Combray, the marriage of the promiscuous Odette de Crecy is described in the third part Place Names. Besides the superb cooking of the maid Françoise, an account is made of the Verdurins and it is noted that Charles is an influential man as realized by the Guermantes. Describing the narrator’s childhood love for Gilberte and based on memories aroused by a teacup, FTP, name this first novel of In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust.
Swann’s Way or Au Cote de Chez Swann
In 1348, seven young women and three young men meet in a church in Florence, and decide to flee the city to escape the Black Death. In the countryside, each tells 1 story a day for the next 10 days. FTP, name this 14th century collection of tales written by Giovanni Boccaccio.
The theme of the play relates the problem of whether to live without illusions on the basis of one’s own strength or to shield oneself from the pain of life by accepting a romanticized view of the world. Similar to O’neill’s The Iceman Cometh in thematic material, characters in it include the thief Satin and the wandering pilgrim Luka. FTP, name this best-known work by Maksim Gorky set in a sleazy flophouse.
The Lower Depths
One of the key ideas of this novel is the comparison made by Mozart between life and a radio playing Handel's Concerto Grosso in F Major, while another major moment is the protagonist's dream of a conversation with Goethe while sleeping at the The Black Eagle. The title figure is forced to reevaluate his life after meeting the bandleader Pablo and Hermine, and after visiting the Magic Theater he begins to realize the errors of his earlier way of life, in which the conflict between his intellectual ideals and his animal impulses led to his estarangment from society. FTP, such describes what novel about Harry Haller by Hermann Hesse?
Der Steppenwolf
Inspired by Nietszchean philosophy, this work is a critical examination of the point at which concern for the self must be superseded by moral principals. It concerns Michel who, after marrying Marceline, goes to North Africa and finds himself being drawn to young Arab boys. When his wife develops tuberculosis, he neglects her so he can gratify his own needs and she dies. FTP, identify this novella by Andre Gide.
The Immoralist or L'Immoraliste
This author's novel Mr. Stone and the Knight's Companion marked a change in style from his first three novels, The Mystic Masseur, The Suffrage of Elvira, and Miguel Street. His recent work includes the novel A Way of the World, and he won a Booker Prize for In a Free State, but he is better known for works like A Bend in the River. FTP, who is this Trinidadian novelist, author of A House For Mr. Biswas and winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in literature?
V(idiadhar) S(urajprassad) Naipaul
He was born in Germany in 1877. The duality of nature is a recurrent theme in his works. Some of his minor works include Gertrude, Rosshalde, Klingsor's Last Summer, and The Journey to the End. For 10 points, identify this German‑Swiss author of Narcissus and Goldmund, Magister Ludi, and Siddhardtha?
Hermann Hesse
Her stories usually follow the "slice of life" technique, describing a few typical hours in her characters' lives. She was born Kathleen Beauchamp, and was one of the few twentieth century writers to focus exclusively on the short story. FTP name this native of New Zealand known for the stories "Bliss", "A Dill Pickle", and "The Garden Party".
Katherine Mansfield
He became a member of the editorial board for The Contemporary, but left the literary milieu for his estate in Spasskoye where he wrote A Nest of Gentlefolk His novel Virgin Soil described the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, and Smoke demonstrated his bitterness toward the Russian class system. His Sportsman’s Sketches was called “the Uncle Tom’s Cabin of Russia” for the influence it had in liberating the serfs. However, he is better known for the story A Month in the Country and an 1862 work featuring the character Bazarov. FTP, name this Russian who coined the term “nihilism” in Fathers and Sons.
Ivan Turgenev
At the age of 20 in 1822, he married his childhood friend Adele Foucher (foo-SHAY) and when their daughter died accidentally by drowning, he wrote the poems _The Contemplations_ regarding his grief. The son of an officer in Napoleon's army, his first novel was _Hans of Iceland_. FTP, name this author of _Hernani_, best known for his evocation of French medieval life in the time of Louis XI in _The Hunchback of Notre Dame_, and whose most popular novel was adapted into the Broadway hit _Les Miserables_.
Victor Hugo
The son was a playwright who wrote "Le demi monde" and "The Money Question." The father was a prolific writer who has about 1200 volumes to his name and who wrote the wildly successful "Henri III et sa cour" for the Comedie Francaise living until his death in 1870 at his estate near Paris which was called Monte Cristo. FTP give the common name and you will have named the author of "The Three Musketeers".
Alexandre Dumas the Elder
When he was only 19, he published his first book of poems Luna silvestre. In 1968, after 25 years in the diplomatic service, he resigned his post as ambassador to India to protest his government's suppression of a student-worker demonstration. His most prominent theme is human ability to overcome existential solitude through erotic love and artistic creativity. In The Labyrinth of Solitude, he analyzed his home country of Mexico. FTP name this 1990 winner of the Nobel Prize.
Octavio Paz
Juvenal Urbino in Love in the Time of Cholera, Thomas Stockmann in An Enemy of the People, Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter, John Watson in A Study in Scarlet, Martin Arrowsmith in Arrowsmith, and Robert Jekyll are all, for ten points, fictional practitioners of what profession?
medical _doctors_ (accept medicine; also accept: _Love in the Time of Cholera_ before "Love")
After earning a law degree, he worked as a bureaucrat in a position he detested for fourteen years. He lived in the house of his father, a robust, domineering man who misunderstood his son. His friend Max Brod was left with instructions to burn all of his works after he had died of tuberculosis, but instead Brod edited and published the works. For 10 points, who is this Austrian author of the short stories nIn the Penal Colonyn, nA Country Doctorn, and the novels Amerika, The Castle, and The Trial?
Franz Kafka
In 1896 this author published the short story collection Pleasures and Days. He interrupted work on his most famous work to write a series of brilliant parodies of French writers called L’Affaire Lemoine, but was inspired to return to his main work by a real-life experience in which the taste of tea and a biscuit provoked the involuntary recall of a childhood memory, resulting in a seven-volume work featuring characters like Albertine, Guermantes, and Charles Swann. FTP, who was this author of Remembrance of Things Past?
Marcel Proust
Most of his novels, including The Accident, The Town Beyond the Wall, The Gates of the Forest, and The Fifth Son, were originally written in French. His non-fiction includes Souls on Fire, One Generation After, and A Jew Today, while The Jews of Silence is an account of anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union. FTP, name this Romanian-born writer, a survivor of Auschwitz who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, best known for Night.
Elie Wiesel
While her first short stories, collected in Face to Face and The Soft Voice of the Serpent, were quite successful, she struggled with her early novels, such as The Lying Days and A World of Strangers. Following the tight structure of The Late Bourgeois World, she moved into her mature period, characterized by A Guest of Honor and The Conservationist. FTP, identify this author of Burger's Daughter and July's People, a Nobel Prize winner from South Africa.
Nadine Gordimer
One fateful morning, the protagonist awakes feeling “completely spattered with bird shit,” and grabs Divina Flor, the daughter of his kitchen servant, by the pussy. His troubles had begun a day earlier when the wealthy Bayardo San Roman returns his apparently impure bride to her mother Pura, who deals her a savage beating. Angela Vicario then fingers the protagonist as the man who deflowered her, whereupon her twin brothers Pablo and Pedro stab him to death. The death of Santiago Nasar, FTP, is foreshadowed by the narrator of what novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez?
Crónica de una muerte anunciada or Chronicle of a Death Foretold
This book begins with a discussion about Frederick the Great, and ends with the Tortoise saying, "Ricercar". In between lie a tapestry of music, theory, mathematics, fantasy, and theory. It was called a "A Metaphorical Rugue on Minds and Machines in the Spirit of Lewis Carroll" and is subtitled "An Eternal Golden Braid. For 10 points, what is this Pulitzer-Prize winning book by Douglas R. Hofstadter.
Gödel, Escher, Bach
In 1791, this novel was published in a complete version of 120 chapters, but the final 40 may have been forged by the publishers. It tells specifically of a young poet and his romances with an assortment of cousins and maid servants, including Daiyu and his eventual wife Baochai, and in general recounts the decline of the Chia family. FTP, name this novel concerning Paoyu by Ts'ao Hsueh-ch'in, generally regarded as the greatest work of traditional Chinese narrative.
The Dream of the Red Chamber (or The Story of the Stone, or A Dream of Red Mansions, or Hung lou meng, or Shih-t'ou chi)
In 1800 he wrote the four-volume Les Crimes de l'Amour, which contained the essay "Reflections on the Novel." His philosophical works include Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man and Philosophy of the Bedroom. FTP, identify this author, playwright, and libertine, whose masterpiece is about four months of sexual deviancy.
Marquis de _Sade_ (accept Donatien Alphonse Francois)
Sarah Tansey, Susan Brady, and Honor Blake are three village girls with speaking roles in this play that takes place on two successive Autumn days. As Act 1 opens we meet fat Shawn Keough, a young farmer and cousin to Widow Quin. Shawn is talking with Pegeen Mike, a young girl who at various times flirts with the protagonist. That protagonist mistakenly believes that he killed his father with a blow to the head. Set in County Mayo and centering on Christy Mahon, FTP, identify this play by John Millington Synge.
The Playboy of the Western World
We see her contented childhood in The Bridal Wreath, but she marries unhappily in The Mistress of Husaby. In The Cross, the final volume of the trilogy concerning her, her husband is killed and she enters a convent, where she dies in 1349 of the Black Plague. FTP, identify this title character of three historical novels set in medieval Norway, for which the Nobel Prize in 1928 was awarded to Sigrid Undset.
Kristin Lavransdatter
Political pressured led to a six-year investigation of its findings by the American Statistical Institute. Resulting from a zoology professor’s frustration at the lack of available data, each participant was asked about three hundred questions on their own experiences, leading to conclusions such as the “ten percent” figure for homosexuals in the United States. FTP, name this influential 1948 collection of data on sexuality.
Kinsey Report [or Sexual Behavior in the Human Male]
As this novel, the second in a trilogy which also includes _The Turmoil_ and _The Midlander_, closes, George is injured in a car accident. This is ironic because the man who rivals him for his mother's affection had earlier returned to build an automobile factory. Eventually Lucy does reconnect with George, thus fulfilling a promise begun by their parents, but interrupted when Isabel married the established Wilbur Minafer. FTP identify this 1918 featuring Eugene Morgan's attempts at reconciling with the titular family, a work by Booth Tarkington.
_The Magnificent Ambersons_
Born the son of a cabinet-maker in Cologne in 1917, in 1938 this author was called into labor service which was followed by service in the German army on the Russian front during World War II. In 1950 he described his harrowing service in that war with the collection _Traveller, If You Come To the Spa..._, which was followed by such works as _The Train was on Time_, _Billiards at Half-past Nine_, and _Group Portrait with a Lady_. For 10 points name this German author, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature
in 1972.
Heinrich Böll
During a string of years where held diplomatic posts for such countries as Java, Ceylon, and Burma, he published Attempt of the Infinite Man, Rings, and The Enthusiastic Slingshooter. La Barcarola and Cien Sonnetas de Amor were later works of this author, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1971. Exiled from his nation in 1948 for abandoning the Communist party, he reportedly left on horseback with the manuscript for Canto General in his saddlebag. FTP, name this Chilean poet of Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair.
Pablo Neruda
He runs into some smugglers and almost drowns during an on-boat struggle with a girl named Undine during a visit to Taman. Another story from his diary describes how his friend Vulic was killed by a sabre-wielding drunk while walking home from a game involving a loaded pistol. The two main women in this man’s life are Bela, a Circassian princess murdered by a jealous tribesman, and Princess Mary, whom he does not love, but who nonetheless drives him to kill his friend Grushnitsky in a dual. Regarded as the quintessential “superfluous man,” FTP, who is this protagonist of Mikhail Lermontov’s A Hero of Our Time?
Gregory Pechorin
In this work, Act 2, Scene 2 opens with “I Ain’t Got No Shame” as an evening picnic begins on Kittiwah Island. One of the title characters goes alone, and after hearing “It Ain’t Necessarily So,” a sermon on skepticism preached by a drug dealer, she is approached by Crown, whom she spends a few days with before returning sick to her companion, the other title character. In the end, she runs off to New York with the aforementioned drug dealer, Sportin’ Life, leaving the other title character to look for her. FTP, name this folk opera about a black cripple and his love, the magnum opus of George Gershwin.
Porgy and Bess
His most famous work begins simply enough by praising “the keeper of Heaven’s kingdom,” “the might of the creator,” and “the work of the Father of glory.” A laborer at Whittby, he was called in to see head of the abbey, St. Hilda, about an intense dream involving an angel who made him sing the aforementioned poem. Alive during the 7th Century AD, he had story chronicled in the Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation by the Venerable Bede. FTP, name this man whose short hymn of creation is often considered the first poem written in English.
Earlier works by this novelist include a story about Martha Reganhart’s love affair with Gabe Wallach, Letting Go; and one about the puritanical Lucy Nelson, When She Was Good. Drawing from an anecdote told by Richard Elman, he depicted himself in a struggle with an evil imposter in the 1994 PEN/Faulkner award winner Operation Shylock. Having gained fame with his first novel, Goodbye, Columbus, and his novels about Nathan Zuckerman, FTP, who is this American author, who won another PEN/Faulkner award in 2001 for his sequel to American Pastoral, The Human Stain?
Philip Roth
Its title character was a student of the Patriarch Subodhi, who taught him the cloud trapeze and the secret of seventy-two transformations. Among the monsters we meet in this novel are the Lion Demon disguised as the king of Cock-crow, and the more helpful pair of Pigsy and Sandy. All “eighty-one calamities” are not related in Waley’s translation, but we are introduced to Triptitaka, the monk who brings Buddhist scripture back to China. FTP, name this 16th Century novel by Wu Ch’eng-en that chronicles a pilgrimage to India.
Record of a Journey to the West or Monkey (or Hsi Yu Chi)
It includes the author’s statement that only chamber pots and slave chains should be made of gold. The actual description in this book begins after letters to William Cecil and Peter Giles. It is actually a traveler in Antwerp, Raphael Hythloday, who relates the stories of the title locale to the author. The work itself was published on the continent, in Louvain, under the supervision of Erasmus and took its name from the Latin for “nowhere place.” FTP, name this long speculative essay about an ideal land, the major work of Sir Thomas More.
A key statistic in this text was the public laziness, which the author illustrated with a century’s decline from the 70-hour work week of 1850. It argued that we should not worry about accumulating of consumer goods. Rather, funds should be used to improve schools and social services. According to its author, private sector growth was the primary characteristic of the title institution, which describes the U.S. after World War II. FTP, name this 1958 work by John Galbraith.
The Affluent Society
A son of the protagonist of this work announces plans to travel to the fair to sell horses, distressing her so much, she lets him leave without her blessing. Meanwhile, her daughters Cathleen and Nora hide a shirt and stockings found on a dead man in Donegal, but identify it as their work from its four stitches. The protagonist then tells of a fatal vision of Michael on the grey pony following the red mare Bartley is on, and her suspicions are confirmed when some keening women enter the house and Bartley’s body is brought inside, making him the sixth man that Maurya has lost to the water. FTP, name this one act play by John Millington Synge.
Riders to the Sea
This thinker argued that time was not measurable by an objective standard in Duration and Simultaneity, a failed attempt to challenge Einstein’s theory of relativity. He inspired Arthur Koestler’s The Act of Creation and Freud’s Wit and its Relations to the Unconscious with his 1900 essay on comedy, Laughter. Though he eventually became a Christian, this author of The Two Sources of Morality and Religion and Time and Free Will had his writings condemned by the Catholic Church after the 1914 publication of his most famous work. FTP, name this 1927 Nobel Literature laureate and French philosopher whose Creative Evolution introduced his concept of a force of creative energy, the élan vital.
Henri Bergson
He described a journey from Europe to the Orient in A Poet’s Bazaar, and dedicated his poetry collection, A Poet’s Day Dreams, to Charles Dickens. As a novelist, he penned such works as O.T., Only a Fiddler, and Lucky Peer, the last of which was written a year before the 1871 revision of his autobiography, The Story of my Life. Today, his legacy survives in the form of eponymous literary awards that were first given in 1956 and often are called the “Little Nobel Prizes of Children’s Literature.” FTP, name this author of such short folk tales as “The Princess and the Pea” and “The Ugly Duckling,” a native of Denmark.
Hans Christian Anderson
In a review written in 1843, he called Past and Present by Thomas Carlyle “the only work worth reading.” He wrote for such newspapers as the Volunteer Journal for Lancashire and Cheshire and the Manchester Guardian, around the time he became involved in the Chartist movement. Better known for collaborations that produced The Holy Family and A Critique of the German Ideology, he wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England. FTP, who was this man who co-wrote the Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx?
Friedrich Engels
At age 80, this journalist wrote an autobiography called All in the Day's Work, and had earlier written biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Madame Roland, and Elbert Gary, the founder of USX. The only female in the class of 1880 at Allegheny College, she saw her father put out of business by the Southern Improvement Company, which may have provided the motivation for her magnum opus, an expose on its founder. A colleague of Ray Baker and Lincoln Steffens at McClure’s Magazine, FTP, who was this muckraker behind A History of the Standard Oil Company?
Ida Minerva Tarbell
Ranier Maria Rilke began writing The Duino Elegies while translating this work, whose 12th section recounts a dream of a young man dressed in white. As its 29th section mentions, a key motif in this work is the number nine: the author had a vision of his love in the ninth hour of the day; she was the ninth of the sixty ladies he praised in a serventese he mentions in the sixth section, and the second section mentions how he had met her when she was nine years old. Some of the poems that appear in it include a sonnet to the author’s friend Guido Cavalcanti, as well as canzones written in praise of and mourning the death of his love. FTP, name this collection of writings about Beatrice Portinari, written by Dante.
La Vita Nuova or The New Life
Contained within its 1430 pages are several thousand hymns, roughly 900 of which were contributed by fifteen Bhagats and seventeen Bhats. Hymns are arranged according to meter and authorship of the poems, but the main classification is determined by which of the 31 ragas they use. The original version, compiled in 1603 by Arjan, focused on the teachings of his four predecessors, including Guru Nanak. FTP, what is this sacred text of Sikhism?
Guru Granth Sahib or Adi Granth
The research for this work was not conducted in its subject nation, but in California, and mainly involved the analysis of propaganda films and diaries confiscated from enemy soldiers. It discusses strict adherence to traditions such as deference to elders and the social superiority of men over women to illustrate the role of order and hierarchy in the society. It also emphasizes the cultural importance of fulfilling one’s unspoken obligations acquired through everyday social interaction, or giri. Commissioned by the Office of War Information in 1946, FTP, what is this now-discredited anthropological study of Japanese culture by Ruth Benedict?
The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
Act Three begins in Syria, where Silius urges on a further attack as the body of Pacorus is brought in and victory over the Parthians is celebrated, but he is rebuffed by Ventidius. The act ends with Thyreus being whipped by one of the title characters, an action that, in conjunction with a foolish decision to fight at sea, prompts Enobarbus to desert his commander in light of the disastrous defeat at Actium. FTP, name this William Shakespeare play about a Roman leader and his love affair with an Egyptian queen.
Antony and Cleopatra
To achieve peace and calm, people in this novel perform the Taylor Exercises. First published in translation, in English, due to repression in its home language, it follows an engineer on a spaceship known as the Integral, which was built under the rule of the Benefactor. The protagonist’s main squeeze is O-90, but it is the love of I-330 that introduces him to the rebellion against OneState. Written as an early response to the Russian Revolution, FTP, what is this dystopic novel about D-503, written by Yevgeny Zamyatin, with only a first person pronoun as its title?
We or My
Its author was the chronicler of the monastery at Monte St. Agnes, and Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple reads a chapter of this book every night before bed. Citing from Ruysbroeck, Meister Eckhart, Bernard of Clairvaux and Augustine, as well as much of the New Testament, it has final section discuss the Eucharist, while the first parts are concerned with the Spiritual and Inner Lives. A collection of paragraph-long religious statements, FTP, this is what devotional Christian work, written by Thomas a’ Kempis?
Of the Imitation of Christ or The Following of Christ or Imitatio Christi
Its introduction laments that “the typical businessman is a bad citizen” and that “the typical American is a businessman.” The author notes that the Scandinavians in Minneapolis and Scotch Presbyterians in Pittsburgh contributed to the “misgovernment of the American people” while “mongrel-bred” cities like Chicago and New York were more reform minded because of the “foreign element.” The series began with an observation of a 1902 visit to St. Louis and included articles about rampant corruption at five more urban areas. Published two years before its author’s The Struggle for Self-Government, FTP, what is this collection of muckracking articles written by Lincoln Steffens?
The Shame of the Cities
The action takes place in Toledo, and the plot borrows elements from William Mulford’s story The Iron Shroud as well as Charles Brockden Brown’s Edgar Huntly. The central character is freed from one of the title impediments when the French capture the city, and the other after he smears food on the ropes that bind him to the table, allowing him to escape in the nick of time. FTP, identify this 1842 short story about the torture of a man brought before the Spanish Inquisition, by Edgar Allan Poe.
The Pit and the Pendulum
An essay he wrote critiquing J.L. Austin’s theory on speech, entitled “Signature Event Context,” resulted in a heated debate between himself and John Searle. When Cambridge awarded this man an honorary doctorate, W.V. Quine was among those who protested the decision, describing his work as a Dadaist gimmick on philosophy. A former philosophy professor at the Sorbonne, he is the author of such works as Writing and Difference and Speech and Phenomena. FTP, name this man who also wrote Of Grammatology, considered the founder of deconstructionism.
Jacques Derrida
Two contrasting translations of his poetry are Burton Watson’s Selected Poems, which sought to preserve the parallelisms in his work, and Kenneth Rexroth’s version, which instead tried to make his poems more palatable to Western readers. Briefly held as a prisoner by rebels in Chang-an as a result of his support for the government, he wrote such works as “Spring Night in the Imperial Chancellery” and his most well-known composition, “The Song of the Wagons.” FTP, name this Tang Dynasty poet whose work tends to be distant, intellectual, and moral, unlike the more sensual verse of his contemporary, Li Po.
Tu Fu or Du Fu
Educated at Balliol College, he won the Newdigate Prize in 1843 for the poem “Cromwell.” From 1851 to 1886, he served as an inspector of schools and frequently went to Europe to examine different educational systems. He was highly critical of Victorian materialism, and called for a revival of artistic sensibilities in Culture and Anarchy. Author of an elegy written for his friend Arthur Hugh Clough and entitled “Thyrsis,” FTP, who is this poet best remembered for “The Scholar Gipsy” and “Dover Beach?”
Matthew Arnold
Only around 500 people subscribed to it during its 35 year production run, frustrating its founder’s attempts to support his family with revenue from it after his marriage to Helen Benson. Co-edited by Mary Weston Chapman, it faced harsh resistance from several state legislatures: for example, distributors of it were subject to a $1500 fine in South Carolina. The first issue of this weekly paper came out in 1831 and contained a fiery editorial declaring, “I will not retreat a single inch- AND I WILL BE HEARD!” FTP, name this abolitionist newspaper published by William Lloyd Garrison.
The Liberator
His political career was highlighted by a heated rivalry with Edward Coke, and ended when he was took a bribe and was impeached from his position as Lord Chancellor. He wrote histories of the reigns of Henry VII and Henry VII, and compiled a list of scientific and natural trends from the past ten centuries in his Sylva Sylvarum, the third part of his unfinished project, the Magna Instauratio. He categorized the problems preventing man’s intellectual advancement into four idols, and created the utopian island of Bensalem in his New Atlantis. FTP, name this Elizabethan-era philosopher and author of the Novum Organum.
Francis Bacon
The catalyst for the plot of this novel occurs when one of the characters climbs a mango tree to retrieve his lost parrot and falls to his death shortly after returning home from performing an autopsy on Jeremiah de Saint-Amour. One of the main characters promptly leaves the fourteen year old girl he’s been banging, America Vicuna, and starts courting his newly widowed love object, culminating in an eternal voyage on a riverboat that cannot dock because of a yellow flag representing disease. FTP, name this magic realist novel about Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza, written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Love in the Time of Cholera or El Amor en los Tiempos de Cólera
Minor characters include Chilon Chilonides, who betrays his friend Glaucus before becoming a Christian martyr; Tigellinus, the captain of the guard; and Ursus, a gentle giant. The main plot revolves around the love of the Christian beauty Ligia and the pagan soldier Marcus Vinicius and also stars such historical figures as Seneca, Lucan, Petronius, and Saint Peter, who addresses Jesus with the titular question. FTP, name this 19th Century novel set in the time of Nero, written by Henry Sienkewicz.
Que Vadis?
In a notable boyhood incident, he flings a plateful of applesauce into the eyes of his rival, who had made fun of his messy hair. Unfortunately for this character, that same rival had grown close to his beloved after she stayed in his rival’s estate after being injured by Skulker the bulldog. After gaining a fortune by unexplained means, he ends up marrying Isabella, whose brother Edgar Linton marries his true love, and positions himself to inherit Thrushcross Grange. FTP, name this man whose obsession with Catherine Earnshaw drives the storyline of Wuthering Heights.
Act 2, Scene 4 marks the last time the father in this play is seen alive, taunting Death with a baseball bat after kicking his son out of the house. The next act ends the play eight years later at a funeral with a dance performed by Gabriel when he is unable to play his trumpet and the singing of a blues song by the son and his half-sister Raynell, the product of their father’s affair with Alberta. The title structure, whose erection inspires a bet with Bono involving a refrigerator, symbolizes the division between high school football star Cory and his ex-Negro Leaguer father, Troy Maxson. FTP, name this play which won the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for its author, August Wilson.
This European author expressed his irritation with popular clichés with entries like “Egg: Starting point for a philosophic lecture on the origin of life” in his Dictionary of Received Ideas. That work is now usually paired with the novel about a comedic pair of blundering clerks who come into money, Bouvard and Pécuchet, which was unfinished when he died. He engaged in a literary feud with his ex-mistress, who wrote the novel Lui as a scathing response to the similarities that she, Louise Colet, bore to his most famous character, a fickle and adulterous woman. Also the author of The Temptation of Saint Anthony, FTP, who is this writer of Madame Bovary?
Gustav Flaubert
A veteran of the Balkan Wars, he had a change of heart after encountering five children mourning a Bulgar priest, whom he had murdered days earlier. Hired to manage a newly inherited mine, he is a skilled dancer, a lover of Madame Hortense, and a prolific seducer of widows. He tells his inhibited English boss Basil that he is hellbound, not because of his past wrongs or decadent lifestyle, but because he once refused to sleep with a woman who called him to bed. A major film role of Anthony Quinn, FTP, who is this free-spirited Cretan literary character, the subject of a novel by Nikos Kazantzakis?
Zorbo the Greek or Alexis Zorbo
This book’s narrator considers each of his chapters a strongly flavored concoction preserved for the world to taste, which is why he refers to them as “pickles of history.” A World War I-era flashback tells of how the narrator’s grandfather Doctor Aziz married a patient named Naseem, producing five children, including the narrator’s mother Mumtaz. However, the narrator is actually the biological son of Vanita, but was switched at birth with Shiva after his birth early in August 15th. FTP, name this Booker Prize winning novel about Saleem Sinai, written by Salman Rushdie.
Midnight's Children
In an early draft, its main character had the name Connie Gustafson but the author wanted a name that evoked her carefree spirit. That protagonist once took French lessons to improve her English in the hopes of becoming a movie star, though her agent, OJ Berman, realized she was a phony. Rusty Trawler, who later marries Mag Wildwood; Doc, whom the protagonist marries because she had never been married before; bar owner Joe Bell, and Fred the narrator are among the men infatuated by the girl born Lulamae Barnes in FTP, what Truman Capote novel about Holly Golightly?
Breakfest at Tiffany's
Stanley Corngold’s The Commentator’s Despair lists over 130 possible interpretations for this work, including society’s treatment of the different and feelings of isolation. The protagonist’s death, the result of a thrown apple, actually frees his family of a burden, as they are finally able to leave the house and worry about finding a husband for his sister Grete. Contrary to popular belief, the original German only contains a colloquial word for vermin and never identifies the main character by species. FTP, Identify this story by where Gregor Samsa wakes up transformed, a work of Franz Kafka
The Metamorphosis
Reflections on Nazism and corrupt “buffaloes” and their “lamb” opponents are interspersed throughout this novel. It is Heinrich’s 80th birthday, but there’s not much celebration since his son Joseph helped destroy the structure that Heinrich built. Luckily, Joseph’s son Robert is helping to rebuild St. Anthony’s Abbey, and all three characters share a birthday cake by the novel’s end. However, dark overtones abound, leading some to believe that the happy ending is a departure in this work about a family of architects. FTP, identify this novel in which the titular daily game is an attempt by Robert Fähmel to impose false order on his life, the most famous work of Heinrich Böll.
Billards at Half-Past Nine
The characters from the titular place of this poem are numerous; “one had a cat’s face, / one whisked a tail, / one tramped at a rat’s pace, / one crawled like a snail.” We learn that they are indirectly responsible for the death of Jeanie, but they’re also violent, attacking Lizzie when she refuses to eat with them, wanting only to take the goods home to her sick sister Laura, who made the mistake of eating the forbidden fruits. FTP, identify this poem about a group of little merchant men who take in young girls with their cry, “Come buy, come buy”, a work of Christina Rosetti
Goblin Market
The main speaker of this work notes that he believes in spiritual entities, or daimonia, and emphasizes his opposition to the arrest and execution of Leon and denies links to Critias, leader of the Thirty Tyrants. After the protagonist hears Meletus call for his death, he responds by asking instead for a fine of thirty minae instead, offending the jury that had already convicted him for impiety and corrupting the youth. FTP, name this Platonic dialogue where Socrates tries to defend himself before being sentenced to death.
The Apology
At this novel’s end, the narrator, a former English professor, decides to take a job in Africa at the urging of his alcoholic wife, who was impregnated by his own brother. The hope of the couple is to escape their shame for their other child, a retarded boy modeled after the author’s son, Hikari. Also haunting the narrator throughout the novel is the disturbing image of his best friend, who killed himself by stripping naked, painting his face red, shoving a cucumber up his ass, and hanging himself. FTP, name this novel about the Nedokoro brothers, Takashi and Mitsu, written by Kenzaburo Oe.
The Silent Cry
This poem's first stanza includes a blason in which the poet reserves the last age to show the subject's heart, and the poet declares himself willing to wait from “ten years before the Flood...Till the Conversion of the Jews.” The poet's “vegetable love should grow/ Vaster than empires, and more slow,” but “yonder all before us lie/ Deserts of vast eternity.” Concluding, “Thus, though we cannot make our sun/ Stand still, yet we will make him run,” this is, FTP, what poem that begins, “Had we but world and time,” and was written by Andrew Marvell?
To His Coy Mistress
When religious leaders used his texts to argue contrasting opinions over the nature of the spirit in the afterlife, he tried to settle the dispute by writing the Treatise on Resurrection. In addition to an essay on hemorrhoids, he wrote Commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates, which criticized Hippocrates and Galen, and was one of many works inspired by his career as a physician. Also the author of Commentary on the Mishnah, this is, FTP, what medieval Jewish philosopher who wrote the Guide for the Perplexed?
Moses ban Maimon or Maimonides
He used the term "dynamic density" as a key element in the transition from mechanical to organic solidarity. One biographer, Steven Lukes, stressed his belief in sociological dichotomies such that in the nature of religion, the sacred and the profane, which was explored in the work Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Author of the works The Rules of Sociological Method and The Division of Labor in Society, FTP, who is this French sociologist who classified into four categories the types of suicide?
Emile Durkheim
Dorcas Gustine was unpopular because she spoke her mind. Reverend Lemuel Wiley saved the Blisses from divorce. Mrs. George Reece blames the villain of the work and his son for causing the fall of the bank, sending her husband to prison, and leaving her and her children indigent. Sam Hookey tells his story of being eaten by lions after running away with the circus. The maligned villain, Thomas Rhodes, leaves behind a message boasting that death proves worldly pursuits trump spiritual ones. FTP, the epitaphs of the above townspeople all appear in what poetic collection by Edgar Lee Masters?
Spoon River Anthology
A fundamental assertion in this work is that while all knowledge begins with experience, it does not necessarily arise out of experience. In addition, experience may only confer comparative universality to its judgments, as by induction. In particular, space and time are not the product of empirical knowledge, but rather exist as a consequence of the author’s Axioms of Intuition. Proposing through the use of the transcendental logic to place philosophy on a firm base of a priori knowledge by determining its extent, this is, FTP, what work of Immanuel Kant.
A Critique of Pure Reason (or Kritiq der reinen Vernunft)
One of this novel’s main characters, after the death of her husband Charles, leaves her daughter Irma in London to travel through Europe with her friend. An unemployed dentist’s son named Geno marries the widow and impregnates her, but she dies in childbirth. The snobbish Herriton family sends Lilia’s siblings Harriet and Philip to take the baby and “save” the child from being raised as an Italian, though this struggle inadvertently leads to the baby’s death, and Philip returns to England with Caroline Abbott. FTP, name this E.M. Forster novel whose title completes the quote beginning with “fools rush in…”
Where Angels Fear to Tread
This work’s third story references Byron’s “She Walks in Beauty,” and is entitled “The Summer Nights.” Walter Gripp ends up on a date with a fat girl through a random phone call in “In Silent Towns,” and the characters of Sam Parkhill, Captain Wilder, and Hathaway are introduced in “And the Moon be Still as Bright.” One story tells of a dream house whose owners were killed during a nuclear war and takes its title from the Sara Teasdale poem, “There Will Come Soft Rains.” Also containing such stories as “Ylla,” “The Million Year Picnic,” and “Rocket Summer,” this is, FTP, what short sci-fi story collection with an extraterrestrial setting, written by Ray Bradbury?
The Martian Chronicles
This thinker traveled to Aberdeen to reconcile Aristotelian and Kantian thoughts on judgment in the Gifford Lectures, the basis of The Life of the Mind, and suffered a near-fatal heart attack there. Other works include Between Past and Future and work analyzing various revolutions, On Revolution. The author of The Human Condition, she studied under Karl Jaspers, but is more infamous for her affair with Martin Heidegger. FTP, identify this woman who,in 1961, covered the trial of the Nazi Adolf Eichmann
Hannah Arendt
The book’s narrator twice saves his own life by shooting out diarrhea at attackers: in one case a lady who blames him for letting her son be killed by a bear, the other an angry mob whose garden he ate. Kidnapped by bandits, the narrator struggles to find a patch of roses that can save him from the spell caused by an ointment rubbed on him by his lover Photis, until he is finally restored to his normal form by Isis and becomes a priest for her in gratitude. FTP, name this Roman work about Lucius, a man transformed into a pack animal, written by Apuleius.
The Golden Ass