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43 Cards in this Set

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Name the muscles of the pectoral region

Pectoralis Major

Pectoralis Minor

Serratus Anterior

What are the attachments of the pectoralis major?

Composed of two heads


Clavicular head: Medial half of clavicle

Sternocostal head: Sternum, Costal cartilages of ribs 1-6

Insertion: Intertubecular groove of the humerus

What are the actions of the pectoralis major?

Both heads: Adduction, Medial Rotation

Clavicular head: Flexion.

What is the innervation of the pectoralis major?

Medial and Lateral Pectoral Nerves

Brachial Plexus (C5-T1)

What is the arterial supply of the pectoralis major?

Pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial trunk

What are the attachments of the pectoralis minor?

Origin: Anterior surfaces of ribs 3 – 5

Insertion: Corocoid process of the scapula

Attaching to the scapula forms a ‘bridge’, which vessels passing into the upper limb must travel underneath

What are the actions of the pectoralis minor?

Pulls the scapula medially, forwards and downwards to depress the shoulder

What is the innervation of the pectoralis minor?

Medial pectoral nerve

Brachial Plexus (C8, T1)

What is the arterial supply of the pectoralis minor?

Pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial trunk

What are the attachments of serratus anterior?


Superior: Ribs 1-2

Intermediate: Ribs 2-3

Inferior: Ribs 4-8

Insertion: Costal surface of the medial border of the scapula

What are the actions of serratus anterior?

Superior external rotation of the scapula

Draws the scapula internally and forwards

-> allows the arm to be raised over 90 degrees.

Holds the scapula against the ribcage

-> useful when upper limb reaches anteriorly (e.g punching).

What is the innervation of serratus anterior?

Long thoracic nerve

Brachial Plexus (C5-7)

NB: Winging of the scapula in long thoracic nerve injury

What is the arterial supply of serratus anterior?

Lateral thoracic artery

Name the muscles of the anterior compartment of the upper arm

Biceps Brachii



What are the attachments of the biceps brachii?


Long head: Supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

Short head: Coracoid process of the scapula

Long head tendon passes through the shoulder joint and intertubecular groove of the humerus to meet the short head, the two heads combine at the level of the humeral shaft

Insertion: radial tuberosity

What are the actions of the biceps brachii?

Supination of the forearm

Flexion at the elbow and the shoulder

What is the innervation of the biceps brachii?

Musculocutaneous Nerve

Brachial Plexus (C5-C6)

What is the arterial supply of the biceps brachii?

Brachial Artery

What are the attachments of coracobrachialis?

Origin: Coracoid process of the scapula

Insertion: Medial side of the humeral shaft, at the level of the deltoid tubercle

What are the actions of coracobrachialis?

Flexion of the shoulder

What is the innervation of coracobrachialis?

Musculocutaneous nerve

Brachial Plexus (C5,C6,C7)

What is the arterial supply of coracobrachialis?

Brachial artery

What are the attachments of the brachialis?

Origin: Anterior humeral shaft

Insertion: Coronoid process and tuberosity of the ulna

What are the actions of the brachialis?

Elbow flexion

What is the innervation of the brachialis?

Musculocutaneous nerve

Brachial Plexus (C5,C6)

Radial Nerve (C7) - small lateral portion

What is the arterial supply of the brachialis?

Brachial Artery

Name the muscles of the posterior compartment of the upper arm

Triceps Brachii

What are the attachments of the triceps brachii?


Long head: Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

Lateral head: posterolateral humerus, superior to the radial grove

Medial head: posteromedial humerus, inferior to the radial groove

Insertion: Common tendon to the olecranon process of the ulna

What are the actions of the triceps brachii?

Elbow extension

What is the innervation of the triceps brachii?

Radial nerve (C6, C7, C8)

Triceps tendon jerk tests spinal segment C7

What is the arterial supply of the triceps brachii?

Deep brachial artery

What are the borders of the axilla?

Apex: Lateral border of the first rib, superior border of scapula, posterior border of the clavicle (cervico-axillary canal)

Lateral: Intertubecular groove of the humerus

Medial: Serratus anterior, thoracic wall

Anterior: Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, (subclavius muscle)

Posterior: Subscapularis, teres major, latissimus dorsi (scaplua)

Base: concave skin, subcutaneous tissue, and deep fascia extending from the arm to the thoracic wall at approx 4th rib level
forming the axillary fossa (armpit)

Name the passages for structures entering/exiting the axilla

Superiorly via the cervico-axillary canal

Inferolaterally into the upper arm

Posteriorly via the quadrangular space into the posterior arm and shoulder

anteriorly via the clavipectoral triangle

What are the contents of the axilla?

Axillary artery (medial and posterior parts)

Axillary vein

Axillary Lymph nodes

Brachial plexus

Biceps brachii tendon

Coracobrachialis tendon

What are the borders of the quadrangular space?

Gap in the posterior wall of the axilla


Superior: Subscapularis, teres minor

Inferior: Teres major

Medial: Long head of the triceps brachii

Lateral: Surgical neck of the humerus

What structures pass through the quadrangular space?

Axillary nerve

Posterior circumflex humeral artery (a branch of the axillary artery)

What are the borders of the clavipectoral triangle?

Opening in the anterior wall of the axilla


Superolateral: Deltoid

Superomedial: Clavicle

Inferior: Pectoralis major

What are the structures passing through the clavipectoral triangle?

Structures passing through:

Cephalic vein (enters)

Medial and lateral pectoral nerves (exit)

Describe thoracic outlet syndrome

Pain tingling, muscle weakness and discolouration caused by compression of the vessels and nerves passing into the axilla by the bones forming its apex

What are the borders of the triangular space?

Triangular space = medial triangular space, upper triangular space, medial axillary space, foramen omotricipitale


Superior: Teres minor

Inferior: Teres Major

Lateral: Long head of triceps

What are the contents of the triangular space?

Scapular circumflex vessels

What are the borders of the triangular interval?

Triangular interval = lateral triangular space, lower triangular space, triceps hiatus


Superior: Teres major

Medial: Long head of the triceps brachii

Lateral: Humerus

What are the contents of the triangular interval?

Radial nerve

Profunda brachii artery