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385 Cards in this Set

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Movement of a body part away from the midline of the body.

Opposite of Adduction
A scraping away of a portion of the skin or mucous membrane
To become familiar with a new enviornment
A white crystalline neurotransmitter and derivative of choline that is released at the end of nerve fibers in the somatic and parasympathetic nervous systems and is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses in the body
One of the two primary contractile proteins in myofibril

The other is myosin
Active (dynamic) stretching
A stretching of muscle and tissue that requires agonist muscle contraction through a range of motion. No outside force is involved.
Active isolated stretching (AIS)
Stretches are held very briefly in sets of a specific number of repetitions, with the goal of isolating an individual muscle in each set
Active recovery
Stretching or exercising other body parts between sets
A rapid onset and a relatively short and severe course; opposite of chronic
Movement of a body part towards the midline of the body; opposite of abduction
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
A high-energy phosphate molecule required to provide energy for cellular function. Produced both aerobically and anaerobically, and stored in the body
Commitment to a regement
Adipose tissue
Fatty tissue
With, or in the presence of, oxygen
Aerobic cross training
Combination of various aerobic exercises
Aerobic system
The metabolic pathways that, in the presence of oxygen, use glucose for energy production; also known as aerobic glycolysis
A muscle that is directly engaged in contraction; opposes the action of an antagonist muscle
All-or-none principle
The principle of muscle contraction that states that when a motor unit is activated, all the muscle fibers will maximally contract
The absence of menstruation
Amino acids
Nitrogen-containing compounds that are the building blocks of proteins
Anabolic (androgenic) steroids
Synthetic testosterone
Without the presence of oxygen; not requiring oxygen
Anaerobic glycolysis
The metabolic pathway that uses glucose for energy production without requiring oxygen. Sometimes referred to as the lactic acid system or anaerobic glucose system, it produces lactic acid as a byproduct
Anaerobic threshold
The point during high intensity activity when the body can no longer meet its demand for oxygen and anaerobic metabolism predominates; also called lactate threshold
Anatomical position
Standing erect with the feet and palms facing forward
Definciency in red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood
Pain originating from the heart that is characterized by a substantial \"pressure\" sensation within the chest, commonly radiating down the arm, up into the jaw, or to another site. Generally caused by decreased blood flow to the coronary arteries supplying oxygen to the myocardium (heart muscle) due to partial occlusion from plaque or clot formation or spasm of the artery itself. Often aggravated or induced by exercise or stress (emotional or environmental); also called angina pectoris
Anorexia nervosa
The muscle that acts in opposition to the action produced by an agonist muscle
The stimuli that precedes a given behavior; sometimes referred to as a cue or a trigger
Antecubital space
The space just in front of the cubits (elbow)
Anatomical term meaning towards the front. Same as ventral; opposite of posterior
Anthropometric assessments
Measurement and analysis of parts of the human body. Examples include skinfold, girth, and body weight
Antiatherogenic diet
A diet designed to minimise atherosclerosis, usually one that is low in cholesterol and saturated fat
Substances that boost the body's defense against excessive numbers of unstable oxygen molecules (free radicals) to prevent them from causing damage. Five nutrients have been identified as having antioxidant properties: beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, sulfur, and selenium
A white, flatten, tendinous expansion that mainly serves to connect a muscle to the parts that it moves
Abnormal heart rhythm or beat
Vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the tissues
Smaller divisions of the arteries
Inflammatory condition involving a joint
Place of union or junction between two or more bones
Associative stage of learning
The second stage of learning a motor skill when performers have mastered the fundamentals and can concentrate on skill refinement
Assumption of risk
A legal defense used to show that a person understood the possible occurrence of known dangers of a specific activity and chose to participate anyway
A disease of the pulmonary system characterized by episodes of dyspnea (difficulty breathing) due to narrowing of the airways from constriction of bronchial smooth muscle and overproduction of mucus
Without obvious symptoms
A specific form of cardiovascular disease characterized by the Accumulation of fatty material on the inner walls of the arteries, causing them to harden, thicken, and lose elasticity
Adenosine triphosphate
ATP-CP energy system
Creatine phosphate system
The two (left and right) upper chambers of the heart (singular: atrium)
A decrease in the cross-sectional size of a muscle resulting from inactivity or immobilization following injury
Attending (behavior)
Nonverbal acknowledgements during conversation to encourage the speaker to continue
The active listening to sounds (through a stethoscope) arising with bodily organs (e.g., the heartbeat)
Autogenic inhibition
An automatic reflex relaxation caused by excessive stimulation of Golgi tendon organs (GTOs)
Autonomous stage of learning
The third stage of learning a motor still with the skill has become habitual or automatic for the performer
Not vascular; without blood supply
A wound involving forcible separation or tearing of tissue from the body
Axis of rotation
Imaginary line or point about which an object, such as a body or a lever, rotates
High-impact, rapid, jerky movements
Ballistic stretch
A high-force, short-duration stretch using rapid bouncing movements
A sensory nerve ending that is stimulated by change in pressure, as those in the walls of blood vessels
Behavioral chain
A series of behaviors connected to each other in such a way that the resulting behavior will not occur if any links in the chain of behavior are broken
Beta-blockers (beta-adrenergic blocking agents)
Medications that block or limit sympathetic nervous system stimulation. They act to slow the heart rate and decrease maximum heart rate and are used for cardiovascular and other medical conditions
Bioelectrical impedance
A method of determining body composition by measuring the body\'s resistance to electrical flow
Blood pressure
The pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries; measured in millimeters of mercury with a sphygmomanometer
Body composition
The makeup of the body in terms of relative percentage of fat-free mass and body fat
Body mass index (BMI)
A relative measure of body height to body weight for determining degree of obesity
Slowness of the heartbeat, as evidenced by a pulse rate of less than 60 BPM
The smallest tubes that supply air to the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs
Acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes. See Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Bulimia nervosa
Painful inflammation of the bursa, occurring most often in the knees, hips, shoulders and elbows
The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree Celsius; also called kilocalorie
The smallest blood vessels that supply blood to the tissues, and is the site of all gas in nutrient exchange in the cardiovascular system. They connect the arterial and venous systems
Carbohydrate (CHO)
An essential nutrient that provides energy to the body. Dietary sources include sugars (simple) and grains, rice, and beans (complex) . 1 gm CHO = 4 kcals
Carbohydrate loading
Up to a week-long regimen of manipulating intensity of training and carbohydrate intake to achieve maximum glycogen storage for an endurance event
Cardiac cycle
The period from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next; systolic and diastolic movement and the interval in between
Cardiac output
The amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute; usually expressed in liters of blood per minute
Cardiorespritory endurance
The ability to perform large muscle movements over a sustained period; the capacity of the heart-lung system to deliver oxygen for sustained energy production; also called cardiovascular endurance
Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
General term for any disease of the heart and blood vessels; includes coronary artery disease, hypertension, stroke, congestive heart failure, perpheral vascular disease, and valvular heart disease
A smooth, semi-opaque material providing a "frictionless" surface of a joint
Cell membrane
The enveloping capsule of a cell conposed of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
A stroke
A fat-like substance found in the blood and body tissues and in animal products; essential for body production of hormones, steriods, and so on. Its accumulation in the arteries leads to narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis)
A condition that persists over a long period of time; oppositeof acute
Chronic disease
A disease of long duration and often of gradual onset, involving very slow changes; does not indicate the severity of the disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
A condition, such as asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema, in wich there is chronic obstruction of air flow
Circuit training
A form of training that takes the participant through a series of exercise stations, sometimes with brief rest intervals in between; can emphasize muscular endurance, aerobic conditioning, muscular strength, or a combination of all three
The active or passive circular movement of a joint; a combination of flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction movements
Cramp-like pains in the calves caused by poor circulation of the blood to the leg muscles
Closed-chain exercise (CCE)
Exercises that use the body muscles in weightbearing position; co-contractors, postural stabilizers, and the neuromuscular system are all trained at the same time (e.g., squats and lunges)
The mutual coordination of antagonist muscles (such as flexors and extensors) to maintain a position
Current thoughts or feelings that can function as antecedents or consequences for overt behaviors
Cognitive stage of learning
The first stage of learning a motor skill when performers make many gross errors and have extremely variable performances
The main constituent of connective tissue, such as ligaments, tendons, and muscles
Complete proteins
Foods that contain all eight essential amino acids; most meats and dairy products are considered complete protein foods
Concentric contraction
A contraction in which a muscle exerts force, shortens, and overcomes a resistance
Connective tissue
The tissue that binds together and supports various structures of the body (e.g., ligaments and tendons)
Continuous training
Conditioning exercise, such as walking, jogging, cycling, or traditional aerobics, in which the intensity is maintained continuously between 50 and 85% of maximal oxygen consumption (functional capacity)
A written agreement signed by the participant and trainer (and additinal third parties as appropriate) that clearly states the exercise goals to be achieved over a given period. Also, a legally binding agreement stating services, fees, and other pertinent information regarding the trainer/client relationship
Systematically providing rewards for positive behavior; stems from the behavioral theory of reinforcement
A focus of functional training; the combining of movement pattern, trajectory, speed, and muscle utilization into quality performance
Coronary artery disease (CAD)
The major form of cardiovascular disease; almost always the result of atherosclerosis; also called coronary heart disease (CHD)
Creatine phosphate (CP)
A high-energy phosphate molecule that is stored in cells and can be used to immediately resynthesize ATP; one of the phosphagens
Creatine phosphate system
System of transfer of chemical energy for resynthesis of ATP supplied rapidly and without oxygen from the breakdown of creatine phosphate (CP); also called ATP-CP system
Cross training
A method of physical training in which a variety of exercises and changes in body positions or modes of exercise are utilized to positively affect compliance and motivation, and also stimulate additional strength gains or reduce injury risk
A bluish discoloration, especially of the skin and mucous membranes, due to reduced hemoglobin in the blood
Anatomical term meaning internal; that is located further beneath the body surface than the superficial structures
Termination of atrial or ventrical fibrillation (rapid, randomized contractions of the myocardium), usually by electroshock
Dificency of water in the body
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
Muscle soreness that occures 24-48 hours after intense exercise; typically associated with eccentric muscle contractions and thought to be the result of microscopic tears in the muscle or connective tissue
A disease of carbohydrate metabolism in which an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin results in an inability to metabolize carbohydrates normally; formerly known as deabetes mellitus
The relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle during which blood fills the ventricles
Diastolic blood pressure
The pressure exerted by the blood on the blood vessel walls when the heart relaxes between contractions
Dichotomous (light-switch) thinking
Looking at an event as being all positive or negative; usally appears in individuals who exclusively link their self-worth to their achievements
Disability insurance
Provides income protection in the case a trainer becomes injured; may not be provided by an employer
Anatomical term meaning away from the attached end of the limb, origin of structure, or midline of the body; opposite of proximal
Medication that produces an increase in the volume of urine and sodium (salt) that is excreted
Movement of the dorsum (top) of the foot up towards the shin (proximally); opposite of plantarflexion
Dynamic constant external resistance
Constant resistance throughout the movement range
Dynamic flexibility
The range of motion about a joint when speed is involved during physical performance; strength, power, neuromuscular coordination, and tissue resistance are all factors
Dynamic variable external resistance
Vary the resistance throughout the movement range
Shortness of breath, resulting in difficult or labored breathing
Eccentric contraction
A contraction in which a muscle exerts force, lengthens, and is overcome by a resistance
Ejection fraction
The percentage of the total volume of blood that is pumped out of the left ventricle during the systolic contraction of the heart
Temporary or recoverable elongation of connective tissue
The minerals sodium, potassium, and chlorine, which are present in the body as electrically charged particles called ions
A chronic lung disease characterized by loss of air sacs resulting in a decreased ability to exchange gases; carbon dioxide levels are increased and oxygen levels are decreased, causing rapid breathing and dyspnea
Energy balance theory
Calorie in VS calorie out
Proteins necessary to bring about biochemical reactions
Ergogenic aids
Substances thought to enhance energy availability or utilization to improve endurance or strength
Essential Amino acids
The eight amino acids needed to make proteins; called essential because they cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained from the diet
Essential fatty acids
Fat that cannot be produced by the body and must be supplied by the diet; linoleic acid is the only essential fatty acid; also called essential fat
Essential nutrient
A nutrient that must be supplied by the diet because it cannot be produced by the body
Having a normal menstration
Movement of the sole of the foot outward; opposite of inversion
Exess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)
Increased oxygen requirement above resting metabolic rate following a bout of exercise; historically referred to as oxygen debt
Exercise-induced asthma
Asthma caused by exercise
Straighten a joint
Fartlek training
Similar to interval training, except the length of rest periods are determined by how the participant feels
A sheet or band of fibrous tissue that lies deep into the skin or forms an attachment for muscles and organs
Fast-twitch (Type II) fiber
Large muscle fiber characterized by its fast speed of contraction and a high capacity for anerobic glycolysis
An essential nutrient that provides energy, energy storage, insulation, and contour the body. 1 gm fat = 9 kcal
Fat-free mass
Body composition including everything except fat
Fat soluble
Able to dissolve in fat; relating to vitamins, those that are stored in the body fat, principally in the liver
Fatty acid
The building block of fats
Information that can be used to improve future performance
Flat-back posture
A position of the spine that minimizes the natural curve by pelvis in a slight posterior tilt
The range of motion possible about a joint
Bend a joint; opposite of extension
Formation evaluation
Ongoing tracking of a training program's progress
Being frail
Frontal plane
An imaginary longitudial section that divides the body into anterior and posterior halves; lies at a right angle to the sagittal plane
The support on which a lever rotates
Functional capacity
The maximum physical performance represented by maximal oxygen consumption
Functional training
A training model that involves exercises specifically designed to improve a client's performance of activities outside the training environment, including specific movements involved in work, sports, or other activities of daily life
The manner or style of walking
General liability insurance
Insurance for bodily injury or property damage resulting from general negligence
A simple sugar; the form in which all carbohydrates are used as the body's principal energy source
The storage from glucose found in the liver and muscles
Golgi tendon organ (GTO)
A sensory organ within a tendon that, when stimulated, causes an inhibition of the entire muscle group to protect against too much force
Graded exercise test (GXT)
A treadmill or cycle-ergometer test that measures or estimates maximum aerobic capacity by gradually increasing the intensity until a person has reached a mamimal level or voluntary exhaustion
Grand mal seizure
A major motor seizure characterized by violent and uncontrollable muscle contractions
Health Belief Model
A model to explain health-related behaviors that suggests that an individual's decision to adopt healthy behaviors is based largely upon their perception of susceptibility to an illness and the probable severity of the illness. the person's view of the benefits and cost of the change are also considered
Heart disease
A structural or functional abnormality of the heart or of the blood vessels supplying the heart that impairs its normal functioning
Heart-rate (maximum) reserve
The result of subtracting the resting heart rate from the maximal heart rate; represents the working heart-rate range between rest and maximal heart rate within which all activity occurs
Heat cramps
A mild form of heat-related illness that generally occurs during or after strenuous physical activity and is characterized by painful muscle spasms
Heat exhaustion
The most common heat-related illness; usually the result of intense exercise in a hot, humid environment and characterized by profuse sweating, which results in fluid and electrolyte loss, a drop in blood pressure, light-headedness, nausea, vomiting, decreased coordination, and often syncope (fainting)
Heat stroke
A medical emergency that is the most serious form of heat illness due to heat overload and/or impairment of the body's ability to dissipate heat; characterized by high body temperature (>105 F, or 40.5 C)
A disorder of iron metabolism in which large deposits of iron are made in the liver; often an effect of the consumption of too many iron supplements
A protrusion of the abdominal contents into the groin (inguinal hernia) or through the abdominal wall (abdominal hernia)
Herniated disc
A condition in which the disc between two vertrebrae of the spine bulges backward, often compressing a nerve root and compromising its function
High blood pressure
A condition in which blood pressure is chronically elevated above levels considered desirable or healthy for a person's age and size
High-density lipoproteins (HDL)
A plasma conplex of lipids and proteins that contains relatively more protein and less cholesterol and triglycerides. High HDL levels are associated with a low risks of coronary heart disease; labeled "good" cholesterol because it removes excess cholesterol from the body
The tendency toward stability and balance in normal body states
Hydrostatic weighing
An underwater test used to measure body fat and lean body mass percentages based on the relative density of fat and lean tissue
Hypercalciuric effect
The tendency to excrete excessive calcium in the urine; usually caused by leaching of calcium from the bones
An excess of cholesterol in the blood
Extreme or excessive extension of a joint
An abnormally high content of glucose in the blood
An excess of lipids in the blood
High blood pressure, or the elevation of blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg
Abnormally high body temperature
An increase in the cross-sectional size of muscle in response to progressive resistance (strength) training
A greater than nomal rate of breathing that results in an abnormal loss of carbon dioxide from the blood; dizziness may occur
A deficiency of sugar in the blood commonly caused by too much insulin, too little glucose, or too much exercise in the insulin-dependent diabetic
A deficency of potassium in the blood
Lack of activity or energy
Abnormally low body temperature
A solution having less tonicity (effective osmotic pressure equivalent) than bodily fluids
Impingement syndrome
Pain experienced when elevating the arms above the head (especially when done posteriorly). Caused by a reduction of space for the supraspinatus muscle and/or the long head of the biceps tendon to pass under the anterior edge of the acromion and coracoacromial ligament; attributed to muscle hypertrophy and inflammation caused by microtraumas
A cut in the skin, frequently from a sharp object
Incomplete proteins
Foods that are missing one or more of the essential amino acids
Independant contractors
A contractor offering imdemdification for its customer
Anatomical term meaning situated below or nearer the soles of the feet in relation to a specific reference point; opposite of superior
Informed concent
Voluntary acknowledgement of the purpose, procedures, and specific risks of an activity in which one intends to engage
The physiological stress on the body during exercise; indicates how hard the body should be working to achieve a training effect
To interlock, like the fingers of folded hands
Interval training
Short, high-intensity exercise periods alternated with periods of rest (e.g.; 100-yard run, one-minute rest, repeated eight times).
Moving the sole of the foot inward; opposite of eversion
A local deficency of blood supply caused by the constriction or obstruction of the arteries, which results in a decreased supply of oxygen to tissues
A fixed speed of movement and vary the resistive force according to muscle force
Isometric contraction
A contraction in which a muscle exerts force by does not change in length
Isometric (static) equipment
Equipment that does not permit joint movement, resulting in static (isometric) muscle contractions
Karvonen formula
The mathematical formula that uses maximum heart-rate reserve to determine target heart-rate

Karvonen Formula:
(Heart rate reserve X Percent intensity) + Resting heart rate = Target heart rate
An organic compound (e.g., acetone) with a carbonyl group attached to two carbon atoms
An abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the body; usually the result of a low-carbohydrate diet, fasting, or starvation
The study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement
Kinesthetic awareness
One's sense of one's position and movement in space during various activities
Korotkoff sounds
Five different sounds created by the pulsing of the blood through the brachial artery; proper distinction of the sounds is necessary to determine blood pressure
Exagerated sagittal curvature of the thoracic spine; often accompanied by a forward-head position
An increase in the normal inward curve of the low back and increased outward curve of the thoracic spine
A jagged, irregular cut or tear in the soft tissue, usually caused by a blow. Because of extensive tissue destruction, there is a great potential for contamination and infection
Lactic acid (lactate)
A waste product of anaerobic energy production known to cause localized muscle fatigue
Lacto-ovo vegetarian
A person who consumes milk and eggs, but not meat, poultry, or fish
The expected slips or mistakes that are usually discreet events and are normal part of the behavior-change process
Aanatomical term meaning away from the midline of the body; pertaining to the side; opposite of medial
Law of acceleration
The force (F) acting on the body in a given direction is equal to the body's mass (m) multiplied by the body's acceleration (a) in that direction: (F=ma), or (a=F/m)
Law of impact and reaction forces
The earth exerts a force against the body that is equal to the force applied to the earth as one moves
Law of inertia
The tendency of all objects and matter to remain at rest, or, if moving, to continue moving in the same straight line unless acted on by an outside force; proportional to body mass
Leader nutrients
Ten nutrients that, if they are consumed in adiquate amounts, will ensure that the individual will also be consuming the other nutrients. These nutrients are: Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, vitamins A and C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, and iron
A rigid bar that rotates around a fixed support (fulcrum) in response to an applied force
Legal responsibility
A connective tissue that functions to connect two bones
The vehicle that transports fat throughout the body; made up of protein, fat, and cholesterol
An exaggerated forward curvature of the lumbar spine, often resulting in a protruding abdomen and buttocks; sometimes refered to as a swayback
Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
A plasma complex of lipids and proteins that contains relatively more cholesterol and triglycerides and less protein. High LDL levels are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease; labeled "bad" cholesterol because it deposits cholesterol on the artery walls
The longest time frame in a periodized training program, usually a period of six monts to a year. The goals of a macrocycle are long-term and require multiple steps to be achieved
Maximal heart rate (MHR)
The highest heart rate a person can attain

Estimated Maximal Heart Rate:
220 - Age
Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max)
The highest volume of oxygen a person can consume during exercise; maximum aerobic capacity

Nonweightbearing Expression (absolute O2 uptake):(L/min)

Weightbearing Expression (relative O2 uptake):
(mL O2/KG(bw)/min)

Conversion Formula (absolute - relative)
Relative O2 uptake=(Absolute O2 uptake/1000)/Bodyweight (kg)
Anatomical term meaning toward the midline of the body; pertaining to the center; opposite of lateral
Medical insurance
Provides hospitalization and major medical coverage
A dose of a substance that is extremely high compared to the needs of the body
Cessation of menstration in the human female, usually occurring between the ages of 45 and 50
The mid-line time frame of a periodized training program, usually three to four months long. The goals of a mesocycle are designed to be steps on the way to the overall goal of the macrocycle
Metabolic equivalents (METs)
A simplified system for classifying physical activities where one MET is equal to the resting oxygen consumption, which is approximately 3.5 millileters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (3.5mL/kg/min)
The shortest time frame in a periodized training program, usually one to four weeks long. The goals of a microcycle are short-term and are designed to be steps on the way to the overall goal of the mesocycle
Organic substances needed in the diet in small amounts to help regulate bodily functions
Imitating another's behavior or attitudes
Specialized subcellular structures located within body cells that contain oxidative enzymes needed by the cell to metabolize food-stuffs into energy sources
The process of leaning by observing and imitating other's behavior
Monounsaturated fats
A type of unsaturated fat (liquid at room temperature) that has one spot available on the fatty acid for the addition of a hydrogen atom. Moderate intake is associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease (e.g., oleic acid in olive oil); generally considered to be a "healthy" fat
The disease rate; the ratio of sick to well persons in a community
The death rate; the ratio of deaths that take place to expected deaths
Motive force
The force that starts or causes a movement
Motive muscle contractions
An aspect of coordination; eccentric or concentric contractions that produce the actual movement at the joints
Motor learning effect
Improvement in performance during the initial weeks of strength training due to more efficent motor unit utilization
Motor neurons
Nerve cells that conduct impulses from the CNS to the periphery signaling muscles to contract or relax, regulating muscular movement
Motor unit
A motor nerve and all the muscle fibers it stimulates
Muscle afferents
Neurons that conduct impulses from sensory receptors into the central nervous system
Muscle fiber
A muscle cell
Muscle spindle
The sensory organ within a muscle that is sensitive to stretch and thus protects the muscle from being stretched too far
Muscular endurance
The capacity of a muscle to exert force repeatedly against a resistance, or to hold a fixed or static contraction over time
Muscular strength
The maximum force that a muscle can produce against resistance in a single, maximal effort
Myocardial infarction (MI)
Death of a portion of the heart muscle from an interruption of the blood supply; commonly called a heart attack
Contractile protein in a muscle fiber
One of the two primary contractile proteins in a myofibril

The other is actin
Myotatic (stretch) reflex
Muscular reflex created by excessive muscle spindle stimulation to prevent potential tissue damage
MyPyramidFood Guidance System
A guide to assist the public with daily food choices that will accomplish dietary goals; published in 2005 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Failure of a person to perform as a reasonable and prudent professional would perform under similar circumstances
Net caloric cost
Exercise energy expenditure minus resting energy expenditure during the same period of time
Neuromuscular junction
The site at which a motor neuron transmits information to a muscle fiber; the junction between a nerve fiber and the muscle it supplies
Chemical substances such as acetylcholine or dopamine that transmit nerve impulse across synapses
Nutrient density
Quantitative analysis of the amount of nutrients versus the amount of calories in a given food; nutrient-dense foods provide more nutrient per calorie
Components of food needed by the body. There are six classes of nutrients: water, protein, carbohydrate, fat, minerals, and vitamins
An excessive accumulation of body fat. Usually defined as more than 20% above ideal weight, or over 25% body fat for men and over 32% body fat for women; also can be defined as a Body Mass Index of >30 kg/m2, or a waist girth of >40 inches (102 cm) in men and >35 inches (89 cm) in women
One repetition maximum (1 RM)
The amount of resistance that can be moved through the range of motion one time before the muscle is temporarily fatigued
Open-chain exercise (OCE)
Exercise in which a muscle group is isolated to function alone (e.g., seated leg extension)
Orthostatic hypotension
A drop in blood pressure associated with rising to an upright position
Degenerative joint disease occurring chiefly in older persons; characterized by degeneration of the articular cartilage, hypertrophy of the bones, and changes in the synovial membrane
A disorder in which bone density decreases and susceptibility to fracture increases; primarily affects women past menopause
Overload principle
A principle of human performance that states that beneficial adaptations occur in response to demands applied to the body at levels beyond a certain threshold (overload), but within the limits of tolerance and safety
Constant intense training that does not provide adequate time for recovery; symptoms include increased resting heart rate, impaired physical performance, reduced enthusiasm and desire for training, increased incidence of injuries and illness, altered appetite, disturbed sleep patterns, and irritability
Overuse injury
An injury caused by activity that places too much stress on one area of the body over an extended period
Oxygen extraction
The amount of oxygen taken from the hemoglobin molecule and used in exercising muscle cells; often referred to as the arteriovenous oxygen difference or a-vO2 diff
Oxygen uptake reserve (VO2 R)
The difference between maximal oxygen uptake and resting oxygen uptake
The use of hands and/or fingers to detect anatomical structures or an arterial pulse (e.g., carotid pulse)
Passive stretch
A stretch in which the elastic components of the muscle are relaxed and the portion of muscle most likely to be loaded is connective tissue (e.g., a static stretch). An outside force is applied to assist with the stretch (e.g., another person, gravity...)
The application of pre-planned of stages of development. It is the systematic application of overload through the pre-planning variation of program components to optimize gains in strength (or any specific component of fitness), while perventing overuse, staleness, overtraining, and plateaus
Peripheral vascular disease
A painful and often debilitating condition, characterized by muscular pain caused by ischemia (reduced blood flow) to the working muscles. The ischemic pain is usually due to the atherosclerotic blockages or arterial spasms, referred to as claudication
Peripheral vascular resistance
Impedance of blood flow in the perpheral (fatherest from the center) blood vessels
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP), two high energy phosphate molecules that can be broken down for immediate use by the cells
Physical working capacity
The maximal amount of physical work (cardiorespiratory activity) that can be attained by an individual; also referred to as aerobic capacity or functional capacity
Plant chemicals that may reduce the risk of cancer and cardovascular disease if consumed regularly
Distal movement of the plantar surface of the foot; opposite of dorsiflexion
Exercieses that maximize the myotatic (stretch) reflex to teach muscles to produce maximum force faster. Plyometrics are usually sport-specific and utilize exercises such as hops, bounces, and depth jumps; may cause overuse tendon injuries in some athletes
Polyunsaturated fats
A type of unsaturated fat (liquid at room temperature) that has two or more spots on the fatty acid available for hydrogen (e.g., corn, safflower, soybean oils)
Anatomical term meaning toward the back; opposite of anterior
Pertaining to the time after menopause
Pertaining to the time before menopause
Primary assessment
A rapid examination to identify life-or-limb threatening injuries or illnesses that need immediate attention
Prime-mover muscle
The muscle that contracts concentrically to accomplish the movement in any given joint action
Bacterial cultures that promote the metabolic activity of "good" bacterial, while inhibiting the growth of "bad," or illness-causeing, bacteria
Motivational tools used to improve adherence and remind clients to exercise
A rotational movement causing the palms to face posteriorly. Opposite of supination.
Awareness of the body's position in space; helps the body regulate posture
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
Applied to make quick gains in range of motion. It involves alternating a passive stretch while the muscle is relaxed and while the muscle is contracted; often referred to as a contract/relax method of stretching
Specialized nerve endings in muscles, tendons, and joints that are sensitive to changes in tension during activity; gives a body part a sense of where it is in space
An essential nutrient made up of 20 amino acids that builds and repairs body tissues 1 gm = 4 kcals
Scapular abduction
Anatomical term meaning toward the attached end of the limb, origin of the structure, or midline of the body; opposite of distal
A peircing wound from a sharp object that makes a small hole in the skin
Range of motion (ROM)
The number of degrees that an articulation (joint) will allow one of its segments to move
A relationship of mutual trust, harmony, or emotional affinity
Rating of perceived exertion (RPE)
Developed by Borg, this scale provides a standard means for evaluating a participant's perception of their physical exertion; the original scale rated exertion on a scale of 6-20; the revised scale is 0-10
Reciprocal innervation (inhibition)
Reflex co-acting with stretch reflex to inhibit activity of an opposing muscle group
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA)
Recommended vitamin and mineral intake for most people to obtain optimum health
Residual volume
The volume of air left in the lungs after complete expiration
Resistive force
A force that resists the motion of another external force
The loss of tissue (e.g., bone) by the breakdown of the tissue, which is soaked up by the blood
Resting heart rate (RHR)
The number of heart beats per minute when the body is completely at rest; usually counted first thing in the morning before any activity
Resting metabolic rate (RMR)
The number of calories expended per unit time at rest. It is measured early in the morning after an overnight fast and at least 8 hours of sleep. The sleep is at home and the measurement is in the lab
Scapular adduction
Rheumatoid arthritis
An autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of connective tissues and joints
Risk factor
A condition, behavior (such as smoking), inherited trait, or a disease that increases one's risk for a given disease
Risk management
Minimizing the risk of potential legal liability
Sagittal plane
Anatomical term referring to the imaginary longitudinal line that divides the body or any of its parts into right and left sections
The membrane surrounding the sarcomere, which is the functional unit of muscle fiber
Repeating unit of a muscle fiber
A loss of skeletal muscle mass that may accompany aging
A gelatin-like tissue surrounding the sarcomere, which is the functional unit of muscle fiber
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
The form of endoplasmic reticulum where calcium is stored to be used for muscle activation; located in striated muscle fibers
Saturated fats
Fatty acids carrying the maximum number of hydrogen atoms; these fats are solid at room temperature and are usually of animal origin
A lateral curvature of the vertebral column, usually in the thoracic area
Scope of practice
The range and limit of responsibilities normally associated with a specific job or profession
Secondary assessment
After immediate life-or-limb threatening injuries/illnesses have been identified, this more through evaluation is performed to identify more subtle, yet still imporant, injuries
Doing or requiring much sitting; not active
A disorder originating from the brain in which there is a disturbance of movement, behavior, sensation, or consciousness
Set-point theory
The weight-control theory that states that each person has an established normal body weight. Any deviation from this set point will lead to changes in the body metabolism to return to the normal weight
The reinforcement of successive approximation of a goal until the result is reached
Sliding filament theory
A generally accepted theory explaining the interaction between actin and myosin proteins and ATP to cause muscle contraction
Slow-twitch (Type I) fiber
A muscle fiber characterized by its slow speed of contraction and a high capacity for aerobic glycolysis
Specificity of training principle
A key concept of periodization that states that for an individual to become proficient at any given movement, that movement must be trained and praticed; a specific demand (e.g., exercise) made on the body will result in a specific response of the body
An instrument for measuring blood pressure in the arteries
Forward displacement of one vertebra over another; usually occurs at the 4th or 5th lumbar vertebrae
Dissolution (dissolving into another) of a vertebra; usually begins with a stress fracture
A traumatic joint twist that results in stretching or tearing of the stabilizing connective tissues; mainly involves ligaments or joint capsules, and causes discoloration, swelling, and pain
Stabilizer muscles
Muscles that stabilize one joint so a disired movement can be performed in another joint
Stabilizing muscle contractions
An aspect of coordination; isometric contractions that support the trunk, limit movement in a joint, or control balance
Stages-of-change model
A lifestyle-modification model that suggests that people go through distinct, predictable stages when making lifestyle changes; precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. The process is not always linear
Standard of care
Appropriateness of an exercise professional's actions in light of current professional standards and based on the age, condition, and knowledge of the participant
Static flexibility
Range of motion (ROM) about a joint with little emphasis on speed of movement
Static (passive) stretch
A low-force, long-duration stretch that holds the desired muscles at their greatest possible length for 15 to 30 seconds
A stretch, tear, or rip in the muscles remaining in the elongated position for an extended period of time
Stretch weakness
The weakening effect on muscles remaining in the elongated position for an extended period of time
A sudden and often severe attack due to blockage of an artery into the brain
Stroke volume
The amount of blood pumped from the left ventricle during one heartbeat
A partial dislocation of a joint that usually reduces itself
Submaximal aerobic exercise test
A cardiorespiratory fitness test designed so that the intensity does not exceed 85% of heart-rate reserve or maximal oxygen uptake. This provides an estimation of maximal oxygen uptake without the risks associated with maximal exercise testing
External; located close to or on the body surface
Anatomical term meaning higher or toward the head; opposite of inferior
Rotating into a supine position (e.g., turning the palms to face forward)

Opposite of pronation
The position of the body when lying face upward
Sympathetic nervous system
A division of the autonomic nervous system that activates the body to cope with some stressor (i.e., fight or flight response)
A transient state of unconsciousness during which a person collapses to the floor as a result of lack of oxygen to the brain; commonly known as fainting
A muscle that assists another muscle in its function
Synovial fluid
Transparent, viscous lubricating fluid found in joint cavities, bursae, and tendon sheaths
The contraction phase of the cardiac cycle during which blood leaves the ventricles
Systolic blood pressure
The pressure exerted by the blood on the blood vessel walls during ventricular contractions
Talk test
A subjective method for measureing exercise intensity using observation of respiration effort and the ability to talk while exercising
Target heart rate (THR)
The number of heartbeats per minute that indicate appropriate exercise intensity levels for an individual; also called training heart rate
Inflammation of a tendon
Strong, fibrous connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone
The formation, development or presence of a blood clot (thrombus)
A force causing rotation about a fixed axis of rotation; the act or process of turning around on an axis
Training heart-rate range
Target heart rate represented as a range of numbers
Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
Momentary dizziness, loss of consciousness, or forgetfulness caused by a short-lived lack of oxygen (blood) to the brain; usually due to a partial blockage of an artery, it is a warning sign for a stroke
Tranverse plane
Anatomical term for the imaginary line that divides the body, or any of its parts, into superior and inferior parts; also known as the horizontal plane
The storage form of fat consisting of three fatty acids and glycerol
A projection or protuberance on a bone usually serving for the attachment of muscles or ligaments
Type 1 diabetes
Form of diabetes caused by the destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, which leads to little or no insulin secretion; generally develops in childhood and requires regular insulin injections; formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and childhood-onset diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Most common form of diabetes; typically develops in adulthood, is characterized by a reduced sensitivity of the insulin target cells to available insulin and is usually associated with obesity; formerly known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and adult-onset diabetes
Valsalva maneuver
Forcefully attempting to exhale while preventing air from escaping
Narrowing of the opening of blood vessels caused by contraction of the smooth muscle cells in the walls of the vessel
Increase in diameter of the blood vessels, especially dilation of arterioles leading to increased blood flow to a part of the body
An agent (motor nerve or drug) that acts to relax (dilate) a blood vessel
A pure vegetarian who excludes all animal-derived foods from the diet
Blood vessels that carry blood, usually deoxygenated, to the heart
Venous return
Return to the heart of the circulatory fluids by way of the veins
One of the two (left or right) lower chambers of the heart. The muscular left ventricle pumps blood to the body; the smaller right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs
A very small vessel that collects blood from the capillaries and connects to the veins
A combination of elastic and plastic properties found in all connective tissue
Organic compounds that function as metabolic regulators in the body; classified as water soluble or fat soluble
Waist-to-hip circumference ratio (WHR)
A measure for determining health risk due to the site of fat storage; taken by dividing the abdominal girth (waist measurement) by the hip measurement to form a ratio
Water soluble
Dissolvable in water; relating to vitamins, those that require adequate daily intake since the body excretes excesses in the urine
Wolff's law (of bone remodeling)
Principle stating that bone is capable of adjusting is strength in proportion to the amount of stress placed on it