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119 Cards in this Set

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True or false: On average, previously untrained adults may increase their muscle mass by 1.4 kg (3.08 lbs) , increase Resting Metabolic Rate by 7% and reduce fat weight by 1.8 kg (3.96 lbs) after 10 weeks of resistance training


A woman who does not strength train loses ___lbs of muscle each year


Microtrauma repair and muscle remodeling following a challenging strength training session requires increased energy for at least ___hours.


Strength training results in an average ___% increase in resting metablolism for ___ days after an intense resistance workout in untrained individuals and a ___% increase in trained individuals.

9% in untrained...3 days

8% in trained

Jogging places a greater stress on the posterior leg muscles than the anterior leg muscles leading to imbalance that can cause ______injuries


Special attention should be paid to balanced muscle development of opposing muscles at joints.

anterior tibialis and _______

hamstrings and ______

rectus abdominus and _______



erector spinae

Studies have shown a ____%-____% increase in BMD bone marrow density as a result of a strength training program


Strong _____muscles enhance low back support, control, function and shock absorption

erector spinae

Anabolic or catabolic?

Cortisol, epinephrine

growth hormone, testosterone

cortisol and epinephrine are catabolic

GH and testosterone are Anabolic

"standard" workout in studies that say muscles need up to 72 hrs recovery contained how many exercises and sets?

8 exercises, 3 sets each (10 rep range)

Heavy weight, low reps, long rest builds more myofibrils (contractile proteins). Results in Myofibrillar hypertrophy or greater muscle contractile force, aka_______


Transient hypertrophy is cause by fluid accumulation in spaces between cells. AKA_______

Muscle PUMP

Moderate weight, moderate reps and short rests favor sarcoplasmic hypertrophy which increases the cross-sectional area of the muscle aka_____


What twitch muscle fiber favors endurance training?

Type I, Slow twitch

Sprinting/ power muscle fibers are _____

fast twitch or type II

True or false: long muscle + short tendon attachment is favorable for muscle hypertrophy.


Do shorter limbs or longer limbs provide leverage advantages during strength training?


How many reps in 75% of 1-RM


Muscle strength X movement speed=

Muscular power

The standard measure of muscular strength is the highest resistance that can be moved through the full movement range at a controlled movement speed is aka_________


The number of repetitions that can be performed with a given submaximal resistance is aka________

muscular endurance

Training with _____resistance and ________to_________movement speeds produces the highest power output and is the most effective means for increasing muscular power.

medium resistance

moderate to fast speed

If a client's 1-RM on bench press is 100 lbs, how many reps could they perform with 75 lbs?

Most people can complete approximately 10 reps with 75% of their 1-RM weightload.

Advanced exercisers who perform high-volume/high-intensity strength workouts should not train the same muscle groups more frequently than every 2nd, 3rd or 4th day?


For ex: squats on Monday, then not again until Thursday

How many sessions per week for beginners?


How many sessions per week for intermediate level?


How many sessions per week for advanced skill level?


How many times a week should each muscle group be targeted?


Minimum recovery time between sessions per ACSM guidelines

48 hours

which comes first in appropriate beginner progression?:

Multiplanar movement machines or uniplanar?


which comes first in appropriate beginner progression?:

Supported or unsupported machines?


which comes first in appropriate beginner progression?:

Muscle isolation exercises or multijoint exercises?


which comes first in appropriate beginner progression?: Unilateral, free moving machines or Bilateral fixed-level?

Bilateral fixed level

Cumulative work during a resistance training session is known as:

training volume

How do you calculate repetition volume?

sets x reps

how do you calculate load volume

weights x reps x sets

6 reps = 85% 1-RM

8 reps = 80% 1-RM

10 reps = 75% 1-RM

12 reps= 67% 1-RM

memorize front of card

if your 1-RM on squat is 100 lbs, how many reps can you do at 85 lbs?

6 because

6 rep range = ~85% 1-RM

if your 1-RM on squat is 100 lbs, how many reps can you do at 80 lbs?

8 reps

if your 1-RM on squat is 100 lbs, how many reps can you do at 75 lbs?

10 reps

if your 1-RM on squat is 100 lbs, how many reps can you do at 67 lbs?

12 reps

Training volume (sets, reps, rest, intensity) for general muscle fitness:

1-2 sets

8-15 reps

30-90 sec rest

"intensity varies"

Training volume (sets, reps, rest, intensity) for muscular endurance

2-3 sets

12+ reps

30 sec or less rest (30-60 sec in high-intensity circuits)

60-70% 1-RM (~12-16 rep range)

2-3 workouts a week

Training volume (sets, reps, rest, intensity) for muscular hypertrophy

3-6 sets each muscle group

6-12 reps, 12-24 total sets

30-90 sec rest

70-80% 1-RM (8-11 rep range)

2X week, rest 72 hrs between muscle groups

Training volume (sets, reps, rest, intensity) for Muscular strength

2-6 sets (start with 1-4)

6 or less reps

2-5 min rest

80-90% 1-RM (4-8 rep range)

2Xweek, 72 hours rest between

Training volume (sets, reps, rest, intensity) for Power

3-5 sets

1-2 reps for single-effort events;3-5 f/ multiple

2-5 min rest

greater than 90% 1-RM (less than 4 reps)

Most periodization models for strength-training programs begin with ____volume/____intensity workouts,

progress to ____volume/____intensity workouts, and conclude with ____volume/____intensity workouts

1) High volume, low intensity (12-16 rep range)

2)moderate-moderate (8-12 rep)

3) low volume/ high intensity (4-6 rep)

#'s are my own estimates

Commonly recommended movement speed is ____ seconds per rep


concentric muscle action should be performed in ____seconds


1-3 sec

2-4 sec

Which phase- concentric or eccentric triggers DOMS?

eccentric- lowering

Explain double progressive protocol

Increase reps, then increase resistance by 5%

As a general guideline, many strength authorities recommend a training range of __-__reps


What % 1-RM are you working in if you are performing 8-12 reps?


Due primarily to lack of resistance training , adults lose about ___lbs of muscle every 6 years


The overall time frame for a specific periodization program is called the________


the macrocycle may cover a training period of ___ to ____ months


How long is a typical microcycle?

2-4 weeks

How long is a typical mesocycle?

3 months

____periodization provides a consistent training protocol within each microcycle and changes the training variables after each microcycle


______periodization provides different training protocols during the microcycles


8 reps is _____% 1-RM?


12 reps is _____% 1-RM?


4 reps is ____% 1-RM?


4 reps=90% 1-RM

8 reps= 80% 1-RM

12 reps= 67% 1-RM

(6= 85%


Memorize these!!

Movement training phase assesments should be conducted on a: weekly, monthly, or yearly basis until the client has mastered the squat, lunge, puysh, pull and rotation movements?


What does the FIRST acronym (guideline for movement training) stand for?


Intensity- lower during movement training phase




What is the timeframe for the movement training phase?

2 weeks-2 months

Example standard split routine for push/pull/leg

Chest, shoulder, tricep Mon & Thurs

Back & Bis Tues & Fri

Legs Wed & Sat

Total body or split routines are the best way to increase total training volume?


Recommended progression procedure for improving muscular strength is the_______

Double-progressive training protocol.

If in 4-8 rep range, work up to 8 reps, then increase weight by 5%. Work up to 8 reps at that weight...increase 5%...

True or false: generally, muscle hypertrophy is facilitated by exercise sessions that favor relatively high training volumes and relatively brief rests between sets...lower weight and higher reps than strength training but higher weight and lower reps than endurance training.


It is essential to give each muscle group ___hours of recovery and remodeling time between successive hypertrophy sessions


____to____ repetition range is generally recommended for muscle hypertrophy training

6-12 rep range

Hypertrophy bodybuilders may perform ____or more different exercises for each muscle group


Hypertrophy bodybuilders may perform ___to___ sets of each exercise


Hypertrophy bodybuilders use approximately ___% maximal resistance during workouts

75% (10 reps)

Hypertrophy bodybuilders rest _____ to ____seconds between sets


Most bodybuilders work each muscle group ___times per week


Thsi training approach involves alternating exercises for opposing muscle groups with little rest between sets


This training approach involves exercisers performing 2 or more exercises for the same muscles in rapid succession Ex: 3 sets tricep push downs, followed by bench dips

Compound sets

two advanced training approaches that use post-fatigue repetitions are:

Breakdown training

assisted training

This training method requires the exerciser to train to muscle fatigue, then immediately reduce the resistance by 10-20% and go to fatuge again

breakdown training

This training approach requires the exerciser to train to fatigue, then receive manual assistance fron trainer on lifting phase (concentric action) for 3-5 post-fatigue reps

Assisted training

True or false:

People are about 40% stronger on eccentric muscle actions


Power = Force x Velocity

Power = work/ time


To increase muscular power use _____resistance with ____speed


can a client with postural instability be a candidate for power training?


Can a client with an issue with movement mechanics be a canididate for power training?


_____exercise that incorporated quick powerful movements and involves the stretch shortening cycle is called _____exercise


______is the product of muscular strength and movement speed

Muscular power

_______is the ability to achieve high velocity and incorporates reaction time and speed of travel over a given distance


3 powerlifting lifts are:

Bench press



Which has more power production- olympic lifting or powerlifting?

Olympic! They try to see how fast they can lift the heavy weights...Power lifters go slow.

The period of time between the eccentric and concentric actions is called the ______phase and should be kept to a minimum to produce the greatest amount of muscular force


muscle______sense difference in the rate and magnitude of stretching imposed on a muscle


True or false:

Prior to starting a performance session the trainer should have the client perform a specific low-intensity warm up that incorporates movements similar to the high-intensity exercises that are planned during the session.

TRUE. This type of pettern-specific warm up readies the client's neuromuscular system for a more intense version of the movement and prepares them mentally for the challenge ahead.

Movement pattern progression- put in order:






1) forward


3) backward

4) rotation

5) crossover aka cutting or curving

Personal trainers should introduce clients to high-intensity lower body plyometric drills only after the client has demonstrated ability to successfully squat ____x their bodyweight or complete ___squat reps with 60% of their own bodyweight in 5 seconds


That would be 78 lbs for me 5 x in 5 seconds

Which part of the foot should clients land on when doing jump squats?

MIDfoot and roll forward to push off ball

How many plyometric or agility/speed workouts should be done per week?


recommended recovery time between plyometric or agility/speed workouts:

48-72 hours

Volume in plyometric training is expressed as the number of ____and ____ performed in a given workout

sets and reps

As intensity increases volume should______


Reps are counted as the # of ____or ___ contacts with the ground

foot (low body) or hand (up bod)

Plyometric volume guidelines for a beginner at:


moderate intensity

high intensity

80-100 low intensity

60 ( total of 100-120 including low-int warm up)

40 (100-120 with low-int warm up)

Plyometric volume guidelines for an intermediate exerciser at:


moderate intensity

high intensity


80-100 (150-200 w/ low int warm up reps)

60-80 (150-200 w/ low int warm up)

Advanced Plyometric volume guidelines at:


moderate intensity

high intensity


100-120 (180-220 total w/ low int warm up)

80-100 (180-220 total with low int warm up)

Speed- ____ is the ability to develop force at high velocities and relies on a person's reactive ability


Speed-_____ refers to the ability of an in dividual to maintain maximal velocity over an extended time period


Duration and intensity for speed/agility drills recommended for a beginner:

15-30 seconds. Less than 70% Max intensity (glycolytic system)

Duration and intensity for speed/agility drills recommended for an intermediate exerciser:

Less than 10 seconds. Greater than 90% max intensity (phosphagen syetem)

Duration and intensity for speed/agility drills recommended for an advanced exerciser:

10-60 seconds. Greater than 75-90% max intensity (glycolytic and phosphagen systems)

Minimum duration for rest periods in agility/speed training is:

2-3 min

What are ABC drills?

Do 1-2 sets x 20-30 yards each

A high knees- walking, skipping, then slow running. Incorporate arm circles.

B High marches (straight leg)- extend knee first, then kick out not a soccer kick where entire leg swings forward. Incorporate arm circles.

C butt kicks- single leg...walk, slow run, arm circles

Progression for ladder hurdle drills


forward jump/hop


Lateral jump/hop



How many reps and sets for youths performing resistance training?

1-3 sets

6-15 reps/set

2-3 days week

ACSM recommends older adults use a resistance that can be performed for ___to___reps, or about ____% maxinal resistance

# times a weeK

# sets?


2x week

start with a single set for each

True or false:

resistance training with lighter weights and higher reps or heavier weights and lower reps produces similar muscular responses, as long as the exercise set fatigues the targeted muscles within the limits of the anaerobic energy system (less than 90 sec)...

TRUE- the effects on muscular endurance, strength and size are approximately the same whether the individual performs 5 reps to fatigue in 30 sec, 10 reps to fatigue in 60 sec or 15 reps to fatigue in 90 sec...

True or false: Clients who have experience with strength training, demonstrate good movement skills, maintain good posture and have no adverse health risks can begin in phase 3, load training if it is consistent with their stated goals.