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85 Cards in this Set

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accounting costs
part of total costs; includes only actual money expenditures
accounting profit
profit that does not include opportunity costs
average cost
total production costs divided by quantity produced; total production cost of one input
barriers to entry
prevents competitors from entering a market
describes a price floor above the equilibrium price, or a price ceiling below the equilibrium price
what results when firms in an oligopoly agree to behave as a monopolist
Coase Theorem
theory that any private market can resolve externalities given low negotiation costs and clearly defined property rights
a situation in which firms in an oligopoly make decisions as one
two goods for which a rise in the price of one leads to the decline in demand for another
consumer surplus
surplus that consumers receive when buying something at a lower value than they would be willing to pay
agreements entered into voluntarily
contrived scarcity
deliberate under-provision of a good by a monopolist, increasing prices above the market equilibrium
creative destruction
when old practices or goods disappear in favor of newer, more efficient, better goods that increase social welfare
deadweight loss
reduction in social welfare that results from a distortion of the market, such as government intervention
demand curve
diagram of quantity demanded against a good's price
demand schedule
table depicting the quantity demanded of a good at certain prices
economic costs
the total cost of producing a good, including opportunity cost
economic profit
difference between the revenue a producer receives and the opportunity cost of producing the good
percent change in quantity due to a percent change in price
individuals who take on risk when creating new goods and services, and are rewarded with economic profits
in economics, the single combination of price and quantity where a market settles (intersection of supply/demand curve)
ability to prevent someone from consuming a good
when the actions of one person affects another's well-being, but neither party pays or is paid for these effects
the economic actors who supply goods and services for an economy
fixed costs
costs that cannot be changed in the short run
when goods are exactly the same as each other
imperfectly competitive
markets with only one or a few suppliers
inferior goods
goods for which quantity demanded falls as income rises
what entrepreneurs do in an attempt to establish market power
formal (and informal) rules that govern human interactions
accounting for externalities' cost and benefits in market decisions
law of demand
negative relationship between price and quantity demanded
law of supply
positive relationship between price and quantity supplied
vote trading by legislators to gain support for pet projects
marginal cost
the additional cost of producing one more of a good
marginal revenue
the additional revenue of selling one more of a good
marginal tax
tax that creates "price wedge" between consumers and producers
composed of all the buyers and sellers of a good
market demand curve
relationship between quantity demanded of a good and its price; obtained by adding the quantities demanded by all buyers
market failure
lack of a socially desirable outcome in competitive markets
market power
firms with a downward sloping demand curve that can choose from combinations of price and quantity determined by market demand
market supply curve
shows relationship between quantity supplied of a good and its price; obtained by adding the quantities supplied by all firms
branch studying supply and demand within markets
monopolistic competition
combines parts of the monopoly and perfectly competitive models; firms sell similar, but differentiated, products
a market with only one supplier
negative externalities
externalities that harm third parties
normal goods
goods whose quantity demanded rises as income rises
a market with a small number of sellers; often involves collusion
institutions that have formal rules and structures for interactions
perfect price discrimination
when firms can sell their product to each customer at the exact value the customer placed on the product
perfectly competitive market
market characterized by price taking behavior, homogenous goods, no barriers to entry, no transaction costs, and perfect infomation
perfectly price-elastic
a characteristic in which increasing prices above equilibrium results in nothing supplied or demanded, and decreasing prices results in an infinite amount being supplied or demanded; purely theoretical
perfectly price-inelastic
a characteristic in which prices can be raised or lowered without changing the quantity demanded or supplied; on the demand side, purely theoretical
pork barrel politics
the tendency for elected officials to steer money into their constituents via pet projects
positive externalities
externalities that benefit third parties
price ceilings
a maximum price on a good
price controls
limits on the prices of a good
price elasticity of demand
measures how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to changes in price
price elasticity of supply
degree to which the quantity supplied by a good responds to changes in price
price floors
the minimum price of a good
price taker
for a perfectly competitive market; when buyers and sellers must accept the market price
goods where a change in prices results in a greater change in quantity
goods where a change in price results in a lesser change in quantity
producer surplus
the surplus that producers receive when selling something for more than they would be willing to
product differentiation
distinguishing between different goods that serve the same purpose in the same market
social institution that allows an individual exclusive use of a good
quantity demanded
the amount of a good that consumers are willing and able to buy
quantity supplied
the amount of a good that suppliers are willing and able to produce
a numerical limit on how much of something is allowed
rent seeking
socially unproductive activities that redirect economic benefits
what firms receive from selling goods
goods whose quantity is reduced when consumed by one person
when quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied; often happens with an effective price ceiling
when individuals and countries focus on producing what they produce best (for the lowest opportunity cost relative to others)
goods for which an increase in the price of one increases the demand of the other
supply curve
diagram of quantity supplied of a good and that good's price
supply schedule
a table depicting the quantity supplied of a good at certain prices
when quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded; often happens with an effective price floor
tax revenue
the tax per unit times the quantity of units; sits as a rectangle between producer and consumer surplus
total costs
the comprehensive cost of supplying a good or service
total market surplus
the sum of producer and consumer surplus; the total benefit market participants receive from buying and selling
total revenue
equal to equilibrium price times equilibrium quantity; shown graphically as a rectangle
tragedy of the commons
when a resource that is owned jointly is overused because no one accounts for negative externalities caused by overuse
unit elastic
when a 1% change in price results in a 1% change in quantity
variable costs
costs that can be altered in the short run