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38 Cards in this Set

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economic exposure
results from the fact that a company's economic value will change as a result of changes in a foreign exchange rates
->transaction exposure
->real operating exposure
real operating exposure
longer term effects on CF and NPV after the effect of inflation has been removed
transaction exposure
focuses on the short term impact on CF.
Hedge - forward contract, currency options
translation exposure
exist because of need for multinational companies to periodically consolidate the financial statements of overseas subsidiaries with those of the parent company in order to present financial details and to assess the performance of entire group
currency swap
is an agreement between two parties to exchange principal and/or interest payment in different currencies over a stated time period
currency swap
-allow Co to undertake foreign currency hedging
-cheaper than long-term forward
-finance maybe obtained@cheaper rate than would be possible by borrowing directly
-may provide access to finance in currencies that could not be borrowed directly
-opportunity to restructure the company's debt profile without physically redeeming debt or issuing new debt
-might be used to avoid a company's exchange control restriction
currency swap
-potential defaul risk of the counterparty must be considered
-political or sovering risk:possibility that a government will inroduce restrictions that interfere with the performance of the swap
-basis risk: with a floating to floating swap basis risk might exist if the 2 floating rates are not pegged to the same index
-exchange rate risk:the swap may result in a worse outcome than would have occured if no swap had been arranged
forex swap
is agreement between 2 parties to exchange equvalent amount of currency for a period and then re-exchange them at the end of the period at an agreed swap rate
forex swap
-hedge against forex risk,possibly for longer period than is possible on the forward market
-access to capital markets, in wich it may be impossible to borrow directly
-useful when dealing with countries that have exchange controls and/or volatile exchange rates
currency option
is right, but not the obligation, to buy oe sell a currency at an excercise price on a future date
call currency option
is right, but not the obligation, to buy a currency at an excercise price on a future date
put currency option
is right, but not the obligation, to sell a currency at an excercise price on a future date
currency option
1. determine the type of contract- call or put- by looking at currency requrement in the contract currency.Decide the exercise price, if necessary
2.determine number of contracts($/(exercise price*contract size)
3.BUY call/put option contracts as required. Determine option primium. Include the opportunity cost of funds
4. on the settlement date compare the option price with prevailing spot to determine whether the option would be exercised or allowed to lapse("sell big number", "buy lower number")
5. determine the net CF
future currency contract
1. calculate the currence required in contract currency units, using the currence spot rate
2. devide by the contract size to determine the number of contracts
3. buy/sell contract as required. pay initial margin to exchange clearing house
4. close the position once the exposure period is over
5. calculate profit/loss in terms of ticks and in total
6. Adjust total quantity of currency to be exchanged if profit/loss is in the foreign currency exchange at prevailing spot rate
centralised treasure
- centralised knowledge of the fin dealings of the entirely group, better judgment of risk and exposure management, and the netting of inter-group currency requrements
-CT can ensure that financial actions are taken in line with the objectives of entire group rather than individual subsidiaries
-it allows greater control over inter-company receipts
-CT may reduce the cost of boorowing for Sub. by lending necessary funds at rates lower than could be obtained by Sub in local market
-CT may access to international markets, such as Euromarket, which are not directly accessable by Sub. Such m,arket may offer more favorable interest rates. Combining needs of Sub means that larger amount will be invested/borrowed->access to more favorable rates
-it will be cheaper to develop treasure management and hedging expertise in one central function rather than in each Sub.
centralised treasure
-it potentially removes decision-making and responsibility from Sub->may affect motivation and initiative within Sub
-heavily on the timely provision of information
-performance evaluation of staff in Sub may be destroyed because of luck of control in Sub
-the volume of treasury decisions withing a multinational may be too large to handle in one central function
free CF usage
• as a basis for evaluating potential investment projects using the NPV
• as an indicator of company performance
• to calculate the value of a firm and thus a potential share price.
suggest that a simple linear relation exists between beta and expected return.
CAPM assumptions
• investors are only interested in the mean and variance of their expected returns
• investors have the same beliefs about the mean and standard deviations of portfolio
• there are no taxes and transactions costs
• investors can borrow or lend at the risk free rate
• no individual investor can influence the market price of a security
• CAPM is ex-ante model, but data used in the model are normally ex-post
CAPM advanatges
• easy to apply
• widely used in capital investment decision
is multy factor model that assume that return of investments are generated by number of industry and market factors,rather then just withing a mean-variance framework.
APV = Investment decision + Financing decision;
(3) Value of a
geared project
= (1) Value of an all equity
financed project
+ (2) Present value of
financing side effects
APV issue cost
let issue cost be 3%, investment=2m
-> issue cost = 2m*3/97
APV advantages
• Stepbystep
approach gives clear
understanding of the elements of the
• Can evaluate any type of financing
• More straightforward than adjusting
the WACC which can be very complex
APV disadvantages
• Based on M&M’s withtax
theory. Therefore ignores:
– Bankruptcy risk
– Tax exhaustion
– Agency costs
• Based on M&M’s withtax
theory. Therefore assumes:
– Debt is risk free and
APV best fit at the case:
• significant change in capital structure as a result of investment
• the investment involves complex tax payments and tax allowances, and/or has period when taxation is not paid
• subsidised, grands or issue costs exist
• financing side effect exist which require discounting at a diffrent rate than the applyed to the main straem project
basis risk
• The current cash market price and a futures price are normally different.This difference is called the ‘basis’.The basis is zero on the last day of the contract.
• Between now and the date the position is closed the ture rates do not normally move by exactly the same amount as the cash market rates, in which case a perfect hedge will not occur and the future in could be smaller or greater than the cash market loss.The risk of this occurring is known as ‘basis risk’.
coeficient of variation
shows the amount of risk per pound of the expected return
(risk/expected return)
Advantages of organic growth (disadvantages of growth by acquisition)
• Organic growth allows planning of strategic growth in line with stated objectives.
• It is less risky than growth by acquisition – done over time.
• The cost is often much higher in an acquisition -significant acquisition
• Avoids problems integrating new acquired companies – the integration process is often a difficult process due to cultural differences between the two companies.
• An acquisition places an immediate pressure on current management resources to learn to manage the new business.
Advantages of growth by acquisition (disadvantages of organic growth)
• Quickest way is to enter a new product or geographical market.
• Reduces the risk of oversupply and excessive competition.
• Fewer competitors.
• Increase market power in order to be able to exercise some control over the price of the product, e.g. monopoly or by collusion with other producers.
• Acquiring the target company’s staff highly trained staff – may give a competitive edge.
The reasons for acquisitions
• Entry to new markets and industries.
• To acquire the target company’s staff and knowhow.
• Managerial motives – conscious pursuit of selfinterest by managers.
• Arrogance factor/Hubris hypothesis.
• Diversification.
• A defence mechanism to prevent being taken over.
• A means of improving liquidity.
• Improved ability to raise finance.
• A reduction of risk by acquiring substantial assets (if the predator has a high earnings to net asset ratio and is in a risky business).
• To obtain a growth company (especially if the predator’s growth is declining).
• To create a situation where rationalisation (which would otherwise be shirked) may be carried out more acceptably.
means that the value of the new whole is greater than the sum of the privious values of the component parts.
Ke usage
Is used for valuation income flow(such as dividends or free cash flow to equity) which go directly to the equity investor
WACC usage
Is for valuing flows attributable to the business entity such as project CF flows or NOPAD
для дисконтирования денежного потока к ФИРМЕ таких как CF или NOPAD
EVA formula
EVA® is an estimate of ‘economic’ profit – the amount by which earnings exceed the required minimum rate of return that investors could get from other securities of comparable risk.
NOPAt-capital employed*cost of capital
NOPAt is normally measured in CF terms after numerous adjustments to accounting profit
EVA advantages
*it measure the value added to an company after deducting a charge for the use of capital made by the organization
* based on CF and less easy to manipulate then accounting data
* EVA may be consistent with a goal to maximize s/h wealth
* can easily be communicate to managers and employees
* may be linked to remuneration schemes
EVA disadvantages
* calculation is complicated and require many adj to accounting info
* EVA is normally historic, not to help decide future investments and strategy
* not suitable for young Co
* WACC calucation based upon CAPM-> restrictive assumption-> potentially not accurate
EVA & NPV relationship
If the EVAs for each year of an investment were summed over the entire life of the investment and then discounted, the result, in theory, should be equal NPV of the investment