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130 Cards in this Set

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Origin: Zygomatic arch

Insertion; mandible

Function: Elevates jaw


Origin:Temopral bone

Insertions: coronoid process

Function: elevates mandible



Insertions: Spinous process of 3rd or 4th vertebra

Function:Extends vertebral column


Origin:SPinous process of each vertebra

Insertions: Spinous process of vertebra

Function:extends vertebral column


Origin: Transverseprocess of each vertebra

Insertions: Transverse process of mmore vertebra

Function: Lateral flexion of vertebral column

Quadratus laborum

Origin: Iliac crest

Insertions:Last rib

Function: Depress ribs

Superior serratus posterior

Origin:Spinous processes of C7-T3

Insertions: Superior border of ribs

Function: elevates ribs

INferior serratus posterior

Origin: Spinous process of T11

Insertions:Inferior borders of ribs

Function:pulls ribs down

External oblique

Origin: borders of ribs

Insertions: Iliac crest

Function:compress abdomen

Internal oblique

Origin: Iliac crest

Insertions: Rib 12

Function:compress abdomen

Transversus abdominus

Origin: Cartilege of ribs

Insertions: pubis

Function: Compress abdomen

Rectus abdominus

Origin: Superior surface of Pubis

Insertions: Xiphoid process

Function:Depress ribs

Levator Scapulae

Origin: Transverse process of Cervical vertebra

Insertions: Superior angle

Function: its in the name u goof

Pectoralis minor

Origin: Anterior surface of ribs

Insertions: coracoid process

Function:Depresses and contracts shoulders

Rhomboid major

Origin: Spinous process of t2-t5

Insertions: Vertebral border of scapula

Function:Adducts and downward rotation of scapula

Rhomboid minor

Origin: Spinous process of C7-T1

Insertions: Vertebral border of scapula

Function:adduction and downward rotation of scapula

Serratus anterior

Origin: Anterior margins of ribs 1-10

Insertions: Vertebral border of scapula

Function:Protracts shoulder


Origin:Occipital bone

Insertions:Clavicle and scapula

Function: Elevate retract or depress scapula


Origin: Coracoid process

Insertions: Humerus

Function:Adduction of shoulder


Origin: Clavicle and Scapula

Insertions: Deltoid tuberosity

Function:Abduction of Shoulder


Origin: Supraspinous fossa

Insertions: Greater tubercle

Function:Abduction of shoulder


Origin: Infraspinous fossa

Insertions: Greater tubercle

Function:rotation of shoulder


Origin: Subscapular fossa

Insertions: lesser tubercle

Function:rotation of shoulder

Teres major

Origin: INf. angle of scapula

Insertions: intertubercular suclcus

Function: Extension and rotation of shoulder

Teres minor

Origin: Lat border of scapula

Insertions: Greater tubercle

Function:rotation and adduction of the shoulder

Latissimus dorsi

Origin: Lumbar verterbrae

Insertions: Intertubercular sulcus

Function:Extension adduction rotation of shoulder

Pectoralis major

Origin: Cartileges of ribs 2-6

Insertions: Greater tubercle

Function:flexion adduction and rotation of shoulder

Biceps brachii

Origin: coracoid process, supragleoid tubercle

Insertions:Radial tuberosity

Function:flexion at elbow and shoulder , supination


Origin: humerus

Insertions: Ulnar tuberosity

Function:flexion at elbow


Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus


Function:flex elbow


Origin:Lateral epicondyle of humerus

Insertions: olecranon and ulnar shaft

Function:extends elbow

Triceps Lateral head, long head and medial head

Origin: Long head: Scapula SHort and meadial head:Humerus


Function:Extends elbow

Pronator quadratus

Origin: Distal ulna

Insertions: Distal radius

Function:Pronate forearm

Pronator teres

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus

Insertions: Lateral surface of radius

Function: pronation and flexion of elbow


Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus


Function:supinates forearm

Flexor carpi radialis

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus


Function: flexion and abduction of wrist

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus

Insertions: pisiform, hamate

Function:flexion and adduction at wrist

Palmaris longus

Origin:medial epicondyle of humerus

Insertions: palmar aperneurosis

Function: flexion at wrist

Extensor carpi radialis

Origin:Lateral supracondylar ridge

Insertions:2nd metacarpal

Function:extend abduct wrists

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Origin:Lat epicondyle of humerus

Insertions:5th metacarpal bone

Function:extension and adduction at wrist

Abductor pollicis longus

Origin: Dorsal ulna

Insertions: lateral metacarpals

Function:abduct thumb

Extensor digitorum

Origin: LAt epicondyle of humerus

Insertions: Posterior surface of phalanges

Function: extends fingers

Extensor pollicis brevis

Origin: Shaft of radius

Insertions: base of proximal phalynx

Function: extension of thumb

Extensor pollicus longus

Origin: Lateral surface of ulna

Insertions: distal thumb

Function:extends thumb

Extensor indicus

Origin: ulna

Insertions: posterior proximal surface

Function: extends index finger

Extensor digiti minimi

Origin: Lat epicondyle of humerus

Insertions: proximal little finger

Function: extends little finger

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus

Insertions:base of middle phlanges

Function:flexions of muscles in hand

Flexor digitorum profundus

Origin:Posterior ulna

Insertions:base of distal phalanges

Function: flex fingers

Flexor pollicis longus

Origin:Anterior shaft of radius

Insertions:distal thumb

Function: flexes thumb

Gluteus Maximus

Origin: Iliac crest

Insertions: IT Band

Function:Extends hip

Gluteus medius

Origin: Ant. Iliac crest

Insertions: Greater trochanter

Function:Abduction of hip

Gluteus minimus

Origin: Ilium

Insertions:greater trochanter

Function:abduction of hip

Tesnor fascia latae

Origin: Iliac crest

Insertions: IT tract

Function: abduction and medial rotation

Obturator Internus and externus

Origin: Lateral obturator foramen

Insertions: intertrochnanteric fossa

Function: rotation and abduction


Origin: Sacrum

Insertions: Greater trochanter

Function: Lateral rotation


Origin: Ischial spine

Insertions:greater trochanter

Function: lateral rotation

Adductor brevis

Origin: inferior pubic ramus

Insertions: linea aspera

Function: addcution of hip

Adductor longus

Origin: inf ramus of pubis

Insertions: Linea aspera

Function:adduction of hip

Adductor magnus

Origin: inf ramus of pubis

Insertions: linea aspers

Function: adduction at the hip


Origin: Inf Ramus of pubis

Insertions: pectineal line of femur

Function: flexion and abduction of hip


Origin: inf ramus of pubis


Function:flexion and medial rotation of knee

Psoas major

Origin:Transverse process T12

Insertions: lesser trochanter

Function: flexes hip

Biceps femoris

Origin: Ischial tuberosity

Insertions:Head of fibula

Function:flexes knee


Origin: Ishial tuberosity

Insertions: Medial condyle

Function: flexes knee


Origin: ischial tuberosity

Insertions: medial tibia

Function: flexion of knee


Origin: Ant sup iliac spine

Insertions: medial tibia

Function: flexes knee


Origin: Lateral condyle of femur

Insertions: posterior tibial shaft

Function:medial rotation of tibia

Rectus femoris

Origin: Ant inf iliac spine

Insertions:patellar ligament / tibial tuberosity

Function: extends knee

Vastus Lateralis

origin: grater trochanter

Insertion:tibial tuberosity

Function: extends knee

Vastus medialis

Origin: Linea aspera

Insertions: Tibial tuberosity

Function: Extends knee

Tibialis anterior

Origin: Lateral shaft of tibia

Insertions: base of metacarpals

Function: dorsi flexion


Origin: Femoral condyle

Insertions: calcaneus, via calcaneal tendon

Function:plantar flexion

Fibularis longus

Origin:proximal fibula

Insertions:5th metatarsal

Function: eversion of foot


Origin:Lateral supracondylar ridge

Insertions: posterior calcaneus

Function: plantar flexion


Origin: Proximal shaft of fibula

Insertions: Calcaneus

Function: Plantar flexion

Tibialis posterior

Origin: Interosseus membrane

Insertions: navicular

Function: inversion of foot

Flexor digitorum longus

Origin: postmedial surface of tibia

Insertions: inferior surface of distal pahlanges

Function: flexs toes

FLexor hallicus longus

Origin: Lateral condyle of tibia

Insertions: inferior surface of big toe

Function: flexes big toe

Extensor digitorum longus

origin: lateral condyle of tibia

insertions: superior suface of phalange

Function: extension of toes

Extensor hallicus longus

Origin: anterior surface of fibula

Insertions: superior surface of phalange

Function: extends big toe


Relay processing information


Controls emotions, autonomic and hormone production


Relays sensory info to cerebellum

Medulla oblongata

relays sensory info also controls respiratory cardiovascular and digestive activities


coordinates motor patterns

What makes up 1/3 of a bones weight?

Collagen (tough yet brittle)

-calcium and phosphate make up the rest

What is a compact bone?

Cortical shell , outer shell of vertebral body

What is spongy bone

long bone ends, inside vertebrae

Define osteoperosis

low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration

Define lamellae

Concentric rings of calcified matrix

What do the lamellae surround ?


What do osteocytes do?

Sense mechanical stimulus


Build , by secreting osteoid


collapse, by producing acid that dissolves matrix

What is periosteum and Endosteum

peri: Surrounds the bone

Endo: Cellular lining in the bone

Bone modelling and remodelling

Modeling drifts control changes in bone shape (mainly during growth)•

Remodeling regulates bone within tissue by resorption and formation of bone (throughout life)

What are the 3 main types of connective tissue?

Dense regular , dense irregular, and elastic

What are the 3 main types of DENSE REGULAR tissue?

Tendon(cords of collagen), ligament (cords) and aponeuroses (sheets of collagen)

What are some examples of DENSE IRREGULAR tissue

Perichondrium (around cartilege)

Periosteum ( around bone )

Elastic CT give an example

ligamentum flavum

What are the 3 layers of a fascia

1. superficial ( under da skin)

2. deep

3. subserous

What are the 3 types of cartilage

1) Hyaline- articular surfaces

2) Elastic - external ear

3) Fibrous - intervertebral discs, meniscus

What are the 2 ways cartilage can grow?

1) Interstitial - bone grow length

2) Appositional - growth in width

What does the Hypothalamus produce

regulatory hormones that regulate or inhibit hormone release from the pituitary gland

ADH, OXYtocin

What does the pituitary gland prodiuce

ADH and OXYtocin

it controls the function of other endocrine glands

Thyroid gland

produces thyroid hormones: Thyroxine and triidothyronine, it also accelerates metabolic rate

Parathyroid gland

increase blood calcium levels

Thymus gland

Produces thymosin , which helps mature lymphocytes


Erythropoietin : produces RBC's

Claciriol: stimulates calcium and phosephae uptake into blood

Adrenal cortex (little triangle on the kidney)

Produces mineralocorticoids- regulates urine

GLucocoriticoids- speeds synthesis of glucose and glycogen

Androgens- sex hormones

Adrenal Medulla- epinipherine


Produces- Insulin(to lower blood sugar)

GLucagon(to raise blood sugar)


Produce testosterone


Produce estradiol

and progesterone

Pineal gland

Produces melatonin

What are the primary functions of the lymphnoid system

Produce maintain and distribute Lymphocytes

Defence against viruses

Where does the thoracic duct drain into?

Left subclavian vein

What does the spleen do?

Filters and stores blood , and stores iron

What are the 3 major functions of the stomach?

1. Storage of bolus

2. Mechanical breakdown of bolus

3. Chemical breakdown of foor

All of this is done to make chyme from the bolus

What are the 3 bands of smooth muscle on the stomach?

Longitudinal layer

Circular layer

Oblique Layer

3 section of the small intestine and functions of each

Duodenum:shortest and widest section known as the mixing bowl

Jejunum: chemical digestion and nutrient absorbtion

Ileum: Longest segment of the small intestine

What is segmentation in digestion?

The activity of breaking up food in the small intestine

What are the functions of Large intestine

Reabsorbs water and electrolytes

What are the 2 sections of the Paritoneal cavity

VIsceral: closest to visceral organs

Parietal: closer to the body wall

What does the liver do?

Detoxification of the center of body

What does the gallblader do?

Bile is stored there

bile is a fat emulsifier

What does the pancreas do?

makes digestive enzymes like

Lipases -> lipids

Carbohydrases -> carbohydrates


What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?




Which muscles are striated? Which aren't?

Skeletal and caridac= Striated

Smooth= no striations

What are the 4 layers of Connective tissue?

1. Epimysium

2. Perimysium

3. Endomysium

4. Sarcolemma

What are the different types of skeletal muscle?

Parallel (biceps) parallel with tendonus bands(rectus abdominus), Wrapping muscle (supinator), Convergent muscle (pectoralis), pennate (flexor digitorum), bipennate (rectus femoris), multipennate (deltoid) and circular (oris)