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91 Cards in this Set

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DOC for syphilis
If allergic to DOC?
If preggo allergic to syphilis?

DOC for neurosyphilis?
PCN G (benzanthine or procain), 1 dose IM
PCN allergy: Doxycyclin x 2wks or Tetracycline x 2 wks
preggo w PCN allergy: PCN desensitization w PCN V

(1 dose of azythro can also be used, but there is growing resistance against it)

Note: the DOC and 2nd line drugs are opposite to those for Lyme Dz.

Neurosyphilis: IV aqueous crystilline PCN or IM procaine PCN
DOC for meningiococcal infxn phx
2nd line
who gets it?
DOC: Rifampin
2nd line: minocycline po, cipro
who gets it? all close contacts, INCLUDING MEDICAL STAFF
UTI's in non preggo
1st line
2nd line
DOC for pyelo in non preggo
1st line: TMP/SMX or nitrofurantoin
2nd line: amoxicillin
pyelo: cipro
sulfa allergy:
phx: INHALED pentamidine
rx: Trim/Sulfa
sulfa allergy: pentamidine
DOC for phx for endocarditis with dental procedure
DOC for Pseudomonas
Rx options for Pseudomonas
1st: cipro
2nd: Ticaricillin, Carbicillin, Pipericillin (w clavulinic acid)
3rd: Cef-az (3rd gen ceph), Cefepime (4th gen ceph)
4th: Gentamycin (AG)
5th: Aztreonam
DOC for Anaerobic infxn
above diaphragm: clinda
below diaphragm: metro
clues for anaerobic infxn
mixed flora, abscess (> 7 days), aspiration infxn
Rx options for Anaerobic infxn
1) Clinda (above diaphragm)
2) Metro (below diaphragm)
3) Cefoxitin, Cefotetan (FOT FOX)
4) PCN + clavulinic acid/ tazo/ sul
5) Imepenem/ Cilistatin
Causes of Atypical PNA; age ranges
Chlamydia: < 2 mo
Mycoplasma: 10- 30 y/o
Legionella: > 40 y/o
PJP: AIDS, premies
Rx hierarchy for atypical PNA:
1) macrolide
2) tetracycline
3) quinolones
DOC for Enterobacter
Imepenem/ Cilistatin
DOC for Bordetella Pertussis
2nd line:
DOC: Erythromycin (or another macrolide) x 14 days (1st 3 days in isolation)
2nd line: Trim/sulfa
DOC for
1) Pancreatitis
2) Necrotizing pancreatitis
1) Imepenem/ Cilistatin
2) Amp/ Gent/ Metro
DOC for Psoriasis
topical Neomycin
(can supplement with vitamin A)
Lyme Dz
2nd line:
DOC in preggo:
DOC in kid < 9 y/o
systemic (heart block):
DOC: Doxycyclin
2nd line: PCN G
DOC in preggo: Amoxicillin
DOC in kid < 9 y/o: amoxicillin
systemic (heart block): ceftriaxone x 7 days, or PCN G

Note: the DOC and 2nd line rxs are opposite to those for syphillis
DOC for bowel surgery
DOC for Meningitis
DOC for meningitis in pt with PCN allergy
DOC for Chlamydia (STD)
1 dose Rx for Chlamydia (STD)
When can you use 1 dose regimen
DOC: Doxi
1 dose rx: Azithro
Can use 1 dose regimen if patient is asx'tic
DOC for Gonnorrhea
1 dose rx for gonnorrhea
DOC: Ceftriaxone
1 dose rx: ceftriaxone, cefixime, cefoxitin, (tri and fix the fox), cipro
DOC for Rickettsia
Doxi or cloramphenicol
DOC for Toxo
rx: Spiramycin
phx: Pytimethazine/Sulfa
DOC for atypical PNA
2nd line?
3rd line?
DOC= macrolide
2nd line= tetracycline
3rd line= quinilones
empiric rx for PNA
Most Abx work on cell WALL except
1) Polymyxin
2) Daptomycin

(these guys work on cell MEM)
Most antifungals work on cell MEM except
1) Capsofungin

(this guy works on cell WALL)
BacterioCIDAL drugs include
AG, quinilone, vanc, PCN, Cephs
BacterioSTATIC drugs include
tetra, macrolide, Trimethoprim, clinda, chloramphenicol
drugs that are on a class of there own
for vanc reisitant enterococci or staph, use
Linezolid, Daptomycin
Name the "Big Momma" anaerobes
1) Strep Bovis
2) Bacteriodes fragilis
3) C melanogo- septicus
4) C difficile
DOC for "Big Momma" anaerobes
1) Metronidazole (below diaphragm)
2) Clindamycin (above diaphragm)
3) Cefoxitin
4) Cefotetan
(FOX FOT the anaerobes)
1 dose rx:
bug: gardnerella
1 dose rx: metronidzole
1 dose rx:
bug: trichomonas
1 dose rx: metronidzole
causes of dysguzia (metallic taste)
1) clarithromycin (macrolide)
2) metronidozole
3) zinc def
4) ACE-i
5) metformin
DOC for MAI phx

MAI rx:
phx: Azithro

rx: Azithro or Clarithro + rifabutin/ethambutol
DOC for N meningiococcal phx (for contacts)
DOC for N. meningitis
DOC for pneumococcal meningitis
2nd line
2nd line: ceftriax/vanc
PCN allergy: cloramphenicol
DOC for GBS+ mom (so she wont pass it on to baby during birth)
DOC: ampicillin/ sulbactum (try to get four hrs of IV rx before birth)
DOC for Staph epididmis
2nd line:
DOC: Vanc
2nd line: Rifampin
DOC for Typhoid fever
(the only salmonella infection, we're supposed to treat)
DOC for Pasturella Multocida (cat BITE)
amox + clavulinic acid
DOC for tularemia
streptomycin (Aminoglycoside)

(should be a tetracycline bc of: vacum The br).... but iduno
DOC for Bartonella Henslea (cat scratch fever)
macrolide (azythromycin)

(ups lost my Brand new car)
S/S campylobacter
S/S: salmonella with a curved rod
DOC: erythromycin
DOC for UTI in preggo
DOC for pyelo in preggo
UTI: Amoxacillin or Ampicillin
Pyelo: ceftriaxone
If I give a -cillin (bc i think pt has strep throat) and pt gets little red dots all over body, what does that mean?
Jarisch- Herexhierner rxn;
pt has EBV, CMV, or syphilis
When you add a B-lactamase (clavlinic acid/ sulbactam/ tazobactum) can drugs get staph a. too?
-cillins with a high Na load
Ticacilin, Carbicillin, Pipercillin
in the wild

"transDuce in the wilD"
in the hospital

(transForm in Formal Facilities)
dont pick if you dont see the word "pilli"
DOC for propionobacterium acne (gm positive anaerobe)
Oxy-5, Oxy-10 (O2 is anaerobes worst nightmare)
abx: minocycline (vAcum), clindamycin (anaerobes above the diaphragm), erythromycin,
retinoic acid
DOC for staph saprophyticus
Which Abx must be taken on an empty stomach?
Quinolones, Tetracyclines
Abx that turn skin red
Neomycin, Vancomycin
Drugs that can erode esophagus, so sit up for 30 minutes after taking, and drink water
tetracyclines, bisphsophonates, KCl, Fe (iron)
Phx for blindness by Chlamydia Trachomatis in neonates
DOC for leprosy
dapsone/ clofazimine/ rifampin x6-24 mo's
Dermatitis herpitiformis
assoc w/
assoc w/ celiac spru
DOC dapsone
DOC for Nocardia
DOC: Trim/Sulfa
Phx: Trim/Sulfa
necrotic pancreatitis
ampicillin, gentamycin, metronidaozole
DOC for Cdiff
1st line: po metronidazole
2nd line: po vanc
34d line: IV metro
DOC for entameoba histolytica
NONE! Avoid abx and antidiarrheal (BOLD) therapy!
2 indications to treat salmonella
1) typhoid fever
2) infection in Sickle Cell pt
DOC for Salmonella in
1) typhoid fever
2) Sickle Cell pt
1) cipro
2) po quinolone OR TMP-SMX
DOC for Shigella
empiric rx for Giardia
broad spec w
metro/floroquinolone OR
metro/ 2nd or 3rd gen ceph
DOC for actinomyces
high dose PCN for 6-12 wks
rx for mucormycosis (Rhizopus)
Amphotericin B (bc its a fungus in blood system)
DOC for strep pharyngitis
Erythromycin is amongst first line
DOC for acute pyelo
fluoroquinolone or ceftriaxone
DOC for human bite
amox- clav (same as cat bite!)
regimen for Diptheria
give in this order
1st: antitoxin
2nd: PCN or erythromycin
3rd: DPT vaccine
DOC for erlichosis
DOC for Rocky MSF
DOC in preggo
DOC: Doxy
Preggo: chloramphenicol
Rx for Spontaneous Bacterial Perotinitis
IV 3rd gen ceph
things in GI that need broad spec abx
1) diverticuLITIS (after NPO, and NGT)
2) mesenteric ischemia
3) ischemic colitis
rx for tropical sprue
what are broad spec abx
metro/ fluro
metro/ 2nd or 3rd gen ceph
Dx for phx in Cheidak Higashi
Trim Sulfa and vitamin C
rx for nail puncture wound osteomyelitis (pseudomonas)
quinolone (cipro)
which anti-psuedo drug is CI in kids?
-causes cartilage damage and growth retardation
phx for kids with CGDz
daily TMP/SMX and gamma interferon
DOC for epicglotitis?
intubate and cefotax or cetriax