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89 Cards in this Set

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what's a latent deviation of the eyes?
what deviation of the eyes is only detected when the pt is dissociated?
what helps overcome esophoria so diplopia doesn't occur? (2 things)
negative fusional vergence OR relaxation of accommodation (opposite for exo)
Esophoric patients will tend to localize objects closer/further?
closer (exo=further)
what are some symptoms that manifest when the pt is trying to keep an abnormal amount of deviation under control (with the accomm. and/or vergence systems)?
blur, fatigue, eyestrain, diplopia
what are four causes of vertical imbalance (hyperphoria)?
1. trauma
2. high exo/eso
3. muscle palsy
4. congenital (4th nerve palsy, anatomical anomaly)
what are 3 methods to break pt's fusion?
1. cover test
2. von graefe (prisms)
3. maddox rod
T or F: pt wears habitual Rx and accomm. must be controlled when performing the cover test
T! (control accomm. b/c it affects vergence!)
why do you have to wait at least 3 seconds after you cover an eye to switch to the other eye on the ACT?
to give pt enough time to break fusion
T or F: you are evaluating the "just uncovered" eye on the UCT.
T or F: you MUST dissociate the pt to uncover a latent deviation
T or F: you can quantify with prism the amount of tropia with UCT
FFFFF!!! you quantify phorias with ACT
what prism do you use to neutralize EXOphorias?
T or F: it is not necessary to control accommodation on a von graefe phoria measurement
T or F: habitual Rx in the phoropter is necessary to measure von graefe phorias
what does dr. fecho say to set up the prism in von graefe phoria testing? (BI, BO etc over what eyes?)
6 BD OS, and 12 BI OD (15BI for near)
if a pt has a vertical phoria behind the phoropter, what test could you do to confirm it?
maddox rod (being behind the phoropter may cause the vertical imbalance)
what instructions do you need to tell pts for the von graefe phoria test?
"keep looking at this target (one eye occluded to point out which is the non-moving target) and make sure you keep it CLEAR" (controlling accomm)
how do you record this: endpoint of von graefe is 1 BU over the OS
1 hyper OD
T or F: an eso deviation results in uncrossed diplopia
the maddox rod must have the grooves oriented ______ to test lateral deviations
horizontally (red light is vertical)
if your patient has a blur on distance BI findings (smooth vergence testing), what does this mean?
pt is accommodating at distance....over-minused or spasm of accomm
what prism do we start with on smooth vergence testing?
T or F: you need to have the pt's manifest Rx in the phoropter during smooth vergence testing
Smooth vergence testing is primarily testing what?
what needs to be recorded on smooth vergence testing?
Rouse et al found only a fair INTRA-examiner reliability with smooth vergence testing. Changes greater than ___ prism diopters may be needed to be confident that it is indeed a real change
T or F: pt must wear best correction during NPC
T or F: an accommodative target is not used during NPC testing
F!! (blur doesn't matter but recovery is important)
What's the purpose of the BCC?
used to determine the posture of accomm
What are the expected values for BCC (non-presbyope)?
+0.25 to +0.75 (lag)
How do you setup for BCC?
1. target at 40 cm (cross cyl target)
2. put in cross cyl (+/-.50)
3. very dim illum
4. add +1.00 over manifest
5. vertical lines should be darker...(add minus for vertical, plus for horizontal)
whats the endpoint of BCC?
horizontal=vertical OR you get the first horizontal darker
What's a better way to determine the posture of accomm on non-presbyopes (than BCC)?
MEM (monocular estimation method)
what does NRA/PRA indirectly evaluate?
the vergence system
what's the purpose of NRA/PRA testing?
to determine the pt's add as well as the pt's range of accommodation under the influence of the binocular system
what are the expected values for NRA and PRA?
NRA: +2.00
PRA: -2.37
when plus lenses are added in front of the eye in NRA and causes accomm to relax, what is keeping the eyes on the target?
PRV (positive RELATIVE vergence)
T or F: the pt's near correction must be used to evaluate the amplitude of accom on Donder's push-up technique
F! distance Rx
T or F: dim lighting is needed for Donder's push-up technique
F. well illuminated near target
Donder's push-up technique: monocular or binocular?
Minus lens to blur: with a target at 40 cm, what's the AA if the manifest in the phoropter was -2.00 and the blur was reported at -4.00?
-2.00 --> -4.00 = -2.00....have to add initial demand...pt was accommodating 2.50 already, so final answer is -4.50 D
what target is usually used for minus to blur?
one line above the pt's best near acuity
T or F: the minus to blur technique will give a lower AA value than the Donder's push-up method
What facility test must be performed with a suppression check?
BAF! (this tests not just accomm but binocularity as well)
what's the velocity of pursuits?
60-70 degrees/second
T or F: pursuits have smaller latency than saccades
T (130 ms compared to 200 ms for saccades)
the most common innacuracy of a saccadic movement is what?
an undershoot
Pursuits and saccades follow different neurological pathways. Examining a patient with a problem in one eye movement and not the other can suggest a ____ cause to OMD and should be followed up on
organic (infection, tumor, etc)
T or F: OMD is a diagnosis of exclusion
T or F: only saccades depend on proper fixation
F! both!
saccades depend on information from the ____ to tell the brain that there is something ahead that needs to be fixated on
T or F: Saccadic suppression is normal
T....suppression not normal in pursuits
OMD is a general term that encompasses a dysfunction in what 3 things?
fixation maintenance, pursuits and saccades (it's rare to see an isolated one of these....and also rare to see OMD without accommodative, binocular and visual perception disorders
Which is the slowest to develop: accommodative, binocular or ocular motor system?
ocular motor (due to cognition, attention...)
T or F: treating ocular motor dysfunction may improve reading, attention and visual perception
What's the main point of the 3 studies by Sherman, Hoffman and Lieberman?
There is a high prevalence of OMD in children with learning disabilities and emotional disorders, as well as in children without learning disorders and emotional disabilities
T or F: Fixation testing: test monocular first and then if deficient, test binocularly
F (binoc first, then monoc if deficient)
A person gets a score of 2+ on Fixation testing according to SCCO if they do what?
Have steady fixation for less than 5 seconds or if hand support is needed (4+= ten seconds)
Gross saccadic testing is referred to as SCCO testing....what's the difference between this and NSUCO testing of saccades?
NSUCO: similar to gross but standardized and strict criterion for asministration
What is the patient graded on in NSUCO testing?
Ability, Accuracy, and Body/Head movement
T or F: if the pt passes the NSUCO saccade test, you can rule out the existence of OMD
If a patient performed well on the DEM test but you saw excessive head movement, what does that tell you?
this suggests OMD regardless of performance
What percentile is normal in DEM testing?
>35th percentile
How do you find the ratio for OMD?
horizontal time/vertical time
Is it necessary to perform more than one test to diagnose OMD?
T or F: both the King-Devick and the DEM test can test for automaticity
F! only DEM!
Authors of the King Devick test found that poor _____ contribute to poor reading ability
What test uses infrared goggles that monitor eye movements?
Visigraph 2
T or F: Visigraph 2 is more reliable than DEM for monitoring patient improvement in vision therapy
What does the Pierce test evaluate?
gross saccades
Which grading system is good to evaluate saccades and pursuits in children under 5 years of age?
Pursuits should be smooth in children ___ years of age
Fidgeting or unrelated verbalization during ocular motor testing is referred to as __________.
motor overflow
What are the 4 categories of pathological (functional) causes of saccadic dysfunction?
Disorders of velocity, Accuracy (Dysmetria), Initiation, and Inappropriate saccades
In Congenital Oculomotor Apraxia, what is a characteristic movement? What is faulty in these people?
Head Thrusting; they have delayed initiation of voluntary saccades
What are inappropriate saccades?
Saccades that interfere with normal fixation
Excessive _____ is abnormal and can suggest disease of the cerebellum
What the most common neurological problem with pursuits?
Cogwheeling: steplike eye movement that replaces the smooth pursuit
T or F: good oculomotor skills depend on good acuity
To manage OMD, you can correct the _________, use lenses with plus adds (if there is a ____ or ____ problem associated with the OMD), or use the primary approach which is ______.
refractive error; accommodative or binocular; vision therapy
T or F: plus adds can help reading skills in all children with OMD
F! only those who show signs of plus acceptance (shift toward NRA on NRA/PRA shows a sign of plus acceptance)
Kommerell et al studied adaptation of saccadic ability after a __________. Found that the CNS can/can't readjust the saccadic innervation.
6th nerve palsy; can (thereby improving performance)
Wold studied 100 patients who did what? What did he find?
who completed a VT program; showed statistical changes in pursuit and saccadic function
Solan studied who to find that reading rate improved, there were fewer fixations and fewer regression after vision therapy?
63 achieving high school students
What did Rounds et al use to evaluate eye movement before and after VT? What did he find after 4 weeks?
Visigraph; the study group showed trends toward improving reading eye movement efficiency, but that statistical differences were not evident
What did Young et al use to record eye movement in schoolchildren who failed a vision screening? What did he show after 6 weeks of VT?
Eye Trac; significant decrease in fixations, increase in reading speed, and decrease in fixation duration
How studies shown that ocular motor function can improve in adults?
The program for OMD typically lasts for ______ sessions but is dependent on the individual and on their other visual problems.
12-24 (CITT study: 12 weeks)