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74 Cards in this Set

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order of renal triad
anterior: renal vein, renal artery, renal pelvis: posterior (VAP bundle)
most common kidney stones
calcium oxalate
risk factors for uric acid stones
ileostomy, gout, myeloproliferative disorders (note urate stones are radiolucent)
operative tx for testicular cancer
orchiectomy through inguinal incision
BhCG and AFP levels in seminoma vs nonseminomatous testicular ca
seminoma is more common, 10% have BhCG, don't have elevated AFP
treatment of seminoma
orchiectomy and retroperitoneal xrt (all stages), chemo if nodal disease
treatment of nonseminomatous testicular ca
orchiectomy, prophylactic retroperitoneal LND, XRT for stage II or above, chemo for stage II or above, resection of mets
treatment of extracapsular prostate ca
leuprolide, flutamide, orchiectomy; XRT for bone pain, chemo for refractory ca
paraneoplastic syndomes associated with renal cell ca
erythropoetin, ACTH, PTHrp, insulin
risk factors for bladder ca
smoking, aniline dyes, cyclophosphamide
possible treatments for T1 bladder ca (no muscular involvement)
instill BCG, transurethral resection
risk factors for ovarian ca
early menarche, nulliparity, late menopause, history (tubal ligation and OCPs decrease risk)
treatment for ovarian ca
TAH-BSO for all stages +/- debulking
risk factors for endometrial ca
nulliparity, obesity, tamoxifen,
treatment for endometrial ca
TAH-BSO for all stages +/- debulking
vessels injured in subdural hematoma
bridging veins
vessels injured in epidural hematoma
middle meningeal artery most commonly
most common pediatric brain tumor
types of Salter-Harris fractures that require internal fixation
III, IV, V (cross growth plate)
fractures associated with compartment syndrome
supracondylar humerus and tibia; calcaneus fx
nerve controlling hip adduction
obturator n.
nerve controlling hip abduction
superior gluteal
nerve controlling hip extension
inferior gluteal n.
nerve controlling knee extension
femoral n.
nerve controlling intrinsic musculature of the hand minus thumb and wrist extension
ulnar n.
nerve controlling thumb apposition and finger flexion
median n.
nerve controlling wrist and finger extension
radial n.
nerve controlling biceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis
musculocutaneous n,
nerve controlling deltoid
dislocation with risk of axillary arterial injury
dislocation with risk of axillary nerve injury
dislocation with risk of sciatic nerve injury
dislocation with risk of femoral artery injury
dislocation with risk of popliteal artery injury
posterior (need angiogram)
leg compartments
4: anterior, lateral, deep posterior, superficial posterior
radiogrphic sign of osteosarcoma
Codman's triangle
treatment of head and neck squamous ca
I or II (<4cm): surgery OR xrt; stage II, IV: combined modalities
virus assocatied with nasopharyngeal squamous ca
treatment of glottic ca
XRT if cords aren't fixed; if they are fixed, surgery + xrt
treatment of lip ca
resect with primary closure if <1/2 of lip, otherwise need flaps; neck dissection if nodes positive
most common malignant salivary tumor
mucoepidermioid ca
most common malignant salivary tumor of submandibular
adenoid cystic carcinoma
treatment of benign pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland
CN7-sparing partial parotidectomy
treatment of malignant pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland
total parotidectomy (with CN7) and neck dissection
most common bilateral parotid tumor
Warthin's tumor (superficial parotidectomy)
treatment of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
embolize internal maxillary artery then remove
Frey's syndrome
injury of auriculotemporal nerve; gustatory sweating (crossed sweat/salivary fibers)
way to avoid tracheoinnominate fistula
keep tracheostomy above 3rd tracheal ring
three types of peripheral nerve injuries
neuropraxis, axonotmesis (regenerate 1mm/d), neurotmesis (surgery)
oliguria, high urine osmolarity, low serum osmolarity with head injury
calculation of cerebral perfusion pressure
hematoma with lucid interval
cranial hematoma with higher mortality
shapes of hematomas
subdural = crescent, epidural = lens
GCS verbal scores
5 oriented, 4 confused, 3 inappropriate, 2 incomprehensible, 1 none
GCS motor scores
6 commands, 5 localizes, 4 withdraw pain, 3 flexion pain (decorticate), 2 extension pain, 1 none
GCS eyes scores
4 spontaneous, 3 to command, 2 to pain, 1 none
Cushing's triad (and what it signifies)
HTN, bradycardia, Kussmaul respirations (slow, irregular) = increased ICP
neurogenic shock
hypotensive bradycardia with warm perfused extremities
anterior spinal artery syndrome
lose bilateral motor, pain and temp; keep position sense, light touch
Brown-Sequard syndrome
spinal cord transected 1/2 way; lost ipsilateral motor, contralateral pain and temp
Central cord syndrome
bilateral loss of upper extremity motor, pain, temp; legs relatively spared. usually due to hyperextended c-spine injury
indications for operative repair of skull fx
if open fx or if depressed (to ~ thickness of skull or more)
symptoms of L3-L4 disc nerve compression
L4 root compression (L4 think 4 quadriceps, weak knee jerk)
symptoms of L4-L5 disc nerve compression
L5 root compression (lift 5 toes, dorsiflexion; mae see big toe hyperesthesia)
symptoms of L5-S1 disc nerve compression
S1 root compression (Stand on tiptoes, plantar flexion, weak ankle jerk, change in sensation to lateral foot/calf)
terrible triad from lateral blow to knee
injury to ACL, MCL, medial meniscus
radiographic sign of Ewing's sarcoma
onion layering
staging of ovarian cancer
I: ovary only (can be bilateral), II pelvis, III abdomen, IV distant
treatment of cryptorchidism
orchipexy (improves fertility but not cancer risk)
concerning malignancy with varicocele
l renal ca (compression of L renal vein which drains L gonadal vein)
treatment of bladder injury
if extraperitoneal, just foley drainage; if intraperitoneal, need operative 3-layer closure + foley
marker for ovarian ca
ligament containing ovarian nerve/artery/vein
infundibular ligament