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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the possible sites of compression resulting in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow?
Between FCU heads
Arcade of Struthers (IM septum)
Tunnel (ligament)
Anconeus epitrochlearis
What is Froment's sign?
Intrinsic weakness due to ulnar nerve injury
Tests pinch strength
FPL compensates for weakness of adductor pollicis
How can one test for Froment’s sign?
Sheet of paper between thumb and
index, key pinch grip
Thumb flexes at IP because no adductor function
What is ]eanne’s sign?
Thumb MP hyperextension during attempted active thumb flexion
What is a positive Pollock test?
Ulnar two FDPs weak
What is a poorly prognostic factor for cubital tunnel syndrome?
Intrinsic atrophy
What is the preferred method for ulnar nerve transposition?
Better to transpose submuscularly with muscuolofascial lengthening
What is the ideal position for splinting the elbow for cubital tunnel?
Elbow at 30 to 45 degrees of extension
Forearm neutral (to relax FCU)
What are the walls of Guyon’s canal?
Floor: transverse carpal and pisohamate ligament
Roof: volar carpal ligament
Ulnar: pisiform
Radial: hamate
What are the three zones? . What is a common cause of compression in each zone?
l: motor and sensory deficits
(ganglia—80% nontraumatic, hook of hamate fracture)
II: motor deficit only (same as zone I)
lll: sensoiy deficit only (ulnar artery thrombus)
lf thrombosis leads to embolus, what is the resulting clinical effect?
Sympathetic nerve response
Further limitation of flow to ring finger, due to takeoff angle of common digital arteries at 3-4 webspace
What is the treatment for embolus?
Resection of thrombotic segment,with or without arterial repair or vein graft
How does a hook of hamate fracture classically present?
Stick-handling sports (e.g., baseball, golf)
What complication is associated with hook of hamate fracture?
lrritation or attritional rupture of ulnar sided flexor
The superficial branch of the ulnar nerve supplies what structures?
Dorsal and volar aspect of ulnar side of ring
What structures does the deep branch supply?
Hypothenar muscles
lntrinsics, except first two lumbricals
Adductor pollicis
The deep branch courses with what structure?
Deep (palmar) branch of ulnar artery
What is the most important secondary adductor (non-ulnar)?
What is the relationship of the ulnar nerve and arteiy in forearm and Guyon’s canal?
Ulnar nerve is ulnar to artery in forearm and Guyon’s canal
What is the blood supply to the ulnar nerve?
Superior ulnar collateral artery (major)
Inferior ulnar collateral artery (minor)
Post-ulnar recurrent artery (major)
What is the Martin-Gruber anastomosis?
Motor connection in forearm between median and ulnar nerves
Where does the anastomosis originate?
Median nerve proper or AIN
At which location does the intrinsic innervation revert to the ulnar nerve?
If an anastomosis is present, and the median nerve is cut in the arm, then what?
Intrinsics are also lost
If the ulnar nerve is cut, then what?
Intrinsics are spared
The nerve of Henle is a branch of what nerve?
Ulnar nerve
To which location does it provide sensation?
Distal forearm
To what structure does the nerve of Henle also provide sympathetic innervation?
Ulnar artery
What structures are principally at risk with ulnar nerve transposition?
Median antebrachial cutaneous nerve
Medial brachial cutaneous nerve