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51 Cards in this Set

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early lesion has unilateral, clear, yellow discharge & dry scaling crusts friable at nipple's apex. erythematous halo on areola. crusted, eczematous, retracted nip.

later lesion shows nipple reddened, excoriated, ulcerated, with bloody discharge when surface is eroded & erythematous plaque surrounding nip

Symp: tingling, burning, itching
Paget's Disease (Intraductal Carcinoma)
Common & not serious

one milk duct is clogged; one section of the breast is tender; reddened; no infection.

important to keep breast empty.
Plugged Duct
generalized infection (mastitis); pocket of pus accumulates in one local area; nipple edema; must discontinue nursing on affected breast; manually express milk and discard

treat with antibiotics, surgical incision, & drainage
Breast abscess
noninflammatory enlargement of male breast tissue; usually temporary duling puberty

also in aging males because of changing hormone levels
lesion is hard, non-tender, irregular, most usually under the areola; FIXED to the area; may have nipple retraction
Carcinoma (Male)
AP=Transverse diameter; ribs horizontal; assoc. with normal aging, chronic emphysema, & asthma as a result of hyperinflation of lungs
Barrel chest
sunken sternum & adjacent cartilages aka funnel breast; congenital - usually non symptomatic;
Pectus Excavatum
Forward protrusion of the sternum with ribs sloping back at either side & vertical depressions; requires no treatment. surgery if severe.
Pectus carinatum
S-shaped curvature of thoracic and lumbar spine; unequal/ asymmetrical bony landmarks of posterior back
aka hunchback; causes back pain and limited mobility; severe deformities impair cardiopulmonary function.

assoc. with aging >> postmenopausal, osteoporotic women
rapid shallow breathing; normal response to fever. fear, or exercise; also with respiratory insufficiency, pneumonia, alkalosis, pleurisy, and lesions in the pons.
slow breathing; decreased but regular rate; may be from drug-induced depression of resp. center in the medulla; increased intracranial pressure; & diabetic coma
respirations wax & wane in a regular pattern, increase in rate and depth and then decreasing

causes - severe heart failure, meningitis, drug overdose, increased intracranial pressure.

occurs normally in infants and aging persons during sleep.
Cheyne-Stokes Respiration
increase in both rate and depth; occurs with extreme exertion, fear, anxiety; also with diabetic ketoacidosis, etc.

blows off CO2 causing decreased pH in blood (alkalosis)
irreg. shallow pattern -> overdose of narcotics or anesthetics; or with prolonged bedrest or conscious splinting of the chest to avoid respiratory pain.
series of normal respirations followed by a period of apnea

seen with head trauma, brain abscess, heat stroke, spinal meningitis, & encephalitis
Biot's respiration
everted umbilicus, bulging flanks when supine. taut, glistening skin, weight gain, increased weight gain

excess fluid in the abdominal cavity
occurs with fatty infiltration, portal obstruction or CIRRHOSIS, high obstruction of inferior vena cava & lymphocytic leukemia
Enlarged liver
suggests acute cholecystitis- inflammation of _____.
Enlarged gallbladder
aka splenoMEGALY that may occur with acute infections
Enlarged spleen
located below renal arteries & extend to the umbilicus; may be palpable; pulsating mass in the upper abdomen just to the L of midline; bruits
Aortic aneurysm
begins within 2-4 weeks of infection as a small, solitary papule that erodes to a red, round or oval, superficial ulcer with a yellowish serous discharge; STD
Syphilitic chancre
soft, pointed, moist, fleshy, painless papules may be single or multiple in a cauliflowerlike patch; caused by HPV virus
genital warts
begins as red, raised warty growth, or as an ulcer with watery discharge; may further necrose and slough; almost always on glans or inner lip of foreskin; and following chronic inflammation
carcinoma of the penis
infection of the urethra causes painful, burning urination; meatus edges are reddened, everted, and swollen; purulent urethral discharge; urine is cloudy with discharge & mucous shreds.
foreskin cannot be retracted over glans
foreskin is retracted and fixed; cannot return to original position
urethral meatus opens on the ventral (under) side of glans or shaft
urethral meatus opens on the dorsal (upper) side of glans or shaft
pinpoint, constricted opening at meatus or inside along urethra
urethral stricture
prolonged painful erection of penis without sexual desire; rare condition occurs with sickle cell trait or disease;
empty scrotal half; absent testis; undescended testis
excruciating pain in testicle of sudden onset; red swollen scrotum; chord feels thick, swollen, tender; cremasteric reflex is absent
testicular torsion
testes feel like a "bag of worms;" caused by dilated varicose veins in the spermatic cord due to incompetent valves within the vein which permit reflux of blood
nontender swelling of testes; caused by accumulating fluid
nontender swelling of scrotum
scrotal hernia
hair-containing cyst or sinus located in the midline over coccyx or lower sacrum
Pilonidal cyst or sinus
painful longitudinal tear in the superficial mucosa at the anal margin; frequently accompanied by sentinel tag - hyperplastic skin papule
perianal itching; red, raised thick, excoriated skin around the anus.

causes: pinworms & fungal infections
pruritus ani
localized cavity of pus from infection in a pararectal space; characterized by persistent throbbing rectal pain
collection of hard dessicated feces in the rectum; from decreased bowel motility
fecal impaction
malignant neoplasm in the rectum; asymptomatic; early lesion may be a FIRM nodule
ractal carcinoma
enlargement of prostate; Signs & symptoms :urinary frequency, urgency, hesitancy, straining to urinate, weak stream, intermittent stream, sensation of incomplete emptying, nocturia
Benign Prostatic Hypertophy
inflammation of the prostate; signs and symp: fever, shills, malaise, uri. frequency & urgency, dysuria, urethral discharge, dull, aching pain in perineal and rectal area
malignant neoplasm in the prostate that starts off as a single HARD nodule; signs and symp: frequency, nocturia, hematuria, weak stream, hesitancy, pain or burning on urination, continuous pain in lower back, pelvis, thighs.
Prostate Carcinoma
episodes of local pain, dysuria, fever; clusters of small shallow vesicles with surrounding erythema, erupt on genital areas and inner thighs; vesicles leave painful ulcers.

initial infection lasts 7-10 days; VIRUS remains dormant indefinitely
herpes simplex virus type 2 (herpes genitalis)
painless warty growths; pink or flesh colored, soft, pointed, moist, warty papules; common among sexually active women; Risk factors: early menarche & multiple sex partners; abnormal cervical cytology
HPV aka genital warts
uterus protrudes into vagina
uterine prolapse
bluish dicoloration of the mucosa of the cervix; normal for pregnancy; may also occur with hypoxia or venous congestion (heart failure, pelvic tumor)
Bluish cervix - cyanosis
bleeding between menses or after menopause; unusual vaginal discharge; chronic ulcer.

Risk factor: early age at first intercourse; multiple sex partners, cig smoking, certain STDs
cervical cancer
intense itching; thick whitish discharge; vulva and vagina are erythematous & edematous.

predisposing causes: use of oral contraceptives or antibiotics, more alkaline vaginal pH (with menses, postpartum, menopause) also pregnancy from increased glycogen and diabetes
candidiasis (moniliasis)