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15 Cards in this Set

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What drugs are included in the hallucinogens group?
LSD, peyote.
What is Synesthesia?
Synesthesia, the overflow from one sensory modality to another.
What are some symptoms of a bad trip on LSD?
Severe anxiety, paranoia, and loss of control.
How is PCD used?
It can be smoked or snorted.
What happens when PCP is taken at lower doses?
At lower doses, it produces a sense of intoxication, euphoria, or affective dulling, talkativeness, lack of concern, slowed reaction time, vertigo, eye twitching, mild hypertension, abnormal involuntary movements, and weakness.
What happens when PCP is taken at intermediate doses?
It leads to disorganized thinking, distortions of body image, depersonalization, and feelings of unreality.
What happens when PCP is taken at higher doses?
It produces amnesia, and coma, analgesia sufficient to allow surgery, seizures, severe respiratory problems hypothermia, and hyperthermia.
What is unique about the highs of PCP?
They can last for several days at a time.
What percentage of the US population has tried PCP at one point in their lives?
What do the hallucinogens create in your brain?
Perceptual illusions and distortions-sometimes fantastic, sometimes frightening. Some people feel more sensitive to art, music and other people. The hallucinogens also create mood swings and paranoia. Some people experience frightening flashbacks to experiences under the hallucinogens.
How can the leaves of the cannabis plant be used?
They can be cut, dried, and rolled into cigarettes, as well as inserted into food and beverages.
What is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States?
What are some disadvantages of pot?
Short term memory is impaired as well as cognitive ability and moter performance.
What are some physical risks you take when using herb?
Irregular heartbeat, increased appetite, dry mouth, chronic cough, sinusitis, bronchitis, and emphysema, higher risk for cancer because it has more tabacco than cigarettes, lower sperm count/irregular ovulation.
What are some symptoms of withdrawal from Maryjane?
Loss of appetite, hot flashes, runny nose, sweating, diarrhea, hiccups.