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26 Cards in this Set

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What is the main feature of MR?
impaired intellectual abilities
What is necessary for a diagnosis of MR?
Limitations in adaptive functioning
What is the mean and standard deviation of IQ tests?
mean = 100
standard deviation = 15
What IQ score is the cut-off for MR?
approximately 70
What is the Flinn effect?
IQ has been increasing over time
What are the four levels of MR and what are their corresponding IQ scores?
Mild = 50-70
Moderate = 35-55
Severe = 20-40
Profound = less than 25
What are the four characteristics of the four levels of MR?
Mild = approx 6th grade level academically
Moderate = approx 2nd grade level academically
Severe = Communicative speech limited
Profound = Often institutionalized
1/2 of all cases of MR are caused by known?
biological or genetic abnormalities
What is the most common MR?
Down syndrome aka Trisomy 21
What is the second most common MR?
Fragile-X syndrome
What is fragile-X syndrome?
a weakening or break on one arm of the X chromosomes
What is Klinefelter syndrome?
presence of one or more extra X chromosomes in males
What is XYY syndrome?
associated with 10 point lowered IQ
What is Turner syndrome?
XO configuration in females
What is PKU (phenylketonuria)
a recessive gene pairing which occurs in 1 in 11,500 births. Children are born with normal intelligence but brain damage ensues if not diagnosed and diet adjusted
What is Hurler syndrome?
resembles dwarfism, bulging heads, claw-like hands, hunched back
What are the five biological abnormalities associate with causing MR?
- RH incompatibility
- Premature birth
- Anoxia
- Severe malnutrition
- Epilepsy
What is Anoxia?
during birth the child does not get the oxygen it needs
What is the primary prevention treatment of MR?
- Good prenatal care
- Amniocentesis
What is the secondary prevention treatment of MR?
early social and educational intervention programs
What is the tertiary prevention treatment of MR?
early detection and promotion of good parent-child relationships
What is the normalizing treatment of MR?
facilitating integration into social activities including mainstreaming
What are six symptoms of autism that are usually evident by age three?
- Impaired social interaction
- Impaired communication
- Stereotyped behavior, interests, activities
- Apparent sensory deficits
- Self-injurious behavior
- Savant performance
What are the four contemporary classifications of autism?
- autism
- Asperger's disorder
- childhood disintegrative disorder
- Rett's disorder
Twin studies and family incidence studies suggest what is a factor for autism?
What are associated with the best outcomes in regards to autism?
- language capacities at age 5-6
- higher IQ