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349 Cards in this Set

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The key feature of the fugue subtype ofdissociative amnesia is...

assumption of a new identity or bewildered wandering

In the context of dissociative identitydisorder, alter refers to:

adistinct personality

true or false: DID was rarely diagnosed before the publicationof Sybil


true or false:Most patients with DID report childhood abuse


List the major sources of evidence for thesociocognitive model of DID

base rates of the disorderincreased with media attention to the disorder; only a small proportion oftherapist have ever seen DID cases, and the therapist that see the most DIDcases rely on techniques like hypnosis that could produce alters, most clientsare unaware of alters until after they receive psychotherapy.

What is the major difference between somaticsymptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder?

Somaticsymptoms are present in somatic symptom disorder but no significant somaticsymptoms are present in illness anxiety disorder

true or false:Conversion disorder is highly heritable


true or false: The two-stage psychodynamic model ofconversion disorder emphasises unconscious perceptions and motivation forhaving symptoms


true or false: Somatic symptom disorder involves hyperactivation of the cerebellum


list the symptom: Charlieenjoyed going to the movies. He particularly liked to see horror movies becausethey made him feel really scared. His sister was surprised to learn this,because when she went to the movies with Charlie, he didn’t gasp out loud orshow fear on his face.


list the symptom: Marlene was convinced that Christian Bale wassending her messages. In his movie The Dark Knight, his battle with the Jokerwere a signal that he was prepared to fight for them to be together. That hesigned autographs at his movie opening also told her that he was trying to getin touch with her.

delusionor ideas of reference

list the symptom: Sophia didn’t want to go out to dinner with herfamily. She reasoned that these dinners were always the same food andconversation, so why bother? Later in the week, her mother mentioned thatSophia was not doing much around the house. Sophia said nothing she could thinkof to do would be fun.


list the symptom: Jevon was talking with his doctor about the sideeffects of his medication. He talked about having dry mouth and thenimmediately began talking about cottonmouth snakes and jungle safaris and howhiking was good for your health but that Barak Obama was in better shape thanGeorge Bush.

disorganised thinking or derailment

______ and ____ studies do not do such a goodjob of teasing out genetic and environmental effects; _____ studies do a betterjob.

family, twin, adoption

_____ and _____ are two genes that have beenassociated with schizophrenia; _____ and _____ are two genes that have beenassociated with cognitive deficits seen in schizophrenia


Some studies showing the _____ area of the brainto be disrupted in schizophrenia also show that people with schizophrenia dopoorly on tasks that rely on this area, such as planning and problem solving


_____, ______, and _____ are the threecomponents of expressed expressed emotion.

hostility, critical comments, emotional over involvements

true or false: First generation antipsychotics includemedications like Haldol or prolixin; second generation antipsychotics includeclozapine and olanzapine


true or false: Second generation antipsychotics produce moremotor side effects than first generation antipsychotics.


Cognitive behaviour therapy, but not cognitiveenhancement therapy, is effective for schizophrenia, if given along withmedication


true or false: One important focus of residential treatmentprograms is to help people with schizophrenia gain employment


true or false: The diagnosis of a substance use disorderrequires both tolerance and withdrawal.


true or false: Research suggest that nicotine can enhance therewarding properties of alcohol


true or false: Evenmoderate drinking by pregnant women can cause learning and attention problemsin their children.


List three types of cancer caused by smoking

lung,larynx, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, cervix, stomach

Marijuana can have _____ effects on learning andmemory; it is less clear if there are__ ___ effects.

short-term,long term

List three of the therapeutic benefits ofmarijuana.

painrelief, reduction of nausea, increased appetite

true or false: Withdrawal from heroin beings slowly, daysafter ruse has been discontinued.


true or false: The use of OxyContin began in urban areas butquickly spread to rural areas.


true or false: Methamphetamine is a less potent form ofamphetamine and so is less likely to be associated with brain impairment.


true or false: Ecstasycontains compounds associated with hallucinogens and amphetamines.


Which ofthe following is not one of thesociocultural factors implicated in the etiology of substance use disorders?a) the mediab) genderc) availability of substance d) social networks

b) gender

Which ofthe following statements best captures the link between wanting, liking, anddrinking according to a prospective study? a) Wanting, but not liking,predicted more drinking among heavy drinkersb) Wanting predicted more drinking for heavydrinkers, liking predicted more drinking for light drinkers c) Wanting and liking predicted more drinkingamong heavy drinkersd) Sedation predicted less drinking for alltypes of drinking

c)Wanting and liking predicted more drinking among heavy drinkers

Geneticresearch on substance dependence indicated that: a) Genetic factors may be the samefor many drugs b) Additional studies need to bedone to determine heritability c) the Dopamine receptors DRD1 maybe faulty d)Twin studies show that the environment is just as important as genes

a) Genetic factors may be the same for many drugs

All of the following are symptoms of anorexiaexcepta) Fear of fat and gaining weightb) Unwillingness to maintain normal weightc) Perfectionism d) Distorted body image

c) Perfectionism

Which statement is true regarding binge eatingdisorder?a) It is more common in men than womenb) It was not an eating disorder category inDSM-IV-TRc) It is synonymous with obesity d) It includes bingesand purges

b) It was not an eating disorder category in DSM-IV-TR

Which of the following are characteristics ofboth anorexia and bulima?a) They involve a good deal of weight lossb) They are more common in women than menc) They have physical side effects (e.g menstrualirregularities) d) All of these abovebut a are correct

d) ) All of these above but a are correct

List three factorsthat contribute to obesity

Limitedavailability of healthy food, minimal awareness of portion size, abundance offood/cheap price, genetics, marketing/advertising

true or false: The brain structurelinked to the cause of eating disorders is the hypothalamus.


true or false: Dopamine has beenstudied in all the eating disorders


true or false: Prospective studiesof personality and eating disorders indicate that he tendency to experiencenegative emotions is related to disordered eating


true or false: Anorexia appears tobe specific to Western culture; bulimia is seen all over the world and is thusnot culture specific


true or false: Cognitive behaviouralviews of bulimia suggest that women judge their self-worth by their weight andshape


true or false: Child abuse appearsto be a specific causal factor for eating disorder


Research suggeststhat ____ therapy is an effective treatment for bulimia, both in short and longterm


For anorexia, _____may be requires to get the patient to gain weight. There are not many _____that have been shown to be effective. The most common type of therapy used totreat anorexia is_____.

hospitalisation,medications, family therapy

1. Research on prevention programs has shown thattwo programs show promise up to 3 yearsafter the intervention: _____ intervention and _____ intervention

dissonance reduction, healthyweight

Describe the mostcommonly documented gender differences in sexuality

Menreport higher frequency of sexual thought, desire and behaviour than do women,and women’s sexuality tends to be more influenced by their perceptions of theirattractiveness and by relationship status, and less related to perceptions ofpower than is men’s sexuality.

List Kaplan’s fourphases of sexual response cycle

desirephase, excitement phase, orgasm phase, resolution

Note one challenge tothe validity of the Kaplan sexual response cycle phases as applied to women

desireand excitement phase, biological changes do not closely mirror subjectivearousal in for women.

true or false: A person who experiences a brief problem with sexual arousal, orgasm, or desire is likely to meet the criteria for a sexual dysfunction

false (unless the problem is recurrent and leads to distress or impairment)

true or false:The best treatment for premature ejaculation in Viagra


true or false: Sex therapists may recommend that a woman does not achieve orgasm practise masturbation without her partner present


true or false:People with one sexual dysfunction tend to have other comorbid sexual dysfunctions


Joe is able to obtainsexual arousal only by rubbing his body against strangers. He has worked out aset of rituals to engage in this behaviour; he knows which bus route and timeswill be most crowded, chooses a bus that tends to have many women, and timeshis attacks so that he can leave the bus at a stop along with many otherpeople.


Sam and Terry enjoy agood sexual relationship. They have mutually satisfying sex at least weekly.Occasionally, Terry likes to be tied down before sex, but she is able to enjoysex without bondage as well. Most of their sex like involves no hint of pain orbondage.

no disorder

Matt feels arousedonly when he able to cause pain to someone as part of engaging in sex. Most ofthe time, he indulges in these activities at a sadomasochism club. He has notbeen able to sustain a relationship with any of the women he has met in clubs.He is deeply distressed by his inability to enjoy other forms of sexuality.

sexualsadism disorder

Barry is a 40-year-old single man who has neverhad a sustained dating relationship or sexual partnership. Several times aweek, Barry parks his car at the beach, masturbates, and then finds ways tolure a woman to his car, usually by asking for directions. He is unable to havean orgasm unless the women notices his erection. He has been arrested threetimes for this behaviour.


Which of the following has not been related toparaphilic disorders? a) Childhood abuseb) Cognitive distortionsc) Negative affect d) All of the above havebeen related to paraphilic disorders

d) All of the above have been related to paraphilic disorders

The most commonly used biological treatments toreduce sexual desire and paraphilic behaviours are:a) Surgical castrationb) Hormonal agents and antidepressantsc) Anti-anxiety medications d) None of the above

b) Hormonal agents and antidepressants

Name three cognitivebehaviour strategies used in the treatment of paraphilic disorders.

cognitiveinterventions to reduce distorted thinking, aversion therapy (including covertsensitisation), social skills training, interventions to improve sexual impulsecontrol, empathy training, relapse prevention

true or false: The two broad domainsof childhood psychopathology are internalizing disorders and externalisingdisorders.


true or false: Adolescents girlswith ADHD are more likely to have symptoms of an eating disorder and substanceabuse than girls without ADHD


true or false: Dopamine has beeninvestigated in ADHD, with respect to both genes and the brain


true or false: The most effectivetreatment for ADHD is behavioural treatment without medication


Which of the following is not considered alearning disability?a) Dyscalculiab) Dyslexiac) Intellectual disability d) Developmentalcoordination disorder

c) intellectual disability

A study examining children with dyslexia whospoke either Chinese or English found:a) The left middle frontal gyrus showed lessactivation during reading among Chinese-speaking children with dyslexiab) The left temporoparietal cortex showed lessactivation during reading among Chinese-speaking children with dyslexiac) The left middle frontal gyrus showed lessactivation during reading among English speaking children with dyslexia d) The lefttemporoparital cortex showed more activation during reading amongEnglish-speaking children with dyslexia

a) The left middle frontal gyrus showed less activation during reading among Chinese-speaking children with dyslexia

Which of the following has not been establishedas a cause for intellectual disability?a) Chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy 21b) PKUc) Lead poisoning d) All the above havebeen found to cause intellectual disability

d) All the above have been found to cause intellectual disability

Which of the following has been studied aspossible causes for dyscalculia?a) Gene-environment interactionsb) The frontal lobes of the brainc) Dyslexia d) All the above havebeen found to cause dyscalculia

a) Gene-environment interactions

true or false: All children with ASDalso have intellectual disability


true or false: The key to happiness in late life is to have many different types of social activities


How do emotions and responses to emotion-relevant stimuli change as people age?

Peoplereport less negative emotion, tend to attend and react more to positiveinformation, and are less reactive to negative information

How do values about social relationships change as people age?

People place more emphasis on close ties rather than broader social networks

A plaque is:a) A small, round beta-amyloid protein depositb) A filament composed of the protein tauc) A buildup of the myelin sheath surroundingneurons in the hippocampus d) A small white spot ona brain scan

a) A small, round beta-amyloid protein deposit

A neurofibrillary tangle is:a ) A small, round beta amyloid protein depositb) A filament composed of the protein tauc) A buildup of the myelin sheath surroundingneurons in the hippocampus d) A small white spot ona brain scan

b) A filament composed of the protein tau

FTD involves profound changes in:a) Memory b) Social emotional behaviourc) Motor control d) Attention

b) Social emotional behaviour

Which neurotransmitteris most involved in Alzheimer’s disease?


Describe the efficacyof current medical treatments for dementia.

medicationsmight slow decline but do not cure dementia.

What is the mostprominent symptom of Alzheimer’s disease?

memory loss

What Is the most common symptom of delirium?a) Anxietyb) Memory lossc) Frank disorganisation d) Sad mood

c) Frank disorganisation

Mary, a 70 year old woman, was hospitalised forhim surgery. Alothough there were no immediate complications from the surgery,her son became concerned when he visited her that night because she was notmaking sense. She thanked him for checking her into the Ritz Carltion andlaughed giddly when he told her she was in the hospital. Half an hour later,she began sobbing. Although she seemed fine the next morning, symptoms of acuteconfusion reemerged by lunch time. Which diagnosis is most likely for Mary? a) Alzheimers diseaseb) Frontotemporal dementiac) Mania d) Delirium

d) Delirium

List two primary concerns about the DSM-5approach to personality disorders

PD are not as stable as the definition implies and they are highlycomorbid with each other

List two ways inwhich the alternative DSM-5 approach to personality differs from the approachthat appears in the main body of the DSM manual

6 PD instead of 10, and the inclusion of personal traits domains andfacets.

Which personalitydisorder is most related to schizophrenia in family history studies?


What is the level ofheritability for the personality disorders?

more than half (55-77%)

Which of these personality disorder is mostcommon in clinical settings?a) Obsessive-compulsiveb) Schizotypalc) Antisocial d) Borderline

c) Antisocial and d) Borderline

Mariana refuses tomeet with customers. She states that she is terrified that they will see thatshe does not know much. It turns out that has called in sick the last 3 timesher boss scheduled an appointment with her, and her colleagues barely know hername. When asked, she says that meeting with any of these people makes her feelhorribly nervous about potential rejection of her ideas. She asks for a positionthat would involve little social contact.

avoidant PD

Shelia has had three subordinateemployees request transfers from her department. They each state that she wastoo controlling, picked on small mistakes, and would not listen to any newideas for solving problems. At the interview, she brought in a typed, 15 pagechart of the goals she would like to execute for the company. Despite having aninordinate number of goals, she has failed to complete a single project duringher first year with the company.

obsessive-compulsive PD

true or false: The Jackson caseestablished that people who will not be restored to competency should be foundNGRI


true or false: To be competent tostand trial, a person must be able to understand the charges and assist his orher attorney


true or false: The supreme Courtruled that executing prisoners with a psychological disorder constitutes crueland unusual punishment


true or false: People with schizophreniawho have negative symptoms are more likely to be violent than those withoutnegative symptoms


true or false: Past violence is apredictor of future violence


true or false: Court decisions havedetermined that hospitalised peoples do not have a right to treatment unlessthey are dangerous


true or false: People with psychological disorders can refusetreatment if they are found incompetent to stand trial after being charged witha nonviolent offense


Dissociative disorder involves: a) feelings of depersonalisation b) an alteration in consciousness of identity c) an inability to distinguish reality from fantasy d) physical symptoms with no physiological basis

B) an altercation in consciousness of identity

Since watching his mother get hit and killed by a car two years ago, Chris has felt like he has been watching himself from outside his body and thinks that voices sound strange. A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder b) dissociative identity disorder c) dissociative fugue d) none

A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder

Since watching his mother get hit and killed by a car two years ago, Chris has felt like he has been watching himself from outside his body and thinks that voices sound strange. A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder b) dissociative identity disorder c) dissociative fugue d) none

A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder

In DSM-5, unwarranted fears about a serious illness despite absnse of Any significant somatic symptoms is called a) illness anxiety disorder b) depersonalisation disorder c) pain disorder d) conversion disorder

A) illness anxiety disorder

Since watching his mother get hit and killed by a car two years ago, Chris has felt like he has been watching himself from outside his body and thinks that voices sound strange. A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder b) dissociative identity disorder c) dissociative fugue d) none

A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder

In DSM-5, unwarranted fears about a serious illness despite absnse of Any significant somatic symptoms is called a) illness anxiety disorder b) depersonalisation disorder c) pain disorder d) conversion disorder

A) illness anxiety disorder

Unlike a malingerer, a person with factitious disorder a) does not exhibit "la belle indifference" b) has primary psychlogical, no physical symptoms c) has physical symptoms that are big under voluntary control d) has no clear motivation for adopting symptoms

D) has no clear motivation for adopting the symptoms

Since watching his mother get hit and killed by a car two years ago, Chris has felt like he has been watching himself from outside his body and thinks that voices sound strange. A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder b) dissociative identity disorder c) dissociative fugue d) none

A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder

In DSM-5, unwarranted fears about a serious illness despite absnse of Any significant somatic symptoms is called a) illness anxiety disorder b) depersonalisation disorder c) pain disorder d) conversion disorder

A) illness anxiety disorder

Unlike a malingerer, a person with factitious disorder a) does not exhibit "la belle indifference" b) has primary psychlogical, no physical symptoms c) has physical symptoms that are big under voluntary control d) has no clear motivation for adopting symptoms

D) has no clear motivation for adopting the symptoms

Antidepressants reduce pain even when a) the client denies being depressed or ill b) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression c) the client skips doses d) all of these answers are correct

B) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression

Since watching his mother get hit and killed by a car two years ago, Chris has felt like he has been watching himself from outside his body and thinks that voices sound strange. A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder b) dissociative identity disorder c) dissociative fugue d) none

A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder

In DSM-5, unwarranted fears about a serious illness despite absnse of Any significant somatic symptoms is called a) illness anxiety disorder b) depersonalisation disorder c) pain disorder d) conversion disorder

A) illness anxiety disorder

Unlike a malingerer, a person with factitious disorder a) does not exhibit "la belle indifference" b) has primary psychlogical, no physical symptoms c) has physical symptoms that are big under voluntary control d) has no clear motivation for adopting symptoms

D) has no clear motivation for adopting the symptoms

Antidepressants reduce pain even when a) the client denies being depressed or ill b) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression c) the client skips doses d) all of these answers are correct

B) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression

The lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is slight less than a) 1% b) 3% c) 5% d)7%

A) 1%

Since watching his mother get hit and killed by a car two years ago, Chris has felt like he has been watching himself from outside his body and thinks that voices sound strange. A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder b) dissociative identity disorder c) dissociative fugue d) none

A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder

In DSM-5, unwarranted fears about a serious illness despite absnse of Any significant somatic symptoms is called a) illness anxiety disorder b) depersonalisation disorder c) pain disorder d) conversion disorder

A) illness anxiety disorder

Unlike a malingerer, a person with factitious disorder a) does not exhibit "la belle indifference" b) has primary psychlogical, no physical symptoms c) has physical symptoms that are big under voluntary control d) has no clear motivation for adopting symptoms

D) has no clear motivation for adopting the symptoms

Antidepressants reduce pain even when a) the client denies being depressed or ill b) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression c) the client skips doses d) all of these answers are correct

B) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression

The lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is slight less than a) 1% b) 3% c) 5% d)7%

A) 1%

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia include all of the following Except a) avolition b) alogia c) anhedonia d) delusions

D) delusions

Since watching his mother get hit and killed by a car two years ago, Chris has felt like he has been watching himself from outside his body and thinks that voices sound strange. A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder b) dissociative identity disorder c) dissociative fugue d) none

A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder

In DSM-5, unwarranted fears about a serious illness despite absnse of Any significant somatic symptoms is called a) illness anxiety disorder b) depersonalisation disorder c) pain disorder d) conversion disorder

A) illness anxiety disorder

Unlike a malingerer, a person with factitious disorder a) does not exhibit "la belle indifference" b) has primary psychlogical, no physical symptoms c) has physical symptoms that are big under voluntary control d) has no clear motivation for adopting symptoms

D) has no clear motivation for adopting the symptoms

Antidepressants reduce pain even when a) the client denies being depressed or ill b) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression c) the client skips doses d) all of these answers are correct

B) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression

The lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is slight less than a) 1% b) 3% c) 5% d)7%

A) 1%

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia include all of the following Except a) avolition b) alogia c) anhedonia d) delusions

D) delusions

Sensory experiences in the absence of any relevant stimulation from the environment are called a) delusions b) ideas of reference c) hallucinations d) flight of thoughts

C) hallucinations

Since watching his mother get hit and killed by a car two years ago, Chris has felt like he has been watching himself from outside his body and thinks that voices sound strange. A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder b) dissociative identity disorder c) dissociative fugue d) none

A) depersonalisation/derealisation disorder

In DSM-5, unwarranted fears about a serious illness despite absnse of Any significant somatic symptoms is called a) illness anxiety disorder b) depersonalisation disorder c) pain disorder d) conversion disorder

A) illness anxiety disorder

Unlike a malingerer, a person with factitious disorder a) does not exhibit "la belle indifference" b) has primary psychlogical, no physical symptoms c) has physical symptoms that are big under voluntary control d) has no clear motivation for adopting symptoms

D) has no clear motivation for adopting the symptoms

Antidepressants reduce pain even when a) the client denies being depressed or ill b) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression c) the client skips doses d) all of these answers are correct

B) the dosage is too low to alleviate the associated depression

The lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is slight less than a) 1% b) 3% c) 5% d)7%

A) 1%

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia include all of the following Except a) avolition b) alogia c) anhedonia d) delusions

D) delusions

Sensory experiences in the absence of any relevant stimulation from the environment are called a) delusions b) ideas of reference c) hallucinations d) flight of thoughts

C) hallucinations

When individuals with schizophrenia shows blunted affect, that individual a) does not experience emotion b does not express emotion c) does not experience physiological arousal in emotionally intense situations d) all of the above

B) does not express emotions

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Most people with anorexia nervosa a)lose their appetite b) lose their interest in food c) lose both their appetite and interest in food d) become preoccupied with food

A) lose their appetite

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Most people with anorexia nervosa a)lose their appetite b) lose their interest in food c) lose both their appetite and interest in food d) become preoccupied with food

A) lose their appetite

The loss of menstrual period is known as: a) amenorrhea b) dysmenorrhea c) premenstral syndrome d) fibrosis

A) amenorrhea

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Most people with anorexia nervosa a)lose their appetite b) lose their interest in food c) lose both their appetite and interest in food d) become preoccupied with food

A) lose their appetite

The loss of menstrual period is known as: a) amenorrhea b) dysmenorrhea c) premenstral syndrome d) fibrosis

A) amenorrhea

The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia nervosa is frequently assessed using the a) eating disorder inventory b) ecological momentary c) feeding distortion inventory d) none of the above

A) eating disorder inventory

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Most people with anorexia nervosa a)lose their appetite b) lose their interest in food c) lose both their appetite and interest in food d) become preoccupied with food

A) lose their appetite

The loss of menstrual period is known as: a) amenorrhea b) dysmenorrhea c) premenstral syndrome d) fibrosis

A) amenorrhea

The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia nervosa is frequently assessed using the a) eating disorder inventory b) ecological momentary c) feeding distortion inventory d) none of the above

A) eating disorder inventory

A biological consequence of anorexia nervosa is a) dry skin b) kidney and gastrointestinal problems c) lanugo d) all of the above are correct

D) all of the above are correct

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Most people with anorexia nervosa a)lose their appetite b) lose their interest in food c) lose both their appetite and interest in food d) become preoccupied with food

A) lose their appetite

The loss of menstrual period is known as: a) amenorrhea b) dysmenorrhea c) premenstral syndrome d) fibrosis

A) amenorrhea

The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia nervosa is frequently assessed using the a) eating disorder inventory b) ecological momentary c) feeding distortion inventory d) none of the above

A) eating disorder inventory

A biological consequence of anorexia nervosa is a) dry skin b) kidney and gastrointestinal problems c) lanugo d) all of the above are correct

D) all of the above are correct

Prior to the onset of bulimia, suffers often a) had anorexia b) were dieting c) had attempted suicide d) had high levels of serotonin

B) were dieting

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Binge eating disorder is categorised by bingeing a) between periods of starvation b) deposits guilt over weight gain c) with weight under 85% of normal d) without compensatory behaviours

D) without compensatory behaviours

Recent studies on cognitive-behavioural factors involved in bulimia nervosa have shown that bingeing and purging may function as means of a) reliving areas and negative affect b) increase energy and thus mood c) feeling in control of the situation d)distracting ons led from Inner pain

A) relieving stress and negative mood

Persisting and troubling attraction to unusual sexual activities or object is called a) sexual dysfunction b) sexual function c) paraphilia d) all of the above

C) paraphilia

Joan experience pain during sexual intercourse. The frequency of pain has been so great that she now dreads the prospect of possible sexual encounters despite experience sexual arousal while observing films depi five sexual acts other than intercourse. Joan most likely is experiencing a) female orgasmic disorder b) Genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder c) imperforate hymen d) vaginismus

B) Genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder

Sexual desire can be affected in part by a) anger towards ones partner b) communication problems c) certain medications such as SSRIs d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Most people with anorexia nervosa a)lose their appetite b) lose their interest in food c) lose both their appetite and interest in food d) become preoccupied with food

A) lose their appetite

The loss of menstrual period is known as: a) amenorrhea b) dysmenorrhea c) premenstral syndrome d) fibrosis

A) amenorrhea

The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia nervosa is frequently assessed using the a) eating disorder inventory b) ecological momentary c) feeding distortion inventory d) none of the above

A) eating disorder inventory

A biological consequence of anorexia nervosa is a) dry skin b) kidney and gastrointestinal problems c) lanugo d) all of the above are correct

D) all of the above are correct

Prior to the onset of bulimia, suffers often a) had anorexia b) were dieting c) had attempted suicide d) had high levels of serotonin

B) were dieting

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Binge eating disorder is categorised by bingeing a) between periods of starvation b) deposits guilt over weight gain c) with weight under 85% of normal d) without compensatory behaviours

D) without compensatory behaviours

Recent studies on cognitive-behavioural factors involved in bulimia nervosa have shown that bingeing and purging may function as means of a) reliving areas and negative affect b) increase energy and thus mood c) feeling in control of the situation d)distracting ons led from Inner pain

A) relieving stress and negative mood

Persisting and troubling attraction to unusual sexual activities or object is called a) sexual dysfunction b) sexual function c) paraphilia d) all of the above

C) paraphilia

Joan experience pain during sexual intercourse. The frequency of pain has been so great that she now dreads the prospect of possible sexual encounters despite experience sexual arousal while observing films depi five sexual acts other than intercourse. Joan most likely is experiencing a) female orgasmic disorder b) Genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder c) imperforate hymen d) vaginismus

B) Genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder

Sexual desire can be affected in part by a) anger towards ones partner b) communication problems c) certain medications such as SSRIs d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Which of the following disorders is classified as an autism spectrum disorder in the DSM-5 a) autistic disorder b) Aspergers disorder c) pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified d) all of the above

D) all of the above

The words prognosis is for those children who have a) only ADHD b) only conduct disorder c) both ADHD and conduct disorder d) ADHD predominantly inattentive type

C) both ADHD and conduct disorder

The association between nicotine and ADHD is that a) children's smoking can cause attention problems b) maternal smoking can cause hyperactivity in offspring c) nicotine in pill form reduces the side effects of Ritalin d) the combo of Ritalin and nicotine has been shown to cause dangerous synergistic effects in adults with ADHD

B) maternal smoking can cause hyperactivity in offspring

Stimulant drugs have which effects on hyperactive children a) increased activity level b) immediate and steady improvement in academic achievement c) short-term improvements in attention, goal-directed directed and behaviour d) addiction to the medication

C) short-term improvements in attention, goal directed activity and behaviour

According to Dodge and Frame (1982), aggressive children demonstrate cognitive biases in situations a) in which peers act aggressively b) in which peers act in a pro-social manner c) which are ambiguous d) in which they are rejected

D) in which they are rejected

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Children with learning disabilities typical have _____ intelligence a) severely deficient b) slightly below average c) average to above-average intelligence d) none of the above

C) average to above-average intelligence

Down syndrome is the result of a) environmental insult b) a recessive-gene disease c) a specific chromosomal abnormality d) none of the above

C) a specific chromosomal abnormality

What term is used to describe the following communication? mother: "would you like to play with this?" Child: "would you like to play with this?" A) pronoun reversal b) echolalia c) alogia d) extreme autistic aloneness

A) pronoun reversal

Ageism refers to a) the physical deterioration that accompanies old age b) the intellectual deterioration that frequently occurs as a person ages c) the diversity among older adults d) prejudice against a person based on their age

D) prejudice against a person based on their age

Compared with young people. People over the age of 60 gems to a) experience more negative emotion b) experience less negative emotion c) experience more physiological reactivity in response to emotionally charged topics d) report more somatic symptoms

B) experience less negative emotion

Social selectivity refers to a) cultivating only ones most important social relationships b) restricting ones social interactions only to family members c) seeking out new social interactions d) seeking out solitary social activities

A)cultivating only ones most important social relationships

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Most people with anorexia nervosa a)lose their appetite b) lose their interest in food c) lose both their appetite and interest in food d) become preoccupied with food

A) lose their appetite

The loss of menstrual period is known as: a) amenorrhea b) dysmenorrhea c) premenstral syndrome d) fibrosis

A) amenorrhea

The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia nervosa is frequently assessed using the a) eating disorder inventory b) ecological momentary c) feeding distortion inventory d) none of the above

A) eating disorder inventory

A biological consequence of anorexia nervosa is a) dry skin b) kidney and gastrointestinal problems c) lanugo d) all of the above are correct

D) all of the above are correct

Prior to the onset of bulimia, suffers often a) had anorexia b) were dieting c) had attempted suicide d) had high levels of serotonin

B) were dieting

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Binge eating disorder is categorised by bingeing a) between periods of starvation b) deposits guilt over weight gain c) with weight under 85% of normal d) without compensatory behaviours

D) without compensatory behaviours

Recent studies on cognitive-behavioural factors involved in bulimia nervosa have shown that bingeing and purging may function as means of a) reliving areas and negative affect b) increase energy and thus mood c) feeling in control of the situation d)distracting ons led from Inner pain

A) relieving stress and negative mood

Persisting and troubling attraction to unusual sexual activities or object is called a) sexual dysfunction b) sexual function c) paraphilia d) all of the above

C) paraphilia

Joan experience pain during sexual intercourse. The frequency of pain has been so great that she now dreads the prospect of possible sexual encounters despite experience sexual arousal while observing films depi five sexual acts other than intercourse. Joan most likely is experiencing a) female orgasmic disorder b) Genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder c) imperforate hymen d) vaginismus

B) Genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder

Sexual desire can be affected in part by a) anger towards ones partner b) communication problems c) certain medications such as SSRIs d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Which of the following disorders is classified as an autism spectrum disorder in the DSM-5 a) autistic disorder b) Aspergers disorder c) pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified d) all of the above

D) all of the above

The words prognosis is for those children who have a) only ADHD b) only conduct disorder c) both ADHD and conduct disorder d) ADHD predominantly inattentive type

C) both ADHD and conduct disorder

The association between nicotine and ADHD is that a) children's smoking can cause attention problems b) maternal smoking can cause hyperactivity in offspring c) nicotine in pill form reduces the side effects of Ritalin d) the combo of Ritalin and nicotine has been shown to cause dangerous synergistic effects in adults with ADHD

B) maternal smoking can cause hyperactivity in offspring

Stimulant drugs have which effects on hyperactive children a) increased activity level b) immediate and steady improvement in academic achievement c) short-term improvements in attention, goal-directed directed and behaviour d) addiction to the medication

C) short-term improvements in attention, goal directed activity and behaviour

According to Dodge and Frame (1982), aggressive children demonstrate cognitive biases in situations a) in which peers act aggressively b) in which peers act in a pro-social manner c) which are ambiguous d) in which they are rejected

D) in which they are rejected

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Children with learning disabilities typical have _____ intelligence a) severely deficient b) slightly below average c) average to above-average intelligence d) none of the above

C) average to above-average intelligence

Down syndrome is the result of a) environmental insult b) a recessive-gene disease c) a specific chromosomal abnormality d) none of the above

C) a specific chromosomal abnormality

What term is used to describe the following communication? mother: "would you like to play with this?" Child: "would you like to play with this?" A) pronoun reversal b) echolalia c) alogia d) extreme autistic aloneness

A) pronoun reversal

Ageism refers to a) the physical deterioration that accompanies old age b) the intellectual deterioration that frequently occurs as a person ages c) the diversity among older adults d) prejudice against a person based on their age

D) prejudice against a person based on their age

Compared with young people. People over the age of 60 gems to a) experience more negative emotion b) experience less negative emotion c) experience more physiological reactivity in response to emotionally charged topics d) report more somatic symptoms

B) experience less negative emotion

Social selectivity refers to a) cultivating only ones most important social relationships b) restricting ones social interactions only to family members c) seeking out new social interactions d) seeking out solitary social activities

A)cultivating only ones most important social relationships

This theory proposes that the symptoms of an eating disorder are best understood by considering both the person and how the symptoms are embedded in a dysfunctional family structure a) psychodynamic b) cognitive c) family systems d) family enmeshment

C) family systems

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Most people with anorexia nervosa a)lose their appetite b) lose their interest in food c) lose both their appetite and interest in food d) become preoccupied with food

A) lose their appetite

The loss of menstrual period is known as: a) amenorrhea b) dysmenorrhea c) premenstral syndrome d) fibrosis

A) amenorrhea

The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia nervosa is frequently assessed using the a) eating disorder inventory b) ecological momentary c) feeding distortion inventory d) none of the above

A) eating disorder inventory

A biological consequence of anorexia nervosa is a) dry skin b) kidney and gastrointestinal problems c) lanugo d) all of the above are correct

D) all of the above are correct

Prior to the onset of bulimia, suffers often a) had anorexia b) were dieting c) had attempted suicide d) had high levels of serotonin

B) were dieting

Which of the following is a limitation of both family studies and twin studies of schizophrenia a) both method simply self-report measures only b) both methods use too broad a definition of schizophrenia c) neither accounts for the role of the shared environment d) neither distinguishes between subtypes of schizophrenia

C) neither accounts for the fold of the shared environment

Binge eating disorder is categorised by bingeing a) between periods of starvation b) deposits guilt over weight gain c) with weight under 85% of normal d) without compensatory behaviours

D) without compensatory behaviours

Recent studies on cognitive-behavioural factors involved in bulimia nervosa have shown that bingeing and purging may function as means of a) reliving areas and negative affect b) increase energy and thus mood c) feeling in control of the situation d)distracting ons led from Inner pain

A) relieving stress and negative mood

Persisting and troubling attraction to unusual sexual activities or object is called a) sexual dysfunction b) sexual function c) paraphilia d) all of the above

C) paraphilia

Joan experience pain during sexual intercourse. The frequency of pain has been so great that she now dreads the prospect of possible sexual encounters despite experience sexual arousal while observing films depi five sexual acts other than intercourse. Joan most likely is experiencing a) female orgasmic disorder b) Genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder c) imperforate hymen d) vaginismus

B) Genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder

Sexual desire can be affected in part by a) anger towards ones partner b) communication problems c) certain medications such as SSRIs d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Which of the following disorders is classified as an autism spectrum disorder in the DSM-5 a) autistic disorder b) Aspergers disorder c) pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified d) all of the above

D) all of the above

The words prognosis is for those children who have a) only ADHD b) only conduct disorder c) both ADHD and conduct disorder d) ADHD predominantly inattentive type

C) both ADHD and conduct disorder

The association between nicotine and ADHD is that a) children's smoking can cause attention problems b) maternal smoking can cause hyperactivity in offspring c) nicotine in pill form reduces the side effects of Ritalin d) the combo of Ritalin and nicotine has been shown to cause dangerous synergistic effects in adults with ADHD

B) maternal smoking can cause hyperactivity in offspring

Stimulant drugs have which effects on hyperactive children a) increased activity level b) immediate and steady improvement in academic achievement c) short-term improvements in attention, goal-directed directed and behaviour d) addiction to the medication

C) short-term improvements in attention, goal directed activity and behaviour

According to Dodge and Frame (1982), aggressive children demonstrate cognitive biases in situations a) in which peers act aggressively b) in which peers act in a pro-social manner c) which are ambiguous d) in which they are rejected

D) in which they are rejected

Data on expressed emotion indicates that those with schizophrenia are more likely to relapse if their families a) are cool, calm, unemotional and aloof b) are uninvolved c) are critical and over involved d) provide excessive emotional support and encouragement

C) are critical and over involved

Children with learning disabilities typical have _____ intelligence a) severely deficient b) slightly below average c) average to above-average intelligence d) none of the above

C) average to above-average intelligence

Down syndrome is the result of a) environmental insult b) a recessive-gene disease c) a specific chromosomal abnormality d) none of the above

C) a specific chromosomal abnormality

What term is used to describe the following communication? mother: "would you like to play with this?" Child: "would you like to play with this?" A) pronoun reversal b) echolalia c) alogia d) extreme autistic aloneness

A) pronoun reversal

Ageism refers to a) the physical deterioration that accompanies old age b) the intellectual deterioration that frequently occurs as a person ages c) the diversity among older adults d) prejudice against a person based on their age

D) prejudice against a person based on their age

Compared with young people. People over the age of 60 gems to a) experience more negative emotion b) experience less negative emotion c) experience more physiological reactivity in response to emotionally charged topics d) report more somatic symptoms

B) experience less negative emotion

Social selectivity refers to a) cultivating only ones most important social relationships b) restricting ones social interactions only to family members c) seeking out new social interactions d) seeking out solitary social activities

A)cultivating only ones most important social relationships

This theory proposes that the symptoms of an eating disorder are best understood by considering both the person and how the symptoms are embedded in a dysfunctional family structure a) psychodynamic b) cognitive c) family systems d) family enmeshment

C) family systems

The immediate goal of the psychological treatment of anorexia is to help the patient a) gain weight b) avoid medical complications c) avoid death d) all of the above

D) all of the above

The _____ is a key brain centre in regulating hunger and eating and has been proposed to play a role in anorexia a) hypothalamus b) prefrontal cortex c) hippocampus d) medulla

A) hippocampus

Research has shown that ____ environmental factors, like different interactions with parents or different peer groups also contrived to the development of eating disorders a) shared b) no shares c) complicated d) impacted

B) nonshared

Which of the following are medical problems associated with long-term cigarette smoking? A) emphysema b) cancer of the esophagus c) cancer of the larynx d) all of the above

D) all of the above

Nearly all drugs, include alcohol, stimulate a) sensation-seeking pathways b) GABA pathways c) serotonin pathways d) dopamine pathways in the brain

D) dopamine pathways in the brain

If a drug is used largely because it decreases negative mood, then the psychological effect of that drug is considered a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforcement c) non-addictive d) a mood stabiliser

A) negative reinforcement

Most people with anorexia nervosa a)lose their appetite b) lose their interest in food c) lose both their appetite and interest in food d) become preoccupied with food

A) lose their appetite

The loss of menstrual period is known as: a) amenorrhea b) dysmenorrhea c) premenstral syndrome d) fibrosis

A) amenorrhea

The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia nervosa is frequently assessed using the a) eating disorder inventory b) ecological momentary c) feeding distortion inventory d) none of the above

A) eating disorder inventory

A biological consequence of anorexia nervosa is a) dry skin b) kidney and gastrointestinal problems c) lanugo d) all of the above are correct

D) all of the above are correct

Prior to the onset of bulimia, suffers often a) had anorexia b) were dieting c) had attempted suicide d) had high levels of serotonin

B) were dieting

In dissociative disorders, the person loses track of all of the following EXCEPT a)sensory abilities b)self-awareness c)memory d) identity

a) sensory abilities

Both _____ theorists generally consider pathological dissociation to be an avoidance response that protects the person from consciously experiencing stressful events a)cognitive and behavioural b)psychodynamic and cognitive c) psychodynamic and behavioural d) humanist and psychologists

c) psychodynamic and behavioural

Memory for emotionally_____ stimuli is enhanced by stress, while memory for _____ stimuli is impaired a)relevant/neutral b)neutral/relevant c)positive/negative d)negative /positive


In _______ disorder, the person's perception or experience of the self is disconcertingly and disruptively altered. The disorder is frequently comorbid with personality disorders, anxiety disorders and depression a)dissociative amnesia b)dissociative identity c)dissociative fugue d)depersonalisation

d) depersonalisation

Other disorders that commonly involve the symptoms of depersonalisation include each of the following EXCEPT a) schizophrenia b)post traumatic stress disorder c)borderline personality disorder d)dependent personality disorder

d)dependent personality disorder

DID usually begins in _____, but it is rarely diagnosed until _____ a)early adulthood/late thirties b)childhood/adulthood c)pre-school/adolescence d)it can be diagnosed at any time


People with DID do not show the thought disorder and behavioural disorganisation characteristic of a)depersonalisation disorder b)OCD c) borderline personality disorder d)schizophrenia


Both the post-traumatic and socio-cognitive models assume that _____ ____may set the stage for DID a)cognitive predisposition b)behavioural predisposition c)severe child abuse d) sibling rivalry

c)severe child abuse

In this somatoform disorder, psychological factors play a major role in the onset, maintenance and severity of physical pain a)hypochondriasis b)malingering c)somatisation d) pain


This disorder, once called Briquet's syndrome, is defined by multiple, recurrent bodily complaints that have no apparent physical explanation but still cause the person to seek treatment a)factious b)hypochondriasis c)conversion d)somatisation


Somatisation disorder is a)more frequently diagnosed in cultures that discourage the overt display of emotion b) more frequently diagnosed among women, especially African American and Hispanic women c)the more likely diagnosis given by doctors with sociocultural background different from their own d)all of above

d)all of above

In_____ disorder, sensory or motor symptoms begin suddenly and suggest an illness related to neurological damage a)anxiety b)panic c)conversion d)PTSD


While it might seem easy to distinguish between a conversion disorder from a true neurological problem, an example of how tricky it can be are the diagnosis of glove anesthesia and a) tunnel vision b)carpal tunnel syndrome c)aphonia d)anosmia

b)carpal tunnel syndrome

Louise was in a minor traffic accident, the following day she called into work complaining she was having trouble walking as a result of the accident. She started the process of filling for disability. One day a co-worker saw her playing tennis at the local park. She was probably a)malingering b)a hypochondriac c)suffering from conversion disorder d)experiencing some sort of pain disorder

a) malingering

This condition occurs when paitents are missing some of they key cells in the visual system of the brain and believe they are blind, but they can perform well on some specific types of visual tests. a)deja vu b) visual anesthesia c)blindsight d) sightless syndrome


Conversion disorder occupies a central place in psychoanalytic and pyschodynamic theories because its symptoms provide a clear role of the ______. a)ego b)oedipus complex c)unconscious d)electra complex

c) unconscious

Effective treatments for pain disorder tend to include all of the following EXCEPT a)validating that pain is real, not just in the patient's head b)rewarding the person for less focus on pain and more on life c)exercising the painful area to show that the pain in is the persons head d)relaxation training

c)exercising the painful area to show that the pain is in the patients head

Which food was originally developed to lessen sexual interest? a) twinkies b)Kelloggs corn flakes c) bran flakes d)oatmeal

b) kelloggs corn flakes

This term created revolution in research on human sexuality when they began to gather direct observations and physiological measurements of people engaged in sexual activity a)kaplan and kinsey b)masters and johnson c) masters and kaplan d)johnson and kinsey

b) master and johnson

The sexual desire disorders seem the most ___ and influenced by cultural norms a)vague b)confusing c)objective d)subjective

d) subjective

____focuses on underlying repressed conflicts as an explanation for sexual dysfunction a) cognitive theory b) psychoanalytic case studies c)behaviour theory d)rational emotive theory

b) psychoanalytic case studies

This refers to being an observer rather than a participant in a sexual experience a) voyeurism b)on-looker role c)observer role d)spectator role

d) spectator role

Anger seems to be more detrimental to desire among a)alcoholics b) women c)men d) neither sex


This device measures changes in the circumference of the penis by means of a strain gauge a)penile polygraph b)penile probe c)penile plethysmograph d)penile EKG

c)penile plethysmograph

Typically men who commit incest abouse their____daughter, whereas men with non-incestual pedophilla usually are interested in____ children. a)step/other b)prepubertal/postpubertal c)postpubertal/prepubertal d)biological/neighbourhood


For this parahilla, the element of risk is important for he is excited by the anticipation of how the women would react if she knew he was watching a)exhibitionist b)frotteurism c)fetishism d)voyeurism


_____ law allows police to publicise the whereabouts of registered sex offenders if they are considered to be a potential danger and for citizens to use a national network to determine if sex offenders are living in their neighbourhoods. a)Kimmys b)ambers c) megans d)jessicas

c) megans

Although some children show reduced severity of symptoms in adolescence, ____% of children with ADHD still meet the criteria for the disorder in adolescence a) 23-30 b)65-80 c)50-75 d)30-65


ADHD is typically treated with ____ and with behavioural therapies based on ____ conditioning a) psychoanalysis/classical b)REBT/operant c)medication/operant d)medication/classical


____disorder is an externalising disorder which focuses on behaviours that violate the basic rights of others that violate major social norms a)ODD b)conduct disorder c)ADHD d)antisocial

b)conduct disorder

Moffitt has theorised that conduct disorder should be distingushed by which of the following courses? a)life course persistant and adolecence-limited patterns of antisocial behaviour b)adolescence limited and adult-persistent patterns of antisocial behaviour c)life-course persisent and pre-teen-onset patterns of antisocial behaviour d)adolescence-limited and pre-teen onset of antisocial behaviour

a)life course persistant and adolecence-limited patterns of antisocial behaviour

one of the difficult diagnostic issues facing mental health professionals is distingusing ____disorders from ADHD because agitated behaviour can be a sign of both. a)bipolar b)conduct c)depression d)ODD


Treatments for intellectual development disorders include all of the following EXCEPT a) the establishment of residential facilities b) the development of early-intervention programs using behavioural techniques c)promotion of progressive policies d)self-instructional training to learn problem-solving skills

c)promotion of progressive policies

Autistic disorder was identified in 1943 by ____, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins a) Phillip kendall b)leo kanner c)kenneth dodge d)Dr moffitt

b)leo kanner

The risk of Autism among siblings of people with the disorder is _____ among siblings of people who dont have the disorder a)about the same as b)somewhat less than c)much higher than d)80 times greater than

d) 80 times greater than

_____ is a leading clinical researcher at UCLA who conducted an intensive operant-conditioning based program of behavioural treatment with young children with autism a)Ivar Lovass b)Bruno Bettelheim c)James Watson d)B.F Skinner

a)Ivar Lovass

This drug commonly used to treat problem behaviours in children with autism, has shown potentially serious side effects such as drug-related dyskinesia a) prozac b)naltrexone c)fenflurarmine d)haloperidol


The prevalance of cognitive impairment has____ among people over 70 in the US in last 15 years. a)declined b)increased c)stayed the same d)soared


The course of dementia may be a)progressive b)static c)remitting d) all of above

d) all of above

Among early onset cases of Alzheimers disease, the pattern of _____ suggests the operation of a single, dominant gene. a)progress b)development c)degeneration d)inheritance


Unlike Alzheimers disease_____ is not severely impaired in frontotemporal dementia a) memory b)planning c)executive functioning d) problem solving

a) memory

_____ disease is one cause of frontotemporal dementia a)lymes b)parkinson c)retts d)picks


Despite the increased risk of death among elderly people with dementia when they are given antipsychotic drugs, these medications are all toon commonly prescribed when _____ interventions could be effective without same risk a)cognitive b)behavioural c)psychodynamic d)client-centered


Cases of _____ in older adults are often misdianosed as dementia because of the severe cognitive impairment a)alzheimers b)anxiety c)depression d)parkinsons


_____ is the prescribing of multiple drugs to a person that can increase the risk of adverse drug reactions that may cause numerous side efffects a)drug overdose b)polyprescribing c)polypharmacy d)polyoverdose


The symptoms of personality disorders are ____ and ______. a)subtle/chronic b)pervasive/acute c)acute/persistent d)persistent/pervasive


This model considers a dimensional approach to the dianosing of personality disorders a)pyramid b)DSM c)five-factor d)continuum


People with _____ disorder do not desire or enjoy social relationships, usually have no close friends, appear dull, rarely experience strong emotions and are indifferent to praise, or criticism a)narcissistic b)schizotypal c)schizoid d)avoidant


_____ theory, to explain the development of BPD, focuses on the way children internalise their images of the people who are important to them a) psychoanalysis b)diathesis-stress c)schema-focused d)subject-relations


_____ proposed that BPD develops when people who have difficulty controlling their emotions because of a biological diathesis are raised in a family environment that is invalidating a)otto kernberyg b)carl jung c)albert ellis d)marsha linehan

d)marsha linehan

Heinz Kohut developed the _____ model, a variant of psychoanalysis, for explaining the etiology of narcissistic personality disorder a)social cognitive b)diathesis stress c)object-relations d)self-psychology


Unlike APD, the criteria for psychopathology do not require onset of symptoms before a)a diagnsosis can be made b) the age of 15 c)they are brought to the attention of others d)the age of 9

b) the age of 15

______ is always a risk with a BPD client as it is difificult to know if it real or manipulative gesture a)enmeshment b)depression c)over-stepping boundaries d)suicide


Critics of _____ argue that it does not benefit mentally ill criminal defendants, does not result in appropriate psychiatric treatment for those convicted, and even might result in longer time incarcerated a)NGRI b)synthetic sanity c)the GBMI verdict d) M-Naghten rule

c)the GBMI verdict

It is _____ for a person to be judge competent to stand trial and then be judge not guilty by reason of insanity a)impossible b)possible c)ridiculous d)common


If a court fails to order a hearing when there is evidence that raises a reasonable doubt about competency to stand trial, or if it convicts a legally incompetent defendant, this is a)breach of lawyer-client confidentiality b)a violation of due process c) a minor violation of legal ethics d) a major breach of legal representation

b)a violation of due proces

In _____, the supreme court case, Jackson vs Indiana forced the states to a speeder determination of incompetency a)1903 b)1948 c)1972 d)2003


_____ commitment is by order of a court and can be requested by any responsible citizen a)parens patriae b)formal c)informal d)involuntary


Civil commitment affects _____ people than criminal commitment a)far more b)fewer c)different d)somewhat fewer

a)far more

In several cities, mental health professionals have teamed up with police officers to form a)public treatment teams b)mobile crisis teams c)acute treatment responders d)emergency treatment responders

b)mobile crisis teams

All of the following are codes of ethics that pertain to the conduct of scientific research except a) 1964 declaration of Helsinki b)Nuremberg code of 1947 c) British medical research council d)the international classification of disease

d)the international classification of disease

Privileged communication is communication between parties in a confidential relationship that is protected by a) a code of ethics b)law c)the constitution d)the community


Which of the following factors were found to be predictive of conduct disorder? A) being maltreated as children and low birth weight b) presence of low MAOA activity c) low birth weight and being male d) both maltreatment and low MAOA activity

D) both maltreatment and low MAOA activity

A meta-analysis of studies in which men viewed videos containing violent sexual activities indicated that after watching these videos a) men were more likely to commit violence towards women in the weeks following the viewing of the videos b) men were less likely to report that violence towards women was acceptable c) men were more likely to report that violence toward women was acceptable d) men were sexually aroused

C) men were more likely to report that violence towards women was acceptable