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51 Cards in this Set

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Schizophrenia involves a continuous disturbance of __ months or more that includes at least __ month of __ or more active phase symptoms.
- 6 months or more
- 1 month or more
- 2 active phase symptoms
Schizophreniform Disorder involves a continuous disturbance of __ months that includes at least __ month of __ or more active phase symptoms. Impaired social and occupational functioning ___
- at least 1 month but less than 6 months
- at least 1 month
- 2 active phase symptoms
- Impaired social and occupational functioning is not required for a diagnosis (but may occur)
Schizoaffective Disorder involves a continuous disturbance of __ months or more that includes at least __ month of __ or more active phase symptoms and during the same continuous period there is a __. in addition, there must be a __ week period in which hallucinations or delusions are present without mood symptoms.
- 6 months or more
- 1 month or more
- 2 or more active phase symptoms
- major depressive, manic, or mixed episode
- at least two weeks without prominent mood symptoms
Delusional Disorder involves a continuous disturbance of __ months or more that includes at least __ delusions.
- 1 month
- 1 nonbizarre delusion
Bried Psychotic Disorder involves a continuous disturbance of __ months or more of psychotic symptoms with an eventual ___
- at least 1 day but less than 1 month
- full return to premorbid functioning
catatonic behavior is a __ symptom of schizophrenia
poverty of thought
5 subtypes of schizophrenia
paranoid type
disorganized type
catatonic type
undifferentiated type
residual type
Sxhizophrenia subtype with most favorable prognosis = ?
paranoid type
onset for male is ages ___ and for females is ages ___
males: 18-25
females: 25-35
better prognosis of schizophrenia is associated with __ gender, family history of __ disorder, a __ onset, acute onset, and no family history of schizophrenia.
- female
- mood disorder
- late onset
Schizophrenia concordance rates for biological siblings = ?
Schizophrenia concordance rates for child of two parents with schizophrenia = ?
Schizophrenia concordance rates for identical twin = ?
Schizophrenia concordance rates for fraternal twin = ?
Most common brain abnormalities associated with Schizophrenia include ___; others include smaller than normal __, __, and __. Functional abnormalities include ___, which is associated with negative symptoms.
- enlarged ventricles
- smaller than normal hippocampus, amygdala, and globus pallidus
- hypofrontality
Although the ___ hypothesis was formerly widely accepted theory of Schizophrenia, more recent discoveries include elevated levels of __ and __, and lowered levels of __ and __.
- dopamine
- norepinephrine and serotonin
- GABA and glutamate
6 subtypes of Delusional Disorder = ?
1) Erotomanic
2) Grandiose
3) Jealous
4) Persecutory
5) Somatic
6) Unspecified
The essential feature of a Major Depressive Episode is a depressed mood and/or a ____ that persists for at least __. At least __ symptoms must be present.
- loss of interest or enjoyment in customary activities,
- 2 weeks,
- 5 symptoms
A Manic Episode involves an elevated or irritable mood for at least __ during which at least __ symptoms are present. For a diagnosis, impairment must represent a need for ___ and/or ___.
- 1 week, - 3 symptoms, - hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others and/or the presence of psychotic features
A Hypomanic Episode lasts at least __ and must include at least __ symptoms.
- 4 days,
- 3 symptoms
A Mixed Episode lasts at least __ and involves ___.
- 1 week,
- rapidly alternating symptoms of Manic or Major Depressive Episodes
Major Depressive Disorder with Postpartum Onset may be applied when the onset of symptoms is within __ postpartum. About __-__% of women meet criteria for MDD or Bipolar D/O with Postpartum Onset while about ___ develops a depressive psychosis. Up to __% of women experience “baby blues” which take place within __ postpartum.
- 4 weeks,
- 10-20%,
- 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000,
- 70%,
- 10 days
The “Kindling Model” of affective disorders was developed by ___ and states that ___.
- Post (1992),
- previous depressive episodes are related more than life stressors to the increased risk of future episodes
The __ states that depression is due to low norepinephrine, while the ___ states that depression is due to low levels of serotonin.
- catecholamine hypothesis,
- indolamine hypothesis
Abramson, Seligman, and Teasdale developed the ____ theory of depression, which states ___.
- reformulated learned helplessness model,
- depression is the result of prior exposure to uncontrollable negative events couples with a tendency to attribute those events to internal, stable, and global factors.
Abramson, Metalksy, and Alloy developed the ____ theory of depression, which states ___.
– hopelessness theory of depression,
- depression is related to a sense of hopelessness.
Rehm, Kaslow, and Rabin developed the ___ theory of depression, which states ___.
- self-control model,
- depression is the result of a combination of problems related to self-monitoring, self-evaluation, and self-reinforcement
Bipolar II is diagnosed when a person has had ____.
At least 1 major depressive episode and 1 hypomanic episode, but never a manic or mixed episode
Pharmacology for Bipolar Disorder: Lithobid or eskalith are also known as ___. Carbatrol is known as ___. And Depakote is also called ___.
Lithium, Carbamazepine, Divalproex Sodium.
During 2005–2009, the highest suicide rates were among which ethnic group?
American Indian/Alaskan Natives
The highest rates for suicide have been seen in this age group: ___
45-54 years old
In terms of marital status, the highest rate for suicide is for ___, followed by ___, and lastly for ___.
Divorced/separated/widowed, single, married
The most effective treatment for panic attacks and agoraphobia is ___.
In vivo exposure with response prevention
According to Mower’s two-factor theory, phobias are the result of ___: People first learn to fear a ___ because of its pairing with an intrinsic ___, and their avoidance response is then ___ because it keeps them from experiencing anxiety.
- avoidance conditioning,
- conditioned stimulus,
- unconditioned stimulus,
- negatively reinforced
An alternative explanation of phobia is ___ theory, which holds that phobic reactions are a result of vicarious learning.
social learning
Effective treatment for kids’ fear of the dark is ___.
cognitive self control
The beta-blocker ___ has been found useful for reducing somatic symptoms of social phobia.
__% of those with an Anxiety Disorder have a comorbid diagnosis. Of the Anxiety Disorders, the diagnosis of ___ is associated with the highest comorbidity rates, which is most often ___, followed by ___, and ___.
- 50%,
- GAD,
- depression/dysthymia,
- substance abuse,
- simple phobia and social phobia
Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia is associated with __(higher/lower?)__ comorbidity rates than PD without Agoraphobia.
The most effective treatment for Panic Disorder is ___. Psychopharm treatments alone are associated with relapse rates of __%.
In vivo exposure with response prevention (flooding),
- 30-70%
The most effective treatment for PTSD is __. A useful additional treatment is the use of __.
- a comprehensive CBT approach that includes exposure, cognitive restructuring, anxiety management, and similar techniques.
– an SSRI
The most effective treatment for Social Phobia is __. The medication ___ has also been found effective for reducing somatic symptoms.
- exposure,
- propranolol (a beta-blocker)
The most effective treatment for OCD is __. Medication, when used alone, has been found to be __.
exposure with response prevention AND a clomipramine (a TCA) or an SSRI,
- meds used alone are associated with a high risk of relapse
The most effective treatment for GAD is ___.
a multicomponent CBT approach, and for many patients, an SSRI or the anxiolytic buspirone (Buspar)
Panic Disorder w/ Agoraphobia, in contrast to Social Phobia, includes attacks that are ___, that occur in __ situations including __, and that ___ in presence of friends.
- unexpected,
- many situations including sleep,
- symptoms decrease when accompanied by a trusted friend
Medical conditions to rule out when considering Panic Disorder include __, __, __, and __.
hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, cardiac arrhythmia, and mitral valve prolapsed
Onset of Specific Phobia is usually in __ or in __.
childhood or mid-twenties
5 subtypes of Specific Phobia include: ___. The most common of these is __.
animal, natural environment, situational, blood-infection-injury, and other.
– The most common is Situational
Mower’s ___ theory suggests that Specific Phobias are the result ___. An alternative explanation is ___, which describes phobic reactions as behaviors that are acquired by observing others.
- two-factor theory,
- avoidance conditioning,
- social learning theory
Differences between GAD and nonpathological anxiety include __, __, and __.
GAD feel they cannot control symptoms, GAD are anxious about more events, and GAD have more physical symptoms