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32 Cards in this Set

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All substances except ___ can result in a diagnosis of Substance Dependence.
Persisting Perception Disorder is only associated with the substance of ___.
A diagnosis of Substance Dependence requires continued use of a substance for a period of __ months with at least __ symptom(s).
12 months
3 symptoms
Continued use of a substance to avoid withdrawal symptoms is called ___
Problems caused by Substance Dependence include __ and __ problems.
Problems caused by Substance Abuse include __ and __ problems.
Substance Dependence: psychological or physical problems
Substance Abuse: social or interpersonal problems (also legal problems)
True or false: Craving is a required symptom for a Substance Dependence diagnosis.
Substance Abuse involves use over a __ month period with at least __ symptom(s).
- 12 month
- 1 symptom
Marlatt and Gordon identified addictive behaviors as ___.
overlearned, maladaptive habit patterns
Conger proposed a ___ hypothesis which holds that addiction is ___.
- tension-reduction hypothesis
- a result of negative reinforcement
The biopsychosocial model holds that addiction involves ___
- an interaction between physical, psychological, and sociocultural factors
Most common trigger for relapse: __
negative emotional states (eg, anxiety, frustration, depression)
"abstinence violation effect" was termed by __ and involves ___.
- Marlatt and Gordon
- a reaction to relapse that includes self-blame, anxiety, guilt, depression, and which leads to further susceptibility to relapse
The Relapse Prevention Model was developed by ___ and involves ___.
- Marlatt and Gordon
- CBT approach to help person identify and avoid situations that place person at risk for relapse: situations that elicit negative emotional states, cues, or social pressures.
Average weight gain during first few months after quitting smoking is __ pounds.
5-6 pounds
__(Males or females?)__ are more likely to be successful at quitting smoking, to have started smoking at a __ age, and have abstained for longer than __ days during previous attempts.
- Males
- a later age
- longer than 5 days
ApA's smoking cessation intervention includes
1) nicotine replacement therapy
2) multicomponent behavioral therapy that includes skills training, relapse prevention, stimulus control, and/or rapid smoking
3) support and assistance from a clinician
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Alcohol Intoxication
- inappropriate sexual or aggressive behavior
- impaired judgment
- emotional lability
- slurred speech
- incoordination and unsteady gait
- nystagmus (lack of smooth eye movt, dancing eyes)
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Alcohol Withdrawal
- autonomic hyperactivity (sweating, tachycardia)
- hand tremor
- insomnia
- nausea
- transient illusions or hallucinations
- anxiety, psychomotor agitation
- grand mal seizures after prolonged/heavy use
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium (aka ____)
- Delirium Tremens
- disturbances in consciousness and other cognitive functions
- autonomic hyperactivity
- vivid hallucinations
- delusions
- agitation following prolonged use
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (aka ___) include ___.
- This disorder is often preceded by __, which has sxs of ___
- Co-occurrence of these two disorders is called __-
- Korsakoff Syndrome
-- sxs include: retrograde and anterograde amnesia, confabulation
- often preceded by Wernicke Syndrome
-- which has sxs of ataxia, abnormal eye movt (nystagmus, double vision), and confusion
- Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
Substance Induced Disorders
- Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder may result from either withdrawal, which causes sxs of ___, or tolerance, which causes sxs of ___.
- usually of the ___ type
- when produced by Intoxication: increased sleepiness, followed by increased wakefulness, restlessness, and vivid anxiety-arousing dreams
- when produced by Withdrawal: severe disruption in sleep continuity and vivid dreams
- usually of the Insomnia Type
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Amphetamine Intoxiation
- maladaptive behavioral and psychological changes, inc:
-- euphoria
-- anxiety
-- hyperactivity
-- grandiosity
-- confusion
-- anger
-- paranoid ideation
-- auditory hallucinations [note: amphetamines increase dopamine levels and can cause psychotic sxs, hence, the "dopamine hypothesis" for schizophrenia]
- other sxs:
- tachycardia
- elevated or lowered blood pressure
- dilated pupils
- perspiration or chills
- nausea or vomiting
- weight loss
- psychomotor agitation
- muscular weakness
- confusion
- seizures
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Cocaine Intoxication
- maladaptive behavioral and psychological changes, inc:
-- euphoria
-- anxiety
-- hyperactivity
-- grandiosity
-- confusion
-- anger
-- paranoid ideation
-- auditory hallucinations
- other sxs:
- tachycardia
- elevated or lowered blood pressure
- dilated pupils
- perspiration or chills
- nausea or vomiting
- weight loss
- psychomotor agitation
- muscular weakness
- confusion
- seizures
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Amphetamine Withdrawal
- dysphoric mood
- fatigue
- vivid and unpleasant dreams
- insomnia or hypersomnia
- increased appetite
- psychomotor agitation or retardation following heavy use
- a "crash" that includes lassitude and depression following a high-dose use
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of
- dysphoric mood
- fatigue
- vivid and unpleasant dreams
- insomnia or hypersomnia
- increased appetite
- psychomotor agitation or retardation following heavy use
- a "crash" that includes lassitude and depression following a high-dose use
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Caffeine Intoxication at a low dose
- low doses:
-- restlessness
-- nervousness
-- insomnia
-- flushed face
-- diuresis
-- gastrointestinal problems
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Caffeine Intoxication at a high dose
- high doses:
-- muscle twitching
-- rambling thoughts or speech
-- cardiac arrhythias
-- psychomotor agitation
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication
- maladaptive behavioral and psychological changes
-- inappropriate aggressive and sexual behaviors
-- impaired judgment
-- mood lability
- at least one characteristic sx as the result of drug use:
-- slurred speech
-- incoordination
-- unsteady gait
-- nystagmus
-- impaired memory or attention,
-- stupor or coma
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Opioid Intoxication
- an initial state of euphoria that is followed by apathy or dysphoria, psychomotor agitation or retardation, and impaired judgment
- other sxs include:
-- pupillary CONSTRICTION
-- drowsiness
-- impaired attention and memory
-- slurred speech
- severe intoxication can result in:
-- pupillary DILAITION
-- respiratory distress
-- coma
-- death
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Opioid Withdrawal
sxs resemble a moderate to severe case of the fle:
- sweating
- goose bumps
- fever
- pupillary DILATION
- nausea and vomiting
- abdominal cramps
- diarrhea
- agitation and restlessness
- insomnia
- dysphoric mood
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Nicotie Withdrawal
essential feature is the presence of characteristic symptoms following abrupt cessation of or reduction in the use of nicotine after daily use for at least several weeks
- sxs include:
-- depressed mood
-- insomnia
-- irritability
-- anxiety
-- restlessness
-- impaired concentration
-- decreased heart rate
-- increased appetite
Substance Induced Disorders
- sxs of Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (aka ___)
- is person aware that the perception is a drug effect?
- aka flashbacks
- re-experiencing one or more perceptual sxs that were experienced during one or more episodes of hallucinogen intoxication:
-- trailing images
-- afterimages
-- halos around objects
- person is not intoxicated and is aware the perception is a drug effect