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68 Cards in this Set

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 Persecution: people against you (most common)
 Grandeur: you are someone famous
 Reference: assigning personal meanings to meaningless events
lack of motivation to initiate and continue activities
poverty of speech
no pleasure in previously pleasurable activities
Affective Flattening
Lack of emotion: diminished or empty
Loose associations
not attached to any one thought (part of Disorganized Symptoms)
made up words that have meaning only to them (part of Disorganized Symptoms)
Primary Schizophrenia Criteria
o Delusions
o Hallucinations
o Negative symptoms
o Disorganized speech – evidence of disorganized thoughts
o Disorganized or catatonic behavior
o Prominent symptoms present for 1 month with prodomal/residual symptoms for 6+ months
Prodromal phase
clear deterioration from previous levels of functioning
2 ways of entering Prodromal Phase
Process Schizophrenia and Reactive (acute) Schizophrenia
Process Schizophrenia
 Slow deterioration
 Greater diathesis
 Poorer prognosis
Reactive (acute) schizophrenia
 Rapid decline
 Trauma/stress
 Better prognosis
Active phase
 Florid symptoms
 Positive symptoms—delusions and hallucinations
 Stress may bring it on/worsen symptoms
Prodromal Phase Criteria
o Impairment in social and role functioning
o Peculiar behavior
o Neglect hygiene
o Unusual ideas
o “not themselves”
o Negative symptoms predominate
o Residual stage
 Negative symptoms predominate
 Behavior similar to prodromal phase
o Over time, span of time between active and residual phases _________ and symptoms worsen
Prodromal and Active/Residual
Subtypes of Schizophrenia
Residual Type
o Preoccupation with one or more delusion(s) or frequent hallucinations
o Intact cognitive functioning and affect (not as much disorganized/negative symptoms)
o Without prominent negative symptoms
 Disorganized speech, disorganized/catatonic behavior, flat/inappropriate affect
o Best prognosis of all types
o Danger lies in acting on paranoia
o Marked disruption in speech and behavior
o Flat or inappropriate affect
o Hallucinations and delusions tend to be fragmented
o Develops early, chronic, few remissions
o Worst prognosis
o Motor involvement—usual and odd
o Echolalia (echoing)
o Waxy flexibility
 Like a manikin, leave hand, limbs in place
o Excitability
o Immobility
 People assume position and keep it
o Negativism
o Severe and quite rare
o Examples in video
o Waste basket category (everyone else)
o Multiple symptoms
Residual Type
o After an episode of schizophrenia
o Continue to have less extreme symptoms
 Odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences
Onset is in the
late adolescence to early 20s
________ percent make one suicide attempt
_______ percent smoke
better prognosis
o Relatively normal childhood; no family history
o Female
o Brief duration of active phase
o Older age at onset
o Acute onset (reactive vs process)
o Good premorbid functioning
o Paranoid symptoms present
o Good initial response to medication
______ percent family genetics likelihood
Drugs that increase Dopamine
Increase Schizo like behavior
Drugs that decrease Dopamine
Decrease Schizo like behavior
Neurobiological Theories
• Enlarged ventricles
• Decreased grey matter concentration
• Hypofrontality – less active frontal lobes
• Prenatal factors (viral infections)
_____ percent of adults have PDs
• Paranoid PD:
Pervasive Pattern of Suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent
Schizophrenia Tx (in addition to meds)
Cognitive Behavioral
Family Therapy
Behavioral (schizo)
o Social skills training helps, token economies to motivate
o Coping w/stress: ex: relaxation programs
o Supported
CBT (schizo)
o Examine alternative explanations for delusions & hallucinations—give control over symptoms
o Insight necessary
o New application but some support
Family Therapy (schizo)
o Psychoeducation—teaching family what to expect
o Reduce expressed emotion in family (EE)
o Supportive skills
o Problem-solving skills
o Supported
Decrease positive symptoms; not as good with negative symptoms
-side effects: Extrapyramidal and parkinson's like side effects; tardive dyskinesia
tardive dyskinesia
• Uncontrollable repetitive grimacing, tongue movement, or other parts of the body
• Sometimes permanent
Schizo non compliance with meds rate ______ percent
Hogarty's Schizo release from hospital study
o Percentage of relapse in 1 year
 1) meds only—40%
 2)meds and social skills training—20%
 3)meds and family therapy—20%
o In 2 years relapse rates similar for groups.
 Delays, but doesn’t prevent
Paranoid Dx Criteria
 Suspect others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving them
 Preoccupied with doubts about loyalty of friends/associates
 Reluctant to confide for fear info will be used against them
 Reads threatening or demanding meanings into benign comments
 Bears grudges and unforgiving
 Perceives attacks, quick to react angrily
 Unjustified recurrent suspicions about fidelity of spouse or sexual partner
 Tend to be critical of others
Paranoid PD defense mechanism
projection: placing own unacceptable feelings onto others
Paranoid Tx
Therapy not successful because no trust
• Schizoid PD
o Pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotions
Schizoid PD Dx Criteria
 Don’t desire/enjoy close relationships—not because depressed or anxious
 Usually chooses solitary activities
 Little interest in sexual experiences with another person
 Takes pleasure in few if any activities
 Lack of close friends/confidants other than family
 Appears indifferent to praise/criticism
 Shows emotional detachment and coldness
Schizoid PD Tx
not usually seen in clinical settings, little data
• Schizotypal PD
o Pattern of interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for close relationships as well as cognitive and perceptual distortions and eccentrics of behavior
Schizotypal PD Dx
 Ideals of reference: belief that coincidental and meaningless events have special meaning for them
 Odd beliefs and magical thinking (ESP, elevation, etc)
 Unusual perceptual experiences (similar to hallucinations)
 Odd thinking and speech (ex: vague, circumstancial, over-elaborated)
 Suspiciousness and paranoid ideation
 Inappropriate and constricted affect
 Behavior or appearance is odd, eccentric, or peculiar
 Lack of close friends/confidants other than family because of oddness
 Excessive social anxiety related to suspiciousness or self doubt
Schizotypal PD more common in families with:
Schizotypal tx
one study used antipsychotic meds, community support, and social skills training to reduce the symptoms or delay development of schizophrenia
 Lykken
—worked with people with psychopathy
• They learn to obtain rewards as quickly as others, but learn to avoid shock (punishment, anxiety) much more slowly
(APD studies)
 Schacter and Latane—
psychopath and nonpsychopath prisoners. Focused on learning avoidance of shock under conditions of placebo (baseline) and adrenaline (hi arousal) injections
• People with APD perform and learn better with adrenaline
 Yerkes-Dodson Law
• There is a curvilinear relationship between arousal and performance
o (inverse U-shaped graph with Performance on the y axis and arousal on the x axis)
o The U shape of the graph goes from sleep, boredom, mild alertness, optimum, stress, anxiety, and panic.
• Borderline PD
o Pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self image and marked impulsivity
 Shifting pattern of ego identity; don’t think about consequences
Histronic PD
o Pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking
Histronic PD Dx
 Uncomfortable when not center of attention
 Often sexually seductive/provocative
 Rapidly shifting, shallow emotions
 Use appearance to draw attention to self
 Speech is lacking in depth (superficial)
 Dramatic, theatrical, and exaggerated expressions of emotion
 Suggestible, easily influenced
• May suggestible to things therapist wants them to do/be—may pretend they are to them
 Considers relationships more important than they are
Avoidant PD
o Pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and hypersensitivity to criticism
 Avoids occupations with personal contact
 Doesn’t get involved unless sure of being liked
 Fears being rejected
 Views self as socially inept, unappealing
 Won’t try new things that could be embarrassing
Dependent PD
o Need to be taken care of. Submissive and clinging, fears separation
Dependent contd
 Difficulty making decisions without advice and reassurance
 Needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of his/her life
 Often doesn’t disagree with others for fear of loss of approval
 Doesn’t initiate due to lack of self confidence
 Goes out of way to obtain support from others
 Uncomfortable /helpless feeling when left alone
 Urgently seeks another relationship when one ends
Obsessive-Compulsive PD
o Preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and personal control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency
OCPD contd
 Into rules, details, organization, and schedule so much that the main point is missed
 Perfectionism interferes with task completion
 Workaholic versus rounded family and friend life
 Overly conscientious or moralistic
 Can’t discard worn out or worthless objects even if no value (hoarder)
 Reluctant to delegate – micromanagers
 Miserly in spending largely out of fear of future catastrophe
 Rigid and stubborn
Difference btwn OCD and OCPD
• Compulsions aren’t to remove tension—is more global in the PD
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model
pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months with four or more symptoms:
-loses temper
-argues with adults
-refuses to comply with rules or request
-deliberately annoys people
-blames others for mistakes/behavior
-touchy/easily annoyed
-angry and resentful
-spiteful and vindictive
Diagnosis for children/adolescents with more severe aggression and antisocial behavior, inflicting pain on others, interfering with others' basic rights, or committing acts of vandalism
____ percent develop APD after having CD