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93 Cards in this Set

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Event creating demand
Person's reaction to demands
Stress response
Physical stress disorders
psychophysiological disorders
DSM-IV Heading for psychophysiological disorders
Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition
The area of the brain where features of arousal and fear are put into motion
Hypothalamus activates these 2 systems
Autonomic Nervous System & Endocrine System
Extensive network of nerve fibers that connect CNS to all the other organs of the body
Autonomic Nervous System
Brain and Spinal Cord
Central Nervous System
Autonomic controls what activities?
Network of glands throughout the body
Endocrine System
A special system of ANS fibers that work to quicken our heartbeat and produce other changes we experience as pain or anxiety. Excited first by hypothalamus
Sympathetic Nervous System
Gland on kidneys producing ephinephrin and norepinephrine
Adrenal medulla
Second group of ANS fibers which help return body processes to normal
Parasympathetic system
Sometimes called the body's major stress hormone
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
2nd pathway producing arousal and fear in the Pituitary gland - affecting ACTH levels
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) pathway
Stress hormones released by adrenal glands in the adrenal cortex by the HPA pathway
Corticosteriods (including cortisol)
Person's general level of arousal and anxiety
trait anxiety
Differing in the sense of which situations are threatening
Situation or state anxiety
Symptoms begin within 4 weeks of a traumatic event and lasting less than a month
acute stress disorder
Symptoms last longer than a month after a traumatic event
Post traumatic stress disorder
psychological seperation
Percentage of people in the US suffering from a stress disorder in any given year
% of people who suffer from a stress disorder at some time in their life
% of women compared to men who develop a stress disorder after a traumatic event
Victims of rape each year
number of women raped in their lifetime
percentage of rape victims raped by acquaintances or relatives
two types of victimization
sexual assault and terrorism
abnormal levels of these hormones have been attributed to developing a stress disorder
cortisol and norepinephrine
New form of exposure therapy in which clients move their eyes in a rhythmic manner from side to side while filling mind with images they ordinarily try to avoid
Rapid eye movent desensitization and reprossessing
veterans meet with others like themselves to share experiences and feelings, develop insigts and give mutual support
rap groups
Special training given to mental health professionals for the delivery of emergency mental health services
Critical incident stress debriefing
a reluctance to express discomfort, anger or hostility which can cause stress disorder
repressive coping style
Defects in this system cause stress disorders
new area of study that ties stress and illness to the body's immune system
Holmes & Rahe developed this which assigns numerical values to life's stressors
Social Adjustment rating scale
foreign invaders in the body
white blood cells that circulate through the lymph system and blood stream
Problems that appear to be medical but are actually due to psychological factors
somatoform disorders
patterns that feature major losses or changes in memory or identity, not due to physical ones
dissociative disorder
A pattern of physical complaints with largely psychosocial causes... when the physical ailment has no apparent cause
somataform disorder
Type of somatoform disorder where there is an actual change in physical functioning
hysterical somatoform disorders
people who are healthy mistakenly worry that there is something physically wrong with them
preoccupation somatoform disorders
psychosocial conflict or need is converted into dramatic physical symptoms that affect voluntary motor or sensory functioning
Conversion disorder
Conversion disorder is quite rare... how many have it?
5 in every 1000 people
Also known as Briquet's syndrome, these people have many long-term physical ailments that have little or no organic basis.
Somatization disorder
when psychological factors play a central role in the onset, severity or continuation of pain
Pain disorder with psychological factors
Conversion symptom where numbness begins sharply at the wrist and extends evenly right to the fingertips
Glove anesthesia
Intenionally faking an illness to achieve some external gain
intentionally producing or faking physical symptoms simply out of the wish to be a patient
facticious disorder
Extreme and long term form of factitious disorder
Munchausen syndrome
parents make up or produce physical illnesses in their children
munchausen syndrom by proxy
Unrealistically interpreting bodily symptoms as signs of a physical illness
percentage of people with hypochondriasis
Also known as dysmorphophobia, people with this become deeply concerned about some imagined or minor defect in their appearance
body dysmorphic disorder
% of BDD subjects who are housebound... % who attempted suicide
30%... 17%
percentage in u.s. with BDD
2%... 4% college
For Freud, hysterical disorders centered on the needs of girls during this phase...
phallic stage
Girls developing sexual feelings for her father and recognizing she must compete with her mother for his affection
Electra Complex
people achieve this when their hysterical symptoms keep their internal conflicts out of awareness
Primary gain
people achieve this when their hysterical symptoms enable them to avoid unpleasant activities or to receive kindess or sympathy from others
Secondary gain
substances that have no known medical value
obsessive compulsive anti-depressant drugs have been shown to help this somatoform disorder
body dismorphic disorder
behavioral approach that often helps with obsessive compulsive disorder
exposure and response prevention
sense of who we are
Key to sense of identity; link between past, present and future
changes in memory that lack a clear physical cause
dissociative disorders
A person with this not only forgets the past but travels to a new location and may assume a new identity
dissociative fugue
multiple personalities
dissociatie identity disorder
persistent feelings of being seperated from one's own body or mental processes
depersonalization disorder
people with this disorder are unable to recall important info about their lives and this loss isn't due to organic causes, usually triggered by upsetting event
dissociatie amnesia
Most common type of amnesia in which a person loses all memory of events that took place within a limited period of time
localized amnesia
forgotten period
amnestic episode
second most common form of amnesia where people remember some, but not all events that occured in a period of time
selective amnesia
loss of memory extends back to times long before the upsetting period
generalized amnesia
forgetting continues into the present
continuous amnesia
percentage of people who have experienced dissociative fugue
personalities in people with DID, each with a unique set of memories, behaviors, thoughts and emotions
subpersonalities or alternate personalities
personality which appears most often
primary or host personality
percentage of DID patients who were abused as a child
women receive DID diagnosis how many times more than men
3 times
subpersonalities have no awareness of each other
mutually amnestic
each personality is well aware of the rest
mutually cognizant
most common relationship pattern where some subpersonalities are aware of others, but the awareness is not mutual
one-way amnesic or co-conscious subpersonalities
Avg. subpersonalities for women... men
brain response patterns recorded on an electroencephalograph
evoked potentials
cases of DID unintentionally produced by practitioners
psychodynamic theorists believe this ego defense mechanism causes DID
The link between state and recall
state dependent learning
people hypnotize themselves to forget unpleasant events
common treatment for dissociative amnesia and fugue
hypnotic therapy or hypnotherapy
barbituates when treating dissociative amnesia and fugue
"truth serums"
final merging of 2 or more subpersonalities