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72 Cards in this Set

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Unipolar Mood Disorder
Change in mood in direction of depression
Bipolar Mood Disorder
Periods of depression cycling with periods of mania
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Leading cause of disability worldwide
- Involves abnormalities in all systems (bio, emotional, cog, behaviour)
- Can impair functioning in all areas of life
- Persistent sad mood and/or lack of pleasure or enjoyment in activities for at least 2 weeks
- Grows steadily and equally in males and females until 10 years old, higher for girls, level off for boys.
Depressed Individual with Commorbid Conditions
Experience more sever and chronic depression and show slower and less complete response to treatment
Dysthymic Disorder
Chronic low mood lasting for 2 years.
- Many experience "double depression" recurrent MDD episodes and chronic low mood
Major Depression with Poor Inter-episode Recovery
Episodes of major depression that fail to remit successfully
Chronic Depression
High levels of impairment, younger age of onset, high commorbidity and strong family history.
Elevated, expansive or irritable mood lasts at least one week
Less severe, similar number of symptoms present for only 4 days
Mixed State
Manic/hypomanic and depressive symptoms at same time
Bipolar I Disorder
One or more manic episodes with or without one or more depressive episodes.
Bipolar II Disorder
One or more hypomanic episodes with one or more major depressive episodes.
- Hypomanic/manic episode lasts approx 2 weeks to 4 months and depressive episodes last 6-9 months
DSM Proposed to require specification of one of the following subtypes of bipolar disorder
1. Current or most recent episode hypomanic
2. Current or more recent episode manic
3. Current or more recent episode depressed
4. Current or more recent episode unspecified
Chronic but less severe form of bipolar disorder.
- At least 2 years alternating hypomanic episodes and depression episodes. At risk for developing bipolar disorder
Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder
4 or more manic and/or major depressive episodes in 12 month period
- Episodes must be separated by at least 2 months
- Full or partial remission or switch to opposite mood
- Can be induced or made worse by antidepressants
Ultrarapid Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder
Cycling every few days
Ultra-radian Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder
Cycling daily
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Can occur in unipolar and bipolar disorder.
- Recurrent depressive episodes tied to changing seasons.
- May need more light to trigger decrease in melatonin secretion.
- As nights grow longer in winter, melatonin remains high and nothing to prompt switch from sleep to wake.
Postpartum Depression
Risk factors include family history of depression and history or previous depressive episodes, poor marital relationship and low social support and stressful life.
- Progesterone may be involved (rapid withdrawal after delivery).
Psychodynamic Theories
Relationships between parent and children important in shaping temperament.
Rely excessively on interpersonal relationships for identity. Needy and fearing.
Fears of failure, self blame, inferiority and guilt.
Cognitive Distortions
1. All or nothing thinking
2. Overgeneralization
3. Magnification
4. Jumping to conclusions
Hypothetical structures in the mind, core beliefs about self, world and future (cognitive triad).
Diathesis-Stress Model
Negative cognitive schemas remain inactive in mind and serve as silent vulnerability that don't express until activated by stressful life event that matches the theme of schema.
Interpersonal Relationships
Deficient social skills, interactions with others are negative, less eye contact, less animated face.
Negative Feedback Seeking
Actively seek out criticism and other negative interpersonal feedback from others.
Excessive Reassurance Seeking
Seek assurance about ones worth and lovability. Doubt sincerity or reassurance.
Stress Generation Hypothesis
Generate stressful life events in interpersonal domain. Contribute to occurrence in these event due to their maladaptive interpersonal behaviours.
Childhood Trauma
Early maltreatment internalized by child as negative schemas.
Serotonin transporter gene, greater serotonin and activity of gene if long allele. Show effect in MDD by increased reactivity to stress (if short allele)
NE and 5-HT responsible for functions disturbed in depression.
- Low NE in bipolar and severe unipolar
- Low 5-HT receptors in depressed
- DA transmission partly depends on level of 5-HT
Serotonin, normal levels inhibit certain behaviors
Dopamine, regulation of reward processing and motor behaviours.
- Low levels= reduction in capacity to feel pleasure and psychomotor retardation.
- Abnormal levels = hyperactive and psychosis
Norepinephrine, abnormal levels lead to euphoria and grandiosity
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (HPA)
When encounter stress, brain releases CRH (cortrophin release hormone) leads to release of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) from pituitary and release of cortisol from adrenal gland.
Sleep Neurophysiology
Loss of slow-wave sleep and early onset of first REM stage and high frequency and amplitude or eye movements in REM. Controlled by 5-HT and NE.
PET Scans
Showed that bi and uni polar associated with low blood flow and low glucose metabolism in cerebral cortex. Reverse occurs when going from depression to mania.
MRI Scans
Uncovered neural circuits involved in cognitive emotional deficits of depressed.
Multi-site Randomized Control Trial
Compared cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy, antidepressant and placebo pill.
- No different in efficacy among CBT, IPT and anit depressant, All better than placebo.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Depression
Become more aware of meanings of attributions to event in their lives. Help make own insights into thought processes.
- Activity scheduling
- Thought records
- Behavioural Experiments
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression
Loss and disordered attachment as underlying factors in MDD, address current problems. Identify source of dysfunction with relevance to...
- Interpersonal disputes
- Role Transitions
- Grief
- Interpersonal deficits
Tricyclic Antidepressants
- Block reuptake from synapse of NE and/or 5-HT. More of these available.
- Manny side effects
- Highly lethal overdose
Monoamine-Oxidase Inhibitors
Inhibit enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters. More monoamines available.
- Dangerous side effects
- Limits intake of foods with amines
- Avoid cold medicines with pseudoephedrine
Selective-Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
First line of treatment for unipolar
- Mild side effects
- Block reuptake of serotonin, more 5-HT
Other Antidepressants
- Serotonin-NE reuptake inhibitors
- Increase dopamine transmission
- Other misc actions on other neurotransmitters (ex: GABA)
Mood stabilizing, deactivated enzyme (GSK-3B).
- When enzyme active, can't reset brains master clock
- Antagonist of glutamate, general excitatory effect on brain, decreases synthesis and/or release of glutamate accounts for stabilizing effect
- Therapeutic window narrow
- Monitor thyroid and kidney function
40% of bipolar people don't react to lithium or can't manage the effects.
- Lithium can become ineffective
- Used to treat epilepsy, increases synthesis and release of GABA
- Some decrease synthesis and release of GABA, which give excitatory effect
Short term treatment during acute manic or severe depressive episodes.
- Sedatives, if don't respond to lithium or anticonvulsants
- Antagonists of multiple neurotransmitter receptors (5-HT and DA)
Tardive Dyskinesia
Irreversible effect of anti-psychotics
- Involuntary, dyskinetic movements.
- Increased risk with duration and cumulative dose
Antidepressants (for treatment of bipolar)
To treat depressive phase of bipolar.
- Buproprion less likely to trigger manic episode
- All risk triggering mania
- Use in conjunction with mood stabilizer.
CBT, IPT and Medication
- Non-chronic depression of mild to moderate severity, no advantage.
- For severe depression, CBT and meds work
- Adding CBT to people who don't fully respond to meds increases remission rates and decreases relapse.
- CBT and meds work best in teens
Adjunctive Psychotherapy for Bipolar
Most effective for treating bipolar is meds.
- Family focused therapy (Mikowitz)
- Interpersonal therapy and Social Rhythm Therapy (Frank)
- Cognitive Therapy (Lam)
Family Focused Therapy for Bipolar
Communication and problem solving, fewer new onsets. More likely to stay on meds.
Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy for Bipolar
Disruptions in daily routines and conflicts in interpersonal relationships can cause relapse.
-Teach to regulate routines and cope better with stress.
Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar
Teach strategies that address unique issues.
- How to regularize sleep and routines
- How to regularly monitor their mood and identify trigger for manic episodes and relapses
- Importance of medication compliance
- Fewer relapses, fewer hospitalizations, higher levels or psychosocial function, less symptoms of depression, less fluctuation in manic symptoms.
Stimulate sunlight to regulate melatonin production.
-Remission, should be on mood stabilizer if bipolar SAD
Treatment Resistant Depression
Failure to achieve remission following at least 2 trials or antidepressant meds at appropriate dose and duration.
First line of treatment only for treatment of resistant depression or depression with severe life threatening symptoms where immediate response in desired.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Electric current created magnetic pulse, non-invasive and painless.
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Pulse generator sends electrical signals through wire to nerve then brain. Permanent implant. Increase release of Ne and 5-HT and increases blood flow.
Deep Brain Stimulation
Implant wires into brain, deliver dose of electrical current to brain
Suicidal Ideation
Thoughts of death and plans of suicide.
Suicidal Gestures
- Suicide attempts, clearly not life threatening to alter other of their suffering.
Suicide Attempt
Carrying out of suicide plan which is unsuccessful, but clear intent to die.
Private way of coping with extreme emotional distress. Often follows trauma. Feel dissociation during self-harm.
Number One Cause of Suicide
Untreated mental disorder
Feeling rootless and lacks sense of belonging.
- Emil Durkheim
- Sociological
- Feel unendurable psychological pain and frustration
Primary Preventions
Broad public education programs or restricting access to suicidal means
Secondary/Tertiary Prevention Strategies
Preventions centres and telephone hotlines
CBT and Suicide
Identify and modify thoughts, images and core beliefs.