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168 Cards in this Set

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the GI tract aka alimentary tract contains what hollow organs lined with epithelia?
1. esophagus
2. stomach
3. small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum)
4. large intestine(cecum/ appendix/ ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum)
the entire length of the esophagus is what kind of epithelia?
what is between the esophagus and stomach?
the gastroesophageal sphincter
what is between the stomach and duodenum of small intestine?
the pylorus aka pyloric sphincter
what is between the ileum of the small intestine and the cecum of the large intesting?
the ileocecal sphincter
what is the difference between the GI tract organs the the accessory digestive organs?
-GI tract organs: hollow
-accessory digestive organs: NOT hollow
what are the accessory digestive organs? what is the fxn of each?
1. liver: stores glycogen, makes bile for export to duodenum to break up fat
2. gallbladder: stores bile
3. pancreas: excretes bicarbonate into duodenum (exocrine fxn-secretes bile into bile duct)
what are 3 retroperitoneal organs that don't have a fxn in the GI system?
1. kidneys
2. suprarenal glands
3. spleen
lymph nodes are all along the GI tract...what is there function?
fight infection
what is the arterial supply to the GI tract?
all from AbAo
1. celiac trunk (2nd branch off AbAo)
2. superior mesenteric artery
3. inferior mesenteric artery
what are the arterial branches of the celiac trunk?
1. inferior phrenic branches
2. hepatic artery
3. left gastric artery
4. splenic artery
what is the primary venous drainage of the abdominal viscera?
portal vein (in liver),
formed by the union of the superior mesenteric and splenic veins, is the main channel of the portal venous system, which collects bld from the abdominal part of the GI tract, pancreas, spleen, and most of the gallbladder and carries it the the liver.
how is the hepatic portal V different from the portal vein?
A's to intestinal caps(cells of the int use up O2) to hepatic portal vein (NUTRIENT RICH DEOXYGENATED BLD) to hepatic caps (sinusoidal and receive blood from hepatic A which brings O2 into liver) to hepatic vein (a true systemic vein bc no O2 in it) to the IVC
everything that drains the GI passes through what?
the liver!
-liver pulls CHOs out of bld and pack it away
-glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver
-liver gets 1st dibs on what's coming out of GI system
the esophagus extends from where to where?
from the pharynx to the stomach
what are the 3 constrictions of the esophagus?
1. cervical (upper esophageal sphincter)--smooth mm regulated
2. thoracic (broncho-aortic)
3. diaphragmatic (lower esophageal sphincter, LES)--ANS regulated= have no control
what does a loss of LES tone cause?
what are 3 things that can cause a decrease in LES tone?
1. caffeine/coffee/chocolate b/c has caffeine in it
3. peppermints
**tell ppl with GERD to stay away fromt these 3 things
what are the 2 muscular layers of the esophagus?
1. inner circular
2. outer longitudinal
the outer longitudinal muscual layer of the esophagus contains what kind of mm:
1. sup 1/3rd
2. middle 1/3rd
3. lower 1/3rd
1. sup 1/3rd: skeletal
2. middle 1/3rd: mixed
3. lower 1/3rd: smooth
where does the esophagus pass through the diaphragm?
passes through elliptical esophageal hiatus in the right crus of diaphragm
what connects the esoph to the dia?
connected to diaphragm by phrenicoesophageal ligament
what nn plexus encircles the esoph?
encircled by esophageal nerve plexus
where is the Z line? what change occurs here?
at the esophagogastric junction
-the mucosa changes from esophageal mucosa which is above the z line(the does not produce acid) to gastric mucosa which is below the z line(that does produce acid)
immediately superior to the Z line, the diaphragmatic musculature forming the esophageal hiatus fxns as a what?
lower (inferior) esophageal sphincter that contracts and relaxes
the arterial supply of the abdominal part of the esoph is from where?
1. left gastric artery (a branch of the celiac trunk)
2. left inferior phrenic artery
the venous drainage of the abdominal part of the esoph is from where?
from the submucosal veins
where do the submucosal veins draining the abdominal esoph empty into?
1. into hepatic portal system via left gastric vein (empty here if above dia)
2. into systemic venous system via esophageal veins (empty here if below dia)
what does the hepatic portal system and systemic venous system drain into?
azygos vein
what is the esophagus innervated by?
esophageal nerve plexus
what is the esophageal nerve plexus formed by?
1. parasympathetic vagal trunks (becoming anterior and post gastric branches)
2. thoracic sym trunks via greater and lesser splanchic nerves and periarterial plexi around left gastric and inf phrenic A's
the stomach is the ___________ portion of the alimentary tract.
what is the fxn of the stomach?
digestion of food via acid and enzymatic activity
what is special about gastric ‘peristalsis’?
mixing, more than true peristalsis
is the stomach compliant?
is relatively complaint
-can hold 2-3L of fluid
what are the 4 parts of the stomach?
1. cardiac
2. fundus
3. body
4. pyloric
what is the cardiac part of the stomach near?
near cardial orifice and esophageal sphincter
what is the fundus of the stomach?
dilated superior part related to L dome of diaphragm
what is between the eoph and the fundus?
the cardial notch
what is the major portion of the stomach?
the body
what is the plyloric part of the stomach divided into?
divided into pyl. antrum, the wide part, and pyl. canal, the narrow part
what is the pylorus?
the distal sphincteric region of the pyloric part of the stomach which regulates flow of chyme (digested food) into duodenum
the stomach has 2 curvatures...what are they?
1. lesser curvature
2. greater curvature
what is the lesser curvature of the stomach?
superior, short concave border
what is the greater curvature of the stomach?
inferior, large convex border
what is teh junction of the body and pyloric part of the stomach called?
angular incisure
the interior of the stomach is arranged in large macroscopic folds called what? what is its fxn?
-increase surface area
the interior of the stomach is lined with what? covered with? fxn?
lined with gastric mucosa, covered with mucus
(mucus prevents autodigestion of stomach b/c stomach is PRO and that is what E's of stomach digest but E's can't digest mucus!)
what are the 3 layers of the muscularis externa (smooth mm) of the stomach?
1. inner circular (squish)
2. middle longitudinal (push)
3. outer oblique (churns)
where is the oblique smooth mm layer not located in the stomach?
gastric canal
(where peristalsis of stomach occurs)
what is the stomach covered by?
covered by lesser omentum and greater omentum extends from greater curvature
anteriorly, the stomach is related to what?
diaphragm, lft lobe of liver, ant. abdominal wall
posteriorly, the stomach is related to what?
omental bursa and pancreas
where is the bed of the stomach?
where the stomach rests in the supine position
from superior to inferior, the stomach bed is formed by what?
left dome of the diaphragm, spleen, left kidney and suprarenal gland, splenic artery, pancreas, and transverse mesocolon (colon)
the stomach has a rich arterial supply arising from what?
the celiac trunk and its branches
what are the 3 branches of the celiac trunk that supply the stomach?
1. left gastric
2. splenic
3. common hepatic
what are the branches of the splenic artery of the celiac trunk?
1. posterior gastric (post gastric wall= fundus)
2. left gastro-omental
3. splenic branches
what are the branches of the common hepatic of the celiac trunk?
1. hepatic
2. gastroduodenal
what are the branches of the hepatic of the common hepatic of the celiac trunk?
1. right gastric (from R hepatic A)
2. cystic
3. L and R hepatic
what are the branches of the gastroduodenal of the common hepatic of the celiac trunk?
1. supraduodenal (pyloric sphincter)
2. sup. pancreaticoduodenal
3. right gastro-omental
what do teh right and left gastric veins drain into?
portal vein
what do the short gastric and left gastro-omental veins drain into?
splenic vein
what does the splenic vein join? this forms what?
joins the sup. mesenteric vein to form the portal vein
what does the right gastro-omental vein empty into?
sup. mesenteric vein
the prepyloric vein extends over the pylorus to what?
the right gastric vein
(surgeons use prepyloric V to identify pylorus)
what does the right gastric vein empty into?
portal vein
where does lymph from the superior 2/3rds of the stomach drain?
-into r and l gastric vessels to the gastric lymph nodes
-lymph from the fundus and superior part of body of stomach drains into pancreaticospleninc lymph nodes
where does lymph from the right 2/3rds of the inferior 1/3 of the stomach drain?
pyloric lymph nodes
where does lymph from the left 1/3 of the inferior 1/3 (greater curvature) of the stomach drain?
MAY drain into pancreaticoduodenal lymph nodes (?)
the parasympathetic nn supply of the stomach is from what?
anterior and posterior vagal trunks and their branches which enter the abdomen through the esophageal hiatus
the anterior vagal trunk is derived from what? usually enters abdomen as a single branch that lies where?
-from left vagus
-on ant. surface of esophagus
-the anterior vagal trunk runs toward the lesser curvature of teh stomach where it gives off what branches?
-the rest of the ant vagal trunk continues along the lesser curvature giving rise to what?
-hepatic and duodenal braches, which leave the stomach in the hepatoduodenal lig
-anterior gastric branches
the larger posterior vagal trunk derived from what? enters the abdomen where?
-from right vagus
-on post. surface of esophagus
the post vagal trunk runs along lesser curvature of stomach and gives off what 2 branches?
1. celiac branch which runs to the celiac plexus
2. continues along lesser curvature giving rise to posterior gastric branches
the sympathetic nn supply of the stomach is from what segments of the SC? which pass through what? to what?
-T6 to T9
-passes through greater splanchnic nerve to celiac plexus (to stomach)
what are the 3 parts of the small intestine?
1. duodenum
2. jejunum
3. ileum
which part of the small intestine is the shortest, but widest, portion (25 cm long)?
where does the duodenum begin? end?
-begins at pylorus on the right side (aka pyloric sphincter and regulates chyme out of stomach when it is liquid enough via E's from pancreas)
-ends at duodenojejunal junction on the left side (not a sphincter b/c doesn't regulate flow of chyme out of duodenum to jejunum)
is the duodenum retroperitoneal?
partially retroperitoneal
what are the four parts of the duodenum?
1. superior (first) part
2. descending (second) part
3. horizontal (third) part
4. ascending (fourth) part
how long is the superior (first) part of the duodenum?
-proximal 2cm called what?
-distal 3cm lie where?
-proximal 2cm called the ampulla (widest portion adjacent to pyloric sphincter)
-distal 3cm are retroperitoneal
how long is the descending (second) part of the duodenum? where does it lie?
7-10 cm (retroperitoneal)
what does the descending (second) part of duodenum curve around?
curves around head of pancreas
initially the descending (second) part of duodenum lies to the right of and parallel to what?
the IVC
on the posteromedial wall of teh descending (second) part of duodenum are openings for what?
openings for bile and main pancreatic ducts (introduction of bile and pancreatic E's to desc duod)
the bile and main pancreatic ducts of the descending (second) part of duodenum unite to form what?
the hepatopancreatic ampulla
the hepatopancreatic ampulla is composed of what 2 things? what are they regulated by?
1. ampulla of Vater
2. sphincter of Oddi
-smooth mm. regulated by gastric hormones prodced in gastrointestinal system
(i.e. CCK)
what is the ampulla of Vater?
the junction of pancreatic and common bile ducts (enlarged at jxn)
what is the fxn of the sphincter of Oddi?
regulates flow out of ampulla of Vater into duodenum (regulated by tone of this sphincter)
how long is the horizontal (third) part of the duodenum?
6- 8 cm
the horizontal (third) part of the duodenum is anterior to what? posterior to what?
-anterior to IVC and Ao
-posterior to SMA and SMV
the horizontal (third) part of the duodenum covered but not surrounded by what?
covered, but not surrounded by, peritoneum
how long is the ascending (fourth) part of the duodenum?
5 cm
the ascending (fourth) part of the duodenum runs superiorly and along the left side of what? to reach the inferior border of what?
passes along left side of Ao to reach inferior aspect of body of pancreas
the ascending (fourth) part of the duodenum joins the jejnum at the duodenojejunal jxn which is supported by what?
ligament of Treitz (suspensory muscle)
--keeps ascending duod up
--not a true sphincter but still has some regulation of Q
what happens to the duodenojejunal flexure when the ligament of Treitz (suspensory muscle)contracts?
contraction widens the angle of the duodenojejunal flexure
what is the pH of the chyme when the stomach empties into duod? does acidity change in duodenum and jejunum?
-duodenum and jejunum have a decreased number of cells producing the acidic environment
-acidic chyme goes into duodenum and pancreas releases bicarb so that duod is not torn up (autodigestion prevented by bicarb--> autorolaids)
what are the 4 layers of the jejunum and ileum?
1. Mucosa
2. Submucosa (w/glands)
3. Muscularis externa
4. Serosa
4 layers of the jejunum and ileum: the simple columnar epithelia of the mucosa layer is arranged in large macroscopic folds called what? what is this analagous to?
-plicae circulares villi which are small microscopic projections that project into the lumen
-analagous to ruggae of stomach with gastric pits
4 layers of the jejunum and ileum: what is the lamina propria of the mucosa layer?
CT with associated glands and BVs that lie under the vili
4 layers of the jejunum and ileum: what is the muscularis mucosa of the mucosa layer?
thin layer of smooth mm that parallels the base of villi
-it contracts and relaxes and pulls on bases of villi
-rhythmic contractions of this layer keeps villi in constant motion
-this muscularis layer is NOT what is used for peristalsis (only keeps villi moving)
4 layers of the jejunum and ileum: what are the peyer's patches of the submucosa layer?
large aggregations of lymph nodules lining the jejunum and ileum to fight infection
-an imp immune response b/c in contact with external env
4 layers of the jejunum and ileum: what is the job of the submucosal plexus (aka meysners plexus) of the submucosa layer?
-nn's that go from here activate glands= increases glandular secretion=anatomy matches physiological fxn
(can think of as PS ganglia which are in or near taget organ)
4 layers of the jejunum and ileum: what are the 2 mm layers of the muscularis externa?
1. inner circular (if only had this layer food would be pushed orally and aborally)
2. outer longitudinal
-mm's run parallel with each other to regulate peristalsis
4 layers of the jejunum and ileum: what plexi is part of muscularis externa?
myenteric plexus aka auerbach plexus (intrinsic or inside wall PS ganglia)
4 layers of the jejunum and ileum: what is the fxn of the myenteric plexus?
coordinates circular and longitudinal mm's to push food down GI tract (milk food)
4 layers of the jejunum and ileum: what does the serosa layer do?
keeps everything in place (messenteries are a serosal connection)
arteries of the duodenum arise from what?
from the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery
from the celiac trunk, what supplies the duodenum proximal to the entry of bile duct into desc part of duod?
gastroduodenal art and its branch, the sup. pancreaticoduodenal art.
what A supplies the duod distal to the entry fo teh bile duct?
the SMA through its branch, the inf. pancreaticoduodenal art.
orad (towards mouth) to the bile duct(stomach and above), the alimentary tract is supplied by what A?
the celiac trunk
aborad to the bile duct, to the left colic flexure(where trans colon meets desc colon), the alimentary tract is supplied by what A?
the SMA
orad and aborad transiton of bld supply indicates what?
indicates the embryological division of the fore- and mid-gut
-GI formed:
---tube from mouth grows down (aborad to LCF supplied by SMA)
---tube from anus grows up (after LCF supplied by IMA)
the veins of the duodenum follow the A's and drain into what?
portal vein or SMV and splenic veins
what are the 2 lymphatic vessels of the duodenum?
1. anterior lymph vessels
2. posterior lymph vessels
where do anterior lymph vessels of duod drain?
into pancreaticoduodenal and pyloric lymph nodes
where do posterior lymph vessels of duod drain?
into sup. mesenteric lymph nodes
what are the preG nn's of the duodenum?
1. vagus--PS
2. abdominosplanchnic nerves (greater and lesser)--symp preG fibers b/c go to prevertebral ganglia (celiac, inf mesenteric gang, sup mesenteric gang) which reside at branch of SMA, IMA, and celiac trunk
what are the postG symp nn's of duodenum?
the celiac and superior mesenteric plexi
how long are the jejunum and ileum?
6-7 m long
the jejunum consists of how much of the intraperitoneal section of the small intestine?
-jejunum (2/ 5th) of peritoneal sm. intestine
-upper left quadrant of the infracolic comp.
the ileum consists of how much of the intraperitoneal section of the small intestine?
-ileum (3/ 5th) of peritoneal sm. intestine
-lower right quadrant of the infracolic comp
what lies btwn the mesentery that attaches the jejunum and ileum to the post abdominal wall?
1. superior mesenteric artery (and branches)
2. lymph nodes
3. autonomic nerves (SMA plexus)
the SMA is a branch of what?
third branch of the Ab Ao (@L1)
the SMA that supplies the jejunum and ileum has numerous (15-18) branches that fan out and unite to form loops or arches called what? which give rise to straight arteries called what?
-vasa recta (caps in kidneys that absorb food into bld system of lymphatics)
the SMV that drains the jejunum and ileum unites with what? to form what?
unites with the splenic vein to form the portal vein (empties to liver)
specialized lymphatic vessels in the intestinal villi absorb fat and are called what?
-the lacteals empty into
-what? plexi drain into what?
-empty into lymphatic plexi in the wall of the sm . int.
-plexi drain into the lymphatic vessels of the mesentery
within the mesentery, the lymph passes sequentially through 3 groups of lymph nodes...what are they?
1. juxta-intestinal: close to intestinal wall
2. mesenteric: in arterial arcade
3. superior central: near SMA
what is the nn plexus that innervates the small intestine and follows the SMA?
perivascular nerve plexus
the preG sympathetic fibers in the nn's to the jejunum and ileum originate in what?
originate in T8- T10 segments of SC
what do the preG sympathetic nn's travel through? where do they synapse?
1. sym. trunks
2. thoracic abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves
-synapse on cell bodies of postG symp neurons in the celiac and sup. mesenteric (prevertebral) ganglia
the postG symp fibers innervate what? fxn?
-innervate the smooth muscle and glands
-fxn: ↓ motility; ↓ gland secretion; ↓ blood flow (vasoconstriction
**fight or flight: inc bld flow to mm, dec bld flow to gut
the PS preG fibers in nn's to jejunum and ileum derive from what? synapse at? fxn?
-posterior vagal trunks
-synapse at myenteric and submucosal plexi (mysners and auerbach plexi)
-fxn: ↑ motility (myenteric plexus); ↑ gland secretion (submucosal plexus); ↑ blood flow (vasodilation)
**PS activated after you eat, during fed state
the large intestine consists of what?
1. Cecum/ Appendix
2. Ascending colon
3. Transverse colon
4. Descending colon
5. Sigmoid colon (S shaped)
6. Rectum
7. Anal canal
what is between the ascending colon and transverse colon of the lg int?
right colic flexure
what is between the transverse colon and descending colon of the lg int?
left colic flexure
where in the large int do the epithelia transition away from columnar epithelia to statified squamous epithelia?
at the rectum and anal canal
(GI: strat squam to columnar to strat squam)
what 3 things does the lg int contain that distinguishes it from the sm int?
1. omental appendices: small fatty omental projections
2. teniae coli (3): thickened bands of smooth mm
3. haustra: sacs of the wall btwn the teniae (remnants of chyme found here)
what are the 3 teniae coli and what are they attached to?
1. mesocolic- attached to transverse and sigmoid mesocolons
2. omental- attach to omental appendices
3. free- free (no attachment)
what is the 1st part of the lg intestine?
cecum which is a blind sac
where is the cecum located?
-lower right quadrant, in iliac fossa
what jxn/sphincter is the cecum inf to? what is its role?
-inf to ileocecal junction/ sphincter (regulates passage of chyme out of small int into lg int)
what is the cecum connected to? by?
connected to the lat ab wall by cecal folds
the iliocecal junction/ sphincter/ valve is where the ileum enters the cecum at ________ angle. forms what? similar to?
at oblique angle (forms closure of psuedosphincter similar to ureters entering urinary bladder)
the iliocecal junction/ sphincter/ valve forms sup and inf what? where?
-ileocolic lips at ileal orifice
how is the iliocecal junction/ sphincter/ valve usually closed? unlikely to have what?
by tonic contraction, but unlikely to have any regulated sphincter activity
what does the iliocecal junction/ sphincter/ valve form?
forms the ileal papilla
the appendix is a blind intestinal ________.
where is the appendix in relation to the cecum?
posteriomedial aspect of the cecum
what is the appendix attached by?
attached by mesoappendix
what 2 A's supply the cecum and appendix and what are they derived from?
1. ileocolic art: terminal branch of the SMA
2. appendicular art: branch of the ileocolic art.
what vein drains the cecum and appendix?
ileocolic vein drains both
the cecum and appendix are innervated by what plexus?
superior myenteric plexus
what do the sym and parasym fibers arise from that supply cecum and appendix?
sym: lower T vertebrae
para: vagus
(afferent fibers from appendix w/ sym nerves to T10)
Ascending Colon arterial supply is from 3 branches of the SMA... what are they? where do they anastomose?
-ileocolic, right colic, and middle colic arteries
-anastomose at the marginal artery
Ascending Colon venous drainage by 3 veins....what are they? what do they all drain into?
-ileocolic, right colic, and middle colic veins
-into SMV
Ascending Colon lympahtic drainage into 5 lymph nodes...what are they?
-epicolic and paracolic lymph nodes
-ileocolic and right colic lymph nodes
-sup mesenteric lymph nodes
Ascending Colon innervation by what plexus?
superior mesenteric nerve plexus
Transverse Colon arterial supply is from branches of the SMA...what are the branches called? also supplied by what?
-middle colic arteries
(branches of the SMA)
-r and l colic art-->marginal artery
Transverse Colon venous drainage by what vein? which drains into?
-middle colonic vein
-into SMV
Transverse Colon lympahtic drainage into what 3 nodes?
-epicolic and paracolic lymph nodes
-middle colic lymph nodes
-sup mesenteric lymph nodes
Transverse Colon innervation by what plexus?
superior mesenteric nerve plexus
Descending and Sigmoid Colon arterial supply 2 branches of the IMA...what are they? division point btwn?
-left colic and sigmoid arteries
-division point btwn embryonic mid and hindgut
Descending and Sigmoid Colon venous drainage by what 3 veins? which drain into?
-left colonic, sigmoid, and recto-sigmoid vein
-into IMV to splenic vein to portal vein
Descending and Sigmoid Colon lympahtic drainage into what 3 nodes?
-paracolic lymph nodes
-left colic lymph nodes
-inf mesenteric lymph nodes
Descending and Sigmoid Colon innervation by nn's from what plexus?
nerves ascend from the inf hypogastric plexus