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186 Cards in this Set

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A glistening, taut appearance on the abdomen suggests ___
A bluish periumbilical discoloration (Cullen sign) suggests ____
intraabdominal bleeding
What can produce striae?
pregnancy, weight gain, Abdominal tumor or ascites
What color are the striae of Cushing Disease?
remain purplish
A pearl-like, enlarged umbilical node may signal _____
intraabdominal lymphoma
The presence of scarring should alert you to the possibility of _____
internal adhesions.
Contuor common in well-muscled, athletic adults
contour is characteristic of young children
rounded or convex
Why would a adult have a rounded or convex contour?
result of subcutaneous fat or poor muscle tone from inadequate exercise.
Contour of thin adults?
scaphoid or concave
inflammation, swelling, or bulges of the umbilicus may indicate
Distention from the umbilicus to the symphysis can be caused by ___, ___, ___, ___
ovarian tumor, pregnancy, uterine fibroids, or a distended bladder.
distention of the upper half, above the umbilicus, can mean ___, ___, __
carcinoma, pancreatic cyst, or gastric dilation.
Asymmetric distention or protrusion may indicate ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
hernia, tumor, cysts, bowel obstruction, or enlargement of abdominal organs.
You are with a patient whose abdomen is significantly distended and whose bowel sounds are hypoactive or even absent. There is no particular pain and you feel no masses. The reflexes are hypoactive. You know that the patient is on diuretics for treatment of hypertension. DX?
Think hypokalemia. Diuretics/distention/deficiency of K+. Steroids can do the same thing.
Protrusion of the navel indicates an
umbilical hernia.
hernia contains a bit of fat and is felt as a small, tender nodule, midline of the epigastrium
hernia of the linea alba
A nonreducible hernia in which the blood supply to the protruded contents is obstructed is _____
strangulated and requires immediate surgical intervention.
Diastasis recti is often caused by
pregnancy or obesity. The condition is of little clinical significance.
Male respiration movement
abdominal respiration
Female respiration movement
costal movement.
Limited abdominal motion associated with respiration in adult males may indicate
peritonitis or disease
rippling movement across a section of the abdomen
What does the presence of peristalsis in an adult mean
intestinal obstruction
Marked pulsation may occur as the result of _____
increased pulse pressure or abdominal aortic aneurysm.
frequency of bowel sounds?
5 to 35 per minute
Loud prolonged gurgles are called
borborygmi (stomach growling)
Increased bowel sounds may occur with ___, ___, ___
gastroenteritis, early intestinal obstruction, or hunger
High-pitched tinkling sounds suggest
intestinal fluid and air under pressure, as in early obstruction.
Decreased bowel sounds occur with ___,___
peritonitis and paralytic ileus
Describe a friction rub of the liver or spleen
high pitched and are heard in association with respiration.
What do friction rubs of the abdomen indicate
inflammation of the peritoneal surface of the organ from tumor, infection, or infarct.
Describe the sound of a venous hum
soft, low pitched, and continuous
A venous hum occurs with ____
increased collateral circulation between portal and systemic venous systems.
A distended bladder produces
dullness in the suprapubic area.
Sound over air-filled viscera
Sound of the base of the lung
Sound Over lung tissue and some times over the abdomen
Sound Over solid organs adjacent to air-filled structures
A lower liver border that is more than 2 to 3 cm (¾ to 1 inch) below the costal margin may indicate ___ due to ___
organ enlargement or downward displacement of the diaphragm because of emphysema or other pulmonary disease.
upper border of the liver usually begins at the
fifth to seventh intercostal space.
Dullness of the liver extending above the fifth intercostal space suggests
upward displacement from abdominal fluid or masses.
Vertical span of the liver is usually ?
6 to 12 cm (2½ to 4½ inches).
Errors in estimating liver span can occur when ____
the dullness of pleural effusion or lung consolidation obscures the upper liver border, leading to overestimation of size.
What can obscure the dullness of the lower liver border, leading to underestimation of liver size.
gas in the colon may produce tympany in the right upper quadrant
The usual liver span at the midsternal line is
4 to 8 cm (1½ to 3 inches). Spans exceeding 8 cm suggest liver enlargement.
small area of splenic dullness from the ____
sixth to the tenth rib
Where do you percuss for gastric air bubbles
left lower anterior rib cage and left epigastric region
Which has a lower tympany pitch, the gastric bubble vs intestine
gastric bubble
Light palpation is particularly useful in identifying ___ and ___
muscular resistance and areas of tenderness
light palpation produces sense of resistance. 2 things
large mass or distended structure
Rigidity of the abdomen is common from __
peritoneal irritation.
What are the 6 areas of cutaneous hypersensitivity on the abdomen?
Gallbladder, Left side of Stomach, Kidney, Cecum and appendix, Ovary and tube, and Ureter
How do you ID peritoneal irritation through cutaneous hypersensitivity?
Lift a fold of skin away from underlying muscle or, B, stimulate the skin with a sharp point or a broken tongue blade.
Deep palpation is necessary to thoroughly delineate ___ and ___
abdominal organs and to detect less obvious masses
Deep pressure may also evoke tenderness in the healthy person over __, ___, ___, ___
cecum, sigmoid colon, aorta, and in the midline near the xiphoid process.
soft, rounded, boggy mass in the cecum and in the ascending, descending, or sigmoid colons
presence of feces in the colon, often mistaken for an abdominal mass,
Other structures that are sometimes mistaken for masses in the abdomen
lateral borders of the rectus abdominis muscles, the uterus, aorta, sacral promontory, and common iliac artery
What is the point of the scratch test for the abdomen?
auscultation to detect the differences in sound transmission over solid and hollow organs. Place the stethoscope over the liver and with the finger of your other hand scratch the abdominal surface lightly, moving toward the liver border. When you encounter the liver, the sound you hear in the stethoscope will be intensified.
How do you detect liver tenderness if the liver is not palpable?
indirect fist percussion. Place the palmar surface of one hand over the lower right rib cage, and then strike your hand with the ulnar surface of the fist of your other hand
Where do you palpate the gallbladder?
below the liver margin at the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
palpable, tender gallbladder indicates
palpable, NONtender gallbladder indicates
common bile duct obstruction
What is Murphy sign for?
inflamed gallbladder
The percussion note over an enlarged spleen
dull because the spleen displaces bowel
The percussion note over an enlarged kidney is
resonant because the kidney is deeply situated behind the bowel.
A prominent lateral pulsation on Aorta suggests
aortic aneurysm
Direction of Aorta pulse
Absence of the abdominal reflex may indicate
pyramidal tract lesion.
protuberant abdomens or flanks that bulge in the supine position
What is the auscultatory change in a healthy person over the pelvic border?
percussion note is first dull and then changes sharply to a loud note at the pelvic border. ascites the percussion note changes above the pelvic border at the fluid level.
The sudden onset of severe epigastric pain is, of course, unsettling. If that pain is continuous, unrelieved, and radiating (often) to the groin and back, think ___
acute pancreatitis.
Dx when vomitus smells like Fetid
gastrointestinal obstruction
Dx when vomitus smells like Kerosene
hydrocarbon ingestion
Dx when vomitus smells like Violets
sometimes from turpentine
Dx when vomitus smells like Garlic
Patients with an organic cause for abdominal pain are generally
not hungry think appendicitis or intraabdominal infection.
Pain not directed to the navel but goes immediately to a fixed point
significant physical importance.
What is Apley rule?
The farther from the navel the pain, the more likely it will be organic in origin
People with organic abdominal pain keep their eyes ___ on palpation
Initially periumbilical or epigastric; colicky; later becomes localized to RLQ, often at McBurney point
Guarding, tenderness; + iliopsoas and + obturator signs, RLQ skin hyperesthesia; anorexia, nausea, or vomiting after onset of pain; low-grade fever; + Aaron, Rovsing, Markle, and McBurney signs*
Onset sudden or gradual; pain generalized or localized, dull or severe and unrelenting; guarding; pain on deep inspiration
Shallow respiration; + Blumberg, Markle, and Ballance signs; reduced or absent bowel sounds, nausea and vomiting; + obturator and iliopsoas tests
Severe, unrelenting RUQ or epigastric pain; may be referred to right subscapular area
RUQ tenderness and rigidity, + Murphy sign, palpable gallbladder, anorexia, vomiting, fever, possible jaundice
Dramatic, sudden, excruciating LUQ, epigastric, or umbilical pain; may be present in one or both flanks; may be referred to left shoulder
Epigastric tenderness, vomiting, fever, shock; + Grey Turner sign; + Cullen sign: both signs occur 2 to 3 days after onset
Pain Lower quadrant, worse on left
Nausea, vomiting, fever, suprapubic tenderness, rigid abdomen, pain on pelvic examination
Pain Lower quadrant, increases with activity
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Tender adnexa and cervix, cervical discharge, dyspareunia
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Pain Epigastric, radiating down left side of abdomen especially after eating; may be referred to back
Flatulence, borborygmus, diarrhea, dysuria, tenderness on palpation
Pain Abrupt RUQ; may be referred to shoulders
Perforated gastric or duodenal ulcer
Abdominal free air and distention with increased resonance over liver; tenderness in epigastrium or RUQ; rigid abdominal wall, rebound tenderness
Perforated gastric or duodenal ulcer
Abrupt, severe, spasmodic; referred to epigastrium, umbilicus
Intestinal obstruction
Distention, minimal rebound tenderness, vomiting, localized tenderness, visible peristalsis; bowel sounds absent (with paralytic obstruction) or hyperactive high pitched (with mechanical obstruction)
Intestinal obstruction
Pain Referred to hypogastrium and umbilicus
Distention, nausea, vomiting, guarding; sigmoid loop volvulus may be palpable
Steady throbbing midline over aneurysm; may radiate to back, flank
Leaking abdominal aneurysm
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal mass, bruit
Leaking abdominal aneurysm
Pain Episodic, severe, RUQ, or epigastrium lasting 15 min to several hours; may be referred to subscapular area, especially right
Biliary stones, colic
RUQ tenderness, soft abdominal wall, anorexia, vomiting, jaundice, subnormal temperature
Biliary stones, colic
Pain Intense; flank, extending to groin and genitals; may be episodic
Renal calculi
Fever, hematuria; + Kehr sign
Renal calculi
Pain Lower quadrant; referred to shoulder; with rupture is agonizing
Ectopic pregnancy
Hypogastric tenderness, symptoms of pregnancy, spotting, irregular menses, soft abdominal wall, mass on bimanual pelvic examination; ruptured: shock, rigid abdominal wall, distention; + Kehr, Cullen signs
Ectopic pregnancy
Pain Lower quadrant, steady, increases with cough or motion
Ruptured ovarian cyst
Vomiting, low-grade fever, anorexia, tenderness on pelvic examination
Ruptured ovarian cyst
Pain Intense; LUQ, radiating to left shoulder; may worsen with foot of bed elevated
Splenic rupture
Shock, pallor, lowered temperature
Splenic rupture
Hypogastric pain; crampy, variable, infrequent; associated with bowel function
Irritable bowel syndrome
Crampy pain after eating milk or milk products
Lactose intolerance
Localized pain Abdominal tenderness, fever
Diverticular disease
Colicky or dull and steady pain that does not progress and worsen; Fecal mass palpable, stool in rectum
Pain related to menses, intercourse; Palpable myoma(s)
Uterine fibroids
Burning gnawing pain in mid-epigastrium, worsens with recumbency; Negative physical examination
Esophagitis/gastroesophageal reflux disease
Burning or gnawing pain; May have epigastric tenderness on palpation
Peptic ulcer
Constant burning pain in epigastrium; May be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever
What can produce a Quality and Onset of Abdominal Pain: Burning
Peptic ulcer
Quality and Onset of Abdominal Pain: Cramping
Biliary colic, gastroenteritis
Quality and Onset of Abdominal Pain: Colic
Appendicitis with impacted feces; renal stone
Quality and Onset of Abdominal Pain: Aching
Appendiceal irritation
Quality and Onset of Abdominal Pain: Knifelike
Quality and Onset of Abdominal Pain: Ripping, tearing
Aortic dissection
Quality and Onset of Abdominal Pain: Gradual onset
Quality and Onset of Abdominal Pain: Sudden onset
Duodenal ulcer, acute pancreatitis, obstruction, perforation
sudden, dramatic change from mild, even vague abdominal pain that is there but not particularly distressing to a sudden onset of severe abdominal tenderness in the hypogastric area, particularly on the involved side. Rigidity and rebound may come on early or late
Ectopic Pregnancy
rigidity, a positive psoas sign, fever, or rebound tenderness are physical examination findings that increase the likelihood of
What is rebound tenderness test for?
peritoneal inflammation
What is a positive Blumberg sign?
return to position (rebound) of the structures that were compressed by your fingers causes a sharp stabbing pain at the site of peritoneal inflammation
What is Ballottement ?
palpation technique used to assess a floating mass, such as the head of a fetus
Pain or distress occurs in the area of the patient's heart or stomach on palpation of McBurney point; Appendicitis
What sign?
Aaron sign
Fixed dullness to percussion in left flank, and dullness in right flank that disappears on change of position; Peritoneal irritation
What sign?
Ballance sign
Rebound tenderness; Peritoneal irritation; appendicitis
What sign?
Blumberg sign
Ecchymosis around umbilicus; Hemoperitoneum; pancreatitis; ectopic pregnancy
What sign?
Cullen sign
Absence of bowel sounds in right lower quadrant; Intussusception
What sign?
Dance sign
Ecchymosis of flanks; Hemoperitoneum; pancreatitis
What sign?
Grey Turner sign
Abdominal pain radiating to left shoulder; Spleen rupture; renal calculi; ectopic pregnancy
What test?
Kehr sign
Patient stands with straightened knees, then raises up on toes, relaxes, and allows heels to hit floor, thus jarring body. Action will cause abdominal pain if positive; Peritoneal irritation; appendicitis
What test?
Markle (heel jar) sign
Rebound tenderness and sharp pain when RLQ is palpated; Appendicitis
What sign?
McBurney sign
Abrupt cessation of inspiration on palpation of gallbladder; Cholecystitis
What sign?
Murphy sign
Pain down the medial aspect of the thigh to the knees, Strangulated obturator hernia
What sign?
Romberg-Howship sign
Right lower quadrant pain intensified by left lower quadrant abdominal palpation; Peritoneal irritation; appendicitis
Rovsing sign
A scaphoid abdomen in infants suggests
abdominal contents are displaced into the thorax. diaphragmatic hernia In newborns
In infants, distended veins across the abdomen are an unexpected finding suggestive of ___
vascular obstruction or abdominal distention or obstruction.
Spider nevi may indicate
Liver disease
Any intestinal structure present in the umbilical cord or protruding into the umbilical area and visible through a thick transparent membrane suggests an
Once the umbilical stump has separated, serous or serosanguineous discharge may indicate
Which is ok and which is not in an infant: 1. Herniation through the rectus abdominis muscles vs 2. Diastasis rectus abdominis
1. no 2. yes
Peristaltic waves may sometimes be seen in thin, malnourished infants, but their presence usually suggests an
intestinal obstruction such as pyloric stenosis.
The bruit of stenosis has a _____; the bruit of arteriovenous fistula is _____.
The bruit of stenosis has a high frequency and is soft; the bruit of arteriovenous fistula is continuous.
In infants and young children, Any increase in spleen size may indicate ___
blood dyscrasias or septicemia.
The liver edge may be palpable at ________ in infants and toddlers
1 to 3 cm below the right costal margin
A sausage-shaped mass in the left lower quadrant may indicate
feces in the sigmoid colon associated with constipation
A midline suprapubic mass suggests
Hirschsprung disease, in which feces fill the rectosigmoid colon
A sausage-shaped mass in the left or right upper quadrant may indicate
almond-shaped mass on after the infant vomits deep palpation in the right upper quadrant immediately after the infant vomits
pyloric stenosis
Almost all other palpable masses in the abdomen of the newborn are
renal in origin
In infants and toddler, A distended bladder, felt as a firm, central dome-shaped structure in the lower abdomen, may indicate ___
urethral obstruction or central nervous system defects.
It is normal for a child to use abdominal respiration until what ages?
6-7 years old
Restricted abdominal respiration in young children can be caused by
peritoneal irritation or an acute abdomen.
In children, upper edge of the liver should be detected by percussion at the
sixth intercostal space
In children, The lower edge of the liver may be palpated either at, or
1 to 2 cm below, the right costal margin.
average duration of pregnancy
280 days, or 40 weeks.
What is the McDonald rule?
During the second and third trimesters, the McDonald rule can also be used to estimate the duration of the pregnancy from fundal height measurement. divide the height of the fundus (in centimeters) by 3.5; the resultant figure is said to equal the duration of pregnancy in lunar months.
Standard FM count criteria
10 times in 1 hour to 10 times in 12 hours
When should someone worry about FM assessment?
occurrence of three or fewer FMs in 2 hours for 2 consecutive days while the woman is at rest in left lateral position signals the need for further evaluation of fetal well-being.
Assessment of fetal position can be performed using the four steps of the
Leopold maneuvers
When do Uterine contractions begin ?
third month of gestation (Braxton Hicks contractions)
when are uterine contraction abnormal?
more than 4 to 6 uterine contractions per hour before 37 weeks of gestation requires evaluation.
Symptoms can range from dysphagia to nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and hematemesis; and can include changes in stool frequency, size, consistency, or color.
gastrointestinal cancer increases with age
The Fs of Abdominal Distention
Full bladder
False pregnancy
Fatal tumor
Congenital: Hirschsprung disease Obstruction
Stricture of colon
Topical: painful hemorrhoids or fissure
Impacted feces
Prolapse of the rectum
Anorexia and depression
Temperature high, dehydration results
Endocrine: hypothyroidism
Diet, diverticulitis, and drugs
Causes of Constipation: CONSTIPATED
Abdominal or anal ""sausage""
Blood from the rectum (red currant jelly)
Colic: babies draw up their legs
Distention, dehydration, and shock
Face pale"
Intussusception in Infants: ABCDEF
" * Involuntary rigidity of abdominal muscles
* Tenderness and guarding
* Absent bowel sounds
* Positive obturator test (p. 555)
* Positive iliopsoas test (p. 555)
* Rebound tenderness (Blumberg sign and McBurney sign; see Table 17-6)
* Abdominal pain on walking
* Positive heel jar test (Markle sign, see Table 17-6)
* Right lower quadrant pain intensified by left lower quadrant abdominal palpation (positive Rovsing sign, see Table 17-6)
Findings in Peritoneal Irritation
"Area of Pain?
Duodenal ulcer
Right Upper Quadrant
"Area of Pain?
Ovarian cyst
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Renal/ureteral stone
Strangulated hernia
Meckel diverticulitis
Regional ileitis
Perforated cecum"
Right Lower Quadrant
"Area of Pain?
Intestinal obstruction
Acute pancreatitis
Early appendicitis
Mesenteric thrombosis
Aortic aneurysm
"Area of Pain?
Ruptured spleen
Gastric ulcer
Aortic aneurysm
Perforated colon
Left Upper Quadrant
"Area of Pain?
Sigmoid diverticulitis
Ovarian cyst
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Renal/ureteral stone
Strangulated hernia
Perforated colon
Regional ileitis
Ulcerative colitis"
Left Lower Quadrant
"Landmarks for Abdominal Examination
Liver and gallbladder
Head of pancreas
Right adrenal gland
Portion of right kidney
Hepatic flexure of colon
Portions of ascending and transverse colon"
Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ)
"Landmarks for Abdominal Examination
Left lobe of liver
Body of pancreas
Left adrenal gland
Portion of left kidney
Splenic flexure of colon
Portions of transverse and descending colon"
Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ)
"Landmarks for Abdominal Examination
Lower pole of right kidney
Cecum and appendix
Portion of ascending colon
Bladder (if distended)
Ovary and salpinx
Uterus (if enlarged)
Right spermatic cord
Right ureter"
Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ)
"Landmarks for Abdominal Examination
Lower pole of left kidney
Sigmoid colon
Portion of descending colon
Bladder (if distended)
Ovary and salpinx
Uterus (if enlarged)
Left spermatic cord
Left ureter"
Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ)