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101 Cards in this Set

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Fatty infiltration of the liver can be caused by a (high / low) fat diet, a (high / low) protein diet, and yo-yo dieting.
1. high
2. low
Fatty infiltration may be either _____ (confined to one area) or _____ (spread throughout the liver)
1. focal
2. diffuse
Areas of normal tissue which are near areas of fatty infiltration are referred to as _____.
Fatty liver tissue is (bright & reflective / dark & dull) and (granular / smooth) in texture
1. bright & reflective
2. granular
A fatty liver results in (less / more) sound wave attenuation
A fatty liver may result in an (enlarged / shrunken) liver
With a fatty liver, the portal vein walls will be (obscure / prominent)
obscure (because their fatty walls no longer stand out, since there is fat in the surrounding areas as well)
Liver abscesses can be caused by ____, ____, or ______.
The most common type of liver abscess is called a ______ abscess, and is caused by ______.
"pyo" implies the presence of ____
The most common cause of pyogenic abscesses is the _____ bacterium, which travels through either the ___ ___ or the ___ ____.
e. coli
portal vein
biliary ducts
Pyogenic abscesses usually occur in the ____ lobe.
E. coli produces ___, resulting in _____ ____ and ____ _____.
echogenic foci
dirty shadowing
Pyogenic abscesses are most commonly found in (healthy / immuno-depressed) patients
Patients with pyogenic abscesses will often present with:
- (fever / no fever)
- (high / normal) WBC
- (abdominal pain / no abdominal pain)
- (anorexia / bloating)
1. fever
2. high
3. abdominal pain
4. anorexia
How often does a pyogenic abscess resolve itself?
A pyogenic abscess (may / will not) spread to neighboring organs.
A pyogenic abscess (may / will not) cause massive liver necrosis.
A pyogenic abscess (may / will never) persist for a long period of time.
A pyogenic abscess (may / will never) be caused by an infected cyst or surgical trauma.
In newborns, pyogenic abscesses are usually related to _____.
umbilical cord infections
The appearance of a pyogenic abscess (may change / will remain constant) over time
may change
Newly formed pyogenic abscesses will often appear (cystic / non-cystic), will be (encapsulated / non-encapsulated), will have (irregular / regular) walls, and (no / some) septations.
1. cystic
2. encapsulated
3. irregular
4. some
An aging pyogenic abscess will often produce ___, producing small, bright echoes, with ____ ____.
1. gas
2. dirty shadowing
(See pp 77,78)
Debris such as pus, bacteria, and dead cells in a pyogenic abscess will look like ____ inside the fluid.
1. sand
Pyogenic abscesses exhibit (decreased / increased) vascularity in the periphery, and (decreased / increased) vascularity in the center.
1 increased
2. decreased
Most pyogenic abscesses will be drained by ___, guided by ultrasound.
Fine needle aspiration (FNA)
Pyogenic abscesses will show (high / low) Resistive Index (RI).
The standard treatment for pyogenic abscesses is _______.
A complication of aspiration, as well as of other procedures involving incisions into the abdominal wall, are _____, which are a _____ of tissue, which may constrict the _____ or other organs.
GI tract
Echinococcosis is a ______ abscess, caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus _____, E. _____, or E. _____i.
E. granulosus is a _(type of parasite)_ species which produces ____cystic lesions, and is prevalent in areas where ____ are raised in association with ____, such as (multiple countries and regions)
Australia, Argentina, Chile, Africa, eastern Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand, and the Mediterranean region.
E. _______, which causes _____ _____ lesions, is found in ____ climates.
multilocular alveolar (lung)
E. vogeli causes ____ _____disease and is found only in _____.
polycystic hydatid (containing tapeworm larva)
central and south america
Parasitic cysts most commonly occur in the ____ and _____.
Germinating cystic structures are called ______ ______.
brood capsules
Echinococcal cysts generally remain _____ until their expanding size or their space-occupying effect in an involved organ elicits symptoms.
Patients with hepatic echinococcosis who are symptomatic most often present with ____ ___ or a ____ ____ in the right upper quadrant.
abdominal pain
palpable mass
Patients with hepatic echinococcosis who are symptomatic may present with ______ and/or ______, as well as increased lab values of ___ ___, due to biliary blockage resulting from the neighboring enlarged mass.
"too many tubes"
total bilirubin
Rupture or leakage from a cyst may produce ____ or _____.
pruritus (itchy skin)
Pulmonary hydatid cysts may rupture into the _______ or ______ and produce ____, _____, or _______.
bronchial tree
peritoneal cavity
chest pain
hemoptysis (the coughing up of blood)
The 4 stages of cyst formation are:
1. Simple fertile cyst
2. Daughter cyst formation
3. Cyst with detached endocyst
4. Calcified cyst
(See pp 93-96)
What are the two layers of a simple fertile cyst?
1. The endocyst (inner layer)
2. The pericyst (outer layer)
The endocyst produces ____ and ___ _____.
new larvae
The pericyst produces a _____ with multiple fine, internal echoes called ___ ____.
hydatic granules
During daughter cyst formation, a daughter cyst will be seen as ____ ____ within a large cyst.
multiple sepatations
During the stage of "Cysts with a detached endocyst", the endocyst will be seen as ____ ____ ____ within a large cyst, surrounded by fluid.
undulated (moving) membranes
During which stage do the septations separate into separate cysts?
Cysts with a detached endocyst
What is the term for endocysts when the undulated membrane has closed?
Calcified cysts
What replaces the fluid in a calcified cyst?
How does a calcified cyst appear sonographically?
The calcifications will be echogenic.
What is the key sonographic distinguishing factor between a pyogenic abscess and an ecchinoccoccal parasitic infection?
A pyogenic abscess will not contain septations or daughter cysts.

A parasitic cyst will contain septations and/or daughter cysts.
What three areas of the body are affected by flukeworm infections?
1. intestines
2. liver (spread from intestines through portal system)
3. urinary tract
Flukeworms (can / cannot) penetrate intact skin with their suckers.
Human ______ is caused by five species of this parasitic trematode.
What is the pathogenesis (manner of development) of schistosomiasis?
1. Granuloma formation
2. Liver fibrosis
3. Urinary system involvement
(Debra said be aware of this slide)
Granulomas associated with schistosomiasis are formed in the ____ ____, resulting in hepatomegaly.
liver sinusoids
Granulomas may cause portal blockage, resulting in formation of ____ ____ in the area of the ____. These are known as ______ ______.
collateral pathways
esophageal varicies
What is a fibrotic lesion?
A thickened, hyperechoic area
Liver fibrosis resulting from schistosomiasis can be seen in areas of ____ _____, and particularly in the ____ _____.
granuloma formation
portal tracts
What liver disease can occur as a result of schistosomiasis?
Granulomas may also cause _____ blockage
Urinary blockage is sonographically evident as ______ areas in the kidneys.
Granuloma formation may also cause depositions of _____ within and deterioration of the ___ ___.
bladder wall
The 3 clinically visible stages of schistosomiasis invasions are:
1. Dermatitis (swimmer's itch)
2. Katayama fever
3. Chronic schistosomiasis (symptoms are dependent upon species of schistosoma
What are the 3 symptoms of Katayama fever?
1. Fever
2. Generalized lymphadenopathy (lymph node disease)
3. Hepatosplenomegaly
(Debra said we need to know these)
Patients with schistosomal liver disease may have right-upper-quadrant _____ pain during the hepatomegaly phase, which may move from the ___ to the ___ as splenomegaly progresses.
(Debra said to know this)
________ is the most common cause of death by a parasite, worldwide.
(Debra said this was the most important takeaway from this section)
How will portal blockage by granulomas be sonographically visible?
The smaller portal veins, which are normally sonographically invisible, will become blocked, making them enlarged and sonographically visible.
(Debra said to know this)
What is the most common location of sonographic evidence of portal blockage due to schistosomiasis granulomas?
The porta hepatis
(Debra said to know this)
With schistosomiasis, the liver is initially enlarged, but once the condition becomes chronic, the liver ______, resembling ______, except without the surface nodularities.
(Debra said to know this)
Schistosomiasis typically results in portal hypertension, which is sonographically visible as enlargement of the ___ ___ ___, and ____ flow in that vein.
main portal vein
(Debra said to know this)
________, or an ____ ____, is an infection with the intestinal protozoan Entamoeba histolytica.
amebic abscess
About 90% of amebiasis infections are _____.
Amebiasis is acquired by ingestion of _____ contaminated water, food, or hands.
Amebiasis is the ____ most common cause of death from parasitic disease
Amebiasis results in liver _____ with ____ centers
An amebic abscess produces a ____ or ___ shaped lesion.
An amebic abscess will not have a prominent ____.
An amebic abscess will be (hyperechoic / hypoechoic) to the liver parenchyma.
(See P 136)
An amebic abscess will produce low-level _____.
An amebic abscess will produce distal _____ _____.
acoustic enhancement
An amebic abscess will usually occur in the ____ lobe, and often will be close to the _____.
What are the 4 typical sonographic appearances of candidiasis?
1. Wheel within a wheel - hypoechoic in the center and on the outside, hyperechoic in the middle.
2. Bulls-eye lesions: hyperechoic center, hypoechoic rim. 1-4 cm diameter. Present when WBCs return to normal levels. 1-4 cm in diameter.
(See P 144)
3. Hypoechoic (the most common type)
4. Hyperechoic (involves calcifications)
Why are contrast materials used?
They create microbubbles, which will help expose and characterize certain abnormalities
What are the two most common contrast agents used in the abdomen (in Europe and Asia, but not the US)?
1. Definity
2. Optison
(Debra said to know these)
Using a contrast material, how will a malignant mass appear differently from a benign mass?
Malignant masses tend to form their own, unique vascular supply, whereas benign masses rely on the normal supply.
Alchoholic liver disease can lead to what 3 other diseases?
1. Fatty liver
2. Alcoholic hepatitis
3. Cirrhosis
90% of binge and chronic drinkers develop ____ ____.
fatty liver
A small % of binge and chronic drinkers develop ___ ____, which is a precursor to ____.
alcoholic hepatitis
Which gender is more susceptible to alcoholic liver disease?
What are the most common causes of cirrhosis?
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Alcohol abuse
What 4 complications can occur with cirrhosis?
1. Edema / ascites
2. Infections
3. Hepatic encephalopathy (brain disease)
4. Massive bleeding from esophageal or gastrointestinal varices
(Debra said to know these)
Cirrhosis is a risk factor for developing ___ ___ ___.
Alchoholic liver disease
If no liver damage has yet occurred, cessation of drinking can result in _____ of the liver to a healthy state.
What are the early sonographically visible indicators of cirrhosis, with regard to liver size and echogenicity?
1. Hepatomegaly
2. Hyperechoic
3. Coarse texture
(See P 173)
What are the later sonographically visible indicators of cirrhosis, with regard to liver size and echogenicity?
1. Liver atrophy
2. Hypoechoic
3. Coarse texture
4. Vascular structures not well visualized
5. Irregular contour
6. Ascites
(See P 174)
A normal sized caudate lobe is ___ to ___ % the size of the right lobe
50 to 65 %
What should the normal right lobe / left lobe ratio be?
< 1.3
What measurement constitutes portal vein hypertension?
5 to 10 mm Hg greater than normal
(Debra said to know this)
Is the caudate lobe more or less subject to atrophy with cirrhosis?
It is less subject, because it has its own blood supply.