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68 Cards in this Set

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___ is the scientific study of heredity and variation
____ is the transmission of traits from one generation to the next
_____ is the inherited differences among individuals of the same species
____ are the units of heredity, and are made up of segments of DNA
Genes are passed to the next generation via reproductive cells called _______
____ are cells that function in sexual reproduction; an egg or a sperm whose union, in sexual reproduction
Each gene has a specific location called a ____ on a certain chromosome
A ______is a group of genetically identical individuals from the same parent
In __________ (sexual/asexual) reproduction, two parents give rise to offspring that have unique combinations of genes inherited from the two parents
______ is the generation-to-generation sequence of stages in the reproductive history of an organism
Life cycle
Human somatic cells have ____ pairs of chromosomes
____is any cell other than a gamete
Somatic cell
A _______ is an ordered display of the pairs of chromosomes from a cell
The two chromosomes in each pair are called ______
homologous chromosomes, or homologs
Chromosomes in _______ are the same length and shape and carry genes controlling the same inherited characters
homologous pair
Pairs of chromosomes where the members of the pairs are dissimilar and are involved in sex determination.
Sex chromosomes
The sex chromosomes of human females have ______
The sex chromosomes of human males have ______
one X and one Y chromosome
In humans, 22 pairs of chromosomes are called _____
A ___________ has two sets of chromosomes
diploid cell (2n)
Each replicated chromosome consists of two identical ______
sister chromatids
One of two halves of a replicated chromosome attached by a centromere
A gamete (sperm or egg) contains a single set of chromosomes, and is ______
haploid (n)
In an unfertilized egg (ovum), the sex chromosome is ______
In a sperm cell, the sex chromosome may be ____
either X or Y
_____is the union of gametes (the sperm and the egg)
The fertilized egg is called a ______ and has one set of chromosomes from each parent
a cell that results from the union of two gametes
The zygote produces somatic cells by _____and develops into an adult
_____are the only types of human cells produced by meiosis, rather than mitosis
______ reestablishes the diploid state in humans.
______ are the only haploid cells in animals
_______(Gametes/Somatic) cells fuse to form a _____ (haploid/diploid) zygote that divides by ______ (mitosis/meiosis) to develop into a multicellular organism
Meiosis takes place in two sets of cell divisions, called ____ and _____
meiosis I
meiosis II
The two cell divisions result in ____ daughter cells, rather than the _____ daughter cells in mitosis
Each daughter cell at the end of meiosis has only ______ as many chromosomes as the parent cell
In _________ (meiosis I/meiosis II) homologs pair up and separate, resulting in two haploid daughter cells with replicated chromosomes
Meiosis I
In _________ (meiosis I/meiosis II) sister chromatids separate
meiosis II
The sister chromatids are genetically identical and joined at the ____
______ is when homologous chromosomes loosely pair up, aligned gene by gene
the exchange of corresponding chromatid segments between homologous chromosomes.
Crossing over
During synapsos, each pair of chromosomes forms a _____, a group of four chromatids
X-shaped regions where crossing over occurred
Stage of cell division when homologous chromosomes line-up at the equator
Metaphase I of meiosis only
Microtubules from one pole are attached to the kinetochore of one chromosome of each homologous pair
Metaphase I of meiosis only
Stage of cell division when microtubules from the other pole are attached to the kinetochore of the other chromosome
Metaphase I of meiosis only
Stage of cell division when pairs of homologous chromosomes separate
Anaphase I of meiosis only
Stage of cell division when sister chromatids remain attached at the centromere and move as one unit toward the pole
Anaphase I of meiosis only
In the beginning of _____ , each half of the cell has a haploid set of chromosomes; each chromosome still consists of two sister chromatids
telophase I
During meiosis II, because of _____, the two sister chromatids of each chromosome are no longer genetically identical.
crossing over in meiosis I
At the end of meiosis, there are ____ daughter cells, each with a ____set of unreplicated chromosomes
Meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes sets from _____ to ______, producing cells that differ genetically from each other and from the parent cell
Synapsis and crossing over in _____
prophase I
At the equator in_____, there are paired homologous chromosomes (tetrads)
metaphase I
At_______, it is homologous chromosomes, instead of sister chromatids, that separate
anaphase I
Sister chromatid ______ allows sister chromatids of a single chromosome to stay together through meiosis I
Protein complexes called _____are responsible for this cohesion.
______ are the original source of genetic diversity
Reshuffling of alleles during sexual reproduction produces __________
genetic variation
What are three mechanisms contribute to genetic variation?
Independent assortment
Crossing over
Random fertilization
Homologous pairs of chromosomes orient randomly at metaphase I of meiosis this is called _______
Independent assortment
_______ contributes to genetic variation by combining DNA from two parents into a single chromosome
Crossing over
______ adds to genetic variation because any sperm can fuse with any ovum (unfertilized egg)
Random fertilization
The fusion of two gametes produces a ________
Stage of cell division when crossing-over occurs
Prophase I of meiosis only
Any chromosome other than the sex chromosomes.
Maternal and paternal copies of the same chromosome
Homologous chromosomes
Body cells are called _____
Somatic cells