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17 Cards in this Set

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Automatic Reinforcement*
Reinforcement that occurs independent of the social mediation of others (scratching an itch)
Conditioned Reinforcer*
A stimulus change that functions as a reinforcer because of prior pairing with one or more other reinforcers
Generalized Conditioned Reinforcer*
A conditioned reinforcer that as a result of having been paired with many other reinforcers does not depend on an establishing operation for any particular form of reinforcement for its effectiveness
Positive Reinforcement*
Occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by the presentation of a stimulus that increases the future frequency of the behavior in similar conditions
Positive Reinforcer*
A stimulus whose presentation or onset functions as reinforcement
Premack Principle*
A principle that states that making the opportunity to engage in a high probability behavior contingent on the occurrence of a low frequency behavior will function as reinforcement for the low frequency behavior
Unconditioned Reinforcer*
A stimulus change that increases the frequency of any behavior that immediately precedes it irrespective of the organisms learning history with the stimulus
Reinforcer Assessment
Refers to a variety of direct, empirical methods for presenting one or more stimuli contingent on a target response and measuring their effectiveness as reinforcers
Response-deprivation Hypothesis
A model for predicting whether contingent access to one behavior will function as reinforcement for engaging in another behavior based on whether access to the contingent behavior represents a restriction of the activity compared to the baseline level of engagement
Stimulus Preference Assessment
A variety of procedures used to determine the stimuli that a person prefers, the relative preference values (high vs low) of those stimuli, the conditions under which those preference values remain in effect, and their presumed value as reinforcers
Negative Reinforcement*
Occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by the removal of a stimulus that increases the future frequency of the behavior
Unconditioned Negative Reinforcer*
A stimulus that functions as a negative reinforcer as ar esult of the evolutionary development of the species- no prior learning involved
Avoidance Contingency
Contingency in which a response prevents or postpones the presentation of a stimulus
Conditioned Negative Reinforcer
A previously neutral stimulus change that functions as a negative reinforcer because of prior pairing with one or more negative reinforcers
Discriminated Avoidance
A contingency in which responding in the presence of a signal prevents the onset of a stimulus from which escape is a reinforcer
Escape Contingency
A contingency in which a response terminates(produces escape from) an ongoing stimulus
Guidelines for using reinforcement effectively
*Set an easily achieved initial criterion for reinforcement
*Use high quality reinforcers
*Use varied reinforcers
*Use a direct rather than indirect reinforcement contingency
*Combine response prompts and reinforcement
*Reinforce each occurrence of the behavior initially, then gradually thin reinforcement schedules
*Use contingent praise and attention
*Gradually increase the repines to reinforcement delay
*Gradually shift from contrived to naturally occurring