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124 Cards in this Set

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Which part is considered the foundation of a word?

Root Word

Blepharoplasty is performed on which part of the body?


Based on word parts, what is the definition of a salpingo-oophorectomy?

Surgical removal of an ovary and tube

Based on word parts, what structure does paraonychia refer to?


The prefix sub- means beneath. Based on word parts, what is the definition of subfascial?

Beneath the fascia

Based on word parts, what is the definition of a Tracheostomy?

Creation of a hole in the trachea

Leukocytosis refers to an increase in:

White blood cells

Based on word parts, what is the definition of a glossectomy?

Surgical removal of the tongue

A choledochal cyst is a cyst orginating from which structure?

Common bile duct

A cystourethroscopy is examination of what structures?

Bladder and urethra

What type of tissue is Squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma found in?

Epithelial tissue

The bronchi are found in what body cavity

Thoracic Cavity

Which type of membrane is found lining the interior walls of the digestive system?

Mucous Membrane

Which layer of the epidermis is normally found on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet?

Stratum Lucidum

A procedure requiring the physician to cut down to the superficial fascia is documented as cutting down into the?


What type of fracture is an incomplete fracture commonly found in children?

Greenstick fracture

What belongs to the appendicular skeleton?

Shoulder girdle Pelvic girdle Extremities

What belongs to the axial skeleton?

Skull Hyoid and cervical spine (neck) Ribs Sternum Vertebrae Sacrum

What is an example of a long bone?


What type of joint is most common in the human body


What is the root word meaning joint?


The heart receives de-oxygenated blood in the right atrium via which vessel?

Inferior and Superior Vena Cava

The heart circulates blood through the lungs and is sent back into the left atrium of the heart via which vessels?

Left and right pulmonary veins

What is the term for inflammation of the heart and vessels?


What is the inner layer of the heart?


What is cyanosis caused by?

Oxygen defiency

How does the lymphatic system work to ensure lymph fluid travels one way to the heart?

With a system of one-way valves

What type of cell is housed by the lymphatic system to help the body's defense system?


What procedure is performed when the spleen is removed?


The lymphatic ducts empty their contents into what structure?

Subclavian veins

What is the medical term for inflammation of lymphatic vessels due to bacterial infection?


Subcarinal means beneath the carina. Where is the carina located?

At the bifurcation of the trachea into two bronchi

Which structure is responsible for moistening, warming, and filtering inspired air?


What is a thoracotomy?

Incision into the chest wall

Where is gas exchanged and moved from the respiratory system into the circulatory system?

Alveoli and capillaries

Which suffix means breathing?


What is the term for the first portion of the small intestine?


Where is bile produced?


Which part of the large intestine is between the hepatic flexure and the splenic flexure?

Transverse colon

Which medical term refers to the cheek?


Food moves through the digestive tract by what means?


Which anatomical structure in the urinary system differs in position and length between male and female, but serves the same function with regards to urine, and is often treated the same?


What is the primary function of the urinary system?

Excretion of metabolic wastes, and fluid and electrolyte balance

Which structure is an internal organ of the male genital system?

Cowper's gland

What is the medical term for congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis?


Where are the Bartholin's glands found?

Either side of the introitus in the female

The brain and spinal cord are part of which system?

Central Nervous System

Which layer is the middle layer of the eyeball?


What prevents the eyeball from collapsing?

Vitreous humor

Which Structure of the ear is considered the inner ear?


What term is used for pus draining from the ear?


Which gland secretes thyroid hormone and calcitonin?

Thyroid Gland

What glands are part of the endocrine system?

Adrenal Glands Carotid Body (not a true endocrine structure) Parathyroid Gland Pituitary Gland Thymus Gland Thyroid Gland

Which gland is larger in early life than in puberty?

Thymus gland

Which gland is also known as the hypophysis cerebri?

Pituitary gland

Which gland has two separate structures called the medulla and the cortex?

Adrenal glands

Anemia and polycythemia are disorders related to which blood cell?


Which leukocyte protects the body from viral infections?


Which leukocyte is the body's second line of defense against infections?


Which leukocyte does the body use to protect against allergic reactions and parasites?


What is the disease of excessive mononuclear leukocytes in the blood?


Where are the basal ganglia located?

Cerebral Cortex

The posterior vaginal fornix and outer cervical os were prepped with a cleansing solution. In this statement, what does "os" stand for?

Ostium (opening)

Hysterosalpingogram report: "Right cornual contour abnormality". What is the cornua referred to?

The entry point of the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity.

Surgical Procedure: Myringotomy. What anatomic location is being operated on?

Ear (tympanic membrane)

Documentation: There was no cleft of the uvula or sub mucosal palate by visual and palpable exam. What is being examined?

Oral Cavity

Documention: Recession of left inferior rectus muscle, 5mm. What anatomic location is being operated on?


Diagnosis: Kyphosis What anatomic location does this diagnosis refer to?

Spinal column (thoracic region of the spine)

Documentation: Suprapatellar recess showed no evidence of loose bodies or joint pathology. What anatomic location does this refer to?

Above the Patella of the knee

Colles' Fracture. What anatomic location does this refer to?


Vesicoureteral reflux

urine backflow from bladder into ureters

Hysterosalpingogram report: "right cornual contour abnormality" What is the cornua referrred to?

Where the fallopian tubes connect to the fundus

There was no cleft of the uvula or sub mucosal palate by visual and palpable exam. What is being examined?

Oral Cavity

Recession of left inferior rectus muscle, 5mm. What anatomic location if being operated on?


Kyphosis: What anatomic location does this diagnosis refer to?

Thoracic spine

Where if bile produced?


Where is the Bartholin's Glands found?

Either side of the introitus in the female

What leukocyte is the body's second line of defense against infections?


What medical term refers to the cheek?


A procedure requiring the physician to cut down to the superficial fascia is documented as cutting down into the?


Cyanosis is caused by?

Oxygen deficiency

What types of tissue are carcinomas found in?

Epithelial tissue

Example of a long bone?


What is the medical term for a congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis?


What is Bowman's capsule?

Cuplike edges of the renal pelvis

What is the great toe called?


What part of the brain controls blood pressure, heart rate, and respirations?


What is a description that best describes the constituent components of the human lymphatic system?

lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, spleen, thoracic duct

Upon leaving the stomach, nutrients move through the small intestine in what order?

Duodenum, jejunum, ileum

A myocardial infarction is?

Lack of oxygen to the heart tissue, resulting in tissue death.

Upon leaving the last portion of the small intestine, nutrients move through the large intestine in what order?

Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum

What is the function of the alveoli in the lungs?

Oxygen exchange

Through which vessel is oxygenated blood returned to the heart from the lungs?

Pulmonary artery

An abdominal aortic aneurysm is significant because?

It is a weakness in a large artery & rupture can be deadly

the meaning of the root "blephar/o" is?


Removal of waste products from the blood is?


Destruction of lesions of the vulva can be done with "cryosurgery". This method uses?

Extreme cold

a patient is diagnosis with inflammation of the testis and epididymis. the medical term for this condition is?


Restriction of blood supply, commonly due to factors in the blood vessel, that can result in damage or dysfuntion of tissue is know as?


Arthritis is an inflammation of what?


Sialography is an X-ray of?

Salivary Glands

The term for a shaking or involuntary movement is?


The dome-shaped muscle under the lungs flattening during inspiration is the?


The root word for mouth is?


A surgical procedure creating an opening into the jejunum is defined as a?


The term for pain in the ear is?


Which respiratory structure is comprised of cartilage and ligaments?


Lacimal Glands are responsible for?

the production of tears

A description of psoriasis is?

A chronic condition characterized by red, dry, elevated lesions, covered by silvery scales

An ectopic pregnancy is a complication in which the fertilized ovum is implanted in any tissue other than the ___________

Uterine wall

Which cells produce hormones to regulate blood sugar?

Pancreatic Islets

muscle is attached to bone by what method?

Tendons, aponeurosis and directly to bone

Urine is transported from the kidneys to the urinary bladder by what structure?


The Corpus Luteum secretes progesterone. What is an effect of this secretion?

Thickens the endometrium for implantation and is necessary to sustain pregnancy

A patient diagnosed with glaucoma has?

Abnormally high intraocular pressure

A deficiency of cells in the blood is defined as?


Dacryocystectomy descipes?

Excision of the lacrimal sac

What condition results from failure of the testis to descend into the scrotum?


Intrathecal injection is administered into the?

Subarachnoid space

What is a Rinne test?

test measuring hearing using bone conduction and air conduction

The radiology term "fluoroscopy" is described as?

an x-ray procedure allowing the visulization of internal organs in motion

Bone marrow harvesting is a procedure to obtain bone marrow from a donor. Bone marrow collected from a close relative is?


The meaning of heteropsia (or anisometropia) is?

unequal vision in the two eyes

Splenorrhaphy is described as?

suture of a ruptured spleen