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100 Cards in this Set

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Many veteran EMS providers have embraced a leadership role in primary injury prevention after?
witnessing too many episodes of needless suffering
What is the target heart rate for a 35 yo man with a resting heart rate of 75 bpm?
152 beats/min
You have been attempting resuscitation of a middle-aged woman for approximately 15 minutes; however, she has not responded to any of your treatment. There is no evidence of hypothermia or drug ingestion, and the cardiac monitor shows asystole. You should?
consider terminating your resuscitative efforts
With regard to injury prevention, effective educational techniques include all of the following EXCEPT?
Which of the following statements regarding ethics in the workplace is MOST correct?
off-duty misconduct on the part of the paramedic may lessen the public's confidence of EMS in general
You arrive at the scene of an injured person. As you and your partner approach the patient, you see that he is bleeding profusely from a large laceration to his neck. As you are about to begin care, a man walks up and states, "I cut him!" You should?
retreat from the scene to a safe area and immediately notify law enforcement
A person wishes to be an organ donor. He or she must?
have witnessed informed consent, usually in writing
A do not resuscitate (DNR) order is MOST accurately defined as a?
written order designed to tell health care providers when resuscitation is or is not appropriate
When returning your unit to service following a call, the responsibility of ensuring that the unit is restocked and ready for another call rests with?
everyone on the EMS team
What instructions or guidance would an emergency medical dispatcher (EMD) MOST likely provide to a caller?
controlling bleeding and performing CPR
Although the technicalities of EMS DNR orders vary from state to state, the all?
are designed to tell EMS providers when resuscitation is or is not appropriate
The BEST example the paramedic can set with regard to injury prevention is?
taking care of himself or herself and serving as a role model for others
During the attempted resuscitation of a 79 yo man in cardiac arrest, a young man arrives at the scene and asks you to cease resuscitative efforts. He further tells you that the pt has entrusted him to make all of his medical decisions. You should?
continue full resuscitative efforts and ask the man if the pt has a living will and if he has documentation naming him as the person authorized to make decisions
People who call 911 at the moment of a loved one's death MOST often needed?
information and support
A critical incident is MOST accurately defined as?
an incident that overwhelms the ability of an EMS worker or system to cope with the experience, either at the scene or later
EMS providers can be MOST effective in helping reduce the incidence of suicide, domestic violence, and child abuse by?
noting risk factors at the scene and reporting data
If an EMS agency's call volume is too heavy to allow response within an appropriate time frame?
mutual aid resources are not legally required to assist
Regardless of a paramedic's circadian rhythms, he or she should?
not overlook the need for rest
Burnout is a consequence of?
chronic, unrelieved stress
Which of the following is an example of a protocol?
standing orders
According to the Haddon matrix, which of the following is an example of a pre-event strategy used to prevent injury in a child who is riding in a motor vehicle?
reducing driving during high-risk times
The EMS network begins?
with citizen involvement
The MOST effective injury prevention program is one that is?
broad and ongoing
A pt has requested to be transported to a specific hospital; however, the hospital does not have the proper resources to meet the patient's needs. You should?
determine if there is a more appropriate medical facility within a reasonable distance
Which of the following is NOT a critical point addressed by the "White Paper" written in 1966, that was entitled "Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society"?
ensuring that paramedics responded to every call
Patient autonomy is MOST accurately defined as the?
patient's right to direct his or her own care and to decide how end-of-life care should be provided
If a paramedic is self-motivated, he or she should NOT?
require maximum supervision at work
To be credible, an injury prevention intervention?
should have quantitatively measured results
The effort to rehabilitate a person who has survived an injury is called?
tertiary injury prevention
Which of the following statements regarding protocols is MOST correct?
protocols are usually developed in conjunction with national standards
Which of the following situations would be LEAST likely to require a critical incident stress debriefing (CISD)?
death of a 91 yo pt with lung CA
The MOST effective way to deal with stress is to?
identify the stress triggers and take action to minimize their effects
When caring for any pt, it is important to remember that?
your moral standards may conflict with the pts best interests
For the EMS provider, the process of collecting and analyzing data regarding injury prevention begins with?
completing a legible PCR
When wearing gloves while taking care of a pt, you should?
take them off before you drive the ambulance to the hospital
You arrive at the scene of a major motor vehicle crash. The pt, a 29 yo man, is in cardiac arrest from a severe head injury and has been receiving bystander CPR for approximately 10 min. A law enforcement official advises you that the pt's driver's license identifies him as an organ donor. You should?
begin full resuscitative efforts and transport the patient to a trauma center because certain tissues may be viable for harvesting
If you have a bad cold, it is MOST appropriate to?
refrain from pt care
A paramedic is considered a health care professional, and as such should?
meet societal expectations whether he or she is on or off duty
The husband of a terminally ill woman called 911 because he thinks that his wife is about to die. The pt has a valid living will and an out-of-hospital DNR order. You should?
treat the husband and his wife with respect and provide emotional support
When a pt minimizes his or her symptoms by stating, "I'm fine," the paramedic should?
find a reliable informant among the pt's family or friends
While caring for an 80 yo man with a possible fractured arm, you discover other injury patterns that are suggestive of abuse. The patient is conscious and alert. You should?
splint the pt's arm, transport him to the hospital, and report your suspicions to the emergency dept physician
You are caring for a 66 yo man with terminal CA. He is conscious and alert without evidence of mental incapacitation. You offer him O2, but he refuses to accept it, stating "Just let me die with dignity!" You should?
respect the pt's wishes and ask him if he wants to be transported to the hospital
Your unit is the first to arrive at the scene of a traffic accident. Numerous bystanders are surrounding the wrecked vehicle. The driver appears to be unconscious. You should?
assess the scene carefully and notify other responding units of any hazards that may be present
Which of the following is NOT a reason why EMS providers are in the ideal position to serve as advocates for injury prevention?
most EMS systems require their personnel to participate actively in injury prevention programs
Implied consent is based on the premise that a pt?
would consent to care because of the seriousness of his or her injury
The leading cause of death in the US is?
heart disease
Part of your therapeutic role as a paramedic includes?
maintaining a calm and confident attitude
Children are at higher risk for serious injury than adults because of?
a proportionately larger head
An effective injury prevention program should focus on all of the following data, EXCEPT?
current EMS call volumes
The attribution of one's own behavior or feelings to others is called?
Proximate cause is MOST accurately defined as?
a link between the paramedic's improper action and the pt's injury
Which of the following statements regarding documentation is MOST correct?
a thorough and accurate medical record is the paramedic's best protection in court
Which of the following was NOT a required component identified by the Emergency Medical Services System Act of 1973?
national EMS certification
If a pt makes a decision regarding his or her own health care and the paramedic does not agree with that decision, the paramedic should?
respect the pt's wishes, assuming he or she has decision-making capacity
If a physician insists that you perform an intervention that you are not properly trained to perform, it would be MOST appropriate to?
ask the physician if he or she can suggest another alternative
When caring for a confused elderly patient, it is MOST important for the paramedic to?
explain what he or she is doing at all times
The paramedic's #1 priority is to?
be prepared to respond to and treat injuries that inevitable will occur
If a mortally injured patient's wishes regarding organ donation are not know?
consent must be obtained from a family member
The surrogate decision maker?
is legally obligated to make decisions as the patient would want
Which of the following scenarios reflects a violation of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)?
a hospital transfers an unstable patient to another facility
A paramedic's actions are considered to be grossly negligent if he or she?
willfully or wantonly deviates from the standard of care
Which of the following statements regarding the initiation of resuscitative efforts on an infant with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is MOST correct?
initiating resuscitative efforts on the infant may not be ethically appropriate and may cause the family additional suffering
When a dying person enters the acceptance stage?
it is often the family that is in need of the most help
Which of the following is NOT a typical question to answer when evaluating and interpreting research?
will the research study be published in a notable journal?
Patterns of living that you develop in your youth?
are hard to modify in later life
If the receiving facility does not have adequate resources to take care of your patient, you should next determine whether?
there is an appropriate facility within a reasonable distance
While attempting to resuscitate a middle-aged woman in cardiac arrest, you perform effective CPR, but do not evaluate the pt's cardiac rhythm until 10 min into the resuscitation attempt. When the cardiac monitor is finally applied, the pt is in asystole. The pt is transported, but is pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. Which of the following statements regarding this scenario is MOST correct?
the delay in evaluating the pt's cardiac rhythm constitutes a breach of duty and could be proven to be the proximate cause of her death
The leading cause of death from injury is?
unintentional MVC's
A discipline within ethics that discusses and debates the health care of human beings is called?
From an injury prevention standpoint, the term "intervention" is defined as?
specific prevention measures or activites designed to increase positive health and safety outcomes
If a pt experiences prolonged hypotension or requires prolonged CPR, his or her ___ would be inappropriate for organ or tissue donation.
Patients with decision-making capacity?
have the right to refuse all or part of the emergency medical care offered to them
EMS protocol development, training methodologies, and equipment use decisions are based mainly on?
The first EMT textbook, Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, was published in 1971 by the?
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
When an ambulance collides with a citizen's vehicle at an intersection?
the driver of the ambulance may be charged criminally
Which of the following is the BEST example of a teachable moment?
advising the unrestrained passenger with minor injuries following a MVC that she easily could have been killed
When educating citizens who live in an area where EMS response times will be lengthy, the MOST important skill to teach them is?
rescue breathing and chest compressions
Which of the following general statements regarding injuries and injury prevention is MOST correct?
EMS has the greatest impact in preventing unintentional injuries
Stimulation of the nervous system during the fight-or-flight response causes?
increased perspiration
A hospital that is in violation of EMTALA?
could forfeit all of its Medicare funding
The MAIN benefit to online medical control is that it?
provides an immediate and specific patient care resource
Research that is based on a group of individuals over an outlined time frame is called ___ research.
The first rule of medical practice is to?
do no harm
A pt's wife called 911 because the pt was complaining of a severe headache and nausea. The pt is conscious and alert, but obviously upset that his wife called 911 without consulting him first. As you pull out the BP cuff, the pt folds his arms and turns away from you. From this pt's actions, you should conclude that?
you do not have consent to treat him
Which of the following scenarios MOST accurately depicts abandonment?
a pt with a possible fracture of the radius wishes to go to the hospital, but does not have transportation, so you arrange for a friend to take him to the emergency department the next day
Being empathetic towards a pt means that you?
acknowledge the pt's feelings
The kind of stress that motivates an individual to achieve is called?
If, when responding to a call for a pt in cardiac arrest, you run every stop sign and drive with unnecessary speed?
you are not a credible advocate for injury prevention
Body substance isolation (BSI) differs from universal precautions in that BSI?
is designed to approach all body fluids as being potentially infectious
The wrongful act that gives rise to a civil suid is called?
Prior to transporting a 66 yo woman with CP to the hospital, she expresses the need to retrieve her bible and say a prayer. You should?
leave the room if your religious beliefs are not consistent with hers
You arrive at the scene of a shooting. The pt, a 19 yo man, has a GSW to the side of his head with a large amount of exposed brain mater. Further assessment reveals that the pt is apneic and pulseless. Law enforcement personnel advise you that the person who shot the patient is in their custody. You should?
avoid unnecessary contact with the pt and document the finding of your visual assessment of the pt and scene
When a person experiences an injury and seeks redress for that injury?
the judicial process must determine who is responsible
Which of the following would MOST likely encourage manufacturers to remove dangerous products from the market or make them safer?
product liability litigation
Which of the following patients is NOT an emancipated minor?
17 yo woman who goes to college and lives with her parents
If a paramedic is on duty receives a 911 call in his or her jurisdiction?
he or she is not covered by the Good Samaritan law
While en route to a call for an emotionally distrubed patient, law enforcement notifies you by radio that the pt has become extremely violent. You should?
wait for law enforcement to advise you that they have the pt under control
Common actions performed by the dispatcher after receiving an emergency call include all of the following, EXCEPT?
determining if an ambulance should be dispatched
You should prioritize the needs of your patient based on the?
injury or illness that requires the most urgent treatment
While caring for a woman with acute SOB, your partner, a dedicated paramedic for many years, tells the pt that she should have driven herself to the hospital instead of calling EMS. Your partner's behavior is MOST consistent with?
impending burnout