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552 Cards in this Set

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Metric Abbreviations: Mega, Kilo, Hecto, Deka, Deci, Centi, Milli, Nano
Mega=M; Kilo=k; Hecto=h; Deka =da; Deci =d; Centi =c; Milli=m; Nano=n
Conversion Factor
A fraction which expresses an equality between two units of measurement and can be used to convert from one to the other (ex. 1kg/1000g)
Use conversion factors to solve: 1) How many kilograms in 2000 g? 2) How many feet in 60"?
1) (2000g)(1kg/1000g) = 2kg; 2) (60")(1'/12") = 5 ft
Significant digits
Digits which are measured. All non-zero digits are significant. Zeros are significant unless they are placeholders
Scientific notation
A number expressed as Ax10B. "A" is between 1.00 and 9.99 and "B" is an integer.
Write conversion forumlas: 1) Celsius to Fahrenheit; 2) Celsius to Kelvin
1) ˚f = (1.8 x ˚celsius) + 32; 2) Kelvin = ˚celsius +273
The ability to do work; it is released or absorbed during chemical reactions in the form of heat, light, electricity. (calorie, Joule: 1cal = 4.18J)
A substance that occupies space has mass.
Compare Weight vs. Mass
Mass is the amount of matter. Weight measures gravitational force. Mass never varies. Weight can vary.
Compare potential energy and kinetic energy
Potential energy is energy due to position. KE is energy of motion.
Explain how to convert a number greater than 1 to scientific notation
Move decimal point to left until only 1 digit remains to left. Indicate number of moves as a positive exponent of 10. 3301 = 3.301x10^3
Explain how to convert a number less than 1 to scientific notation
Move decimal point to right until only 1 digit remains to left. Indicate number of moves as a negative exponent of 10. (0.00356 = 3.56 x 10-3
Explain the rules for multiplying the numbers in scientific notation
Multiply the first numbers and add the exponents. (3x10^5)(2x10^3)= 6x10^8
Explain the rules for dividing the numbers in scientific notation
Divide the first numbers and subtract the exponents. (8x10^6)/(2x10^10) = 4x10^-4
Physical properties
Properties which can be observed without changing the substance into something different. Color, odor, hardness, density, luster, state, conductivity, solubility, boiling and melting points
Chemical properties
A chemical property is observed when a substance changes into a new substance. Iron forms rust in air & water; gasoline burns in oxygen
Physical change
Substance changes form or state only. Boiling, melting, freezing, dissolving, grinding, cutting
Chemical change
Where new substances are formed with new chemical and physical properties. Oxygen & hydrogen form water; sodium & chlorine form sale (sodium chloride)
Density: Write the general equation and three standard units
The mass of a unit volume of a substance. Density = mass/volume = g/mL; g/L; kg/L
Element. List some examples
A substance is composed of identical atoms. Gold, silver, oxygen, hydrogen, lead, chlorine, helium, iron, copper, fluorine, arsenic
Compound. List some examples
substance composed of two or more elements chemically combined. Water - H2O; Salt - NaCl; Sugar - C6H12O6; Ammonia - NH3
Mixture. List some examples.
A combination of substances held together by physical means (dirt, milk, soup, saltwater, granite)
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixtures. Provide examples.
Homogeneous mixtures are uniform in composition (air, metal alloy, salt water). Heterogeneous mixtures are not uniform in composition (dirt, spaghetti sauce)
Three postulates of Dalton's Atomic Theory
1) An element is composed of identical atoms; 2) Atoms of different elements have different properties; 3) Compounds are atoms of 2 or more elements chemically combined
The Law of Conservation of Mass
During a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed
The Law of Constant Composition
A compound always contains the same elements combined in the same proportions by mass (H2O) is 88% oxygen no matter where it is found)
Law of Multiple Proportions
The same elements may combine to form more than one compound. The ratios of atoms are in small whole numbers (H2O and H2O2)
Atomic Mass Unit
the mass of a proton or neutron is equal to 1 atomic mass unit. Symbol - "amu"; 1 amu=1.66x10^-24
Atomic Number: What are the atomic numbers of helium, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen?
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element. Helium-2; carbon-6; hydrogen-1; oxygen-8
Mass number
The sum of protons plus neutrons n the nucleus of an atom
Atoms which contain the same numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons (ex. Hydrogen has 3 isotopes with mass numbers of 1,2,3)
A group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds
Ion (provide examples)
An atom or group of atoms which contains a positive or negative electrical charge (ex. Na+; Cl-; SO4^2-)
Cation and Anion (provide examples)
cation - positively charged ion (Na+; Fe+2; NH4+; Ag+); anion - negatively charged ion (Cl-; SO4-2; OH-; P-3)
Valence electroncs
The electrons found in the outermost energy level of an atom
Oxidation number
A number (positive or negative) representing the charge on an ion or atom involved in a chemical bond
Three general rules for determining oxidation numbers
1) Atoms of uncombined elements equal 0; 2) Hydrogen = +1 (in metallic hydrides =-1); 3) Oxygen = -2 (in peroxides =-1); (bonded with fluorine =+2)
Empirical Formula. What are the molecular and empirical formulas of peroxide?
An expression which gives the relative numbers of atoms of the elements in a molecule. Expressed as the lowest possible set of integers (H2O2, HO)
Molecular Formula. What is the molecular formula for ammonia?
An expression stating the number and kind of each atom present in a molecule of a substance (NH3 has 1 nitrogen atome and 3 hydrogen atoms in each molecule)
Positive Ion: which elements tend to form them?
Metals tend to form positive ions by losing electrons (Na → Na+ e-)
Negative Ion: which elements tend to form them?
Non-metals form negative ions by gaining electrons (Cl +e- →Cl-)
Write oxidation numbers for ions of: Group IA & IIA; Group VIA & VIIA
IA→+1; IIA→+2; VIA→-2; VIIA→-1
Write formula for compounds of: 1) Sodium & Sulfate; 2) Magnesium & Nitrite; 3) Aluminum & Phosphate
1) Na2SO4; 2) Mg(NO2)2; 3) AlPO4
Names of the ionic compounds: 1) FeCL3; 2) FeO; 3) Cu(OH); 3) Cu3PO4
1) iron (III) chloride; 2) iron (II) oxide; 3) copper (II) hydroxide; 4) copper (I) phosphate
10 prefixes used to name covalent compounds
Mono=1; Di=2; Tri=3; Tetra=4; Penta=5; Hexa=6; Hepta=7; Octa=8; Nona=9; Deca=10
Forumlas and names of acids formed from: 1) F; 2) Cl; 3) Br; 4) I
1) HF - hydrofluoric acid; 2) HCl - hydrochloric acid; 3) HBr - hydrobromic acid; 4) HI - hydriodic acid
Names of acids: 1)H2SO4; 2) HNO2; 3) H3PO4; 4)HClO
1) sulfuric acid; 2) nitrous acid; 3) phosphoric acid; 4) hypochlorous acid
Write the equation for Percent Composition. What is the percent composition of Ca in CA(OH)2?
%=(me/FW)(100%); %= percent composition of the element; me=mass of element in one formula unit; FW = formula weight; (40/74)(100%) = 54% Ca in Ca(OH)2
Atomic Mass
A weighted average mass of the atoms of an element (assuming the carbon-12 isotope is exactly 12) (ex. Atomic mass of C=35.45 is calculated from two isotopes. Cl-35 and Cl-36)
Write the equation to calculate the atomic mass of an element
Atomic mass of X = ((mx1)(%x1)/100%) + ((mx1)(%x1)/100%)) + etc.; mx1, mx2, mxN = atomic masses of each isotope of element; %x1, %x2, %xN = percent composition of each isotope
Molecular Mass
Found by adding all the atomic masses of an element. Ex. H2O. Molecular mass = 18; H2 = 2(1) O = 16
Avogadro's Number
The number of atoms or formula units in "x" grams of an element or molecule where "x" is the atomic or molecular mass. (Always equal to 6.02 x 10^23)
6.02x10^23 items, can be anything. The number of atoms in one mole (atomic mass in grams) of a monoatomic element. The number of formula units in one mole (formula mass in grams) of an ionic compound. The number of molecules in one mole (formula mass in grams) of a molecular substance)
For any substance, write a general formula to convert from Moles to Grams
g=(n)(MM) where, n = moles MM = molecular mass g = grams
For any substance, write a general formula to convert from Grams to Moles
n = g/MM; n = moles; MM = molecular mass; g = grams
For any substance, write a general formula to convert from Moles to Number of Particles
(n)(6.02x10^23) = P; n = number of moles; P = number of particles
For any substance, write a general formula to convert from Number of Particles to Moles
n = P/6.02x1023; n = number of moles; P = number of particles
Reactants; Products
1) The starting materials in a chemical reaction; 2) The substances formed in a chemical reaction
Balance Equations: H2 + N2 ↔ NH3; NaCL + Br2 ↔ NaBr + Cl2
1) 3H2 + N2 ↔2NH3; 2) 2NaCl + Br2 ↔2NaBr + Cl2
Diatomic; list 7 diatomic elements found in nature
A molecule composed of two atoms. H2, N2, O2, Cl2, F2, Br2, F2, I2
Synthesis or combination
A reaction where 2 or more elements form a compound; N2 + 3H2 ↔2NH3; 2H2 + O2 ↔ 2H2O
A reaction where a compound breaks down into elements; CO2 ↔ C + O2; 2CaO ↔2Ca + O2
Single Replacement
A reaction involving the replacement ina compound of an element by another element. Zn + CuCl2 ↔ Cu + ZnCl2
Double replacement
A reaction where two ionic substances "trade" anions; NaCl + AgNO3 ↔ NaNO3 + AgCl
A horizontal row of elements in the periodic table. All have the same number of shells of e-. Across the period, the elements' properties change.
Column or Family
A verticle group of elements on the periodic table in the same column. They have similar properties and the same number of valence electrons.
Metalloid. List 5 examples.
An element with the properties of both metals and non-metals. Ex. Si, As, Ge, Sb, Te
Metals. List 6 characteristics
Solid (except Hg); malleable & ductile; conduct heat & electricity; shiny reflective & lustrous; lose e- to form cations; good reducing agents
Non-metals. List 7 characteristics
1/2 are gases; solids are brittle; poor conductors of heat and electricity; dull & non-reflective; gain e- to form anions; good oxidizing agents
Transition element
A metal having two incomplete shells of electrons; many have multiple oxidation states; less active than family IA & IIA. Ex., Fe, Ag, Au, Cr, W
Describe the change in atomic radius across the periodic table
The atomic radius tends to decrease from left to right across the table and increase down the columns
Ionization energy
The energy change required for the removal of the outermost electron from the gaseous atom to form a +1 ion
Describe the change in Ionization Energy across the periodic table
Ionization energy tends to increase from left to right across the table and decrease down the columns
The ability of an atom to attract to itself the e- in a covalent bond. Values range from 0.7 (Cs) to 4.0 (F)
Describe the change in electronegativity across the periodic table
Electronegativity tends to increase across the table left to right and decrease down the columns
Describe the change in metallic activity across the periodic table
Metallic activity decreases across the table (left to right) and increases down the columns
Describe the change in nonmetallic activity across the periodic table
Non-metallic activity increases across the table (L to R) and decreases down the columns
Compare the ionic radii of 1) Cl, S, P; 2) Na, Mg, Al; What is the reason for their different size?
1) Cl-1 is smallest; P-3 is largest (the P atom gained the most e-); 2) Na+1 is largest Al+3 is smallest (the Al atom lost the most e-)
A packet of energy associated with a specific wavelength of electromagnetic radiation
Quantum Number
A number used to describe the energy levels available to an electron. Each electron in an atom has a unique set of four.
Emission Spectrum
A bright line spectrum formed when energy absorbed by an element is emitted at specific wavelengths. Each element has a unique spectrum.
Absorption Spectrum
A dark-line spectrum formed when white light is passed through a vaporized element and a few specific wavelengths are absorbed.
List three basic postulates of the bohr model for the hydrogen atom
1) e- are present only in specific energy states; 2) a quantum of energy is absorbed or emitted to change energy levels; 3) a quantum is the smallest amount of energy that can be gained or lost
Ground State
Electron is at its lowest energy level as close to the nucleus as possible
Excited State
An electron absorbs energy and moves to a higher energy level above the ground state
List four quantum numbers and their symbols
1) Principal energy level "n"; 2) sublevel "l"; 3) orbital "m1"; 4) spin "ms"
List the names of the first four energy levels (or shells)
1 or K; 2 or L; 3 or M; 4 or N
List the names of the four sublevels and their electron capacities
sublevel s holds two electrons; p holds 6; d holds 10; f holds 14
Which sublevels are present in energy levels 1, 2, 3, and 4-7?
1: s; 2: s, p; 3: s, p, d; 4-7: s, p, d, f
Describe the shapes of the orbitals: 1) s; 2) p; 3) d; 4) f
1) s- sphere; 2) p - dumbbell shape with 2 lobes; 3) d - double dumbbell; most have 4 lobes; 4) f - most have 8 lobes
What is the order for filling sublevels (aufbau process) from lowest to highest energy
1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d
Electron configuration
The distribution of electrons into shells and sublevels for an atom of an element. Each element has a unique electron configuration.
Write the electron configuration for 1) Lithium; 2) Iron
1) 1s2, 2s1; 2) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d6
The number of electrons in the atom's highest numbered shell.
What are the valences of the elements of families IA through VIIIA?
The valences of elements in groups IA - VIIIA are the element's column number. For example, the valence of Na is 1; O is 6
Electronegativity difference
A number found by taking the difference between the electronegativities of two atoms in a bond. Its value determines the type of bond.
Describe an ionic bond in terms of electronegativity difference
When the EN values differ by 1.7 or more. The atom with higher EN borrows the electrons from the atom with lower EN. The resulting positive and negative ions attract.
Nonpolar covalent bond
when the EN difference is very small (less than 0.5). Two bonded atoms share the valence e-. The resulting molecule has no electrostatic charge.
Polar covalent bond
When the EN difference is between 0.5 and 1.7, the bonding electrons stay closer to the more electronegative atom. Electrons are shared unequally.
Coordinate covalent bond
When both electrons in a covalent bond are supplied by one atom
Metallic Bonds
A sea of electrons surrounding positive metal ions
Hydrogen bonding
Formed when hydrogen is bonded to oxygen, fluorine, or nitrogen. The hydrogen of one molecule becomes attracted to the electronegative element of the other molecule. These intermolecular attractions cause higher boiling points than predicted
Octet Rule
Atoms tend to gain or lose outer shell electrons in order to achieve a noble gas configuration of 8 electrons
Double and Triple covalent bond
In a double bond, wo pairs of electrons are shared. In a triple bond, three pairs of electrons are shared.
Resonance structures
Where there is more than one possible bonding structure in a molecule
Hybrid orbitals (list three types)
Where 2 or more pure atomic orbitals are mixed to form identical hybrid orbitals (ex. Sp, sp2, sp3)
Describe hybrid bonding in water, ammonia, methane
sp3 bonding results in a tetrahedron shape with bond angles of 109.5˚ in methane and slightly less in water and ammonia.
Sigma bonds & Pi bonds
A sigma bond is present between any 2 orbitals except when 2 p orbitals share electrons; then this is a pi bond
List properties of ionic substances
Solids at 25C; Non-conducting as solids but conducting as aqueous solutions or liquids. Conducting as aqueous solutions or liquids. High melting & boiling points; Brittle; Low volatilities
List properties of molecular substances
Non-conducting as liquids and solids; Volatile liquids & solids; Many are gases at 25C; Low melting and boiling points; Soft and waxy solids
A chemical reaction which evolves heat
A chemical reaction which absorbs heat
The heat content of a system
Enthalpy change (state the equation)
The difference in heat content between the products and the reactants (ΔH = ΣHproducts - Σhreactants)
Exothermic reaction: ΔH is (positive or negative); Enthalphy is (increased or decreased)
Negative; Decreased
Endothermic Reaction: ΔH is (positive or negative); Enthalphy is (increased or decreased)
Positive; Increased
List in the order of increasing enthalpy: solid, gas, liquid
Solid (least enthalpy) -> Liquid -> Gas (most enthalpy)
Thermochemical equation
A balanced chemical equation which includes the enthalpy change. (H2(g) +1/2O2(g) →H2O(l) ; ΔH = -285kJ
In a thermochemical equation, what happens to ΔH when the moles of reactants double?
Enthalpy is directly proportional to mass. Therefore when the moles double, so does ΔH.
How are ΔH for a forward and ΔH for a reverse reaction related?
forward is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to ΔH reverse.
Hess' Law
for a reaction is the same regardless of the path travelled from reactants to products.
Molar Heat of Formation
The molar heat of formation of a compound is equal to ΔH when 1 mold of compound is formed from its elements at 1 atm and 25C
Write the general equation to calculate ΔH for a chemical reaction
ΔH = Σ(ΔHF-products) - Σ(ΔHF-reactants); where ΔHf = Heat of formation of reactants or products
Specific Heat. Give value for liquid water in calories and joules.
The amount of heat required to raise one gram of substance 1C. Water: 1cal/g-C or 4.18 J/g-C
Write an equation to calculate energy change when a fixed mass of substance changes temperature
ΔH = mCpΔT, where ΔT = temperature change, Cp = Specific Heat; ΔH = heat absorbed or given off
Charles Law
V1/T1 = V2/T2 (pressure and amount of gas are constant; V=volume; T=Kelvin)
Boyles Law
P1V1 = P2V2 (Temperature and amount of gas are constant, P=pressure, V=vol)
Combined Gas Law
P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 (amount of gas is contant. P=pressure, V=vol; T=Kelvin)
Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
In a gas mixture, the total pressure equals the sum of the partial pressures of each component. Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3…
Ideal Gas Law
PV = nRT, (P=pressure in atm; V = volume in L; n = # moles; R = 0.0820 Latm/Mol-K; T = Temp in K)
Standard temperature (0C or 273 K) and Standard Pressure (1 atm or 760 torr)
Gay-Lussac's Law of Combining Gas Volumes
When only gases are involved in a reaction, the volumes of reactants and products are in a small, whole number ratio.
Avogadro's Law re. gases
Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure; equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers of moles
What is the volume of 1 mole of any gas at STP?
22.4 L
Phase equilibrium
For a liquid in a closed container, when the rates of evaporation (liquid to gas) and condensation (gas to liquid) equalize; the concentration of each is stable.
Dynamic equilibrium
In a closed container where opposing changes are taking place at equal rates; the concentration of all components remains constant.
Normal Boiling Point
The temperature at which a liquid phase becomes a gas phase at a pressure of 1 atm.
Heat of Fusion (value for water)
The amount of energy required to change a gram of substance from solid to liquid at its melting point (water = 80 cal/g)
Heat of Vaporization (value for water?)
The amount of energy required per gram to change a liquid to a gas at its boiling point (water = 540 cal/g)
Triple Point
The only temperature and pressure combination at which the 3 phases of a substance (solid, liquid, gas) can co-exist in equilibrium
Vapor Pressure
The pressure the gas phase exerts on its liquid phase in a closed container. This pressure varies with temperature
Molarity - general equation
The number of moles of solute it a liter of solution; M = n/L
Solute (provide example)
The substance dissolved in another (solvent). Salt is the solute in salt water.
Solvent (provide example
A substance, usually a liquid, into which another substance (solute) is dissolved. Water is the solven in iced tea.
Solution (provide example)
A liquid, gas or solid phase containing 2 or more components uniformly dispersed (air, coffee, saltwater)
Solubility curves
A curve for a given substance which shows how much dissolves in a given amount of solvent at different temperatures.
How do temperatures and pressure affect the solubility of a solid?
Solubility usually increases with increasing temperature. Pressure has little effect.
How do temperature and pressure affect the solubility of a gas?
Solubility usually decreases with increasing temperature. Solubility increases in direct proportion to an increase in pressure.
Which three factors affect the rate of solubility?
Pulverizing; stirring; heating
What is a general rule for solubilities of polar and nonpolar compounds?
"Like dissolves like"; Ionic and polar solvents dissolve ionic, polar solutes (water dissolves salt). Non polar solvents dissolve nonpolar solutes (acetone dissolves gasoline)
List some basic facts about solutions
Particle size less than 1 mmicron; Clear (may be colored); Particles don't settle; Can pass through membranes; Particles not visible
List some basic facts about colloids
Particles measure 1-100 mmicrons; Particles don't pass through a membrane; Show brownian motion and the Tyndall effect; Particles don't settle; Clear and pass through filter paper
List some basic facts about suspensions
No brownian motion; Don't pass through filter paper or a membrane; Cloudy but particles settle on standing; Particles visible with microscope or eye
How many grams of NaCl are required to prepare 500 grams of a 5% solution?
%Concentration = (gNaCl/gsolution)(100%); 5% =(x/500g)(100%);x=25 g NaCl
Calculate the molality of 10 moles of H2SO4 dissolved in a 4 kg of water
Molality = Moles Solute / kg solvent = 10/4 = 2/5 Molal
Gram-equivalent weight
The amount of substance which reacts with or displaces 1 mole of H+ ions.
The number of gram-equivalent weights in a liter of solution
in H2O solutions: 1) How many ˚C is the freezing point depressed for each molal of solute? 2) How many ˚C is the boiling point elevated for each molal of solute?
1) 1.86C for each molal of particles of solute; 2) 0.51C for each molal of particles of solute
List five factors that control reaction rate
nature of reactants; exposed surface area; concentrations; temperatures; presence of catalyst
State the collision theory of reaction rates
There must be collisions between reactants. Reaction rate depends on number of collisions per unit time and the percent which are successful (Have sufficient energy)
How is the reaction rate related to concentration?
Reaction rate is directly proportional to the concentrations of reactants
Activation energy
The energy necessary for a reaction to begin. Obtained from the kinetic energy released during collision
a catalyst is introduced into a reaction to speed it up or slow it down. It is not consumed. An increase or decrease of activation energy results from an alternate reaction path.
Law of Mass Action
The rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the product of the concentrations of the reactants
Specific Rate Constant
Symbol is "k" in a rate equation. A constant specific to temperature and reaction which is part of every rate equation
Reversible reaction
A system where the following opposite reactions are taking place: reactant becoming product; product becoming reactant
The point in a reversible reaction where the forward and reverse reactions are taking place at the same rate.
Are concentrations of product and reactant equal at equilibrium?
No. The are constant but not equal. Their relative concentrations are determined by the value of the equilibrium constant at that temperature.
Write the equilibrium expression for aA + bB ↔ cC + dD
Keq = [C]^c[D]^d / [A]^a[B]^b, where Keq = Equilibrium constant
How are reactant & product concentrations related to the magnitude fo Keq?
Keq is large: [reactant] is small and [product] is large; when Keq is small: [reactant] is large and [product] is small
Le Chatelier's Principle
If stress is placed on a system at equilibrium, the equilibrium shifts in order the counteract the effects of the stress and regain equilibrium
How does a concentration change affect equilibrium?
If one of the substances is added or removed, all the concentrations of substances adjust to a new equilibrium with the same Keq
How does a change in temperature affect equilibrium
The reaction shifts to a new equilibrium point with a new Keq. If the temperature is raised, the equilibrium is shifted to reaction which absorbs heat.
How does a pressure change affect equilibrium?
Only in reactions where gases are involved. The reaction will shift to oppose pressure change, resulting in fewer moles of gas particles
Ionization constant. Write the expression for the ionization of acid "HA"
For substances in solution that partially ionize. An equilibrium expression may be written with Ki; Ki = [H+][A-] / [HA]
What are the two driving forces that control reactions?
A drive towards increased entropy (disorder). A drive towards decreased enthalpy (lower heat content)
Second Law of Thermodynamics
The entropy of the universe increases for any spontaneous process.
Free Energy Change (ΔG). Write the free energy equation.
A property which reflects a system's capacity to do useful work. ΔG = ΔH - TΔS; G=free energy; S=entropy; H=enthalpy; T=kelvin
How can ΔG be used to predict if a reaction is spontaneous?
When ΔG is positive it is not spontaneous; negative, it is spontaneous; equals 0 it is at equilibrium.
Ionization Constant
Kw = 1 x 10-14 at 25C
pH. For what values is a solution acidic, basic and neutral?
pH = -log[H+] ; The degree of acidity of a solution. <7 =acid; 7 = neutral; >7 = basic.
pOH. For what values is a solution acidic, basic, neutral?
pOH = -log[OH-]; The degree of basicity of a solution. <7 = basic; 7 = neutral; >7=acid.
How are pH and pOH of a solution related?
The sum of the two values = 14; (pH +pOH = 14)
How are the concentrations of [H+] and [OH-] related in a solution?
The product of the concentrations = 1x10-14; [H+][OH-] = 1x10-14
Solubility Product Constant (Ksp)
An equilibrium exists in a saturated solution between dissolved and undissolved solute. Ksp is the equilibrium constant for this reaction.
Write the solubility product expression for AgCl ↔ Ag+ + Cl-
Ksp = [Ag+][Cl-]
Six common characteristics of acids
Form H2O solutions; Conduct electricity; React with active metals; Turn blue litmus red; Neutralize bases; Sour taste
Seven common characteristics of bases
Form H2O solutions; Conducts electricity; Turns red litmus blue; Feels slippery; Caustic; Neutralizes acids; Bases + fats form SOAP
Neutralization Reaction - Write equation for hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
acid + base → salt + water; HCl + NaOH →NaCl +H2O
Arhennius Theory
An acid yields protons in solution (H+ ions); A base yields hydroxide ions in solution (OH- ions)
Bronsted Theory
An acid is a proton donor. A base is a proton acceptor.
Lewis Theory
An acid is an electron pair acceptor; a base is an electron pair donor.
Conjugate Base - Write conjugate base of HCl
When a Bronsted acid donates a proton, it becomes its conjugate base (conjugate base of HCl is Cl-)
Conjugate Acid - Write conjugate acid of I-
When a Bronsted base accepts a proton it becomes its conjugate acid (conjugate acid of I- is HI)
Calculate the volume of 10M NaOH needed to titrate 5L of 2M HCl
MA x VA = MB x VB; 2M x 5L = 10M x VB; 1L = volume of base
Electrolyte (give 3 examples)
A solute whose aqueous solution contains ions and conducts electricity (acids, bases, salts)
Nonelectrolyte (give 2 examples)
A solute whose aqueous solution does not conduct electricity (sugar, benzene, most organic compounds)
A positively charged electrode which attracts anions. Where oxidation takes place.
A negatively charged electrode which attracts cations. Where reduction takes place.
The loss of electrons (ex. Cumetal →Cu+2 +2e-
The gain of electrons (Zn+2 +2e- → Znmetal)
Electrode Potential
A measure in volts of the tendency of atoms to gain or lose electrons. (Relative to a H2 oxidation reaction which has an assigned value of zero)
Half Reaction
One of the two parts, either the reduction or the oxidation, of an oxidation-reduction reaction
How can you determine if a redox reaction will take place spontaneously
Add the electrode potentials of the two half reactions. If the result is positive, the reaction is spontaneous; if negative, the reaction is not spontaneous.
A unit of electric charge which deposits by electrolysis one equivalent weight of an element. Equals 96,500 coulombs
Equivalent weight
The number of grams of an element which will accept or donate 1 mole of electrons
Oxidizing agent
A substance which causes another substance to be oxidized (oxidizing agent is simultaneously reduced)
Reducing agent
A substance which causes another substance to be reduced (reducing agent is simultaneously oxidized)
List some basic facts about carbon bonding
Carbon forms more compounds than any other element; Each atom requires 4 covalent bonds; Carbon can form long chains and rings; Bonds commonly to O, H, N, S, P, and halogens
A series of hydrocarbons with only single covalent bonds (CnH2n+2)
A series of hydrocarbons containing at least one double covalent bond (CnH2n)
A series of hydrocarbons containing at least one triple covalent bond (CnH2n-2)
List prefixes for naming hydrocarbons for 1-10 carbons in a molecule
1 meth; 2 eth; 3 prop; 4 but; 5 pent; 6 hex; 7 hept; 8 oct; 9 non; 10 dec
List names for alkanes with 1 to 10 carbons in a molecular chain
1 methane; 2 ethane; 3 propane; 4 butane; 5 pentane; 6 hexane; 7 heptane; 8 octane; 9 nonane; 10 decane
Substitution reaction. Which elements commonly substitute in alkanes?
A reaction where one of the hydrogen atoms in a hydrocarbon is replaced by another. Usually a halogen. (CH4 + Br2→Ch3Br + HBr
An alkane which has a ring structure instead of a chain
Saturated and Unsaturated. Which are sturated? Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes.
A compound only containing single covalent bonds is saturated. Alkanes are saturated. A compound containing double or triple bonds is unsaturated. Alkenes and alkynes are unsaturated.
Addition reaction
In an unsaturated hydrocarbon, two atoms may be added to the structure across a double or triple bond (C2H2 + Br2 → Ch2Br2)
Aromatic compounds
Unsaturated ring structures with six carbon atoms. Benzene is the simplest aromatic. (CnH2n-6)
Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas (different connectivity)
The combination of two or more unsaturated molecules to form a larger chain molecule. This is how plastics are made.
The process of adding hydrogen to an unsaturated hydrocarbon
The process of removing hydrogen from a hydrocarbon
hydrocarbons which contain the hydroxyl functional group (OH-) attached to a saturated carbon (R-O-H)
A hydrocarbon containing the aldehyde functional group (R-C(=O)-H)
Carboxylic Acid
A hydrocarbon containing the carboxyl functional group. (R-C(=O)-O-H)
A hydrocarbon containing a ketone functional group (R-C(=O)-R')
A hydrocarbon containing an ether functional group. (R-O-R')
A hydrocarbon containing an amine functional group. (R-NH2)
A hydrocarbon containing an ester functional group. (R-O-C(=O)-R')
Amino Acid
Organic compounds which contain an amine and a carboxyl group. (H2N-CH(-R)-COOH)
Compare primary and secondary alcohols
Primary: The OH- group is attaced to the end carbon of the chain. Secondary: The carbon bearing theOH- goup is directly attached to two other carbons.
Alpha particle
a helium nucleus; charge =+2; High energy; Low velocity; Ejection reduces atomic number by 2amu and atomic weight by 4amu
Beta particle
An electron ejected from the nucleus when a neutron decays to a proton; Increases atomic number by one; High velocity; Low energy
Gamma radiation
Usually emitted with beta radiation; Has neither charge nor mass; High energy; Travels at the speed of light
The time it takes for half of a radioactive sample to decay. It can range from a fraction of a second to many years.
The conversion of an element to a new element due to a change in number of protons. Ex. Alpha or beta decay
The breakdown of heavy nuclei into lighter nuclei. The source of nuclear power
The joining of lighter nuclei to form heavier nuclei. Source of the sun's energy
Write the nuclear equation: 1) U238 loses an alpha particle; 2) Th234 loses a beta particle.
92U238 →90Th234 +2He4; 90Th234→ 91Pa234 + -1e0
Tiny particles making up mass
Contains protons and neutrons (nucleons)

Held together by the strong nuclear force

Surrounded by one or more electrons

Radius = 10^-4 angstroms
1 angstrom = 10^-10 meters
Part of nucleus

Together with proton, makes up nucleon

Approximately same size and mass as proton (1 amu)

Slightly heavier than proton

No charge, electrically neutral
Part of nucleus

Together with neutron, makes up nucleon

Same size and mass as neutron (1 amu)

Slightly lighter than neutron

Positive charge
Surround nucleus at distance of 1-3 angstroms

Over 1800 lighter than nucleon

Electrons (negative charge) and protons have opposite charges of equal magnitude
Electron charge (e)
Charge of one electron

e = 1.6e^-19 coulombs (C)
Electrically neutral

Made up of neutrons, protons and electrons

Same number of protons as electrons

Composed mostly of empty space
A single atom

Building blocks of all compounds

Cannot be decomposed into simple substances by chemical means

Characterized by:
1. Mass number (A)
2. Atomic number (Z)
3. Atomic weight (amu)
Mass number (A)
Number of protons plus neutrons
Atomic number (Z)
number of protons

Identity number of any element
Two or more atoms of the same element that contain different numbers of neutrons
Atomic Weight
Also known as molar mass (MM or M)

Given in atomic mass units (amu or u) or grams/mole (g/mol)

Actually a mass (ratio) and not a weight
Atomic mass units (amu)
An amu is defined by carbon-12

1 atom of C-12 has an atomic weight of 12 amu

All other atomic weights are measure against this standard

Also known as a dalton
Defined by C-12

Also known as Avogadro's number = 6.022e^23

The number of C atoms in 12 grams of C-12

6.022e^23 amu = 1 gram

Moles = g/amu
Periodic table
Lists the elements from left to right in order of their atomic numbers

Can be divided into:
1. Nonmetals (right)
2. Metals (left)
3. Metalloids (diagonal seperation between metals & nonmetals)
Each horizontal row of periodic table

Elements in the same family on the periodic table tend to have similar chemical properties

Tend to make the same number of bonds

Tend to exist as similarly charges ions
Groups or Families
Vertical columns of periodic table
Large atoms that tend to lose electrons to form positive ions or form positive oxidation states

Metallic character (easy movement of electrons)

All metals (except mercury) exists as solids at room temperature

Form ionic oxides (ie: BaO)
Metallic Character
Property of metals

Increases from right to left and top to bottom of periodic table

1. Ductility (easily stretched)
2. Malleability (easily hammered into think strips)
3. Thermal and electrical conductivity
4. Characteristic luster
Diverse appearances and chemical behaviors

Lower melting points than metals

Form negative ions

Make up molecular substances

Form covalent oxides (ie: SiO2 or CO2)
Alkali metals
Group (family) 1A in periodic table


Soft metallic solids

Low densities and melting points

Easily form 1+ cations

Highly reactive, reacting with most nonmetals to form ionic compounds
Alkaline earth metals
Group (family) 2A in periodic table


Harder, more dense and melt at higher temperatures than alkali metals

Form 2+ cations

Less reactive than alkali metals

The heavier, the more reactive
Group (family) 17 in periodic table

Nonmetals & metalloids
Noble gases
Groups (family) 18 in periodic table


Also known as rare gases

Nonreactive, inert gases at room temperature
Characteristics that resemble metals and nonmetals
Representative or main-group elements
Section A groups in periodic table
Transition metals
Section B groups in periodic table

When form ions, they lose electons from s-subshell first and then from d-subshell
Is unique and chemical/physical properties to do conform to any family




Diatomic gas
Group 4A
Elements can form 4 covalent bonds with nonmetals

All (except carbon) can form 2 additional bonds with lewis bases

Only carbon forms strong pi bonds to make strong double and triple bonds
Group 5A
Elements can form 3 covalent bonds

All (except nitrogen) can form 5 covalent bonds by using d-orbitals

Can bond with lewis base to form 6th covalent bond

Nitrogen forms strong pi bonds to make double and triple bonds
Group 6A
Elements called chalcogen

Oxygen and sulfur are most important

Oxygen is second most electronegative element, divalent, can form strong pi bonds to make double bonds, reacts with metals to form oxides

Sulfur can form 2, 3, 4 or 6 bonds and can pi bond to make double bonds
Group 7A
Radioactively stable called halogens

2. Chlorine
3. Bromine
4. Iodine

Highly reactive, like to gain electrons

Fluorine makes only 1 bond, while other halogens can make more than 1 bond

Bind to hydrogen to form hydrogen halides (soluble in water)

Reacts with metals to form ionic halides
Diatomic molecules
1. Hydrogen
2. Oxygen
3. Nitrogen
4. Halogens
Small atoms
Make strong pi bonds due to overlap of p-orbitals
Large atoms
Make weak or are unable to make pi bonds due to lack of overlap of p-orbitals

Have d-orbitals allowing for more than 4 bonds
Pi bonds
Allow for double and triple bonds
When element has more or fewer electrons than protons

Representative elements make ions by forming the closest noble gas electron configuration

Made from metals and nonmetals
Positive ion

Formed by metals

Significantly smaller than neutral atom counterparts
Negative ion

Formed by nonmetals

Much larger than neutral atom counterpart
Predict ion charge based on:
1. Atoms lose electrons from higher energy shell first

In transition metals, this means electrons are lost from s-subshell first and then from d-subshell

2. Ions are looking for symmetry

Representative elements form noble gas electron configurations when they may ions

Transition metals try to "even-out" their d-orbitals, so each orbital has the same number of electrons
Electron shielding
1st electron shields nuclear charge from 2nd electron, so that 2nd electron doesn't feel entire nuclear charge

Instead, 2nd electron feels an effective nuclear charge
Effective nuclear charge (Zeff)
Amount of charge felt by 2nd electron due to 1st electron shielding of nuclear charge

Zeff = nuclear charge (Z) - average # of electrons between nucleus and electron in question

What should be plugged in to:
F = Kqq/r^2

Increasing going left to right and top to bottom on periodic table
Periodic trends
1. Atomic radius
2. Ionization energy
3. Electronegativity
4. Electron affinity
5. Metallic character
Atomic radius
Since Zeff increases when moving left to right, each additional electron is pulled more strongly toward nucleus, resulting in a small atomic radius

Increases from top to bottom and right to left
Ionization energy
Energy necessary to detach an electron from a nucleus

1st ionization energy = energy required to detach an electron from a neutral atom

2nd ionization energy = energy required to detach a 2nd electron from same atom

2nd ionization energy > 1st ionization energy because when electron is removed, Zeff on other electrons increases

Increases from left to right and bottom to top of periodic table (explained by Zeff)
Tendency of an atom to attract an electron in a bond that it shared with another atom

Increases from left to right and bottom to top of periodic table

Related to Zeff in similar way as ionization energy

Undefined for noble gases
Electron affinity
Willingness of an atom to accept an additional electron

Energy released when an electron is added to a gaseous atom

Increases left to right and bottom to top of periodic table

Related to Zeff

Electron affinity is more exothermic to right and up on periodic table

Endothermic for noble gases
SI units
Mass = kg
Length = m
Time = s
Electric current = A
Temperature = K
Luminous intensity = cd
Amount of substance = mol

Mega (M) = 10^6
Kilo (k) = 10^3
Deci (d) = 10^-1
Centi (c) = 10^-2
Milli (m) = 10^-3
Micro (u) = 10^-6
Nano (n) = 10^-9
Pico (p) = 10^-12
Femto (f) = 10^-15
What holds atoms together

2 types:
1. Covalent bonds
2. Ionic bonds

2 atoms will form a bond if they can lower their overall energy level by doing so

Nature seeks lowest energy state

Energy is always required to break a bond, no energy is every released by breaking a bond
Covalent bonds
2 electrons are shared by 1 nuclei

Negatively charges electrons are pulled toward both positively charged nuclei by electrostatic forces
Bond length
Point where energy level is lowest
Bond dissociation energy (bond energy)
Energy necessary to achieve a complete separation of atoms
Substance made from 2 or more elements
Empirical formula
In pure compounds, relative number of atoms of 1 element to another can be represented by a ratio

Glucose = CH2O

To find empirical formula from percent mass:

Compound = 6% H & 94% O by mass

Assume 100g of sample

(6g H)/(1g/mol) = 6mol
(94g O)/(16g/mol) = 5.9mol = 6 (must be whole #s)

6/6 = 1

Empirical formula = HO
Separate and distinct units, in molecular compounds, formed from repeated groups of atoms
Molecular formula
Exact number of elemental atoms in each molecule in a molecular compound

Glucose = C6H12O6
Percent mass
Calculated from empirical formula and atomic weight of each atom

Percent mass of Carbon in Glucose (CH2O)

(molecular weight C)/(molecular weight of CH2O) = 12/30 = 0.4

0.4 x 100 = 40%

Glucose is 40% carbon by mass
Ionic compounds
Named after their cation and anion

Put cation name in from on anion name (barium sulfate, BaSO4; sodium hydride, NaH)
Cation nomenclature
Metal cation:
1. Roman number in parentheses indicating charge [copper(I) = +1 or copper (II) = +2]
2. -ic greater charge (cupric, Cu2+) or -ous smaller charge (cuprous, Cu+)

Nonmetal cation:
1. cation name ends in -ium (ammonium, NH4+)
Anion nomenclature
1. -ide after anion (hydride ion, H-; hydroxide, OH-)
2. polyatomic anions with multiple oxygens end with -ite (less oxygenated) or -ate (more oxygenated) depending on relative # of oxygens (nitrite ion, NO2-; nitrate ion, NO3-)
3. More oxygens represented by hypo- (fewest oxygens) or per- (most oxygens) prefixes (hypochloride, ClO-; chlorite, ClO2-; chlorate, ClO3-; perchlorate, ClO4-)
4. If oxyanion has a hydrogen, word hydrogen is added (hydrogen carbonate ion, HCO3-)
Acid nomenclature
Named based on their anions

1. If ends in -ide, name starts with hydro- and ends in -ic (hydrosulfuric acid, H2S)
2. If an oxyacid, ending -ic (more oxygen) and -ous (less oxygens) (sulfuric acid, H2SO4; sulfurous acid, H2SO3)
Binary molecular compounds
Compounds with only 2 elements

Beings with name of element farthest to left and lowest in periodic table

Name of 2nd element is given suffix -ide and greek # prefix is used on 1st element if necessary

Ex: dinitrogen teroxide, N2O4
Physical reaction
When compound undergoes a reaction and maintains its molecular structure and this its identity

Melting, evaporation, dissolution and rotation of polarized light
Chemical reaction
When a compound undergoes a reaction and changes its molecular structure to form a new compound

Combustion, metathesis and redox

Can be represented by a chemical equation with the molecular formulae of the reactants on the left and products on the right

Ex: CH4 + 2O2 --> CO2 + 2H2O

Coefficients indicate the relative number of molecules
The atoms are always conserved, the equation is balanced
Reaction runs to completion
Reaction from to the right until at least one of the reactants is depleted

Often reactions do not run to completion because they reach equilibrium first
Limiting reagent
Reactant which is depleted first if reaction runs to completion

Not necessarily the reactant of which there is least
Theoretical yield
Amount of product produced when a reaction runs to completion
Actual yield
Amount of actual product after a real experiment

Reactions often don't run to completion or there are competing reactants that reduce the actual yield
Percent yield
[(Actual yield)/(Theoretical yield)] x100
Reaction types
1. Combination
2. Decomposition
3. Single displacement
4. Double displacement
5. Redox
6. Combustion
7. Bronsted-Lowry Acid-base
8. Lewis Acid-base
Combination reaction
A + B --> C
Decomposition reaction
C --> A + B
Single Displacement reaction
A + BC --> B + AC

Also called single replacement
Double Displacement reaction
AB + CD --> AC + BD

Also called double replacement or metathesis
Quantum mechanics
Elementary particles can only gain or lose energy and certain other quantities in discrete units
Principal quantum number (n)
First quantum number

Shell level

Larger n the greater the size and energy of the electron orbital

Representative elements:
n for electrons in the outer most shell is given by the period in the periodic table

Transition metals:
n lags 1 shell behind the period

Lanthanides & actinides:
n lags 2 shells behind the period
Valence electrons
Electrons which contribute most to an element's chemical properties

Located in outermost shell of atom

Only electrons from s & p subshells are considered valence electrons
Azimuthal quantum number (l)
Second quantum number

Designate subshells:
Orbital shapes such as s, p, d & f

l = 0 = s subshell
l = 1 = p subshell

l = n-1; for each new shell (n) there exists an additional subshell
Magnetic quantum number (ml)
3rd quantum number

Designates the precise orbital of a given subshell

Each subshell will have orbitals with ml from -l to +l

1st shell, n = 1, l = 0, ml = 0

n = 3, l = 2, ml = 5 (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2)
Electron spin quantum number (ms)
4th quantum number

Can values of -1/2 or +1/2

Any orbital can hold up to 2 electrons

If 2 electrons occupy the same orbital, they have the same first 3 quantum numbers
Pauli Exclusion Principle
No 2 electrons in same atom can have same 4 quantum numbers

2 electrons in same orbital have identical 1st, 2nd and 3rd quantum numbers but must have opposite electron spin quantum numbers
Number of orbitals within a shell
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Arise from dual nature of matter (wave & particle)

There exists an inherent uncertainty in the product of the position of a particle and its momemtum

The uncertainty is plank's constant

(Change in position) x (change in momemtum) = h

The more we know about a particle's position, the less we know about its momemtum
Aufbau Principle
With each new proton added to create a new element, a new electron is added as well

Electrons look for an orbital with the lowest energy state
Electron configuration
For a given atom, list the shells and the subshells in order from lowest to highest energy level and add a subscript to show the number of electrons in each subshell

Na: 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^1

Ar: 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6

Fe: 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 4s^2 3d^6

Br: 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 4s^2 3d^10 4p^5
Abbreviated electron configuration
Using configuration of next smallest noble gas

Na: [Ne] 3s^1

Ar: [Ar]

Fe: [Ar] 4s^2 3d^6

Br: [Ar] 4s^2 3d^10 4p^5

Cu: [Ar] 4s^1 3d^10
Ground state
atom whose electrons are all their lowest energy levels
Electron configuration for ions
Na+: 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 or [Ne]

Fe 3+: [Ar] 3d^5

Br-: [Ar] 4s^2 3d^10 4p^6 or [Kr]

Be with excited electron: 1s^2 2s^1 2p^1
Hund's Rule
Electons will not fill any orbital in the same subshell until all other orbitals in that subshell contain at least 1 electron

The unpaired electrons will have parallel spins
Planck's Quantum Theory
Electromagnetic energy is quantized

Comes only in discrete units related to the wave frequency

Change in E = hf

h = planck's constant = 6.6e^-34 J s
f = frequency
E = energy

Also the equation for the energy of a single photon

wavelength = h/(mv)

When electron falls from higher energy rung to lower energy rung, energy is released from atom in the form of a photon

Opposite is also true: if electron collides with photon, they can be bumped up in energy

Frequency of photon corresponds to change in energy of electron
Photoelectric effect
One to one photon-electron collisions

Proved light was made up of particles

Kinetic energy of electrons increases only when intensity is increased by increasing frequency of each photon
Work function (ϕ)
Minimum amount of energy needed to eject an electron

KE = hf - (ϕ)

KE = kinetic energy of ejected electron
hf = energy of photon
ϕ = work function
Standard temperature and pressure (STP)
Temp: 0 degrees Celsius = 273 K
Pressure: 1 atm (atmosphere)
moles: 1 mole
Mean free path
Distance traveled by a gas molecule between collisions
Ideal gas
Based on kinetic molecular theory

1. zero volume
2. no forces other than repulsive forces due to collisions
3. elastic collisions
4. kinetic energy is proportional to temperature of gas
Kinetic molecular theory
Ideal gas lack certain real gas characteristics
Ideal gas law
PV = nRT
P: pressure
V: volume
n: number of moles
R: universal gas constant = 8.314 J/Kmol
T: temperature in kelvin
Charles' Law
Volume of gas is proportional to temperature at constant pressure
Boyle's Law
Volume of gas is inversely proportional to pressure a constant temperature
Avogadro's Law
Volume of gas is proportional to number of moles at constant temperature and pressure
Standard molar volume at STP
22.4 Liters
Partial pressure
Total pressure of gaseous mixture times mole fraction of particular gas

Pa = (Xa) (Ptotal)
Pa: partial pressure of gas "a"
Xa: mole fraction of gas "a"
Ptotal: total pressure of gaseous mixture
Mole fraction (X)
number of mole of gas "a" divided by total number of moles of gas in sample
Dalton's Law
Total pressure exerted by a gaseous mixture is the sum of the partial pressures of each of its gases

Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3...
Average translational energy of ideal gas
KE = (3/2) RT
KE: kinetic energy, found from RMS velocity
R: universal gas constant
T: temperature
Graham's Law
Ratio of RMS velocities of 2 gases in homogeneous mixture

V1/V2 = square root (m2)/square root (m1)
V: RMS velocities
m: mass of gas molecules
Describes effusion and diffusion
Spreading of gas from high pressure to low pressure through a pinhole

effusion rate 1/effusion rate 2 = square root (M2)/square root (M1)
M: molecular weights
opening much smaller than average distance between gas molecules
Spreading of one gas into another gas or empty space

diffusion rate 1/diffusion rate 2 = square root (M2)/square root (M1)
How real gases deviate from ideal gases
Vreal > Videal

Intermolecular forces exist

Preal < Pideal
Collision model
In order for a reaction to occur, reacting molecules must collide

Rate of reaction is much lower than frequency of collisions

Most collisions do not result in reaction
Activation Energy
Threshold energy required for collisions to create new molecules in a reaction (Ea) - independent of temperature

Rate of reaction (K) increases with temperature
Factors affecting rate of reaction
1. temperature
2. pressure (negligible effect)
3. concentration of reactants
Elementary reaction
Coefficient tells you how many molecules participate in a reaction producing collision
Species that are products of one reaction and reactants of a later reaction in a reaction chain

Concentration is very low because they are often unstable and react as quickly as they are formed
Rate Law
Rate (forward) = Kf [A]^a [B]^b
Kf: rate constant (not rate of reaction)
a: order of each respective reactant
b: order of each respective reactant
a + b: overall order of reaction

Assume no reverse reaction
1st Order reaction
A --> product

rate = Kf[A]

A decreases exponentially

ln[A] vs. time graph: straight line
slope: -Kf

Constant half-life independent of concentration [A]

No collisions take place
2nd Order Reaction (1 reactant)
2A --> products

rate = Kf[A]^2

1/[A] vs time graph: straight line
slope: Kf

Half-life dependent upon concentration [A]
2nd Order Reaction (2 reactants)
A + B --> products

Rate = Kf[A][B]

no predictable half-life
3rd Order Reaction
3A --> products

Rate = Kf[A]^3

1/2[A]^2 vs. time graph: straight line
slope: Kf
Zero Order Reaction
[A] vs. time graph: straight line
slope: -Kf
Rate determining step
Rate of slowest elementary step determines the rate of the overall reaction
Substance that increases the rate of reaction without being consumed or permanently altered

Enhance product selectivity

Reduce energy consumption

Lower activation energy (Ea)

Increase steric factor (p)

Creates a new reaction pathway which typically includes an intermediate

Cannot alter equilibrium constant (K)
Heterogeneous catalyst
Different phase than reactants and products

Usually solids while reactants and products are liquids or gases

Reaction rates can be enhanced by increasing surface area of catalyst
Homogeneous catalyst
same phase as reactants and products, usually in gas or liquid phase

Aqueous acid or base solutions

Autocatalysis = generate catalyst as product
Chemical equilibrium
Rate of forward reaction equals rate of reverse reaction

No change in concentration of products or reactants

Point of greatest entropy

Reactions always move toward equilibrium, therefore Q will always change towards K
Equilibrium constant (K)
Described by the law of mass action

Relationship between a chemical equation and the equilibrium constant

aA + bB --> cC + dD

K = ([C]^c [D]^d)/([A]^a [B]^b) = (products^coefficients)/(reactants^coefficients)

Only depends upon temperature

Equilibrium constant for a series of reaction is equal to the product of the equilibrium constants for each of its elementary steps

Pure solid or liquid is K=1, therefore no included in the law of mass action equation
Reaction quotient (Q)
For reactions not at equilibrium

Q = (products^coefficients)/(reactants^coefficients)

Q is not constant, it can be any positive value

Use Q to predict the direction in which a reaction will proceed

Since reactions always move toward equilibrium, Q will always change towards K
Comparison of Q & K
Q = K: reaction at equilibrium

Q > K: leftward shift because there is more product than reactant

Q < K: rightward shift because there is more reactant than product
Le Chatelier's Principle
When a system at equilibrium is stressed, the system will shift in the direction that will reduce that stress

Types of stress:
1. addition or removal of a product or reactant
2. changing the pressure of the system
3. heating or cooling the system
Study of energy and its relationship to macroscopic properties of chemical systems

divides universe into 2:
1. surroundings
2. system
macroscopic body under study

3 types:
1. open
2. closed
3. isolated
everything other than macroscopic body under study (system)
Open system
exchange both mass and energy with surroundings
Close system
exchange energy but do not exchange mass with surroundings
Isolated system
doesn't exchange mass or energy with surroundings
Extensive properties
chance with amount

volume (V) and # of moles (n)

describes macroscopic state of a system

proportional to size of system
Intensive properties
describes macroscopic state of a system

independent of size of system

Pressure (P) and temperature (T)
State functions
properties that describe the state of a system

pathway independent

state properties describe the state of a system

change in a state property going from one state to another is the same regardless of the process via which the system was changed

3 state properties describe the state of a system (one being extensive property) unambiguously
2 ways to transfer energy between systems
1. Heat (Q)
2. Work (W)
Heat (Q)
Natural transfer of energy from a warmer body to a cooler body

3 forms:
1. conduction
2. convection
3. radiation

movement of energy via conduction, convection or radiation; always from hot to cold
Work (W)
any energy transfer between systems that is not heat
thermal energy transfer via molecular collisions

requires physical contact

higher energy molecules of one system transfer some of their energy to lower energy molecules of other system via molecular collisions
Energy flow
heat flow:
change in T = IR
T: temperature
I: heat current (Q/t)
R: resistance to heat flow

Current flow:
V = IR
V: voltage
I: electrical current
R: resistance to electrical flow

Fluid flow:
change in P = QR
P: pressure
Q: heat
R: resistance to flow

thicker conduits = greater flow
longer conduits = less flow
thermal energy transfer via fluid movements

differences in pressure or density drive warm fluid in direction of cooler fluid

ocean and air currents
thermal energy transfer via electromagnetic waves

only type of heat that transfer though a vacuum
PV work
system at rest, no gravitational potential energy and no kinetic energy may still be able to do PV work

at constant pressure, work is equal to pressure multiplied by change in volume

W = P(change in V)
[at constant pressure]

No PV work is done if volume is constant

PV work takes place when a gas expands against a force regardless of whether or not the pressure is constant
1st Law of Thermodynamics
energy of system and surroundings is always conserved

any energy change to a system must equal heat flow into system + work done by system

Change in E = Q + W

Work done on the system is positive and work done by the system is negative
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Heat cannot be changed completely into work in a cyclical process

Qh = W + Qc
Qh: heat entering engine
W: work
Qc: heat leaving engine
Carnot's efficiency
e = 1 - (Tc/Th)

e: efficiency
Tc: temperature of cold reservoir
Th: temperature of hot reservoir
7 state functions
1. internal energy (U)
2. temperature (T)
3. pressure (P)
4. volume (V)
5. enthalpy (H)
6. entropy (S)
7. Gibbs free energy (G)
Internal energy (U)
all possible forms of energy imaginable on a molecular scale

vibrational, rotational, translational, electronic, intermolecular potential and rest mass energy

heat energy, thermal energy and or heat
thermodynamic property described by zeroth law:

2 systems in thermal equilibrium with 3rd system are in thermal equilibrium with each other

any increase in thermal energy, increases temperature

KE = (3/2)kT
KE: kinetic energy
T: temperature
k: boltzmann constant (1.38e-23 J/K)

measurement of how fast molecules are moving or vibrating
Enthalpy (H)
H = U + PV
H: enthalpy (joules)
U: internal energy
PV: Pressure x Volume

not conserved, constantly changing

Enthalpy is a state function and en extensive property

Depends only on temperature

Change in H = (change in U) + P(change in V)
[constant pressure]
Standard State
do not confuse with STP (standard temperature and pressure)

an element at its standard state at 25 degrees Celsius is arbitrarily assigned an enthalpy value of 0 J/mol

Any chosen temperature

1 bar of pressure = 750 torr = 10^5 Pascals
Reference form
standard state for a pure solid or liquid

any chosen temperature

1 bar of pressure = 750 torr = 10^5 Pascals

form that is most stable at the values
Standard enthalpy of formation (change in Hf)
Change in enthalpy for a reaction that creates 1 mole of that compound from its raw elements in their standard state
Change in enthalpy at constant pressure
Change in H = Q
constant pressure, closed system at rest, PV work only
H: enthalpy
Q: heat
Heat of reaction
change in enthalpy from reactants to products

Change in Hreaction = (Change in Hfproducts) - (change in Hfreactants)
Hess' Law
Sum of enthalpy changes for each step is equal to total enthalpy change regardless of path chosen

when you add reactions, you can add their enthalpies

because enthalpy is a state function
if enthalpy change is positive

absorbs heat, making reaction system cold

at constant P, where change in H = Q, endothermic reaction produces heat flow to system
if enthalpy change is negative

release heat, making reaction system hot

at constant P, where change in H = Q, exothermic reaction produces heat flow to surroundings
Activation energy
initial increase in energy
Transition state
peal of energy hill represents molecules in transition state

old bonds are breaking and new bonds are forming

occurs during reaction collision

do not confuse with intermediates (products of 1st step in 2 step reaction)
lowers activation energy of forward and reverse reactions

equilibrium and enthalpy change is unaffected

Affects the rate of reaction
Entropy (S)
Nature's tendency to create the most probably situation that can occur within a system

nature's tendency toward disorder

state function, which means that entropy change of forward reaction is equal to negative entropy change of reverse reaction
2nd law of thermodynamics
entropy of an isolated system will never decrease without some outside intervention (work)
Entropy change of universe
Change Ssystem + change Ssurroundings = Change Suniverse > or = 0

Sum of entropy changes of any system and its surroundings equals entropy change of universe, which is always equal to or greater than zero (positive)

entropy of system can decrease, only if, at the same time, entropy of surroundings increases by greater or equal magnitude
Only ideal reactions are reversible because only ideal reactions create zero change in entropy of universe

on a microscopic scale, all real chemical reactions are reversible
all reactions are irreversible on a macroscopic scale
what drives the direction of a reaction
it is entropy, not energy, that drives the direction of a reaction

entropy is nature's effort to spread energy evenly between system, from high to low

entropy increases with number, volume and temperature

reaction must increase the entropy of the universe in order to proceed
point in reaction where universe has achieved maximum entropy
3rd law of thermodynamics
assigns by convention a zero entropy value to any pure substance (either element or compound) at absolute zero and in internal equilibrium
Gibbs Free energy (G)
change G = (change H) = T(change S)
G: gibbs free energy
H: enthalpy
T: temperature (constant)
S: entropy

All variables refer to the system and not surroundings

only good for constant T & P reactions

negative change G = spontaneous reactions

extensive property and state function

not conserved, an isolated system can change its gibbs free energy

Maximum non-PV work available from a reaction

positive change in H and negative change in S, can never equal negative change in G, which means can never be spontaneous

negative change in H and positive change in S = negative change in G = spontaneous

if both change in H and S are same sign, than change in G depends on T
homogeneous mixture of 2 or more compounds in a single phase (solid, liquid, gas)
compound of which there is more in a solution

compound that predominates
compound of which there is less in a solution
Ideal solution
solutions made from compounds that have similar properties

compounds can be interchanged within solution without changing spatial arrangements of molecules or intermolecular attractions

ex: benzene in toluene (similar bonding properties and size)
Ideally dilute solution
solute molecules are completely separated by solvent molecules so that they have no interaction with each other

mole fraction of solvent is ~1
Nonideal solution
violate both ideal solution and ideally dilute solution conditions
larger particles that form mixture with solvents

as long as gravity doesn't cause particles to settle out of mixture over time

larger than solute particles

can be any combination of phases, except gas in gas

ex: aerosol, foam, emulsion or sol

too small to be extracted by filtration but large or charged enough to be separated by semipermeable membrane
Colloid solution
scatter light, unlike true solution

can be attracted or repelled by dispersion medium (solvent)
when solute is mixed in a solvent

like dissolve like because of london dispersion forces

polar solvents dissolve polar solutes

nonpolar solvents dissolve nonpolar solutes
ionic compounds are dissolved by polar substances

Ionic compounds dissolve into anions and cations and are surrounded by oppositely charged ends of polar solvent

water is a good solvent for ionic compounds (process called hydration)
Aqueous phase
something that has been hydrated (solvated in water)

water is a poor conductor of electricity unless it contains electrolytes (compounds that form ions in aqueous solution)
Polyatomic ions
1. nitrite, NO2 -
2. nitrate, NO3 -
3. sulfite, SO3 -2
4. sulfate, SO4 -2
5. hypochlorite, ClO -
6. chlorite, ClO2 -
7. chlorate, ClO3 -
8. perchlorate, ClO4 -
9. carbonate, CO3 -2
10. bicarbonate, HCO3 -
11. phosphate, PO4 -3
compound which forms ions in aqueous solution and therefore solution can conduct electricity
5 ways to measure concentration in solution
1. molarity (M)
2. molality (m)
3. mole fraction (X)
4. mass percentage
5. parts per million (ppm)
Molarity (M)
moles of a compound divided by volume of solution


M = moles solute/volume solution
Molality (m)
moles of solute divided by kilograms of solvent


m = moles solute/kg solvent
mole fraction (X)
moles of compound divided by total moles of all species in solution

no units, since it is a ratio

X = moles solute/total moles of all solutes and solvents
mass percentage
100 times ratio of mass of solute to total mass of solution

mass % = (mass solute/total mass solution) x 100
Part per million (ppm)
10^6 times ratio of mass solute to total mass of solution

ppm = (mass solute)/(total mass solution) x 10^6
3 steps of solution formation
1. breaking of intermolecular bonds between solute molecules (endothermic)
2. breaking of intermolecular bonds between solvent molecules (endothermic)
3. formation of intermolecular bonds between solvent and solute molecules (exothermic)

if overall reaction releases energy (heat) than new bonds are more stable (stronger) than old bonds

energy is required to break bonds

increase in entropy (S) because more disorder
heat of solution
overall change in energy of solution (enthalpy)

Change H(sol) = change H1 + change H2 + change H3

neg = stronger, more stable bonds
pos = weaker, less stable bonds
vapor pressure
pressure created by molecules in open space

pressure necessary to bring liquid and gas phases of a compound to equilibrium

increases with pure liquids, decreases with solutions

increases with temperature because related to KE
Boiling point
temperature at which vapor pressure of liquid equals Patm
melting point
temperature at which vapor pressure of solid equals vapor pressure of liquid
nonvolatile solute
solute with no vapor pressure

when added to liquid, decreases vapor pressure
Raoult's law
vapor pressure of solution is proportional to mole fraction of liquid and vapor pressure of pure liquid

Pv = (Xa)(Pa)
Pv: vapor pressure of solution
Xa: mole fraction of liquid a
Pa: vapor pressure of pure liquid a
Raoult's law for nonvolatile solutes
if 97% of solution is solvent, then vapor pressure will be 97% of vapor pressure of pure solvent
Raoult's law of volatile solutes
if 97% of solution is solvent, the vapor pressure will be 97% of vapor pressure of pure solvent + 3% of vapor pressure of pure solute
Volatile solute
solute with vapor pressure

total pressure of solution is the sum of partial pressures

Pv = XaPa + XbPb
Pv: total vapor pressure
XP: partial pressure of solvent
vapor pressure
negative heats of solution = stronger bonds = lower vapor pressure

positive heats of solution = weaker bonds = higher vapor pressure
solute's tendency to dissolve in solvent

solute: salt
solvent: water

not the same as solubility product

max # of moles of solute that can dissolve in solution

depends on temperature and ions in solution
reverse reaction of dissolution

takes place initially at a slower rate than dissolution, as salt dissolves and concentration of dissolved salt builds, rate of dissolution and precipitation equilibrate
rate of dissolution and precipitation are equal

concentration of dissolved salt has reached max in saturated solution
Solubility product (Ksp)
equilibrium constant of equilibrium of solvation reaction

pure solids and liquids are excluded from equilibrium expression because have mole fraction of 1

Ksp = [products]^coefficient/ [reactants]^coefficient

changes only with temperature
Spectator ions
ions that have no effect on equilibrium because not in equilibrium expression
Common ion effect
ions that affect equilibrium because in equilibrium equation

ion involved is common to ion in equilibrium expression

will push equilibrium in direction which tends to reduce concentration of that ion

Common ion added to saturated solution will shift equilibrium increasing precipitate, but does not affect Ksp

common ion added to unsaturated solution will not shift equilibrium because in unsaturated solution there is no equilibrium to shift
Solubility guidelines
compounds with water solubilities of less than 0.01 mol/L = insoluble

ionic compounds containing:
nitrate (NO3 -), ammonium (NH4 +) and alkali metals (Li+, Na+, K+) = soluble

ionic compounds containing halogens (Cl-, Br-, I-) = soluble
except: Ag+, Hg2 +2, Pb +2 = insoluble

Sulfate compounds = soluble
except: Hg2 +2, Pb +2, Ca +2, Sr +2, Ba +2 = insoluble

When paired with sulfides (S -2) and hydroxides (OH-), compounds containing heavier alkaline metals = soluble: Ca +2, Sr +2, Ba +2

Carbonates (CO3 -2), phosphates (PO4 -3), sulfides (S -2) and hydroxides (OH-) = insoluble

solubility of most salts increases with temperature

solubility of gases decreases with temperature
Henry's Law
demonstrates that solubility of gas is proportional to its vapor partial pressure

as pressure decreases, solubility of gas decreases (ex: can of soda)

C = ka1Pv or Pv = Xaka2
C: solubility of gas a (mol/L)
ka1: henry's law constant
Pv: vapor partial pressure of gas a above the solution
Heat Capacity (C)
measure of energy change needed to change temperature of substance

C = Q/(change T)
Q = C(change T)

constant pressure heat capacities are greater than constant volume heat capacities

always positive, temperature will always increase when added to a substance at constant volume or pressure

heat capacity does not change with temperature

as amount of energy a substance can absorb per unit of temperature change
Specific heat capacity (c)
heat capacity per unit mass

Q = mc(change in T)
m: mass
c: specific heat capacity
T: temperature

c(water) = 1 cal/gC (definition of 1 calorie)
Coffee Cup calorimeter
measures energy change

constant pressure calorimeter because it measures energy change at Patm

1. 2 coffee cups are used to insulate the solution
2. a stirrer maintains equal distribution of energy
3. thermometer measures change in temperature

cannot contain expanding gases

reactions occur at constant pressure of local atmosphere

used to measure heats of reaction

at constant P, Q = change H
Bomb calorimeter
measures energy change at constant volume

tells us the internal energy change in a reaction

at constant volume, Q = change U

1. steel container full of reactants is placed inside another rigid, thermally insulated container
2. when reaction occurs, heat is transferred to surrounding water
Normal melting point
melting point at constant pressure of 1atm, which is 0 degrees Celsius
Normal boiling point
boiling point at constant pressure of 1atm, which is 100 degree Celsius
Heat of fusion
enthalpy (H) change associated with melting

since pressure is constant, heat equals enthalpy change (Q = change H)

exactly same amount of heat is absorbed during melting as is released during freezing
Heat of vaporization
enthalpy (H) change associated with boiling

exactly same amount of heat is absorbed during vaporization as is released during condensation and sublimation/deposition
phase change
no change in temperature until all molecules have undergone phase change

represented by flat line segments of heating curve

1. melting-freezing
2. vaporization-condensation
3. sublimation-deposition

each phase of a substance has its own specific heat
occurs when partial pressure above liquid is less than liquid's vapor pressure, but atmospheric pressure is greater than vapor pressure

under these conditions, liquid evaporates rather than boils
phase diagram
indicates phases of substance at different pressures and temperatures

1. each section represents a different phase
2. boundary lines represent temperatures and pressures where corresponding phases are in equilibrium
triple point
point at which substance exists in equilibrium as solid, liquid and gas
critical temperature
temperature above which substance cannot be liquefied regardless of pressure applied
critical pressure
pressure required to produce liquefaction while substance is at critical temperature
critical point
where critical pressure and critical temperature intersect

fluid beyond this point has characteristics of both gas and liquid (supercritical fluid)
colligative properties
depend solely on # of particles, irrespective of type of particle

4 of solution:
1. vapor pressure
2. boiling point
3. freezing point
4. osmotic pressure

depend on number, not kind
boiling point elevation
equation for ideally dilute solutions

solute addition increases boiling point

due to addition of nonvolatile solute, cannot be applied to volatile solutes

substance boils when its vapor pressure equals the local atmospheric pressure

change T = kbmi
T: temperature
kb: specific constant of substance being boiled
m: molality (mol/L) because molality doesn't change with temperature while molarity does
i: van't Hoff factor

consider # particles after dissociation
Van't Hoff Factor (i)
number of particles into which a single solute particle will dissociate when added to solution
freezing point depression
equation for ideally dilute solution

impurities (solute) interrupt crystal lattice and lower freezing point

only nonvolatile solutes

change T = kfmi
T: temperature
kf: specific constant substance being frozen
m: molality (mol/L)
i: van't hoff factor (# particles dissociated)
osmotic pressure
measure of tendency of water (or some solvent) to move into solution via osmosis

osmotic pressure = iMRT
M: molarity
R: resistance
T: temperature
i: van't hoff factor (# dissociated particles)

only relevant when comparing 1 solution with another

pressure pulling into a solution
hydrostatic pressure
pressure pushing out of a solution
Arrhenius acid
anything that produces H ions in aqueous solution
Arrhenius base
anything that produces OH ions in aqueous solution
Bronsted and lowry acids
anything that donates a proton
Bronsted and lowry bases
anything that accepts a proton
Lewis acid
anything that accepts a pair or electrons

includes bronsted-lowry acids

molecules that have incomplete octet of electrons around central atom (AlCl3 or BF3)

simple cations expect alkali and heavier alkali earth metal cations

smaller the cation and higher the charge, stronger the acid strength

Fe +3
lewis base
anything that donates a pair of electrons
measure of H ion concentration (mol/L)

pH = -log[H+]

scale runs from 0 to 14, each point on pH scale corresponds to 10X difference in H ion concentration

acid at pH 2 produces 10X as many H ions as acid at pH 3 and 100X as many H ions as acid at pH 4

at 25 degrees: pH of 7 is neutral, lower pH is acidic and higher pH is basic
estimating pH
10^0 = 1
10^1 = 10

10^x = 3.16
x = log(3.16)
x = between 0 & 1 = 0.5

log(10^-3) = -3
-log(10^-3) = 3

log(4e-3) = between pH 2 & pH 3 = 2.4

log(AB) = log(A) + log(B)
acid-base reaction
HA + H2O --> A- + H3O+

HA: acid
H2O: base
A-: conjugate base
H3O+: conjugate acid

stronger the acid, weaker its conjugate base

Kw = KaKb

stronger the base, weaker its conjugated acid

weak acid may have a strong or weak conjugate base

acids taste sour or tart
bases taste bitter and are slippery when wet

rate of reactions in living cells involving transfer of proton depends upon concentration of H+ ions or pH
some substances act as acid or base depending on environment

ex: water
strong acids
acid that is stronger than H3O+

completely dissociates in water

1. hydroiodic acid, HI
2. hydrobromic acid, HBr
3. hydrochloric acid, HCl
4. nitric acid, HNO3
5. perchloric acid, HClO4
6. chloric acid, HClO3
7. sulfuric acid, H2SO4
Strong bases
base that is stronger than OH-

completely dissociates in water

1. sodium hydroxide, NaOH
2. potassium hydroxide, KOH
3. amide ion, NH2-
4. hydride ion, H-
5. calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2
6. sodium oxide, Na2O
7. calcium oxide, CaO
hydronium ion

simply hydrated proton

in acid-base reactions, H3O+ and H+ are same thing
polyprotic acid
acids that can donate more than one proton

2nd proton donated by acid is very weak and its effect on pH is negligible (can be ignored)
diprotic acid
acids that can donate only 2 protons

is a polyprotic acid as well
acid dissociation decreases with acid concentration but acid strength increase with acid concentration
Acid-Base strengths
pH 14: NaOH (strong base)
pH 11-12: NH3 (base)
pH 10-11: HCO3- (base)
pH 8-9: F- (weak base)
pH 7: H2O (neutral)
pH 6-7: H2CO3 (weak acid)
pH 4-5: NH4+ (acid)
pH 2-3: HC2H3O2 (acid)
pH 1-2: HSO4- (acid)
pH 0-1: HF (acid)
pH 0: HCl (strong acid)
3 factors determined whether a H containing molecule will act as acid (release H into solution)
1. strength of bond holding H to molecule
2. polarity of bond
3. stability of conjugate base
hydrogen halide acid strength
weakest to strongest:

1. HF
2. HCl
3. HBr
4. HI

as acidity increases, polarity decreases and bond strength decreases
oxyacid acid strength
weakest to strongest:

1. HClO
2. HClO2
3. HClO3
4. HClO4

more O, means stronger acid

acidity increases with oxidation number of central atom
can be basic, neutral or acidic

binary compounds (only 2 elements) containing H

basic: left periodic table (NaH)
acidic: right periodic table (H2S)

metal hydrides are either basic or neutral

nonmetal hydrides are acidic or neutral (NH3, ammonia, is an exception)

acidity of nonmetal hydrides increases down periodic table:
H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te

CH4: neutral
NH3: weak base
H2O: neutral
HF: weak acid
SiH4: neutral
PH3: weak base
H2S: weak acid
HCl: strong acid
autoionization of water
H2O + H2O --> H3O+ + OH-

Kw = equilibrium constant for this reaction

Kw = [H+][OH-]

at 25 degrees: Kw = 10^14 (lies far to left)

[H+] = [OH-] = 10^-7 mol/L = pH 7

pH + pOH = pKw = 14
acid dissociation constant (Ka)
acid has its own equilibrium constant in water

HA + H2O --> H3O+ + A-

Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA]
base dissociation constant (Kb)
for every Ka there is a Kb

equilibrium constant for reaction of conjugate base (A-) with water

A- + H2O --> OH- + HA
not reverse reaction of Ka

Kb = [OH-][HA]/[A-]
product of Ka & Kb
Ka X Kb = [H+][A-]/[HA] X [OH-][HA]/[A-] = [H+][OH-] = Kw

KaKb = Kw

pKa + pKb = pKw = 14

larger the Ka, smaller the pKa and stronger the acid

Ka greater than 1 or pKa less than 0 indicates a strong acid
Finding pH of strong acids and bases
strong acids and bases dissociate completely in water, which means their concentration will = 0, thus there is no Ka or Kb

therefore, concentration of H+ or OH- = concentration of acid or base

strong acid ex:
0.01 M HCl solution = 0.01 mol/L H+ ions
0.01 = 10^-2
-log(10^-2) = 2 = pH 2

strong base ex:
0.01 M NaOH solution = 0.01 mol/L OH- ions
pOH = 2 = pH 12
Finding pH of weak acids and bases
weak acid ex:
0.01 M HCN solution
HCN + H2O --> H3O+ + CN-
Ka = [H+][CN-]/[HCN] = 6.2e-10
[x][x]/[0.01 - x] = 6.2e-10
assume x is smaller than 0.01
[x][x]/[0.01] = 6.2e-10
[x] = 2.5e-6
pH = 5 - 6 = 5.6

weak base ex:
process is same as weak acid, except Kb value is used and we arrive at pOH
remember to subtract pOH from 14 to find pH
ionic compounds that dissociate in water

create acidic or basic conditions when they dissociate

pH can be predicted by comparing conjugates of respective ions

strong acids = weak conjugate bases
strong bases = weak conjugate acids

NaOH base = conjugate acid Na+
HCl acid = conjugate base Cl-
NaCl = neutral

all cations, except alkali metals ad heavier alkaline earth metals cations, act as weak lewis acids in aq solutions
drop-by-drop mixing of acid and base

performed in order to find concentration of an unknown by comparing it with concentration of titrant
known substance added drop-by-drop into unknown to find concentration of unknown

can be acidic or basic
titration curve
graphic representation changing pH of unknown as acidic or basic titrant is added (volume)

sigmoidal curve
equivalence point
also known as stoichiometric point

midpoint of portion of titration curve that most nearly approximates a vertical line

point in titration when there are equal equivalents of acid and base in solution

not necessarily when they are at equal volumes

for equally strong acid-base titrations, equivalence point will be at pH 7 (only for monoprotic acids)
mass of acid or base necessary to produce or consume 1 mole of protons
half-equivalence point
midpoint of portion of titration curve that most nearly approximates a horizontal line

1/2 of acid has been neutralized by base

concentration of acid is equal to concentration of conjugate base

point at which most acid or base could be added with least change in pH, such a solution is considered buffered

point in titration where solution is most well buffered

pH = pKa of acid
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
pH = pKa + log([A-]/[HA])

form of equilibrium expression for Ka

when [A-] = [HA], pH = pKa which is at the half-equivalence point
Finding pH at half-equivalence point
Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA] = [H+] [A-]/[HA]

-log(Ka) = -log[H+] + -log([A-]/[HA])

pKa = pH - log[A-]/[HA]

pH = pKa + log[A-]/[HA]
Finding pH at equivalence point
Kb = Kw/Ka

Kb = [OH-][HA]/[A-]

solve for OH- concentration

Find pOH

Subtract pOH from 14 to find pH
Titration curve of weak acid or base
equivalence point not as predictable

still sigmoidal graph

if base is stronger than acid, equivalence point will be above pH 7

if acid is stronger than base, equivalence point will be below pH 7
chemical used to find find equivalence point

usually a weak acid whose conjugate base is a different color

new form of indicator must reach 1/10 concentration of original form

pH of color change depends upon direction of titration
pH values of 2 points of color change give range of indicator

can be predicted by using:
pH = pKa + log[In-]/[HIn

lower range color: pH = pKa + log(1/10) --> pH = pKa - 1

upper range color: pH = pKa + log(10/1) --> pH = pKa +1
point where indicator changes color

equivalence point does not equal endpoint
Polyprotic titrations
will have more than 1 equivalence point and more than 1 half-equivalence point

1st proton completely dissociates before 2nd proton begins to dissociate
Redox reaction
oxidation-reduction reaction

electrons are transferred form one atom to another

atom that loses electrons is oxidized

atom that gains electrons is reduced
atom loses electrons in redox reaction
atom gains electrons in redox reaction
oxidation states
possible charge values that an atom may hold within a molecule

necessary for redox reactions

must add up to charge on molecule or ion
oxidation state = 0
atoms in their elemental form
oxidation state of fluorine (F)
equals -1
oxidation state of hydrogen (H)
equals +1

except when bonded to a metal; then -1
oxidation state of oxygen (O)
equals -2

except when it is in a peroxide like H2O2
Oxidation state = +1
group 1 elements

alkali metals
oxidation state = +2
group 2 elements

alkaline earth metals
oxidation state = -3
group 15 elements

nitrogen family
oxidation state = -2
group 16 elements

oxygen family
oxidation state = -1
group 17 elements

LEO the lion says GER
LEO: Lose Electrons Oxidation

GER: Gain Electrons Reduction
Reducing agent

giving electrons to an atom

losing electrons, is oxidized
Oxidizing agent
compound containing atom being reduced

gains electrons, is reduced

oxidizes other atom
Electric potential (E)
associated with any redox reaction
Each component of a redox reaction

oxidation half-reaction potential is opposite reduction half-reaction potential

usually listed as reduction potentials (sign is reversed for oxidation potential)
Half-reaction of standard hydrogen electrode
2H+ + 2e- --> H2
Half-reaction potential = 0.00V
Balancing redox reactions in acidic solutions
1. divide reaction into its corresponding half reactions
2. balance the elements other than H and O
3. Add H20 to one side until O atoms are balanced
4. Add H+ to one side until H atoms are balanced
5. Add e- to one side until charge is balanced
6. multiply each half reaction by an integer so that an equal number of electrons are transferred in each reaction
7. add the 2 half reactions and simplify
Balancing redox reactions in basic solutions
same steps as acidic solutions

neutralize H+ ions by adding same number of OH- ions to both sides of reaction
Galvanic cell (voltaic cell)
uses electric potential between phases to generate a current of electrons from one phase to another in a conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy

turns chemical energy into electrical energy
Salt bridge
ionic conducting phase

electrolyte solution

phase impermeable to electrons

type of liquid junction that minimizes potential difference between different solutions

carries current in form of ions
electronic conductors such as metal wires (T)
electronic conductors (E)
Ionic conductor
salt bridge (I)
Simple galvanic cell

has 2 electrodes: anode (-) and cathode (+)

oxidation half reaction takes place at anode

reduction half reaction takes place at cathode

2 terminals of cell is made from same material
cell potential (E)
electromotive force (emf)

potential difference between the terminals when they are not connected

connecting the terminals reduces the potential difference due to internal resistance within the cell

drop in emf increases, as current increases

current flows in direction opposite electron flow

electrons flow from anode to cathode

always positive, always has chemical energy than can be converted to work
REDuction CAThode
ANode OXidation
Positive cell potential
equals a negative Gibbs free energy (deltaG), which equals a spontaneous reaction (work is being done by system and not on system)

deltaG = -nFEmax
deltaG: Gibbs free energy
n: number of moles of electrons that are transferred in balanced redox reaction
F: Faraday's constant
E: voltage

Free energy (deltaG) represents the product of total charge (nF) times voltage (E)
Reactions that do not occur at standard state
deltaG = deltaG(not) + RT[ln(Q)]
deltaG: Gibbs free energy
deltaG(not): Gibbs free energy (standard conditions)
T: temperature
Q: reaction quotient
reactions that are at equilibrium conditions
at equilibrium, there is no available free energy with which to do work; deltaG = 0

deltaG(not) = -RT[ln(K)]
relationship between K and deltaG(not)
if K = 1, then deltaG(not) = 0

if K > 1, then deltaG(not) < 0

if K < 1, then deltaG(not) > 0
Concentration cell
limited form of a galvanic cell with a reduction half reaction taking place in 1 half cell and the exact reverse of that half reaction taking place in the other half cell

type of galvanic cell

it is never at standard conditions, so Nerst equation is required to solve for cell potential

if concentrations were equal on both sides, the concentration cell potential would be zero
galvanic cell
positive cell potential

electrolytic cell
negative cell potential

forced by outside power source to run backwards

cathode is negative
anode is positive

RED CAT & AN OX still the same