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31 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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define backing fire
fire moving against the wind or downslope (slow rate of speed)
define crown fire
fire carried from tree to tree or bush to bush above the ground
define direct attack with regard to wildland fire
working directly on the burning fire line mainly from the black
define fingers with regard to wildland fire
long narrow strips extending out from the main fire
• results of mixture of light and heavy fuels
define fuel load in wildland fire
weight of fuel per unit area (e.g., 20 tons per acre)
define fuel type in wildland fire
identifiable fuel elements
• predictable rate of spread
defined heel of the fire
where fire originated
• directions should be related to the heel of the fire
define island in wildland firefighting
area within the main body of fire that has NOT earned
• lookout
• communication
• escape routes
• safety zones
define indirect attack in wildland firefighting
using tools or dozers or backfiring techniques to attack the fire from a distance
define snag in wildland firefighting
dead standing tree that can be hazardous (either burning or not)
define spot fire in wildland firefighting
burning materials carried by wind ahead of main body of fire
defined tanker in wildland fire

defined tender
• fixed wing AIRCRAFT

• APPARATUS carrying 1000 gallons or more of water (NFPA 1901)
define left flank and right flank
left and right side of fire as seen from HEEL
• sometimes named ALPHA and ZULU division
T/F: AFD apparatus may be driven off-road temporarily to fight wildfire
false: apparatus not designed for off-road use will not be driven off-road
name six alarm types for wildland firefighting in AFD
• grass
• light brush
• brush
• brush second and third
• light wildland
• wildland
directions and wildland firefighting are given how
with wind to your back (in relation to origin of the fire)
what are the three main influences of wildfire behavior?
• Weather (greatest effect)
• fuels
• topography
name the six elements of fuels and wildfire intensity
• fuel type
• fuel moisture
• size and shape
• fuel loading
• horizontal continuity
• vertical arrangement
name 4 signs of extreme fire behavior:
• rapid rate of spread
• intense burning
• spotting
• crowning
T/F: fire apparatus is considered a safety zone wildland firefighting
false: however, it may be utilized or as an emergency temporary shelter if none other is available
what acronym commonly associated with structural firefighting is also applicable to wildland firefighting?
what can be used to extinguish deep-seated fires?
Class A foam
during wildland overhaul, what is considered an adequate perimeter to ensure the fires cold
100 feet
• if winds over 10 mi./h in next 24 hours in a wider area should be extinguished on downwind side
when beginning an attack on a wildland fire, and _____ should be established
anchor point (road, terrain feature or waterway that would prevent the fire from wrapping back on working crews)
how can brush trucks maximize their suppressive efforts?
Work in tandem
the wildland hose back is designed to be attached to _____.
The wildland hose pack is a _____ allowing additional packs to be connected.
• Smoothbore nozzle at the end of the standard AFD rack line
• progressive system
the flow pressure for a wildland hose pack should be:
initiated at 125 PSI and an additional 25 PSI for each additional wildland pack
know table on page 103
AFD wildland hose pack contents
name specialized tools AFD uses for wildland firefighting
(four items)
• Pulaski (ask on one side and adz on the other)
•McCleud (large triangular teeth)
• pump vest (5 gallons for mop up)
• fires water (to smother not swapped)
what are AFD's options for high points for wildland lookouts
aerial ladders, Blackhawks, Star flight