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47 Cards in this Set

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nirvana (nir-VAH-nuh) noun
1. Freedom from the endless cycle of birth and death and related suffering.

2. An idealized state or place free of pain, worries, etc.

[From Sanskrit nirvana (blowing out, extinguishing, extinction), from nis- (out) + vati (it blows).]
From Sanskrit
sutra (SOO-truh) noun
A rule or formula; aphorism.

[From Sanskrit sutra (thread).]
From Sanskrit
ahimsa (uh-HIM-sah, uh-HIN-sah) noun
The principle of refraining from harming any living being.

[From Sanskrit ahimsa, from a- (not) + hinsa (injury).]
From Sanskrit
mantra (MAN-truh) noun
1. A sound, word, or phrase that is repeated in prayer and is believed to have mystical powers.

2. An often repeated word or phrase that is closely associated with something; a slogan, byword, or a watchword.

[From Sanskrit mantra (thought, formula).]
From Sanskrit
dharma (DHAR-muh) noun
1. Duty; right behavior.

2. Law, especially the eternal law of the cosmos.

3. Religion.

[From Sanskrit dharma (law, custom, duty).]
From Sanskrit
cancrine (KANG-krin) adjective
1. Reading the same backwards as forwards, palindromic.
For example, "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama." (letter cancrine) "So patient a doctor to doctor a patient so!" (word cancrine)

2. Crab-like.

[From Latin cancr- (stem of cancer) cancer + -ine.]
From Latin
sartorial (sar-TOR-ee-uhl) adjective
Related to a tailor or tailored clothes.

[From Late Latin sartor, tailor.]
From Late Latin
debark (di-BARK) verb tr., intr.
To disembark.

[From French debarquer, de- from + barque ship.]
From French
debark (dee-BARK) verb tr.
To remove the bark from a log or a dog.

[De- + bark.]
tokology (to-KOL-uh-jee) noun, also tocology
Midwifery or obstetrics.

[From Greek toko, child, childbirth + logy.]
From Greek
athenaeum (ath-uh-NEE-um) noun
1. A library or reading room.

2. A literary or scientific club.

[From Latin Athenaeum, from Greek, a temple of Athena, the goddess of wisdom.]
From Latin
badinage (bad-NAHZH BAD-nahzh) noun
Light, playful remarks; banter.

[From French badinage, from badiner (to banter).]
From French
bon mot (bon mo) noun, plural bons mots
A witty remark.

[From French bon mot, literally good word.]
From French
rejoinder (ri-JOIN-duhr) noun
1. A sharp reply; retort.

2. In law, the defendant's answer to the plaintiff's reply/replication.

[From Middle French rejoindre (to rejoin), from re- + joindre (to join), from Latin.]
From Middle French
repartee (rep-uhr-TEE) noun
1. A quick, witty reply or conversation.

2. Cleverness in making witty conversation.

[From repartie (retort), from repartir (to retort), from re- + partir (to part or divide), from Latin.]
ad lib (ad LIB) noun
Improvised speech or music.

[From Latin ad libitum (at pleasure).]
From Latin
ad lib (ad LIB) verb tr.
To perform music, speech, etc. spontaneously.

[From Latin ad libitum (at pleasure).]
From Latin
ad lib (ad LIB) verb intr.
To improvise.

[From Latin ad libitum (at pleasure).]
From Latin
ad lib (ad LIB) adjective
Improvised, impromptu.

[From Latin ad libitum (at pleasure).]
From Latin
trepid (TREP-id) adjective
Fearful; timid.

[From Latin trepidus (alarmed).]
From Latin
requite (ri-KWYT) verb tr.
To repay, return for, avenge, or retaliate.

[From Middle English requiten, from re- + quiten (to pay), a variant of quit.]
From Middle English
vincible (VIN-suh-buhl) adjective
Defeatable; capable of being overcome.

[From Latin vincibilis, from vincere (to overcome).]
From Latin
pervious (PUR-vee-uhs) adjective
1. Permeable; open to passage or penetration.

2. Open to suggestions, arguments, reason, change, etc.

[From Latin pervius, from per- (through) + via (way).]
From Latin
sipid (SIP-id) adjective
Having a pleasing taste or flavor.

[Back formation from insipid, from Late Latin insipidus, from in- (not) + sapidus (savory), from sapere (to taste, to know).]
looby (LOO-bee) noun
An awkward, clumsy, lazy fellow.

[From Middle English loby, from lob (bumpkin).]
From Middle English
frowzy (FROU-zee) adjective, also frowsy, frouzy
1. Unkempt, slovenly.

2. Having a musty odor.

[Origin unknown.]
rangy (RAYN-jee) adjective
1. Slim and long-limbed.

2. Inclined to roaming.

[From Middle English range (row), from Old French rangier (to arrange).]
From Middle English
rident (RYD-uhnt) adjective
Laughing; cheerful.

[From Latin ridere (to laugh) which is also the source of ridiculous, deride, and risible.]
From Latin
fussbudget (FUS-buj-it) noun
One who is fussy about unimportant things.

[From fuss + budget, from Middle English, from Old French bougette, diminutive of bouge (bag), from Latin.]
bimester (by-MES-tuhr) noun
A period of two months.

[From Latin bimenstris, from bi- (two) + mensis (month).]
From Latin
yestreen (ye-STREEN) noun
Yesterday evening.

[From Middle English yester- + even.]
From Middle English
anachronism (uh-NAK-ruh-niz-uhm) noun
1. The error of placing a person, object, custom, or event in the wrong historical period.

2. A person, thing, or practice that does not belong in a time period.

[From French anachronisme, Latin and Greek, from ana-, (backwards) + khronos (time).]
From French
perennial (puh-REN-ee-uhl) adjective
1. Lasting for a long time; perpetual.

2. (of a plant) Living several years.

3. Recurrent.

[From Latin perennis (through the year), from per- (throughout) + annus year).]
From Latin
perennial (puh-REN-ee-uhl) noun
1. A perennial plant.

2. Something that continues or is recurrent.

[From Latin perennis (through the year), from per- (throughout) + annus year).]
From Latin
hesternal (he-STER-nuhl) adjective
Of yesterday.

[From Latin hesternus (of yesterday).]
From Latin
McJob (muhk-JOB) noun
A low-paying, non-challenging job with few benefits or opportunities, typically in the service sector.

[Coined by Douglas Coupland, in Generation X, after McDonald's]
Pangaea (pan-JEE-uh) noun
A hypothetical supercontinent that existed when all the major landmasses of the earth were joined.

[From Greek pan (all) + gaia (earth), supposedly coined by German meteorologist Alfred Wegener (1880-1930).]
From Greek
eustasy (YOO-stuh-see) noun
A uniform global change in sea level.

[From eustatic, from German eustatisch, coined by Austrian geologist Edward Suess.]
From German
locust years (LO-kuhst yeerz) noun
A period of economic hardship.

[Coined by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to refer to the mid 1930s in Britain, after "the years that the locust hath eaten" from the Bible, Joel 2:25.]
prehensile (pri-HEN-sil, -syl) adjective
1. Capable of seizing or grasping, especially by wrapping around.

2. Skilled at keen perception or mental grasp of an idea or concept.

3. Greedy.

[From French prehensile, coined by French naturalist Georges Louis Leclerc De Buffon, from Latin prehensus.]
sextet (seks-TET) noun
1. A group of six.

2. A group of six singers or musicians, or a piece of music composed for them.

[Alteration of sestet, influenced by Latin sex (six).]
potatory (POH-tuh-tor-ee) adjective
Pertaining to or given to drinking.

[From Latin potatorius, from Latin potatus, past participle of potare (to drink).]
From Latin
gyrovague (JYE-ro-vayg) noun
A monk who travels from one place to another.

[From French, from Late Latin gyrovagus gyro- (circle) + vagus (wandering).]
From Latin
discommode (dis-kuh-MOD) verb tr.
To put to inconvenience.

[From French discommoder, from dis- + commode (convenient).]
From French
obsequy (OB-se-kwee) noun
A funeral rite or ceremony.

[From Middle English obsequie, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin obsequiae, alteration (after Latin exsequiae, funeral rites) of Latin obsequia, plural of obsequium (compliance).]
From Latin
volitant (VOL-i-tuhnt) adjective
1. Flying or capable of flight.

2. Active; moving about rapidly.

[From Latin volitare (to flutter), from volare (to fly).]
From Latin
adit (AD-it) noun
1. Access; entrance; admission.

2. A nearly horizontal passage leading into a mine.

[From Latin aditus (approach, entrance), from adire (to approach), from ire (to go).]
From Latin