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25 Cards in this Set

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The prominence or emphasis given to a syllable or word. In the word poetry, the accent (or stress) falls on the first syllable.
A line of poetry that has 12 syllables. The name probably comes from a medieval romance about Alexander the Great that was written in 12-syllable lines.
A metrical foot of three syllables, two short (or unstressed) followed by one long (or stressed), as in 'twas the night and to the moon. The anapest is the reverse of the dactyl.
A figure of speech in which words and phrases with opposite meanings are balanced against each other.
The repetition or a pattern of similar sounds, especially vowel sounds, as in the tongue twister "Moses supposes his toeses are roses."
Poetry that is written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. Shakespeare wrote most of his plays in blank verse
Blank Verse
A natural pause or break in a line of poetry, usually near the middle of the line.
A medieval Italian lyric poem, with five or six stanzas and a shorter concluding stanza (or envoy).
An epic poem of the 11th to the 14th century, written in Old French, which details the exploits of a historical or legendary figure, especially Charlemagne.
Chanson De Geste
The principles and ideals of beauty that are characteristic of Greek and Roman art, architecture, and literature.
The repetition of similar consonant sounds, especially at the ends of words, as in lost and past or confess and dismiss.
A metrical foot of three syllables, one long (or stressed) followed by two short (or unstressed), as in happily. The dactyl is the reverse of the anapest.
A metrical foot of three syllables, one long (or stressed) followed by two short (or unstressed), as in happily. The dactyl is the reverse of the anapest.
The continuation of a complete idea (a sentence or clause) from one line or couplet of a poem to the next line or couplet without a pause.
The shorter final stanza of a poem, as in a ballade
A long, serious poem that tells the story of a heroic figure. Two of the most famous epic poems are the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer, which tell about the Trojan War and the adventures of Odysseus on his voyage home after the war.
A poem in honor of a bride and bridegroom.
A multi-syllable rhyme that ends with one or more unstressed syllables: paper/vapor, vacation/proclamation.
Feminine Rhyme
A six-line poem in which the number of syllables per line follow the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.
A verbal expression in which words or sounds are arranged in a particular way to achieve a particular effect.
Figure of Speech
Two or more syllables that together make up the smallest unit of rhythm in a poem. For example, an iamb is a foot that has two syllables, one unstressed followed by one stressed. An anapest has three syllables, two unstressed followed by one stressed.
A line of poetry that has seven metrical feet.
A stanza composed of two rhymed lines in iambic pentameter.
Heroic Couplet
A line of poetry that has six metrical feet
A figure of speech in which deliberate exaggeration is used for emphasis. Many everyday expressions are examples of hyperbole: tons of money, waiting for ages, a flood of tears, etc. Hyperbole is the opposite of litotes.