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33 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
• Give an alternate name for the hip joint.
o Coxal joint
• What structures are joined by the hip joint?
o Acetabulum of the hip bone, head of the femur
• What type of joint is the hip joint?
o Ball and socket joint.
• What are the anatomical components of the hip joint?
o Articular capsule

o Accessory ligaments
What is the origin and insertion of the hip joint capsule?
o Rim of acetabulum to neck of femur
• What are the four major accessory ligaments of the hip joint?
o Iliofemoral ligament

o Ischiofemoral ligament

o Pubofemoral ligament

o Transverse ligament of the acetabulum
• Where does the iliofemoral ligament run?
o Anterior inferior iliac spine to intertrochanteric line of femur
• Which ligament is said to be the body’s strongest?
o Iliofemoral ligament
• Where does the ischiofemoral ligament run?
o Ischial wall of acetabulum to neck of femur
• Where does the pubofemoral ligament run?
o Pubic wall of acetabulum to neck of femur
• What is the acetabular labrum?
o Fibrocartilage rim attached to the margin of the acetabulum that enhances the depth of the acetabulum
• What are the movements permitted by the hip joint?
o Flexion and extension along sagittal plane, adduction and abduction along coronal plane, circumduction, medial and lateral rotation
• What are the muscles that are responsible for movement at the hip joint?
o Muscles of the gluteal region that move the femur
• Which two muscles flex the thigh at the hip joint?
o Iliopsoas muscle

o Rectus femoris (of quadriceps femoris)
• Which muscles extend the thigh at the hip joint?
o Gluteal muscles
• Which muscles abduct the thigh at the hip joint?
o Tensor fasciae latae
• Which muscles adduct the thigh at the hip joint?
o Adductor muscles
• Which muscles medially rotate the thigh at the hip joint?
o Adductor muscles (when the foot is on the ground)
• Which 4 muscles laterally rotate the thigh at the hip joint?
o Piriformis, obturator, gemellus, and quadratus femoris
• Which two muscles comprise the iliopsoas muscle?
o Psoas major and iliacus
• Where is the origin and insertion of the psoas major?
o Origin: lumbar vertebrae

o Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
• Where is the origin and insertion of the iliacus muscle?
o Origin: iliac fossa and sacrum

o Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
• Which muscle inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur?
o Iliopsoas muscle
• Which nerve/nerves innervate the psoas major muscle?
o Lumbar spinal nerves L2-L3
• Which nerve/nerves innervate the iliacus muscle?
o Femoral nerve
• What are the three gluteal muscles?
o Gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus
• What is the origin and insertion of the gluteal muscles?
o Origin: Ilium

o Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
• Which muscles insert on the greater trochanter of the femur?
o Gluteal muscles
Which nerve/nerves innervate the gluteal muscles?
Superior gluteal nerve
What is the origin and insertion of the tensor fasciae latae?
Origin: iliac crest

Insertion: Tibia by way of the iliotibial tract
Which nerve innervates the tensor fasciae lattae?
Superior gluteal nerve
What are the three adductor muscles?
Longus, brevis, and magnus
What is the origin and insertion of the adductor muscles?
Origin: pubis

Insertion: linea aspera of femur