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60 Cards in this Set

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Elongated contractle cells of muscle tissue

Muscle fibers/cells

How do muscle cells shorten

By converting food into movement

What are the 3 types of muscle tissue

Smooth, skeletal, cardiac

Skeletal muscle

Striated, voluntary

Cardiac muscle

Striated, involuntary, intercalated disks

Smooth muscle

Nonstriated, involuntary, also called visceral, found in hollow structures

What are the parts of skeletal muscle

Origin, insertion, body


Attachment to bone that remains stationary when movement at joint occurs


Point of attachment to bone that moves when muscle contracts


Main part of muscle

How does muscle attach to bones


What are bursae

Small sacs with synovial fluid between tendons and underlying bones

Muscle fibers contain what two things

Thick and thin myofilaments

Thick myofilaments contain

Protein called myosin

Thin myofilaments contain


What is the basic functional(contractle) unit called in skeletal muscle

Sacromere (separated from each other by dark bands called z bands)

What does contraction require

Calcium and ATP

How does skeletal muscle move

By pulling on bones as muscle contracts

The insertion bone is pulled what to the origin bone


Where does movement occur

At joint, between origin and insertion

Groups of muscles usually contract to produce what

A single movement

Prime mover

Muscle whose contraction is mainly responsible for producing a given movement


Muscle whose contractions HELP prime mover produce a movement


Muscle whose actions OPPOSE of a prime mover in any movement


Muscle contraction called tonic contraction enables us to maintain body position

How does skeletal muscle tone maintain posture

By counteracting the pull of gravity

What is muscle fatigue

Reduced strength of muscle contraction

What is muscle fatigue caused by

Repeated muscle stimulation without adequate rest periods

What does repeated muscle contraction do

Depletes cellular ATP stores and outstrips ability of blood supply to replenish oxygen

Muscle burning is contributed to

Contraction without oxygen which produces lactic acid

Oxygen debt

Metabolic effort required to burn excess lactic acid

What is required to pay the oxygen debt

Labored breathing which increases metabolism, helps restore energy and oxygen

What is required before a muscle can shorten and produce movement

Stimulation of muscle by nerve impulse

What is a motor unit

Nerve cell that transmits impulse to a muscle causing contraction

What is the point of contact between a nerve ending and muscle fiber

Neuromuscular junction

What is a motor unit a combination of

Motor neuron and muscle cell

What is the minimal level of intensity an applied stimulus must reach called

Threshold stimuli

Once stimulated by threshold stimuli, a muscle fiber will contract completley. What is this response called

All or none

Twitch contractions

Quick, jerky responses to a stimuli

Tetanic contractions

Steady muscular contraction caused by a series of stimuli bombarding a muscle in rapid succession

Isotonic contractions

BOOK. Produces movement at joint, muscle changes length causing insertion end to move

Concentric muscles

Shorten muscles


Increase in length

Isometric contractions

HOUSE. Do not produce movement, tension increases

Strength activity does what to a muscle fiber

Increases number of myofilaments in each muscle fiber and the mass of muscle increases

Does endurance training result in muscle hypertrophy

Np, allows efficient delivery of oxygen


Muscle disorders can range from mild to life threatening

Crush injuries can result can result in what

Kideny failure because of cell contents released


Viral infection of motor nerves

Muscular dystrophy

Group of genetic disorders charact. By muscle atrophy

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Pseudo hypertrophic, most common type, rapid progression of weakness and atrophy, mostly boys

Myasthenia gravis

autoimmune disease charact by weakness and chronic fatigue by immune sys attacking NMJ

What is the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction

Thick and think myofilaments move toward each other to cause muscle contraction


Flat sheet connective tissue that connects muscle to other structures

Plantar flexion

Pointed toes

Doris flexion

Toes toward head


Palms up


Palms down


Damage to ligaments


Involves stretching or tearing. No ligament damage