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82 Cards in this Set

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what are the different types of bones?
long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid
what is the function of long bones?
curved for strength
what is the function of flat bones?
protection and muscle attachment
what is the function of sesamoid bones?
protect tendons from excessive wear and tear, change direction of pull of a tendon improving mechanical advantage at joint
give examples of long bones
femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, ulna, radius, phalanges
give examples of short bones
carpal bones, tarsal bones
give examples of irregular bones
vertebrae, some facial bones
give an example of sesamoid bones
patella, also associated with phalanges, wrists and ankles
what type of bone are long bones made up of?
mostly made up of compact bone in the diaphyses but have spongy bone in the epipyses
what type of bone are short bones made up of?
consist of spongy bone except at surface which has thin layer of compact bone
what type of bone are irregular bones made up of?
very in amount of spongy and compact bone
what type of bone are sesamoid bones made up of?
may not be completely ossified
give examples of flat bones
cranial bones, sternum, ribs, scapula
identify the divisions of the skeletal system
axial and appendicular
which bones are in the axial skeleton? (general)
cranial bones, facial bones, hyoid bone, vertebral column, ribs, sternum
which bones are in the cranium
frontal, 2 parietal, 2 temporal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid
name facial bones
2 nasal, 2 maxillae, 2 zygomatics, 2 lacramal, mandible
name bones in vertebral column
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx
how many ribs in total
how many true ribs?
how many false ribs?
What are the names of the sutures?
coronal/frontal, sagittal, lambdoidal/occipital, squamosal/temporal
what cranial bones does the coronal/frontal suture join?
the frontal bone, and both parietal bones
what cranial bones does the lambdoidal/occipital suture join?
the occipital bone, both the parietal bones and both temporal bones
what cranial bones does the sagittal suture connect?
both parietal bones
what cranial bones do the squamosal/temporal sutures join?
the parietal bone, temporal bone and occipital bones on either side
what are fontanels?
the soft spots on an infants skull
what are the major fontanels?
anterior/frontal, anterior lateral, posterior/occipital, posterior lateral
where is the anterior/frontal fontanel located and what cranial bones does it join?
located medially and anterior between the frontal bone and the two parietal bones
where is the anterior lateral fontanel located and what bones does it join?
lateral anterior on either side of skull, joins the temporal, parietal, frontal and sphenoid
where is the posterior occipital fontanel located and what cranial bones does it join?
medial and posterior, joins the two parietal bones and the occipital
where is the posterior lateral fontanel found and what cranial bones does it join?
lateral and anterior one either side of skull, joining temporal, occipital and parietal bones
what does the hyoid bone articulate with?
it doesn't articulate with any other bones
what is the hyoid bones function?
it is for the muscular attachment of tongue, neck and pharynx
where are the cervical vertebrae located?
they are the first seven vertebrae in the vertebral column
which cervical vertebra articulates with the skull?
the atlas
which vertebrae are the only ones with transverse foramen?
where are the thoracic vertebrea found?
the correlate with the thorax of the body. They are the second set of 12 vertebrae
where are the lumbar vertebrae found?
they correlate with the abdomen, they are the third set of 5 vertebrae
where is the sacrum found?
at base of spine
where is the coccyx found?
at the tip of the sacrum
which of the vertebrae are fused?
sacrum and coccyx
what are the parts of the sternum and in what order do they go?
manubrium, body, xiphoid process
What portion of the skeleton is considered the "axial" skeleton?
the portion along the central/longitudinal axis
how many bones are in the axial skeleton?
which vertebra articulates with the atlas?
the axis or C2
what portion of the skeleton is considered the "appendicular" skeleton?
appendages, pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle
how many bones in the appendicular skeleton?
what are the general groups of bones in the appendicular skeleton?
pectoral girdle, upper extremities, pelvic girdle, lower extremeties
how many floating ribs?
Name the sinuses
sphenoidal, maxillary, frontal
what are the functions of the sinuses
warm/moisten air, lighten skull, add resonance to voice
what's the function of the thorax?
encloses and protects thoracic organs and upper abdomen; provides support for pectoral girdle and upper extremities.
describe how a long bone looks
longer than wide, slightly curved for strength
describe how a short bone looks
somewhat cube shaped, nearly equal in length/width
describe how a flat bone looks
thin, 2 parallel platse of compact bone enclosing a layer of spongy bone
describe how irregular bones look
complex and various shapes
is the scapula tightly or loosely attached to the axial skeleton?
what bones are found within the pectoral girdle?
slavicle, scapula
what bones are found in the upper extremity, proximal to distal?
humerous, radius and ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
phalanges are another name for
the carpals are found...
in the wrist
the radius is found on the same side as the
the ulna is found on the side of
the pinky
what are the three different fused bones that make up the pelvic girdle?
ilium, ischium, pubis
what bones are found in the lower extremity, proximal to distal?
femur, tibia/fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, toes
name the two tarsals that we need to know
talus, calcaneus
the talus is associated with what part of the foot?
the ankle
the calcaneus is associated with what part of the foot?
the heel
the metatarsals are associated with what part of the foot?
the sole of the foot
the phalanges found in the foot are associated with what part of the foot?
the carpals are associated with what part of the hand?
the wrist
the metacarpals are associated with what part of the hand?
the palm
What is the difference between a female pelvis and a male pelvis
the arch under the pubic symphysis in a female is greater than 90 degrees, while the arch in a male is about 90 degrees; the ilium of a female pelvis is more rounded than the males; the entire pelvis of a male is heavier, thicker and larger
what's the common name for the humerus?
what's the common name for the radius/ulna?
what's the common name for the pelvic girdle?
what's the common name for the femur?
what's the common name for the tibia/fibula
the tibia is found aligned with what portion of the foot?
big toe
the fibula is found aligned with what portion of the foot?
the pinky toe
the greater sciatic notch is found where? What runs through it?
on the ilium, the sciatic nerve