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44 Cards in this Set

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Tunica intima

lines the lumen of a Vessel intima= intimate/inside Closky packed cells form smooth surface that reduces friction and helps blood travel

Smooth, inside job (intimate)

Tunica media

Media-middle, is bulky And made of smooth muscle and elast ic tissue. Controlled by the sympathetic nervous system is active in changing the diameter of blood vessels alters BP& Peripheral resistance

Buff middle

Terminal externa

Outside of tunic, Composed of fibrous Connective tissue function as blood Vessel support And protection

Outside layer

Artery Structure

Artery walls are thicker than veins. the tunica media in arteries is thicker and more muscular because arteries are closer to the pumping Of the heart and have to expand and contract to a great degree. their walls must be strong enough to withstand Such pressure fluctuations

Vein structure

are farther away from the heart so they are much less muscular than arteries. their walls are thinner / but they have a larger lumen because pressure is lower but it has to return the same Amount of blood

Ascending aorta

branches into the left and right coronary arteries which provide oxygen to the heart

Brachiocephalic trunk

First major branch of the aortic arch Splits And divides into the right common Carotid artery and the right Subclavian

Cardiac cycle (includes events of one complete heartbeat)

both atria and Ventricles Contract and relax. • 1 Ventrical filling: Vertical filling and atrial contraction •2 ventricular systole: isovolumentric contraction • 3 early diastole: Isovolumetric relaxation, ventricular filling


Contraction of the heart


Period of relaxation of the heart


AV valve close at the beginning of Systole


Occurs when the SL Valve closes at the end of systole


heart sounds


Alternate surges of pressure in the artery that occur with each beat of the left ventricle usually is heart rate which is 70-76 bpm

Blood Pressure (BP)

pressure exerted by the blood up on the walls of the blood vessels / measured by sphygmomanometer and expressed in millimeters of mercury

Systolic pressure

pressure during the peak of ventricular ejection usually 120mm HG

Diastolic pressure

Pressure during ventricular relegation Usually 80mm HG


Instrument used to take blood pressure blood pressure cuff

Sounds of korotkoff

as cuff pressure is released the examiner listens with a stethoscope Over the brachial artery for the characteristic sounds that indicate the resumption of blood flow into the forearm

Arterial blood pressure

Cardiac output (CO) x Peripheral resistance (PR)

Upper respiratory system

Nose pnarynrd & larynx

Phaeryngotympanic tubes

auditory or Eustachian tubes, which allow middle ear pressure to become equalized to atmospheric pressure. ( lets your ears pop)

Tympani=ear pharyngeo=mouth

Cribriform plate

horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone separating the cranial cavity From the nasal cavity

Sphenoid sinus

Sinus located within the sphenoid bone

Posterior nasal apeture

open passageway at the end of the nasal cavity leading into the pharynx


posterior (behind) to the nasal cavity and Continuous with it. lies above Soft palate it serves as only an air passage

Pharyngeo tonsil

(adenoids) important defense mechanism Of the pulmonary system? (google it later)


Dangles from the back of the roof Of the mouth


posterior (behind) the oral cavity and continuous with it through an archway Extends from the soft pallet to the epiglottis Conduit for food and air

Palatine tonsil

in the lateral Walls of the Oropharynx

Lingual tonsils

Cover the base of the tongue in the Oropharynx

Lingual= tongue


like oropharynx, Accommodates both ingested food and air extends to larynx where it divides into respiratory and digestive Channels


Made up of nine Cartilages most very small. all are hyaline except for epiglottis which is elastic

Made up of nine Cartilages most very small. all are hyaline except for epiglottis which is elastic


Muscular tube that connects the month to the stomach


Airway passage; has cartilage rings to help keep it open as air rushes in; Branches into lefty right bronchus

Frontal sinus

One of a pair of cavities in the frontal bone

Nasal cavity

Either of the two cavities lying between the bottom of the cranium and & the roof of the mouth. extends from face to pharynx

Nasal conchae


Nasal Meatuses

passageways formed by the Chonchaea increases surface area of the internal nose and prevents dehydration by trapping water droplets during exhalation


opening for air to enter respiratory system(nares)

Hard palate

boney roof of mouth

Soft palate

back [oof of month


mass Of mobile muscular tissue Covered Wl mucus membrane

Hyoid bone

holds in tongue is a bone usually broken in strangulation