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52 Cards in this Set

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what is the digestive tube extending from the mouth to the anus called?
alimentary canal aka gastrointestinal tract
what are the organs included in the alimentary canal?
mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus
what organs are accessor digestive organs?
teeth, tongue, gall bladder, salivary glands, liver and pancreas
what is the function of accessory digestive organs?
they produce a variety of secretions that contribute to the breakdown of food stuff
what are the six essentioal activities of the digestive tract?
ingestion, propulsion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption and defactation
describe ingestion
taking food into the digestive tract
describe propulsion
moving food
describe mechanical digestion
prepares food for chemical digestion
describe chemical digestion
food molecules are broken down into chemical building blocks
what is the process of digested end products being passed into the blood stream called?
absorption (by way of diffusion)
description of mucosa and function
-epithelial membrane (areolar connective tissue/smooth muscle)
-secretion, absorption and protection
description of submucosa and function
-dense connective tissue with blood and lymphatic vessels (elastic fibers which allow it to regain shape after a large meal)
-nutrition and protection
description of muscularis externa and function
-bilayer of smooth muscle: deep layer runs circularly; superficial layer runs longitudinally
-GI motility: mixing and propelling food (peristalsis)
description of serosa and function
-visceral peritoneum
-reduces friction against other organs' replaced by adventitia (binds some organs to surrounding tissues) in the esophagus
the terminal end of the anal canal which opens to the exterior of the body
a blind tubelike structure which hangs from the cecum and is a common site of infection
part of the colon that travels up the right side of the abdominal cavity
ascending colon
structure which drains bile from the gall bladder
bile duct
the midportion of the stomach, inferior to the fundus
body of the stomach
structure through which bile enters the dudenum
common hepatic duct
structure through which bile leaves the liver
cystic duct
part of the colon that travels down the left side of the abdominal cavity
descending colon
part of the small intestine that extends from the pyloric sphincter
the voluntary sphincter of the anus
external anal sphincter
suspends the liver from the diaphragm and anterior abdominal wall
falciform ligament
the expanded portion of the stomach
small green sac on the inferior surface of the liver which concentrates bile
gall baldder
a mesentery that extends from the liver to attach to the lesser curvature of the stomach
greater omentum
the functional blood supply of the liver
hepatic artery
drains blood from liver
hepatic vein
the expanded portion of the stomach
small green sac on the inferior surface of the liver which concentrates bile
gall baldder
a mesentery that extends from the liver to attach to the lesser curvature of the stomach
greater omentum
the functional blood supply of the liver
hepatic artery
drains blood from liver
hepatic vein
structure in which the pancreatic duct fuses with the bile duct just as it enters the duodenum
hepatopancreatic ampulla
the second division of small intestine which extends for about 8 feet
the involuntary sphincter of the anus
internal anal sphincter
the terminal portion of the small intestine
passageway extending from the epiglottis to the base of the larynx
a saclike mesentery extending from the greater curvature of the stomach and covers the abdominal contents in an apronlike fashion
lesser omentum
the largest gland in the body
duct which drains pancreatic juice from the pancreas
main pancreatic duct
passageway behind the oral cavity extending from the soft palate to the epiglottis
a traingular gland with an endocrine and exocrine function
large glands anterior to the ear and ducting into the mouth over the second upper molar through the parotid duct
parotid glands
the terminal part of the stomach
part of the large intestine following the sigmoid colon
the s-shaped part of the colon
sigmoid colon
small glands located anteriorly in the floor of the mouth
sublingual glands
glands along the medical aspect of the mandibular body in the floor of the mouth
submandibular glands
part of the colon that travels across the abdominal cavity
transverse colon