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485 Cards in this Set

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characteristics of skeletal cartilage

water lends resiliency

contains no blood vessels

surrounded by perichondrium





dense connective tissue girdle

surrounds skeletal cartilage

contains blood vessels for nutrient delivery

resists outward expansion

3 types of skeletal cartilage

hyaline cartilage

elastic cartilage


same basic components of all three skeletal cartilages

contains chondrocytes (cells), encased in small cavities called lacunae, within an extracellular matrix (jellylike ground substance and fibers)

hyaline cartilage

support, flexibility and resilience

collagen fibers only (most abundant)

articular, costal, respiratory, nasal cartilage

articular cartilage

hyaline cartilage

covers ends of most bones at movable joints

costal cartilages

hyaline cartilage

connect ribs to the sternum

respiratory cartilages

hyaline cartilage

form skeleton of larynx (voicebox)

reinforce other respiratory passageways

nasal cartilages

hyaline cartilage

support the external nose

elastic cartilage

skeletal cartilage

similar to hyaline, but contains elastic fibers

external ear and epiglottis


flap that bends to cover the opening of the larynx each time we swallow


skeletal cartilage

thick collagen fibers

great tensile strength

menisci of knee

vertebral discs

two ways cartilage can grow

appositional growth

interstitial growth

appositional growth

growth of cartilage

cartilage forming cells in perichondrium secrete matrix against external face of existing cartilage

interstitial growth

cartilage growth

chondrocytes divide and secrete new matrix, expanding cartilage from within

calcification of cartilage

occurs during normal bone growth

youth and old age

cartilage hardens due to deposit of calcium salts

(calcified cartilage is NOT bone)

how many named bones in skeleton


2 groups of bones

axial skeleton

appendicular skeleton

axial skeleton

long axis of body

bones of skull, vertebral column and rib cage

appendicular skeleton

bones of upper and lower limbs

girdles (shoulder and hip bones) attaching limbs to axial skeleton

4 bone shapes





long bones

longer than they are wide

all limb bones except patella, wrist and ankle

short bones

cube shaped bones (wrist and ankle)

sesamoid bones (within tendons)

vary in size/number in different individuals

sesamoid bones

special type short bone

forms in tendon


flat bones

thin, flat, slightly curved

sternum, scapulae, ribs, most skull bones

irregular bones

complicated shapes

vertebrae, coxal bones (hip bones)

7 functions of bones

1. support

2. protection

3. movement

4. mineral and growth factor storage

5. blood cell formation

6. triglyceride (fat) storage

7. hormone production

functions of bones: support

framework supports body

cradles soft organs

functions of bones: protection

skull: protects brain

vertebrae bones: protect spinal cord

rib cage: protects vital organs

functions of bones: movement

skeletal muscles use bones as levers for muscle action (to move body and its parts)

functions of bones: mineral and growth factor storage

bone reservoir for minerals

calcium and phosphorus

bone matrix stores growth factors

functions of bones: blood cell formation (hematopoiesis)

occurs in red marrow cavities of bones


blood cell formation

functions of bones: triglyceride (fat) storage

storage in bone cavities

energy source

functions of bones: hormone production

bones produce osteocalcin


hormone produced by bones

helps regulate bone formation

protects against obesity, glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus

why are bones organs

they contains different types of tissues

different types of tissues in bones (6)

bone (osseous tissue)

nervous tissue (in nerves)

cartilage tissue

fibrous connective tissue (lining cavities)

muscle and epithelial tissues (in blood vessels)

3 levels of bone structure

gross anatomy



gross anatomy

bone textures

structure of short, irregular and flat bones

structure of typical long bone

location of hematopoietic tissues in bones

bone markings

2 bone textures



compact bone

dense outer layer

smooth and solid

spongy bone

also called trabecular bone

internal to compact bone

honeycomb of flat pieces of bone deep to compact

^-- called trabeculae


spongy bone

a honeycomb of small-needle like or flat pieces

structure of short, irregular and flat bones (5)

1. thin plates of spongy bone covered by compact bone

2. plates sandwiched between connective tissue membranes: periosteum (outer layer) and endosteum

3. no shaft or epiphyses

4. contain bone marrow throughout spongy bone but no marrow cavity

5. hyaline cartilage covers articular surfaces

structure of typical long bone

most long bones have same general structure

a shaft, bone ends and membranes

diaphysis and epiphyses


(structure of typical long bone)

tubular shaft forms long axis of bone

compact bone surrounding medullary cavity

medullary cavity

also called marrow cavity

long bone

surrounded by thick collar of compact bone

in adults, it contains fat (yellow marrow) and is called yellow marrow cavity


(structure of typical long bone)

bone ends

external compact bone forms epiphyses exterior

internal epiphyses contains spongy bone

articular cartilage covers articular surfaces

between epiphyses and diaphysis is epiphyseal line

epiphyseal line

between diaphysis and epiphysis of bone

remnant of childhood bone growth at epiphyseal plate

epiphyseal plate

disc of hyaline cartilage that grows during childhood to lengthen the bone

2 membranes of long bone



periosteum (structure of typical long bone)

white, double-layered membrane

covers external surfaces (except joint surfaces)

outer fibrous layer is dense irregular connective tissue

osteogenic layer abuts bone

many nerve fibers and blood vessels

anchoring points for tendons and ligamets

sharpey's fibers

periosteum membrane

collagen fibers that extend from fibrous layer into the bone matrix

secure periosteum to underlying bone

osteogenic layer of periosteum

abuts bone surface

contains primitive stem cells (osteogenic cells)

endosteum (structure of typical long bone)

delicate connective tissue membrane

covers internal bone surface

covers trabeculae of spongy bone

lines canals that pass through compact bone

contains osteogenic cells that can differentiate into other bone cells

hematopoietic tissue in bones (structure of typical long bone)

hematopoietic tissue= red marrow

found in trabecular cavities of spongy bone

found in diploe of flat bones

found in medullary cavities and spongy bone of newborns

adult long bones have little red marrow (heads of femur and humerus only)

red marrow in diploe and irregular bones is most active

yellow marrow can convert to red if necessary

blood cell production (hematopoiesis) in adult long bones routinely occurs only in

the heads of the femur and humerus

bone markings (structure of typical long bone)

sites of muscle, ligament and tendon attachment on external surfaces

joint surfaces

conduits for blood vessels and nerves

projections, depressions and openings

bone markings: projections

most indicate stresses created by muscle pull of joint modifications

bone markings: depressions and openings

allow nerves and blood vessels to pass

microscopic anatomy of bone: 5 major cell types of bone tissue

each specialized form of same basic cell type

osteogenic cells



bone lining cells


osteogenic cells

also called osteoprogenitor cells

cells of bone tissue

mitotically active stem cells in periosteum and endosteum

when stimulated, differentiate into osteoblasts or bone lining cells

(though some persist as osteogenic cells)


cells of bone tissue

bone-forming cells

secrete unmineralized bone matrix (osteoid)

actively mitotic


unmineralized bone matrix secreted by osteoblasts

include collagen (90% of bone protein) and calcium binding proteins


cells of bone tissue

mature bone cells in lacunae

monitor and maintain bone matrix

act as stress or strain sensors

how do osteocytes act as stress or strain sensors

respond to and communicate mechanical stimuli to osteoblasts and osteoclasts so bone remodeling can occur

bone lining cells

cells of bone tissue

flat cells on bone surfaces believed to help maintain matrix

periosteal cells and endosteal cells

periosteal cells

bone lining cells on external bone surface

endosteal cells

bone lining cells lining internal bone surfaces


cells of bone tissue

bone-destroying cells

derived from hematopoietic stem cells that become macrophages

giant multinucleate cells for born resorption

when active, rest in resorption bay and have ruffled border

ruffled border of osteoclasts

when active

increases surface area for enzyme degradation of bone and seals off area from surrounding matrix

microscopic anatomy of bone: compact bone

(lamellar bone) contains passageways that serve as conduits for nerves and blood vessels

osteon or haversian system

canals and canaliculi

interstitial and circumferential lamellae

osteon or haversian system

structural unit of compact bone

each osteon is a elongated cylinder parallel to long axis of bone

hollow tubes of bone matrix called lamellae

collagen fibers in adjacent rings run different directions which resists twisting

microscopic anatomy of bone: compact bone- canals and canaliculi

central (haversian) canal

perforating (volkmann's) canal



central (haversian) canal

compact bone

runs through core of osteon

contains blood vessels and nerve fibers

perforating (volkmann's) canals

compact bone

canals lined with endosteum at right angles to central canal

connect blood vessels and nerves of periosteum, medullary cavity and central canal

compact bone: lacunae

small cavities that contain osteocytes


compact bone

hairlike canals that connect lacunae to each other and central canal

canaliculi formation in compact bone

osteoblasts secreting bone matrix maintain contact with eachother and osteocytes via cell projections with gap junctions

canaliculi forms when matrix hardens and cells are trapped

allows communication

permits nutrients and wastes to be relayed from one osteocyte to another throughout osteon

interstitial lamellae

compact bone

incomplete lamellae not part of complete osteon

fill gaps between forming osteons

remnants of osteons cut by bone remodeling

circumferential lamellae

compact bone

just deep to periosteum

superficial to endosteum

extend around entire surface of diaphysis

resist twisting of long bone

microscopic anatomy of bone: spongy bone

appears poorly organized

trabeculae: 1. align along lines of stress to help resist it

2. no osteons

3. contain irregularly arranged lamellae and osteocytes interconnected by canaliculi

4. capillaries in endosteum supply nutrients

chemical composition of bone

both organic and inorganic substances

organic components: bone cells and osteoid

inorganic components: mineral salts

organic components of bones: cells (5) and osteoid

1. osteogenic cells

2. osteoblasts

3. osteocytes

4. bone lining cells

5. osteoclasts


1/3 of organic bone matrix secreted by osteoblasts

made of ground substance

collagen fibers

contributes to structure

provides tensile strength and flexibility

sacrificial bonds

contributes to resilience of bone

in or between collagen molecules

stretch and break easily on impact to dissipate energy and prevent fracture

(bonds reform)


inorganic mineral salts in bone

65% of bone by mass

mainly tiny calcium phosphate crystals in and around collagen fibers

responsible for hardness and resistance to compression

hydroxyapatites (mineral salts) are responsible for

hardness of bone and resistance to compression

characteristics of bone (5)

1. half as strong as steel in resisting compression

2. as strong as steel in resisting tension

3. last long after death because of mineral composition

4. reveal information about ancient people

5. can display growth arrest lines

growth arrest lines

horizontal lines on bones

proof of illness: when bones stop growing so nutrients can help fight disease



process of bone tissue formation

formation of bony skeleton, postnatal bone growth, bone remodeling and repair

formation of bony skeleton begins in

2nd month of development

postnatal bone growth occurs until

early adulthood

bone remodeling and repair occurs

your whole life

two types of ossification

endochondral ossification

intramembranous ossification

general characteristics of endochondral ossification (3)

1. bone forms by replacing hyaline cartilage

2. bones called cartilage (endochondral) bones

3. forms most of skeleton

general characteristics of intramembranous ossification (3)

1. bone develops from fibrous membrane

2. bones called membrane bones

3. forms flat bones (clavicles and cranial bones)

what type of ossification forms most all bones inferior to base of skull (except clavicles)

endochondral ossification

endochondral ossification requires breakdown of what prior to ossification

hyaline cartilage

endochondral ossification begins at

primary ossification center in center of shaft

blood vessel infiltration of perichondrium converts it to periosteum

underlying cells change to osteoblasts

first stage of endochondral ossification

bone collar forms around diaphysis of hyaline cartilage model

2nd stage of endochondral ossification

central cartilage in diaphysis calcifies and then develops cavities

3rd stage of endochondral ossification

periosteal bud invades internal cavities and spongy bone forms

4th stage of endochondral ossification

diaphysis elongates and a medullary cavity forms

5th stage of endochondral ossification

the epiphyses ossify

periosteal bud

collection of elements that invades internal cavities during 3rd stage of endochondral ossification

contains a nutrient artery and vein, nerve fibers, red marrow elements, osteogenic cells and osteoclasts

intramembranous ossification forms what bones

frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal bones, and clavicles

intramembranous ossification begins within

fibrous connective tissue membranes formed by mesenchymal cells

1st stage of intramembranous ossification

ossification centers appear in fibrous connective tissue membrane

2nd stage of intramembranous ossification

osteoid is secreted within fibrous membrane and calcifies

3rd stage of intramembranous ossification

woven bone and periosteum form

4th stage of intramembranous ossification

lamellar bone replaces woven bone, just deep to periosteum

red marrow appears

2 growth methods of postnatal bone growth

interstitial (longitudinal)


increase in length of long bones

interstitial (longitudinal) growth

increase in bone thickness

appositional growth

type of growth that requires presence of epiphyseal cartilage

interstitial growth

(growth in length of long bones)

what remains at a constant thickness during interstitial growth? why?

epiphyseal plate

rate of cartilage growth on one side balanced by bone replacement on other

5 zones within cartilage- interstitial growth

resting (quiescent) zone

proliferation (growth) zone

hypertrophic zone

calcification zone

ossification (osteogenic) zone

resting (quiescent) zone

(interstitial growth)

cartilage on epiphyseal side of epiphyseal plate

relatively inactive

proliferation (growth) zone

(interstitial growth)

cartilage on diaphysis side of epiphyseal plate

rapidly divide pushing epiphysis away from diaphysis----> lengthening

hypertrophic zone

(interstitial growth)

older chondrocytes closer to diaphysis and their lacunae enlarge and erode----> interconnecting spaces

calcification zone

(interstitial growth)

surrounding cartilage matrix calcifies, chondrocytes die and deteriorate

ossification zone

(interstitial growth)

chondrocyte deterioration leaves long spicules of calcified cartilage at epiphysis-diaphysis junction

spicules eroded by osteoclasts

covered with new bone by osteoblasts

ultimately replaced with spongy bone

near end of adolescence, what divides less often


near end of adolescence epiphyseal plate thins and is replaced by


what happens during epiphyseal plate closure (interstitial growth)

bone lengthening ceases which requires presence of cartilage

bone of epiphysis and diaphysis fuses

when does epiphyseal plate closure occur in females

about 18 years

when does epiphyseal plate closure occur in males

about 21 years

what is this

what is this

epiphyseal plate



resting (quiescent zone)



proliferation (growth) zone

cartilage cells undergo mitosis



hypertrophic zone

older cartilage cells enlarge



calcification zone

matrix calcifies

cartilage cells die

matrix begins deteriorating

blood vessels invade cavity



ossification zone

new bone forms

appositional growth: main points

allows lengthening bone to widen

occurs throughout life

during appositional growth, osteoblasts do what

osteoblasts beneath periosteum secrete bone matrix on external bone

during appositional growth what do osteoclasts do

osteoclasts remove bone on endosteal surface

hormonal regulation of bone growth: growth hormone

most important in stimulating epiphyseal plate activity in infancy and childhood

hormonal regulation of bone growth: thyroid hormone

modulates activity of growth hormone

ensures proper proportions

hormonal regulation of bone growth: testosterone and estrogens (at puberty)

promote adolescent growth spurts

end growth by inducing epiphyseal plate closure

excesses or deficits of any hormone for bone growth cause

abnormal skeletal growth

how much bone mass is recycled each week


spongy bone is replaced every

3-4 years

compact bone is replaced every

10 years

why does older bone become more brittle

calcium salts crystallize

fractures more easily

bone remodeling

consists of bone deposit and bone resorption

occurs at surfaces of both periosteum and endpsteum

remodeling units

remodeling units

coordinate bone remodeling

packets of adjacents osteoblasts and osteoclasts

bone deposit

evidence of new matrix deposit by osteoblasts

osteoid seam

calcification front

trigger of calcification not confirmed

osteoid seam

unmineralized band of bone matrix

marks areas of new matrix deposits by osteoblasts

calcification front

abrupt transition zone between osteoid seam and older mineralized bone

bone resorption is accomplished by what


osteoclasts and bone resorption

dig depressions or grooves as break down matrix

secrete lysosomal enzymes that digest matrix and protons

acidity converts calcium salts to soluble forms

once resorption complete osteoclasts undergo apoptosis

bone resorption: osteoclasts and phagocytosis

osteoclasts phagocytize demineralized matrix and dead osteocytes

transcytosis allow release into interstitial fluid and then into blood

osteoclast activation during bone resorption involves what

PTH and T cell-secreted proteins

bone remodeling occurs continuously but regulated by

genetic factors and two control loops

2 control loops that regulate bone remodeling

1. negative feedback hormonal loop that maintains calcium homeostasis in blood

2. responses to mechanical and gravitational forces acting on skeleton

5 important functions of calcium

1. nerve impulse transmission

2. muscle contraction

3. blood coagulation (clotting of blood)

4. secretion by glands and nerve cells

5. cell division

how much calcium in body

1200-1400 grams

99% as bone minerals

2 primary hormonal controls of calcium in blood

parathyroid hormone (PTH)


hormonal control of calcium in blood: parathyroid hormone (PTH)

produced by parathyroid glands

removes calcium from bone regardless of bone integrity

hormonal control of calcium in blood: calcitonin

produced by parafollicular cells of thyroid gland

in high doses lowers blood calcium levels temporarily

calcium homeostasis

even minute changes in blood calcium dangerous

severe neuromuscular problems


2 severe neuromuscular problems from change in blood calcium




when blood calcium levels are too low


when blood calcium levels are too high


sustained high blood calcium levels

deposits of calcium salts in blood vessels, kidneys can interfere with function

2 hormones that affect bone density




hormone released by adipose tissue

role in bone density regulating

inhibits osteoblasts in animals


neurotransmitter regulating mood and sleep

most made in gut

secreted into blood after eating

interferes with osteoblast activity

serotonin reuptake inhibitors (prozac) cause lower bone density

bone homeostasis: response to mechanical stress

bones reflect stresses they encounter

bones stressed when weight bears on them or muscles pull on them

wolff's law

bones grow or remodel in response to demands placed on it

5 examples of wolff's law

1. handedness (left or right handed) results in thicker and stronger bone of upper limb

2. curved bones thickest where most likely to buckle

3. trabeculae form trusses along lines of stress

4. large, bony projections occur where heavy, active muscles attach

5. bones of fetus and bedridden featureless

how does mechanical stress cause bone remodeling

electrical signals produced by deforming bone cause remodeling

fluid flows within canaliculi appear to provide remodeling stimulus

results of hormonal and mechanical influences (2)

1. hormonal controls determine whether and when remodeling occurs to changing blood calcium levels

2. mechanical stress determines where remodeling occurs


breaks in bones

youth: most result from trauma

old age: most result of weakness from bone thinning

3 classifications of fractures

1. position of bone ends after fracture

2. completeness of break

3. whether skin is penetrated

classification of fractures: position of bone ends after fracture

nondisplaced: ends retain normal position

displaced: ends out of normal alignment

classification of fractures: completeness of break

complete: broken all the way through

incomplete: not broken all the way through

classification of fractures: whether skin is penetrated

open (compound): skin is penetrated

closed (simple): skin in not penetrated

in addition to the 3 classifications of fractures, bone fractures also described by what 3 things

1. location of fracture

2. external appearance

3. nature of break

treatment of a fracture involves

reduction and immobilization


involved in treatment of fracture

realignment of broken bone ends

closed and open reductions

closed (external) reduction

physician manipulates to correct position

open (internal) reduction

bone ends secured surgically with pins or wires

immobilization (treatment of fractures)

after broken bone reduced, immobilized by cast or traction to allow healing

depends on break severity, bone broken, and age of patient

4 major stages of bone repair

1. a hematoma forms

2. fibrocartilaginous callus forms

3. bony callus forms

4. bone remodeling occurs

1st stage of bone repair

(hematoma forms)

torn blood vessels hemorrhage

clot (hematoma) forms

site swollen, painful, and inflamed


mass of clotted blood

2nd stage of bone repair

(fibrocartilaginous callus forms)

capillaries grow into hematoma

phagocytic cells clear debris

fibroblasts secrete collagen fibers to span break and connect broken ends

fibroblasts, cartilage, and osteogenic cells begin reconstruction of bone

mass of repair tissue called fibrocartilaginous callus

during the 2nd stage of bone repair, what 3 things begin the reconstruction of the bone. how?

fibroblasts, cartilage, and osteogenic cells

they create cartilage matrix of repair tissue

osteoblasts form spongy bone within matrix

3rd stage of bone repair

(bony callus forms)

within one week new trabeculae appear in fibrocartilaginous callus

callus converted to bony (hard) callus of spongy bone

about 2 months later firm union forms

4th stage of bone repair

(bone remodeling occurs)

begins during bony callus formation

continues for several months

excess material on diaphysis exterior and within medullary cavity removed

compact bone laid down to reconstruct shaft walls

final structure resembles original because responses to same mechanical stressors

what stage is this

what stage is this

stage 1

hematoma forms

what stage is this

what stage is this

stage 2

fibrocartilaginous callus forms

what stage is this

what stage is this

stage 3

bony callus forms

what stage is this

what stage is this

stage 4

bone remodeling occurs

the diseases of the human skeleton are caused by

imbalances between bone deposit and bone resorption

3 disease of the human skeleton





(bone disease)

bones poorly mineralized

calcium salts not adequate

soft, weak bones

pain upon bearing weight


(bone disease)

osteomalacia of children

bowed legs and other bone deformities

bones ends enlarged and abnormally long

the cause: vitamin D deficiency or insufficient dietary calcium


group of diseases

bone resorption outpaces bone deposit

spongy bone of spine and neck of femur most susceptible (why vertebral and hip fractures common)

risk factors for osteoporosis for women

most often aged, postmenopausal women

30% 60-70 years of age

70% by age 80

30% caucasian women will fracture bone because of itq

risk factors for osteoporosis for men

men lesser degree than women

risk factors for osteoporosis: sex hormones

sex hormones maintain normal bone health and density

as secretion wanes with age, osteoporosis can develop

7 additional risk factors for osteoporosis

1. petite body form

2. insufficient exercise to stress bones

3. diet poor in calcium and protein

4. smoking

5. hormone related conditions

6. immobility

7. makes with prostate cancer taking androgen-suppressing drugs

3 hormone related conditions that are risk factors for osteoporosis

1. hyperthyroidism

2. low blood levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone

3. diabetes mellitus

4 traditional treatments for osteoporosis

1. calcium

2. vitamin D supplements

3. weight-bearing exercise

4. hormone replacement therapy

hormone replacement therapy for osteoporosis

slows bone loss but does not reverse it

controversial due to increased risk of heart attack, stroke and breast cancer

some take estrogenic compounds in soy as substitute

new drugs for osteoporosis treatment (4)

1. bisphosphonates

2. selective estrogen receptor modulators

3. statins

4. denosumab

new drugs for osteoporosis treatment: bisphosphonates

decrease osteoclast activity and number

partially reverse in spine

new drugs for osteoporosis treatment: selective estrogen receptor modulators

mimic estrogen without targeting breast and uterus

new drugs for osteoporosis treatment: statins

though for lowering cholesterol also increase bone mineral density

new drugs for osteoporosis treatment: denosumab

monoclonal antibody

reduces fractures in men with prostate cancer

improves bone density in elderly

3 major ways to prevent osteoporosis

1. plenty of calcium in diet in early adulthood

2. reduce carbonated beverage and alcohol consumption

3. plenty of weight-bearing exercise

paget's disease

excessive and haphazard bone deposit and resorption

bone made fast and poorly (pagetic bone)

rarely occurs before age 40

cause is unknown

treatment includes calcitonin and biphosphonates

pagetic bone

bone made fast and poorly

very high ratio of spongy to compact bone and reduced mineralization

usually in spine, pelvis, femur and skull

primary function of lever arm system

increase force (work) applied to an object by altering the "mechanical avdantage"

secondary function of lever arm system

increase acceleration (force) applied to an object

primary function of lever arm system equation

force (in) X distance (in) = force (out) X distance (out)

secondary function of lever arm system equation

force applied = mass (of object) X angle speed X radius

what is this

what is this

first class lever arm system

what is this

what is this

second class lever arm system

what is this 

what is this

third class lever arm system

4 parts of skeletal system

bones (skeleton)




2 divisions of skeletal system

axial skeleton

appendicular skeleton

paranasal sinuses

hallow portions of bones surrounding nasal cavity





fetal skull large compared to

the infants total body length

ratio of fetal cranium to the facial skull compared to adults




fibrous membranes in fetal skull

allow for compression during birth

allow brain to grow

convert to bone within 2 years

characteristics of fetal skull


small face compared to cranium

large brain

fully developed inner ear

eye sight

vertebrae are separated by

intervertebral discs

each vertebrae is given name according to

its location

function of bony thorax

forms a cage to protect major organs

3 parts of bony thorax



thoracic vertebrae

pectoral (shoulder) girdle

composed of 2 bones: clavicle and scapula

allow the upper limb to have exceptionally free movement

scapula and clavicle tightly anchor

the brachial appendage to the axial skeleton







bones of pelvic girdle

hip bones (ilium, ischium, pubic bone)

total weight of upper body rests in pelvis

protects several organs

3 fused hip bones



pubic bone

bones of the pelvic girdle protect what organs

reproductive organs

urinary bladder

part of large intestine

in a male pelvis, the pubic arch is

less than 90 degrees

in female pelvis, pubic arch is

more than 90 degrees

bones of the foot are arranged to form

three strong arches

two longitudinal

one transverse

in embryo, limb buds develop around

week 4

in embryo, cartilage forms in the pectoral limb bud after how many weeks


in an embryo, both appendages are recognizable as cartilaginous models of the adult bone after how many weeks


muscle tissue transforms chemical energy (ATP) to

directed mechanical energy (exerts force)

three types of muscle tissue




3 prefixes for muscle




6 characteristics of skeletal muscle

1. organs attached to bones and skin

2. elongated cells called muscle fibers

3. striated (striped)

4. voluntary (conscious control)

5. contract rapidly; tire easily; powerful

6. require nervous system stimulation

4 characteristics of cardiac muscle

1. only in heart; bulk of heart walls

2. striated

3. can contract without nervous system stimulation

4. involuntary

4 characteristics of smooth muscle

1. in walls of hallow organs (stomach, urinary bladder, airways)

2. not striated

3. can contract without nervous system stimulation

4. involuntary

4 special characteristics of muscle tissue







ability to receive and respond to stimuli


ability to shorten forcibly when stimulated


ability to be stretched


ability to recoil to resting length

4 important functions of muscles

1. movement of bones or fluids (blood)

2. maintaining posture and body position

3. stabilizing joints

4. heat generation (especially skeletal muscle)

additional functions of muscles

protects organs

forms valves

controls pupil size

causes "goosebumps"

each skeletal muscle is served by

one artery, one nerve, and one or more veins

every skeletal muscle fiber is supplied by

nerve ending that controls its activity

connective tissue sheaths of skeletal muscle

support cells; reinforce whole muscle

external to internal:





dense irregular connective tissue surrounding entire muscle

may blend with fascia


fibrous connective tissue surrounding fascicles


groups of muscle fibers


fine areolar connective tissue surrounding each muscle fiber

skeletal muscles attach at two places




movable bone where skeletal muscle attaches


immovable (less movable) bone where skeletal muscle attaches

direct attachment of skeletal muscle

epimysium fused to periosteum of bone or perichondrium of cartilage

indirect attachment of skeletal muscles

connective tissue wrappings extend beyond muscle as ropelike tendon or sheetlike aponeurosis


plasma membrane of skeletal muscle fiber


cytoplasm of skeletal muscle fiber

glycosomes for glycogen storage

myoglobin for oxygen storage

modified structures of skeletal muscle fibers


sarcoplasmic reticulum

T tubules


densely packed, rodlike elements

80% of cell volume

contain sacromeres

exhibit striations


smallest contractile unit (functional unit) of muscle fiber

align along myofibril like boxcars of train

contains A band with half I band at each end

striations of myofibrils

perfectly aligned repeating series of dark A bands and light I bands

H zone of myofibril striations

lighter region in midsection of dark A band where filaments do not overlap

M line of myofibril striations

line of protein myomesin bisects H zone

Z disc (line) of myofibril striations

coin-shaped sheet of proteins on midline of light I band that anchors thin filaments and connects myofibrils to one another

thick filaments of myofibril striations

run entire length of an A band

thin filaments of myofibril striations

run length of I band and partway into A band

sacromere of myofibril striations

region between 2 successive Z discs

sacromeres are composed of

thick and thin myofilaments made of contractile proteins

what is this

what is this




thin (actin) filament






H zone



z disc



thick (myosin) filament



I band



A band



I band



M line

actin myofilaments

thin filaments

extend across I band and partway in A band

anchored to Z discs

myosin myofilaments

thick filaments

extend length of A band

connected at M line

structure of thick filament

composed of protein myosin

each composed of 2 heavy and 4 light polypeptide chains

myosin tails

contain 2 interwoven, heavy polypeptide chains

myosin heads

contain 2 smaller, light polypeptide chains that act as cross bridges during contraction

cross bridges

myosin heads

binding sites for actin of thin filaments

binding sites for ATP

ATPase enzymes

structure of thin filament

twisted double strand of fibrous protein F actin

F actin consists of G (globular) actin subunits

G actin bears active sites for myosin head attachment during contraction

tropomyosin and troponin

tropomyosin and troponin

regulatory proteins bound to actin

structure of myofibril: elastic filament

composed of protein titin

holds thick filaments in place

helps recoil after stretch

resists excessive stretching

structure of myofibril: dystrophin

links thin filaments to proteins of sarcolemma

structure of myofibril: nebulin, myomesin, C proteins

bind filaments or sacromeres together

maintain alignment

sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

network of smooth endoplasmic reticulum surrounding each myofibril

most run longitudinally

what forms perpendicular cross channels in sarcoplasmic reticulum

pairs of terminal cisterns

function of sarcoplasmic reticulum

regulation of intracellular calcium levels

stores and releases calcium

T tubules

continuations of sarcolemma

lumen continuous with extracellular space

increase muscle fiber's surface area

T tubules penetrate cell's interior at each

A band-I band junction

T tubules associate with paired terminal cisterns to form

triads that encircle each sacromere

SR foot proteins

gated channels that regulate calcium release from SR cisterns

in relaxed state, thin and thick filaments overlap only at

ends of A band

contraction of muscle fibers

myosin head binds to actin

causes shortening of muscle fiber

pulls Z discs toward M line

I bands shorten

Z discs closer

H zones disappear

A bands move closer

2 things in order for skeletal muscle to contract

activation (at neuromuscular junction)

excitation-contraction coupling

for skeletal muscle to contract: activation

at neuromuscular junction

must be nervous system stimulation

must generate action potential in sarcolemma

for skeletal muscle to contract: excitation-contraction coupling

action potential propagated along sarcolemma

intracellular calcium levels must rise briefly

skeletal muscles stimulated by

somatic motor neurons

each axon ending forms what with single muscle fiber

neuromuscular junction

synaptic cleft

gel-filled space that separates axon terminal of neuromuscular junction and muscle fiber

synaptic vesicles of axon terminal contain neurotransmitter

acetylcholine (ACh)

junctional folds of sarcolemma contain

ACh receptors

neuromuscular junction contains what three things

axon terminals

synaptic cleft

junctional folds

events at the neuromuscular junction

nerve impulse arrives at axon terminal----> ACh released into synaptic cleft

ACh diffuses across cleft and binds with receptors on sarcolemma

electrical events----> generation of action potential

Acetylcholine effects quickly terminated by what enzyme in synaptic cleft


effect of acetylcholinesterase on ACh

breaks down ACh to acetic acid and choline

prevents continued muscle fiber contraction in absence of additional stimulation

generation of action potential

resting sarcolemma polarize----> voltage across membrane

action potential caused by changes in electrical charges

occurs in three steps

three steps that action potential occurs in

end plate potential



generation of action potential: end plate potential (local depolarization)

ACh binding opens chemically (ligand) gated ion channels

simultaneous diffusion of sodium inward and potassium outward

more sodium diffuses in, so interior of sarcolemma becomes less negative

local depolarization=

end plate potential

generation of action potential: depolarization

end plate potential spreads to adjacent membrane areas

voltage-gated sodium channels open

sodium influx decreases membrane voltage toward critical voltage called threshold

if threshold reached, AP initiated

once initiated, is unstoppable---> muscle fiber contraction


generation and propagation of an action potential (AP)

generation of action potential: repolarization

sodium channels close and voltage-gated potassium channels open

potassium efflux rapidly restores resting polarity

fiber cannot be stimulated (in refractory period until repolarization complete)

ionic conditions of resting state restored by sodium potassium pump


restoring electrical conditions of RMP

excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling main points

events that transmit AP along sarcolemma lead to sliding of myofilaments

AP brief, ends before contraction

latent period

excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling causes rise in intracellular ______ which causes contraction


latent period of excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling

time when E-C coupling events occur

time between AP initiation and beginning of contraction

events of excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling

AP propagated along sacromere to T tubules

voltage-sensitive proteins stimulate calcium release from SR

calcium necessary for contraction

role of calcium in contraction: at low intracellular calcium concentration

tropomyosin blocks active sites on actin

myosin heads cannot attach to actin

muscle fiber relaxed

what blocks active sites on actin


role of calcium in contraction: at higher intracellular calcium concentrations

calcium binds to troponin

troponin changes shape and moves tropomyosin away from myosin-bidning sites

myosin heads bind to actin, causing sacromere shortening and muscle contraction

when nervous stimulation ceases, calcium pumped back into SR and contraction ends

cross bridge cycle continues as long as

calcium signal and adequate ATP present

4 steps of cross bridge cycle

1. cross bridge formation

2. working (power) stroke

3. cross bridge detachment

4. cocking of myosin head

first step of cross bridge cycle

cross bridge formation

high-energy myosin head attaches to thin filament

2nd step of cross bridge cycle

working (power) stroke

myosin head pivots and pulls thin filament toward M line

3rd step of cross bridge cycle

cross bridge detachment

ATP attaches to myosin head and cross bridge detaches

4th step of cross bridge cycle

cocking of myosin head

energy from hydrolysis of ATP cocks myosin head into high-energy state

isometric contraction

no shortening

muscle tension increases but does not exceed load

isotonic contraction

muscle shortens because muscle tension exceeds load

force and duration of a muscle contraction vary in response to

stimuli of different frequencies and intensities

motor nerves

each muscle served by at least one motor nerve

motor nerve contains axons of up to hundreds of motor neurons

axons branch into terminals-----> NMJ with single muscle fiber

motor unit

motor neuron and all (4 to several hundred) muscle fibers it supplies

(smaller number= fine control)

muscle fibers from motor unit spread thoughout muscle so single motor unit causes

weak contraction of entire muscle

usually contract synchronously-----> helps prevent fatigue

muscle twitch

motor unit's response to single AP of its motor neuron

simplest contraction observable in lab

(recorded as myogram)

muscle contracts faster than it relaxes

three phases of muscle twitch

latent period

period of contraction

period of relaxation

latent period of muscle twitch

events of excitation-contraction coupling

no muscle tension

period of contraction of muscle twitch

cross bridge formation

tension increases

period of relaxation of muscle twitch

calcium reentry into SR

tension declines to zero

different strength and duration of twitches due to variations in

metabolic properties and enzymes between muscles

muscle twitch only occurs in...

lab or neuromuscular problems

characteristics of isotonic contractions

muscle changes in length and moves load (thin filaments slide)

either concentric or eccentric

2 types of isotonic contractions

concentric contractions

eccentric contractions

concentric contraction

type of isotonic contraction

muscle shortens and does work

eccentric contractions

type of isotonic contraction

muscle generates force as it lengthens

characteristics of isometric contractions

load greater than tension muscle can develop

tension increases to muscle's capacity, but muscle neither shortens or lengthens

activity of cross bridges during isometric contractions

cross bridges generate force but do not move actin filaments

characteristics of muscle tone

constant, slightly contracted state of all muscles

due to spinal reflexes

keeps muscle firm, healthy and ready to respond

how is muscle tone due to spinal reflexes

groups of motor units alternately activated in response to input from stretch receptors in muscles

energy for muscle contractions

ATP only source used directly for contractile activities

available stores of ATP depleted in 4-6 seconds

how is ATP used in contraction of muscle

move and detach cross bridges

calcium pumps in SR

return of sodium and potassium after excitation-contraction coupling

in muscle contraction, ATP is regenerated by

direct phosphorylation of ADP by creatine phosphate (CP)

anaerobic pathway (glycolysis----> lactic acid)

aerobic respiration

characteristics of anaerobic pathway


does not require oxygen

at 70% of maximum contractile activity

lactic acid

glycolysis during anaerobic pathway

glucose degraded to 2 pyruvic acid molecules

normally enter mitochondria----> aerobic respiration

bulging muscles compress blood vessels---> oxygen delivery impaired

pyruvic acid converted to lactic acid

lactic acid

anaerobic pathway

diffuses into bloodstream

used as fuel by liver, kidneys and heart

converted back into pyruvic acid or glucose by liver

anaerobic respiration yields only 5% as much ATP as aerobic respiration, but produces ATP 2 and a half times faster

characteristics of aerobic respiration

produces 95% of ATP during rest and light to moderate exercise---> slow

series of chemical reactions that require oxygen---> occur in mitochondria

chemical reaction that occur in mitochondria during aerobic respiration

breaks glucose into CO2, H2O, and large amounts of ATP

fuels of aerobic respiration

stored glycogen, then bloodborne glucose, pyruvic acid from glycolysis, and free fatty acids

2 energy systems during sports

aerobic endurance

anaerobic threshold

aerobic endurance

length of time muscle contracts using aerobic pathways

anaerobic threshold

point at which muscle metabolism converts to anaerobic

force of muscle contraction depends on

number of cross bridges attached

the number of cross bridges attached during contraction is affected by what 4 things

1. number of muscle fibers stimulated

2. relative size of fibers: hypertophy of cells increases strength

3. frequency of stimulation

4. degree of muscle stretch

muscle fiber type is classified according to what 2 characteristics

speed of contraction

metabolic pathways for ATP synthesis

muscle fiber classified according to speed of contraction

slow or fast fibers according to:

speed at which myosin ATPases split ATP

pattern of electrical activity of motor neurons

muscle fiber classification according to metabolic pathways for ATP synthesis

oxidative fibers: use aerobic pathways

glycolytic fibers: use anaerobic glycolysis

oxidative fibers

use aerobic pathways

glycolytic fibers

use anaerobic glycolysis

three types of muscle fibers

slow oxidative fibers

fast oxidative fibers

fast glycolytic fibers

aerobic (endurance) exercise leads to increased (3)

muscle capillaries

number of mitochondria

myoglobin synthesis

aerobic (endurance) exercise results in

greater endurance, strength and resistance to fatigue

may convert fast glycolytic fibers into fast oxidative fibers

results of resistance exercise (typically anaerobic)

muscle hypertrophy (due primarily to increase in fiber size)

increased mitochondria, myofilaments, glycogen stores and connective tissue

increased muscle strength and size

homeostatic imbalance of muscles

rigor mortis

rigor mortis

homeostatic imbalance of muscle

cross bridge detachment requires ATP

3-4 hours after death muscles begin to stiffen with weak rigidity at 12 hours post mortem

what 4 things determines the muscle contraction

1. length of sacromere at time of contraction

2. speed of sacromere contraction

3. sacromere arrangment

4. arrangment of sacromeres acroos entire muscle

under normal conditions a sacromere will shorten no more than

1 micrometer

low velocity of sarcomere contraction=

high force

high velocity of sarcomere contraction=

low force

the greater the number of sacromeres in a line, the _____ the total amount of muscle shortening possible


the greater number of sarcomeres in a line, the ______ the contraction velocity


muscle force diminishes as contraction velocity _____


parallel arrangement of sarcomeres

the higher the # of sarcomeres parallel, the greater the force

serial arrangement of sarcomeres

greater the # of sarcomeres in a line the greater the degree of shortening (how quickly)

longest muscle in body is how many micrometers




straplike muscle



spindle-shaped muscle

biceps and triceps



fan-shaped muscle


very powerful in early contraction



pennate muscle



bipennate muscle



multipennate muscle



segmented muscle

what three arrangements of muscles shorten by less than one micrometer and hold things in place

pennate muscle

bipennate muscle

multipennate muscle

gastrocnemius muscle

behind knee by calf

the velocity will _____ the more sacromeres are contracted at once (in line)


within skeletal muscle, not all fibers may be

stimulated during the same interval

graded responses

different degrees of skeletal muscle shortening

4 types:



unfused tetanus

fused tetanus

4 types of grades responses



unfused tetanus

fused tetanus

graded response- twitch

single, brief contraction

not a normal muscle function

graded response- tetanus

(summing of contractions)

one contraction is immediately followed by another

muscle does NOT completely return to a resting state

the effects are added

graded response- unfused (incomplete) tetanus

some relaxation occurs between contractions

the results are summed

graded response- fused (complete) tetanus

no evidence of relaxation before the following contractions

the result is a sustained muscle contraction

muscle force depends upon the number of

fibers stimulated

more fibers contracting results in

greater muscle tension

muscles can continue to contract unless they

run out of energy

direct phosphorylation

(energy for muscle contraction)

muscle cells contain creatine phosphate (CP)

after ATP is depleted, ADP is left

CP transfers energy to ADP to regenerate ATP

CP (creatine phosphate) supplies during direct phosphorylation are exhausted in about

20 seconds

aerobic respiration occurs in the


during aerobic respiration, glucose is broken down into

carbon dioxide, water and releasing energy

aerobic respiration creates ____ muscle fibers


lactic acid produces muscle


anaerobic glycolysis produces ____ muscle fibers


when a muscle is fatigued, it is unable to


the common reason for muscle fatigue is

oxygen debt

oxygen must be repaid to tissue to remove oxygen debt

oxygen is required to get rid of accumulated lactic acid

increasing acidity (lactic acid) and lack of ATP cause the muscle to

contract less

different fibers contract at different times to provide

muscle tone

the process of stimulating various fibers is under ______ control


4 results of increased muscle use

1. increase in muscle size

2. increase in muscle strength

3. increase in muscle efficiency

4. muscle becomes more fatigue resistant

movement of muscle is attained due to a muscle contracting and

moving an attached bone

prime mover muscle

muscle with the major responsibility for a certain movement

antagonist muscle

muscle that opposes or reverses a prime mover

synergist muscle

muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement and helps prevent rotation

fixator muscle

stabilizes the origin of a prime mover

7 categories of naming skeletal muscles

1. direction of muscle fibers

2. relative size of the muscle

3. location of muscle

4. number of origins

5. location of muscles origin and insertion

6. shape of muscle

7. action of the muscle

naming skeletal muscles: example of direction of muscle fibers

rectus (straight)

naming skeletal muscles: example of relative size of muscle

maximus (largest)

naming skeletal muscles: example of location of muscle

many muscles named for bones


naming skeletal muscles: example of number of origins

triceps (three heads)

naming skeletal muscles: example of location of the muscles origin and insertion

sterno (on the sternum)

naming skeletal muscles: example of shape of muscle

deltoid (triangular)

naming skeletal muscles: example of action of the muscle

flexor and extensor (flexes or extends a bone)


also called joint

forms the connection between two or more bony structures

2 ways articulations are classified



3 functional classifications of articulations



diathroses s


functional classification

means "together"

immovable articulations

these connections designed to improve the overall strength of bony structure (skull)


functional classification

slightly movable articulation

will "give" under extreme conditions (pelvic symphysis during birthing)


functional classification

freely movable articulations

structures usually thought of as "joints" (knee, shoulder articulations)

3 structural classifications of articulations

fibrous articulations

cartilaginous articulations

synovial articulations

fibrous articulations

generally synarthrotic and relatively simple connections

bones united by fibrous TISSUE

examples of fibrous articulations


syndesmoses: allows more movement than sutures (distal end of tibia and fibula)

sutures connect the bones of the

human skull to create a strong and protective vessel for the brain and special senses

cartilaginous articulations

structural classification


syn- to amphiarthrotic articulations

bones connected by fibro cartilage

examples of cartilaginous articulations

pubic symphysis

intervertebral articulations

synovial articulations

structural classification

diathrotic and often highly complex

articulating bones separated by articulation cavity

synovial fluid is found in articulation cavitye

example of synovial plane joint


example of synovial hinge joint


example of synovial pivot joint

ulna and radius

example of synovial condyloid joint



example of synovial saddle joint


metacarpal #1

example of synovial ball and socket joint

head of humerus


3 inflammatory conditions associated with joints





inflammatory condition of joint

inflammation of bursa usually caused by blow or friction


inflammatory condition of joint

inflammation of tendon sheaths


inflammatory or degenerative diseases of joints

over 100 different kinds

the most widespread crippling disease in the US

3 clinical forms of arthritis


rheumatoid arthritis

gouty arthritis


most common chronic arthritis

probably related to normal aging processes

rheumatoid arthritis

an autoimmune disease (immune system attacks joints)

symptoms begin with bilateral inflammation of certain joints

often leads to deformities

gouty arthritis

inflammation of joints is caused by a deposition of urate crystals from the blood

can usually be controlled with diet

functions of trunk muscles

support trunk posture

aid vetilation

support abdominal organs

attachment for movers of the brachium

functions of deep abdominal muscles


abdominal organ support

arrangement of abdomincal aponeuroses and musculature to achieve

great structural strength in all directions

function of posteior trunk muscles

aid upright posture

support lumbar region

provide abdominal protection

attachment site for brachial musculature

function of the muscles of the brachium


prime movers

tool use

heat production

functions of the muscles of the pelvis, hip and thigh

support of upright posture


heat production

function of the muscles of the lower leg


muscular weight is carried closed to body