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24 Cards in this Set

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What are the components of the pectoral girdle?
Shoulder girdle, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, glenohumeral joint (scapula with humerus)
What 2 bones make up the pectoral girdle?
clavicle and scapula
Describe the clavicle
Also known as the collarbone. s-shaped bone. easily palpated. braces shoulder. most commonly fractured bone
Describe the scapula
Also known as the shoulder blade. coracoid process (for biceps attachment), glenoid cavity (socket for humerus)
Where is the acromion located?
The apex of the spine (ridge on posterior surface) of the scapula
What are the 3 regions of the upper limb?

brachium: shoulder to elbow

antebrachium: forearm

manus: hand

How many bones are in the upper limb?
30. 1 in brachium, 2 in antebrachium, 27 in manus
Where are the radius and ulna located?
How many carpal bones are there?
There are 2 rows of 4 small bones. The proximal row (scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform), and the distal row (trapezium, trapezoid, caitate, hamate).
Describe metacarpals
bones of the palm. I: base of the thumb, V: base of the little finger
Describe phalanges
bones of the fingers. Pollex - thumb, 2 bones. 3 bones in all others (II-V)
Describe the pelvic girdle

Girdle=2 hip (coxal) bones + sacrum

What are the joints of the pelvic girdle?
sacroiliac (SI) joints, pubic symphysis
What are the components of the hip bone?
Ilium, ischium, pubis, acetabulum, obturator foramen
What is so special/different about the pelvic bone?
It is the most sexually dimorphic bone (male vs. female)
Describe the lower limb

Four regions with 30 bones/limb.

femoral region - thigh

crural (leg) region - knee to ankle

tarsal (tarsus) region - ankle

pedal (pes) region - foot

7 tarsal bones, 5 metatarsals, 14 phalanges

How many bones are in the pedal region?
7 tarsal bones, 5 metatarsals, 14 phalanges
What is another name for the heel/Achilles tendon?
What is another name for the great toe?

What is Amelia?
complete absence of 1 or more limbs

What is meromelia?
partial absence of a limb
What is polydactyly?
extra fingers or toes
What as syndactyly?
webbed digits
What is clubfoot (talipes)?
feet are adducted and plantar flexed with soles turned medially