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131 Cards in this Set

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A group of similar cells that preform a specialized function; a group of cells similar in structure & substance arranged in characteristic patterns & specialized for specific tasks

The study of tissues
covers all the bodies surfaces; inside & out; it is the major tissue of glands; covers organs; forms inner linings of body cavities & hollow organs
this is the outer layer of skin
How is epithelium classified?
by shape & arrangement
describe squamous epithemium
thin flat irregular cells that form the walls of capillaries, as well as inside other blood & lymph vessels
Cube shaped square epithelium cells that are found in the ovaries, kidney tubules & ducts of glands
these are strong epithelium cells that are long narrow & elongated. They form the lining of the uterus, stomach, intestines; relatively thick & provide good protection for underlining structures
What are some characteristics of epithelium?
repairs itself quickly & some produce mucus, digestive juices, sweat & some contain cilia
this is a sticky protective fluid
tiny hairlike projections
glands are mostly made up of
epithelial tissue
this type pf gland is ductless & release their secretions right into the bloodstream an example would be the thyroid gland
endocrine glands
this type of gland releases their secretions into the body cavities or to the outside through ducts ex salivary glands, tear ducts
exocrine glands (I remember exit through ducts)
stratified is
many layers of cells
where do hormones come from?
the endocrine glands
supports framework of all parts of the body
connective tissue
cells of connective tissue are usually _______ _______than those in epithelial tissue
further apart
What is the name of the intercellular material that is between connective tissu cells?
Connective tissue is the most abundant tissue by_________
how is connective tissue classified
by hardness
bands of sheets of connective tissue that support the organs & hold them in place
fascia membranes
this fascia is just under the skin & contains a layer of fat
superficial fascia
this fascia is the deepest within the body & provides support to the organs
deep fascia
this is a layer of fascia membrane that covers the brain & spinal cord
______ may be refered to as sheath sheets or bands
inflammation of the meninges
an example of hard connective tissue would be
what does cartilage do & where can it be found?
acts as a shock absorber to decrease friction between moving parts; can be found at the tip of the nose, parts of the voice box, unborn baby bones
What makes the bones of unborn babies get hard?
calcium deposits in the bones
give two examples of liquid connective tissue
blood & lymph
what is a raised scar
scars are more_____& less_____than normal tissue
more hard less elastic
Connective tissue repairs relatively______but often create scars
this type of tissue produces movement by forcable contractions
muscle tissue
in muscle tissue the cells are________& can change shape by becoming shorter & thicker
muscle tissue repairs it self with________or ______ ___ ___.
difficulty or not at all
this type of muscle provides movement to the body
skeletal muscle tissue
skeletal muscle is under_____control
voluntary control means
we control it
skeletal muscle is attached to_____& is ______
bone & is striated
striated means
our heart is this type of muscle tissue
cardiac muscle is _______& _______
striated & involuntary
involuntary means
we do not control it
this type of muscle tissue lines the walls of the viscera
visceral muscle tissue
what is the viscera
organs of the ventral cavity excluding the heart
visceral muscle tissue is _____& __________
smooth & involuntary
_________muscle tissue is the only one that is voluntary
what is osseous tissue?
an immature bone cell is an
osteoblast (new)
a mature bone cell is an
what is the basic stucture unit of a nerve tissue
what is the central coordinating structure of the body?
_____provides direct communication with the brain by providing_______
nerves, impulses
what is the path the impulses follow?
brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, peripheral nerves
what are the peripheral nerves
all the nerves outside the brain & spinal cord
impulses enter the neuron through one of the _______& leave through the_______
dendrites, axon
how many axons does a nerve have?
this is the white matter that may be found covering some axons
myelon sheath
what is the purpose of the myelon sheath
provide insulation & impulses move faster when there is a myelon sheath
what color is a unmyelonated sheath
Nerve cells in the brain & spinal cord repair themselves if they are injured true or false
false nerves in the brain & spinal cord do not repair themselves but some peripheral nerves may repair themselves but it is slow & uncertain
a bundle of nerve cell fibers held together by connective tissue is what
these cells support & protect the nervous tissue
what are membranes
this sheets of tissue
are membranes fragile or tough
how do membranes look
some are transparent some are opague
what do membranes do
some cover a surface some form a partition, some line hollow organs & some anchor organs
in this type of membrane the outer surface is made of epithelium but may contain some connective or muscle tissue
epithelial membrane
this type of membrane lines the tubes & other spaces that open to the outside of the body
mucous membrane
what is the function of a mucouse membrane
they secrete mucus, protects deeper structures (ex stomach would errode without it), absorbs nutrients (sm intestines), lubricates organs where it secretes & prevents friction during movement (heart beating)
You will find cilia in the ______body system
respiratory system
finger like projections that are folds of mucousa they increase the surface area along the small intestines
this type of membrane provides protection against organs rubbing & secretes a serous fluid
serous membrane
a serous fluid is
Where would you find pleurae serous membranes
this tissue is named from a word that means space because of its open composition it contains cells & & fibers in a soft jelly like matrix it is found around vesels & organs between muscles & under skin it is the most common type of connective tissue
areolar tissue
this type of tissue is able to store large amounts of fat. it is a heat insulator & a protective padding for organs & joints
adipose tissue
this type of connective tissue has mostly collaganous fibers in random arrangement. makes up the fibrous membrane that covers various organs
irregular dense connective tissue
this connective tissue is made up mostly of collaganous tissue but they are in regular parallel alignment like the strands of a cable
regular dense connective tissue
what are two examples of regular dense connective tissue
tendons & ligaments
tendons attach
muscle to bone
ligaments attach
bones to bones
what is the name of the cells that form cartilage
hyaline cartilage covers the ends of large bones & makes up the tip of the nose & parts of the trachea & larynx & is commonly called
this type of cartilage is firm & rigid; it is commonly found between the vertebrae & in the anterior joints between the pubic bone & hips, & in the knee joint
this cartilage can spring back into shape after it is bent found in the outer portion of the ear & the larynx
elastic cartilage
the pleurae or pleura (serous membrane) line the
thoracic cavity & cover the lungs
what is the largest serous membrane
what is the serous membrane that covers the heart
this part of the peritoneum is a double fold that hangs in front of the stomach & intestine
the _____omentum attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach & covers the stomach & intestines
greater omentum
the _____omentum attaches to the lesser curvature of the stomach & covers the liver
lesser omentum
is double folded & attaches to the posterior abdominal wall
what organ would you have to remove to see the messentary
the intestines
what does the peritoneum look like
clear glistening
thin connective tissue membranes that line the joint cavities
synovial membranes
Fascial membranes are responsible for
supporting the organs & keeping them in place
covers the bones very vascular produces new bone cells after an injury
vascular means
has a large blood supply
serous membranes membranes have ______& _______ layers
visceral & parietal
the visceral layer attaches to
an organ ex visceral pleura
the parietal layer attaches to
the walls of a cavity; lines the cavity
The centra agency is the
Mucous membranes, containing epithelial secreting cells, produce _____
Soft connective tissue includes_____tissue & ______connective tissue
adipose tissue & fibrous connective tissue
_____tissue is bone tissue
Membranes are thin ______of tissue
The main type of fibre in connective tissue is ______, a flexible white protein
The serous membrane attached to the wall of a cavity or sac is known as the______layer
Muscle tissue contracts & produces______
The _____are several layers of connective tissue membranes covering the brain & spinal cord
_____, a fibrous connective tissue, connects muscles to bones
The _____carries nerve impulses, or messages to the nerve cell body
______membrane is commonlu known as the skin having an outer layer of epithelium
The cells may be arranged in a single layer known as_____or in many layers, termed________
simple, stratified
_______ _______ is the continuous sheet of tissue that underlies the skin and contains adipose tissue to insulate & protect the skin
sperficial fascia
_____is used as a shock absorber
Synovial membranes, thin connective tissue, line the _____cavities
_____is the main tissue of the outer layer of the skin
The _____ _______lines the heart
visceral pericardium
_____membranes line the tubes and other spaces that open to the outside of the body
The pleurae line the _____cavity and cover each _______
thoracic, lung
Skeletal muscle has_____control
Some axons are insulated and protected by a coating of material called
All nerves come together & form a great trunk cable called the ____ ______
spinal cord
Blood & lymph are examples of ____connective tissue
The membranes attached to organs is called the _____layer
Smooth or visceral muscle is a _____muscle
A single layer of flat irregular cells would be described as _____ _______epithelium
simple, squamous