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61 Cards in this Set

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What are Lipids?

Comnposed of C,H,O very poor solvents dont dissolve things well

What are 3 Main types of lipids

Triglycerides, Phospholipids, Steroids/cholesterol

What is Anatomy

Study of the structure

What is physiology

Study of function

What is the element

Smallest unique piece of chemical matter

1st orbit =

2 electrons

2nd orbit

8 electrons

3rd orbit=

8 electrons

What is covalent

Sharing of electrons between the atoms/a nonpolar- equal sharing of electrons

What is Hydrogen

attaches individual compounds together

What is peptide

Attaches amino acids together to form proteins


Form a chemical bond A+B--->AB (uses energy)


Glucose+Fructose----> Sucose


Break a chemical bond


Release Energy


two or more atoms attached to each other

What is the difference between inorganic and organic ?

Organic have Carbon in it and inorganic dont have carbon

Inorganic have what 3 things in it?

Water, slats, acid bases

Organic have what 5 things in it?

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, ATP

What is the 6 functions of water?

Solvent,Transport,Reagent, lubricant, heat capacity, Vaporization point

Salts are held together by what?

Ionic Bond

Cation cannot be


Anion Cannot be


What is the function of Triglycerides

Make energy, insulation (provide heat)

What is the function of Phospholipids( polar compound)

Structure of a cell membrane, make myelin

What is the function of Steroids/cholesterol

Make steroid hormone

Saturated is


Unsaturated is

natural fluids

Trans fat is

Man made solids

What are the 3 types of proteins?

Amino acids, Depeptides, Polypeptides

What is the function of amino acids

Make energy, Building blocks for proteins

Whats the 2 Nucleic Acids?


Cell is the basic ______

building block of your body

What are the 2 cell types?

Gametes, Somatic cells

Gametes(sex cells)=

Sperm+ Ova

Somatic cells

All other cells (Muscle, bone, brain cells)

What is the Cell membrane function?

*Physical barrier between intracellaler space and extra cellular space

* Regulates what enters and leaves the cell

*Senaitivity of the cell

What are the 2 types of protein for the cell membrane
Integral, Perpheral
5 Functions of the proteins for the cell membrane are
Channels, adhesion/attachment, Receptors, Enzymes, Markers/ identifies
The carbohydrates forms the
Glycocalyx(sugary coat)
What are the 2 Transport processes?
Passive, Active
What is passive transport and what are the 3?
Do not require energy : Diffusion, Osmosis, Filtration
What is active transport and what are the 2?
Require energy: Atp pumps, Vehicular transport
What do Atp pumps do
Move solutes against the concentration oppose diffusion
What do vesicular transport do
cell membrane package in the cell
What is Endocytosis and what are the 3 things?
Cell takes something in and Phagocytosis, Pinocytosis,Exocytose.
What is Phagocytosis?
Cell takes in a large solid
What is Pinocytose
Cell takes in a large volume of solution
What is exocytose
Cell release something
What are the 5 non-membranose ?
Cytoskeleton, Cilla, Microvilla, Centrioles, Ribosomes,
What are the 7 membranose ?
Mitochondria,Endoplasmicreticulum(smooth,rough Er) Golgi Apparatus, Lysosome, Peroxisome , Nucleolus, Nucleus.
What is the function of Cytoskeleton?
structure, shape, support
What are the function of Cilla ?
Moves things across the top of the cell
What is the function of Microvilli ?
Increase surface area for absorption
What is the function of Centrioles?
Move DNA
What is the function of Ribosomes?
Protein Synthesis , Free- Make proteins that stay in cell, Fixed-Make proteins that will be packed into vesicle.
What is the function of Mitochondria?
Produce 96% of cells Atp Energy
What is the function of Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Rer, Smooth Ser?
Rough - has fixed ribosome attached Smooth- steroid hormone synthesis stores Ca2
What is the function of goli apparatus?
Modifies and package proteins that were made by the Rer
What is the function of the lysosome ?
Vesicles that contain digestive enzymes
What is the function of Peroxisome ?
Vesicles that contains degradative enzymes
What is the function of Nucleous
Rna Synthesis
What is the function of Nucleus?
Store DNA