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78 Cards in this Set

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central nervous system
peripheral nervous system
bundle of axons/ fibers PNS
bundle of fibers/axons in CNS
collection of nueronal cell bodies in the PNS
collection of nueronal cell bodies in the CNS
parts of the body other than the organs
somatic sensory
info from the skin touch pressure and from skeletal muscle and joints
is somatic sensory affarent or efferent
afferent bc info is going from PNS to CNS
Somatic motor
contraction of skeletal muscles
are somatic motor affarent or efferent
efferent bc the action potentials are being conducted away from the CNS
visceral sensory
info that doesnt reach and concious level ie blood pressure
some info that does reach a concious level ie pain
visceral motor
activates smooth muscle cardiac muscle and glands
what is the visceral part usually called
the autonomic nervous system
name the three levels of the brain at 3 wks of development
prsencephalon, mesencephalon, rhomencephalon
name the 5 layers of the brain at 6 wks of development
telenchephalon, dienchephalon, mesenchephalon, metencephalon, mylencephalon
what are sulci
the valleys
what are gyrus
the hills
what do the gyri and sulci do
increase the surface area of the cortical tissue
what is the landmark of alzheimers disease
dimenita and memory loss patients cant form new memories
corpus collosum
huge tract that provides communication between the left and right hemishperes
what makes up the lentiform nucleus
putamen and globus pallidus
what makes up the striatum
caudate nucleus putamen globus pallidus internal capsule
where is input to the striatum coming from
cerebral cortex
where is inhibitory output from the striatum going
more movement
hypo kinetic
less movement
what causes huntingtons
a loss of gabaergic nuerons causes rapid jerky movements of distal extremities
what causes parkinsons
substania niagra is darker and dopaminergic neurons are lost
what is the ending for a nuerotransmitter
what does L dopa do
make synapses produce more dopamine
in parkinsons where is the loss of inhibitory input to
in parkinsons where is the increased inhibitory output
from striatum to the thalamus
what is the landmark fo the diencephalon
3rd ventricle
what is in the epihtalamus
pinela gland and choroid plexus
where are inputs to the thalumus coming from
somatic sensory basal ganglia cerebellum motro areas of crebral cotex
what is the thalamus
group of large nuclei divided by the 3rd ventricle
largley functions as a relay station
where is the output from the thalamus going
cerebral cortex
name the 9 functions of the thatlamus
1control and integrate visceral motor system
2integrate visceral sensory info
3 control of much of edocrine system
4 translates emotional stress into organ changes
5 regualtes hunger
6 regulates thirst
7 rage agression
8 sex
9 temp regulation shivering sweating
whtat is the landmark of the mesencephalon
cerebral aqueduct
superior colliculi
reflex movements of eyes and head in response to visual stimulli
inferior colliculi
reflex movements of head in response to auditory stumuli
cerebral peduncles
large collection of tracts both asscending and decending
what do cranial neves 3 and 4 do when they are damaged
cause unresponsiveness to painfull stimuli pupils fixed and dialated
substantia nigra
on cerebral peduncles outputs to striatum and superior colliculi
red nucleus
brainstem somatic motor
what is the landmark of the metencephalon
the pons and the 4th ventricle
bridge many connections
what kind of fibers doesthe metencephalon have
large collections of fibers projecting from cortex to psinal cord from sp cord to thatlamus
what cranial nerves are in the metencephalon
567 and the vestibular part of 8
is the cerebellum in the metencephalon
yes, responsable for somatic motor damage would cause no coordinated movements
what is the landmark for the myelencephalon
medulla olongata
somatic motor tracts
what else is in the myelencephalon
nucleus gracilis nucleus cuneatus and the cochlear part of 8 cranial nerves 9 10 11 12
what are these nucei in the myelencephalon involved in doing
ventillation and cardiovascular control
anatomically ill
defined group of nuclei that are found throughout the brainstem
what is the recticular activating sytem
responsible for going between sleep and wake states
resposible for the activity measured on an EEG mostly found in brainstem
limbic system
associated with terms like fear hope anxiety joy pleasure
nuclear complex in temporal lobe attatches emotional significane to memories when they are recalled
what are the components of a reflex
1 stimulus
2 affarent pathway
3 CNS integration
4 efferent pathway
5 response
in a spinal relex what is the affarent pathway
sensory neron
in a spinal reflex what is the efferent pathway
motor neuron
what does the inhibitory neron do
stops the antagonist muscle from contracting so that the limb can be retracted
what is the response in the withdrawl reflex
the hamstring is contracted
where are the somatic neron cell bodies
in the ventral part of the spinal cord
the stimulus in a withdrawl reflex causes excitetory input and this does what
activateds inhibitory input
what is a jacksonian seizure
abnormal electrical activity in the brain that spreads to other parts depolorizes nerons which causes movement of the skeletal muscles
what is the general layout of the representation of the skeletal groups on the jacksonian model
toes up to shoulder hand neck eyes jaw tounge last is speech
where do fibers cross in the corticospinal pathway
in the caudal medulla, the lateral corticospinal pathway
where do fibers not cross in the corticospinal pathway
the anterior corticospinal tract of the spinal cord
what is the primary function of the pyramidal pathway
coordinated precise volutary movements
what is a normal response for a plantar reflex
flexion of toes downgoing
what is an abnormal response for plantar reflex
babaskis sign upgoing toes in an adult