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208 Cards in this Set

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What are the indications for carotid endarterectomy?
Strong recommendation: 70-99% w/ symptoms
moderate recommendation: 50-69% occluded w/ symptoms
80-99% occluded w/o symptoms
What changes in Platelet ct, BT, PT, PTT...

Hemophilia A or B
VonWilderbrand's dz
PC (L) BT (H)
BT (H) PTT (H)
What is the most likely cause of aortic stenosis in a 50 yr old patient?
Congenital bicuspid aortic valve
What are the classic findings of Henoch-Schonlein Purpura?
4 things...

palpable purpura on lower extremitiy (not d/t thrombocytopenia), GI Sxs, and Renal dz, Arthritis
What is the treatment for acute mesenteric ischemia?
Dx: Angiogram
Tx: Heparin, or enoxaparin.
Papoverine to decrease arterial vasospasm
Embolectomy if d/t embolism
bowel resection
A 50 y/o M with a 25 year pack hx presents woth his second bout of pneumonia in the last 6 mo. CXR reveals a lobar consolidation in the same location as the previous pneumonia. What is the next step in the mgmt of this pt?
tx pneumonia
CT the chest (recurrent pneumonia in the same location is a reg flag for CA)
What is the treatment for cluster headaches
100% O2
What is the empiric tx for a brain abscess?
Drain the abscess
Antibiotics (If from neurosurg use vanc and ceftazodine)
what is the TX fir hyperparathyroidism d/t parathyroid hyperplasia
remove 3.5 glands, put a clip on the last .5 or move it to the arm.
What is the common complaint of a pt with retinal detachment?
Sudden painless onset of flashing lights, Numerous floaters, and window shade pulled over their eye
What complication may arise from performimg an LP in a pt with elevated intracranial pressure?
Uncal Herniation of brainstem
What is the tx for an MI d/t cocaine overdose?
Ativan to calm the pt, and Ca channel blockers for rate control

Beta Blockers are your 1st for an MI, but with cocaine, if you take out the B2 vasodilation and you are left with Alpha1 vasoconstriction. So BB will raise BP
Why is thiamine given in a glucose infusion to alcoholics with hypoglycemia?
glucose in the absence of thiamine in an alcoholic can worsen wernike's encephalitis
Whats the diff?

brief psychotic disorder
Strange, dress like a pickle, personality disorder
+ and - sxs, Lasts longer than 6mo, interferes with life
Schizophrenia + mood disorder
Schizoids avoid - voluntary social withdraw
Shorter than 6mox
shorter than 1mo
RBC pathology

a/w EBV (in africa)
Reed-Sternberg cell, cervical lymphadenopathy, night sweats
Bence-Jones proteins, Osteolytic lesions, high calcium
Most common lymphoma in the US
Multiple Myeloma
What type of leukemia...

MC neoplasm in kids
MC leukemia in adults
Philidelphia chromosome
Smudge cells
What changes in Platelet ct, BT, PT, PTT...

Warfarin use
End stage liver dz
Aspirin use
What is the MCC of aortic regurg in a 70 yr old patient?
senile (degenerative) calcification
What are Ranson's criteria in determining the prognosis in patients with acute pancreatitis
Increased mortality if 3 or more...

Admission (GA-LAW)
Serum glucose>200
serum AST>250
serum LDH>350

48hrs (Calvin HOBBS)
Base deficit
Sequestration of fluid >6L
When is rifampin prophylaxis indicated in cases of bacterial meningitis?
close contact with Nisseria meningitis, or HiB meningitis
What imaging study is used to Dx a DVT?
Compressive venous ultrasound
Which class of antihypertensive is contraindicated in the following patients?

bilateral RAS
Advanced renal failure
Non-selective Beta blocker
If hyperkalemia dont use ACE-I/ ARB, potassium sparing diuretics
Diuretics (HCTZ, chlorthalidone)
What is the tx for cluster head aches?
100% O2
High potency neuroleptics
more EPS, less anticholergic, more acute dystonia
haloperidol, fluphenazine, thiothixine, droperidol
What is the TX for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)?
Eppley manuver
A child presents to the ER with mental status changes, hypoglycemia and lesions suggestive of chickenpox. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Reye's syndrome.

Mental status changes, hypoglycemia, and hx of chicken pox. The parents likely gave the kid aspirin
In which immunodeficiency is there an absence of thymic shadow on newborn CXR?
DiGeorge syndrome, and also SCID (d/t adenosine deaminase deficiency)
What are the symptoms of a lacunar stroke?
5 categories

pure motor hemiparesis
pure sensory defect
ataxic hemiparesis
sensorimotor stroke sx
dysarthria clumsy hand syndrome
What is the DDX for dislocation of the lens of the eye?
Alports, Homocystinuria (down), marfans (up)
RBC pathology

Translocation 14:18
Translocation 8:14
Translocation 9:22
What type of leukemia....

*Peripheral cells are PAS+ and TdT+
*Peripheral blasts are PAS-, MPO+ and have auer rods
Pancytopenia in a Down syndrome pt
Compare the serum iron, ferritin, and transferrin levels in IDA to AoCD?
IDA: serumFe (L) F(L) Tf(H)
AoCD: serumFe(L) F(H) Tf(L)
What is the classic but rare EKG finding in pulmonary embolism
What is the treatment for....
Enantomoebia Histolytica
Giardia Lamblia
Enantomoebia Histolytica: Metronidazole
Giardia Lamblia: Metronidazole
Salmonella: Fluroquinolones, TMP-SMX
Shigella: Fluroquinolones, TMP-SMX
Campylobacter: Erythromycin
What is the treatment for acromegaly?
surgical resection, external beam radiation

Octreotide (somatostain analog)
Cabergoline (DA agonist)
What radiographic study is used to Dx injury to the urethra?

retrograde cysto-urethrogram
What heart sounds are considered benign when there is no evidence of disease?
Early quiet systolic in an asymptomatic patient, split S1, split S2 on inspiration
what potency are these?

chlorpromazine, thioridazine
Low potency neuroleptics, more anticholinergic, less EPS. avoid in pts with dementia
List as many SSRI's as you can
Fluoxetine, Fluvoxetine, Citalopram, Escitalopram, Paroxetine, sertraline
What is the most effective way to prevent bacterial meningitis in newborns?
Penicillin or Ampicillin during delivery to GBS (agalactae)
A post-op patient has poor urine output, a BUN of 85, creatinine of 3, and clear lungs. What is the enxt step in the management of this patient?
IV fluids

Facts: pt has azotemia... is post op...has a BUN:Cr > 20 = prerenal azotemia. The clear lungs signify that the pt is not fluid overloaded and can tollerate fluid
what medications and interventions are used in the treatment of cerebral palsy to alleviate contractures and improve function?
Dantrolene, baclofen, benzos, botox, nerve blocks

Physical therapy, surgical
What is the treatment for macular degeneration? what is the treatment for retinal detachment?
Macular degeneration: Vitamins C, E, zinc. (alpha interferon)

Retinal detachment: surgery
RBC pathology

MC form of hodgekin lymphoma
"Starry sky pattern" d/t phagocytosis of apoptotic tumor cells
High H&H, pruritis, burning in hands and feet
Blood smear (hair like projects), splenomegally
Nodular sclerosing
Polycythemia vera
Hairy Cell
what is the next step in the mgmt of testicular torsion confirmed with US?
manual detorsion with bilateral orchoplexy
What medications are necessary in patients with end stage renal disease?
vit D
Phosphate binders
Baby aspirin, statins
EPO (goal Hgb is 11-12)
What is the most likely cause of secondary HTN....

Hypertension in arms, low BP in LE
Aortic Coarctation - turner's
Renal disease
Which type of lung cancer is a/w the following paraneoplastic syndromes?

↑ACTH  Glucocorticoid excess -->cushings syndrome
↑PTH related peptide --> hypercalcemia
↑ADH --> SIADH --> hyponatremia
Antibodies to presynaptic Ca channels --> Lambert-Eaton syndrome
Small cell
Squamous cell
Small cell
Small cell
What infectious food agent most likely corresponds to:

Food poisoning as a result of mayonaise sitting out too long
Rice water stools
diarrhea transmitted from pet feces
Diarrhea from reheated rice
Most common cause of "traveler's" diarrhea
staph aureus
yerisinia enterolytica
B. cereus
What are the symptoms of a basilar skull fx?
battle sign, racoon eyes, bleeding behind the TM, CSF leakage from nose or ears
What heart defect is a/w the following disease?

Chromosome 22q11 deletion
Down syndrome
Congenital rubella
Turner's syndrome
Marfan's syndrome
Catch 22- DiGeorge: Truncus arteriosis/ Tetrology of fallot
Downs: Endocardial cushion defect
Rubella: PDA, Pulmonary artery stenosis
Turner's: Coarctation
Marfan's: Aortic regurg
In which pt populations are -triptan drugs contraindicated?
Pregnancy, coronary artery dz, prinzmetal angina

Triptans cause vasoconstriction
what potency are these?

malindone, loxepine, trifluperazine
moderate potency neuroleptics:
List as many TCAs as you can

Imipramine, Amitriptyline, Desipramine, Clomipramine, Doxepin, Nortriptyline
How do the symptoms of encephalitis differ from that of meningitis?
Encephalitis has mental status changes and focal neurologic deficits
Which vaccines should not be given to a patient with HIV?
Dont give live vaccines to HIV pts.

Live vaccines: Varicella zoster, intra-nasal influenza, oral polio, yellow fever, BCG, anthrax, oral typhoid and small pox. the one exception is MMR, if the pt has CD4>200.

Mneumonic for live viruses: Mr.Sabins Small Yellow Chicken

influenza, Hep B, and step pneumo should* be given to HIV+, and for MSM also give Hep A
what are the two MC primary brain tumors in adults? what are the 3 MC primary brain tumors in children?
adults: Mets, GBM, Meningioma, Schwanoma (MGM Studios)
children: Astrocytoms, Meduloblastoma, Ependymoma
childhood psych

females only. loss of prev acquired language and motor skills
impairment in social interactions, comm, play. repetitive behaviors
Impairment in social interaction but not avoidance, no language delay
Stereotyped hand movement
What are the classic features that distinguish orbital cellulitis from periorbital cellulitis?
Orbital: pain w/ eye movement, proptrosis, ophthalmoplegia, double vision
*What are the causes of hypovolemic hyponatremia?
Addisons dz
Fluid Loss and replacement with water
What is the treatment for hyperkalemia?
Calcium gluconate

give 1amp D50 with insulin, NaHCO3, albuterol nebs

What is the most likely cause of secondary HTN....

Tachycardia, Diarrhea, Heat intolerance
Episodic sweating, tachycardia
RAS/ renal failure
Which type of vasculitis....

Weak pulses in upper extremity
Necrotizing granulomas of lung and necrotizing glomerulonephritis
Necrotizing immune complex inflammation of visceral/renal vessels
young male smokers
Polyarteritis Nodosa
What infectious food agent most likely corresponds to:

diarrhea after a course of abx
diarrhea + recent ingestion of water from a stream
Mild intestinal infxn that can become neurocystophsychosis
Food poisoning from undercooked hamburger
diarrhea from seafood
C. diff
giardia lamblia, E. histolytica
T. solieum
What is the drug of choice for trigeminal neuralgia?
its a TCA....

What is the next step once a brain tumor has been identified on CT or MRI of the head?
MCC of brain tumor is Metastasis

So, 1st step is search for the source, Full Body CT
ST segment elevation in leads corresponding to the perfusion of multiple arteries
Acute pericarditis
What s/e can arise from theophylline overdose?
seizures, hypotension, cardiac tachyarrythmias
What mineralocorticoid medications is used in the TX if aldosterone deficiencies such as adrenal insufficiency and 21-hydroxlyase deficiency?
List as many MAOI's as you can
Phenylzine, Tranylcipromine, Selegeline
What is the initial radiologic study in a pt with TIA/stroke symptoms? What radiologic studies need to be performed later to evaluate the underlying cause of the TIA/stroke?
First do a CT head w/o contrast to r/o bleed.

Then treat with thrombolytic. Later, get an echo to look for vegitations on the valves, a carotid duplex to check to calcifications, MRA/CTA of brain vasculature
When should you suspect thrombocytopenia d/t heparin use? What is the most feared complication of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia?
If pt is on heparin and the platelets drop by 50%, suspect HIT.

The most feared complication is hypercoaguable states that result in DVT, PE, stroke.
What is the ACLS treatment for V. fib?
CPR, 360 J shock, epi, CPR, shock epi
childhood psych

Ignoring the basic rights of others
characterized by hostility, annoyance, vindictiveness, disobedience
multiple motor and vocal tics
impulsive and inattentive
7yo that avoids going to school to stay at home with parent
Conduct d/o
oppositional defiant d/o
separation anxiety
In which patients is bupropion contraindicated
Seizure pts, eating d/o like bulemia, pts withrawing from etoh or benzos, pts who have had MAOIs in the last 2 wks
*Fever + Rash + elevated creatinine + eosinophilia

What is the Dx?
Acute Interstital Nephritis
What are 4 potassium sparing diuretics?
spironalactone, epleranone, amelioride, triamterone

spironalactone has anti-androgen effect
An elderly female with a hx of cholelithiasis presents with a 5d hx of vauge, recurrent abdominal pain and vomiting. What diagnosis do you immediately suspect?
Gall stone ileus

Which type of vasculitis....

Young asain women
Young Asthmatics
Infants and young children; involved coronary arteries
Most Common vasculitis
Temporal/ giant cell arteritis
What infectious food agent most likely corresponds to:

Bloody diarrhea from poultry
diarrhea + pink eye
bloody diarrhea
diarrhea in AIDS paitents
Dehydrated child with greenish diarrhea in winter months
Salmonella, campylobacter
E. Histolytica
What is the tx for NPH?

What is the Tx for pseudomotor cererbi?
VP shunt

Weight loss, Acetozolamide

What are the W's of post-op fever
Wind (pneumonia, atelectasis)
Water (UTI)
Wound (infection)
Walking (DVT)
Wonder drugs (drug rxn)
Cardiac cath shows equal pressures in all heart chambers
constrictive pericarditis
Where is the lesion that causes:
Contralateral hemibalismus
hemispatial neglect syndrome
poor repetition
Contralateral hemibalismus = STN
hemispatial neglect syndrome = RIGHT PARIETAL LOBE
coma = RAS
poor repetition = ARCUATE FASICULUS
What is Todd's paralysis
Post ictal hemiparesis lasting at least 15hrs, but not more than 24 hrs
What are the symptoms basilar artery stroke?
Coma, paralysis, CN deficits, bad things

Pontine ischemia --> CN deficits; contralateral full body weakness;
What is the next step in the mgmt of a child with severe asthma exacerbation and persistently low ox sat despite medication?
Give O2 to greater than 92%

poor oxygenation <92, or unable to speak d/t WOB = inubation
Which vasopressor matches the following statement?

theoretically causes renal vasodilation
high doses optimize the alpha-1 vasoconstriction
ADH analogue
best choice for anaphylactic shock
best choice for septic shock
best choice for cardiogenic shock
causes vasoconstriction but with bradycardia
What are the causes of fever in the postop period?
Wind - atelectasis, pneumonia
Water - UTI
Walk - DVT
Wound - Infection
Wonder - drugs, ABX, Sinusitis
What is the Tx for Serotonin Syndrome?
Stop SSRIs
supportive care, decrease muscle tone with sedation, Benzos
*What distinguishes primary biliary cirrhosis from primary sclerosing cholangitis?
Primary Biliary Sclerosis: + anti-mitochrondrial Ab's, +ANA, F>M, a.w autoimmune d/o

Primary sclerosising cholangitis: (+)pANCA, M>F, a.w UC, Beads on a string with ERCP
Sign? Disease?

Deep palpation of RUQ --> arrest of inspiration d/t pain

Charcot's triad (Fever, Jaundice, RUQ pain), hypotension, altered mental status?

RLQ pain on passive extension of the hip
Murphy's = cholecystitis
Reynolds pentad = cholangitis
Psoas= Apendicitis
A pt presents to the ER with a very painful irreducible inguinal mass. What is the next step in the mgmt of this pt?
surgery consult- incarcerated inguinal hernia
Which type of vasculitis....

a/w hep B infxn
Occulusion of the ophthalmic artery --> blindness
Perforation of nasal septum
Unilateral headache, jaw claudication
Polyarteritis nodosa
Temporal arteritis
Temporal arteritis
What are the most common causes of acute pancreatitis
Gall stones and Alcohol!!
elevated TGs, hypercalcemia, trauma, and Drugs: FAST (Furosemide(and HCTZ), Azothioprine, sulfa, Tetracyclines)
What is the Tx for Guillain Barre syndrome?
Plasmophoresis OR IVIg

supportive care
What medication combination is used in the treatment of TB meningitis?
Rifampin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol
Chest pain that lessens when the patient leans forward
acute pericarditis
Where is the lesion that causes:
poor comprehension
poor vocal expression
resting tremor
intention tremor
poor comprehension = WERNICKES
poor vocal expression =BROCAS
resting tremor = BG
intention tremor = CEREBELLAR HEMISPHERE
List as many TETRACYCLICS as you can
Mirtrazepine, Trazedone
Comparing ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage, what are the different BP goals and BP medications?
Ischemic stroke: <220/120, Labetalol and nicardapine. Do Not Give Nitro's!

Intracerebral hemorrhage: <140-160; Labetalol, can use nitroprusside

Subarachnoid hemorrhage: < 150; labetalol, nimodipine. Do Not Give Nitro's!
What is the classic presentation of a patient with androgen insensitivity syndrome?
46XY pt with a defect in androgen receptors. Normal appearing female with a vagina, no female pipes, and has testes.
what is the next step in the evaluation of penetrating injuries to the different zones of the neck?
The zones follow the blood flow, so zone 1 is lowest and zone 3 is highest

zone 1: clavicle to cricoid cartilage: CT angiogram
zone 2: from cricoid cartilage to angle of mandible: surgical exploration
zone 3: CT angiogram, tripple endoscopy
What is the next step in eval

Pelvic fx + DPL shows BLOOD
Pelvic fx + DPL shows URINE
Pelvic fx + DPL shows nothing, + hemodynamic instability
Blunt abd trauma + unstable vitals + FAST shows fluid in pelvis
Emergent laprotomy
Urgent Laprotomy
Angiography for Dx and embolisation
Urgent laprotomy
How is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo diagnosed?
How is it treated?
Dx: Dix-Hallpike manuver, and Hx
Tx: Eppley manuver
*What is the treatment for Whipple Dz?
TMP-SMX for 1 yr
Sign? Disease?

RLQ on passive internal rotation

LUQ pain and referred left shoulder pain

Ecchymosis of the skin on flank

Ecchymosis of skin periumbilical
Obturator sx = appendicitis
kehr's sign = splenic rupture
grey turners= pancreatitis
cullens = pancreatitis
A 4-mo child presents with nonbilious vomiting despite changing formulas from milk-based to soy-based. What is the Most Likely etiology?
Congenital Pyloric Stenosis
Which lipid lowering agent...

s/e of facial flushing
s/e elevated LFTs. myositis
s/e GI discomfort, bad taste
Fibrates AND Statins
Cholestyramine (Bile acid binding agents)
A COPD pt comes to the ER with tachycardia and hypotension. During evaluation he begins to have seizures. What is the most likely etiology*
Theophyline overdose
How do you distinguish Somogyi effect from Dawn Phenomenon?
Check 3am glucose

somogyi will have low 3am glucose
What are the characteristic features of a patient presenting with pericarditis>
Pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, cough, pulsus paradoxus, Friction rub, pain relieved by leaning forward, ST-elevation in all leads
where is the lesion that causes:
hyperorality, hypersexuality, disinhibitied behavior
personality changes
agraphia and acalculia
hyperorality, hypersexuality, disinhibitied behavior = AMYGDALA (kluver bucey syn)
personality changes = FRONTAL LOBE (picks)
agraphia and acalculia = LEFT PARIETAL LOBE
What drugs when combined with SSRI's are known for causing serotonin syndrome
SSRI's, SNRI's, MOAIs, Levodopa, Meperidine (demerol), Litium, Ampetamines and cocaine, ectasy, LSD, st.John's wort.
What are the signs/symptoms of a TCA overdose? How is it managed?
Anticholinergic sxs, cardiotoxicity, CNS toxicity

Managed: Sodium Bicarb
What is the MC food borne bacterial GI tract infxn?
how can the flushing reaction of niacin be prevented?
give aspirin with it
What is the next step in eval

Blunt abd trauma + unstable vitals + FAST shows no fluid in pelvis
Blunt abd trauma + unstable vitals + FAST inconclusive
Blunt abd trauma + stable vitals
Abdominal stab wound + hypotensive or Sx of peritonitis
angiography with possible embolization. presume retroperitoneal bleed
CT scan
Emergent Laprotomy
What is the treatment for acute angle closure glaucoma?
alpha-adrenergic agents
Cholinergic agonists like pilocarpine
What type of Hep B exposure?

HBsAg: (-)
HBsAb: (-)
HBcAB: (+)
Acute infection in window period
What x-ray finding is indicative of croup?

Steeple sx

Thumb sx
A pt presents to the clinic for follow-up and is found to have a BP of 150/85. You note in the chart that during the last visit 1 mo ago, his BP was 145/90. What is the next step in the mgmt of this pt?
Retest in 2-4 weeks

Dx requires 3 readings
Which lipid lowering agent...

Best effect on HDL
Best effect on TGs
Best effect on LDL
Binds C.diff toxin
What is the ACLS treatment for asystole?
CPR and alternating Epi and atropine (atropine up to 3mg)

Transcutaneous pacing
What type of immunodeficiency increases the risk of anaphylactic transfusion rxn?
IgA deficiency

these pts have allergy sxs, lots of URIs
What is the antidote for

N-acetyl cystine
PEDS: penicilimine, EDTA, Dimercaprol, Succinylcholine
Sodium thiosulfate, hydroxocobalamine, Nitrate
Methylene blue, vitamin C
Naltrexone, naloxone
What is the antidote for antimuscarinic, anticholinergic agents?
Atypical antipsychotics
Olanzapine, Risperidone, airipiprazole, quetiapine, clozapine, paliperidone
What is the MCC of sensorineural hearing loss?
Conductive hearing loss?
Sensorineural = Presbycusis

Conductive = Otosclerosis
What is the treatment for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus caused by lithium toxicity?

HCTZ for Diabetes Insipidus and In the case of Lithium induced DI, Amelioride: closes Na channels in the collecting tubles that are affected by Li+
What is the classic presentation of a pt with hyperprolactinemia?
Females: gynecomastia, galactorhea, amenorrhea, hypogonadism*

Males: decreased lebido, infertility, impotence
what EKG finding is seen in patients with WPW? what causes WPW?
delta wave on EKG
d/t reentry through an accessory electrical pathway
What are the diagnostic JONES criteria for rheumatic fever?
Group A strep infxn + 2 major + 1 minor

Joints - migratory polyarthritis
Heart - pan carditis
Nodules - subQ
Eryethum marginatum
Sydenhams chorrhea
What is the antidote?

Anticholinesterase, organophosphates?
Carbon monoxide
Pralidoxime and Atropine
Dimercaprol, succimer
100% O2
FFP, protamine sulfate
Vit B6 (pralidoxime)
What type of heart murmur?

diastolic heard best in left lower sternum that increases with inspiration?
Late diastolic murmur with an opening snap?
Systolic murmur heard best in the second right interspace?
Systolic murmur heard best in the second left interspace
tricuspid stenosis
mitral stenosis
Atrial stenosis
Pulmonic stenosis
What type of Hep B exposure?

HBsAg: (+)
HBsAb: (-)
HBcAB: (+)
chronic infected
What is the treatment for RSV broncholitis?
albuterol, or racemic epi

O2 to prevent hypoxia
Which glomerular disease....

MC nephrotic in children
IF: granular immune complex; LM: hypercellular
IF: linear immune complex
Kimmelstiel-wilson (nodular glomerulosclerosis)
MC nephrotic in adults
Minimal change
Post-strep GN
What drugs are known for causing elevated PRL levels?
Phenothiazines, Risperidone, Haloperidol, Methyldopa, Verapamil
Which antihypertensive drug fits the following s/e

First dose orthostatic hyptension
Dry mouth, sedation, severe rebound htn
bradycardia, impotence, asthma exacerbation
reflex tachycardia
Alpha blockers: Prazosin, Doxazosin
clonidine -Alpha2 agonist
What are the HACEK bacteria
Culter Negative bacteria that cause infective endocarditis

What are the indications for surgical parathyroidectomy?
5 reasons

Serum Ca >1 above normal
Urine Ca > 400mg
Cr clearance down by 30%
Bone mineral density T score -2.5 anywhere
Younger than 50 yr old
What is the antidote for benzos?
At what age do physicians begin to dose dexamethasome with or prior to the first does of abx in cases of suspected bacterial meningitis?
What is the MC complication of recurrent otitis media?
hearing loss
How do features of acute dystonia differ from that of tardive dyskinesia?
Acute dystonia is next spasm, torticolis.

TD is repettitive tics, facial movements
What lab changes will be seen in a pt with hyperaldosteronemia?
hypokalemia, hypernatremia, metabolic alkalosis, Increased 24hr urine aldosterone

Aldosterone: conserve Na+, secrete K+, increase water retention to raise BP. Without adequate K+ in the ECF, the H/K exchange pump shuts down and no H is pumped out, leading to a hypokalemia
How is the Tx of SVT d/t WPW different from other causes of SVT?
SVT is treated with adenosine, but if its d/t WPW, then use amioderone and procainimide
Which heart murmur?

Late systolic murmur heard best at the apex?
Diastolic murmur with a widened pulse pressure
Holosystolic murmur that is louder with inspiration at the left lower sternum?
Holosystolic murmur heard at the apex and radiates to the axilla?
Mitral prolapse
aortic regurg
tricuspid regurg
Mitral regurg
Whats the Hep B status

HBsAg: (-)
HBsAb: (+)
HBcAB: (-)
What is Beck's triad
Tamponade = hypotension, distant heart sounds, JVD
Which glomerular disease....

EM: loss of epithelial foot processes
Nephrotic a/w Hep B
Nephrotic a/w HIV
Anti-GBM antibodies, hematuria, hemoptysis
EM: subendothelial humps and tram-track appearance
Minimal change
Focal Segmental GS
Which antihypertensive drug fits the following s/e:

Avoid in pts with sulfa allergy
Development of drug induced lupus
Cyanide toxicity
Furosemide, HCTZ
SHIP (Sulfa, Hydralazine, INH, Procanimide)
Which antihypertensive is first line in...

No comorbidities
Heart Failure
ACE-I/ARB, Beta Blocker Spironolactone
Alpha blocker
Lisinopril/Losartan, Carvadilol, Spironolactone
Lisinopril/ Losartan
What drugs are most commonly used in renal disease to bind phosphate in order to prevent hyperphosphatemia?
calcium carbonate or calcium acetate

dont use caclium citrate for the Al affect
Name as many NRDI's as you can
Bupropion (welbutrin) is the only one
How does the Tx of Acute Distonia differ from Tardive Diskinesia?
Acute distonia: Diphenhydromine/ benztropine (anticholinergic)

TD: discontinue or change neuoleptic
Antidote for Opioids?
Naloxone, naltexone
What is the most sensitive and specific lab test for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis?
low fecal elastase levels.

lipase is more specific than amylase, but they may both be low in chronic pancreatitis
Whats the Hep B status

HBsAg: (-)
HBsAb: (+)
HBcAB: (+)
What is the typical post-op fever work up?
CBC with diff
blood culture, urine culture
Which glomerular disease....

Nephritis, Deafness, cataracts
LM: crecent formation in glomeruli
LM: segmental sclerosis and hyalinosis
Purpura on back of arms and legs, abd pain, IgA nephropathy
Positive ANCA
Anti-dsDNA antibodies
Crescentic GN (Rapidly progressive)
Focal segmental GS
Henoch-Scholen Purpura
Crecentic GN
What is the Tx for febrile seizures
Lower the Temp with acetaminophen
Which antihypertensive is first line in...

Benign Essential Tremmor
Post-menopausal Female
Beta Blocker
Beta Blocker
Thiazide to reduce osteoperosis
Beta Blocker
What is the classic presentation of a pt with aspirin overdose?
Tinnitus, resp alkalosis --> met acidosis

hyperventialation, N/V, abdominal ache
Name as many SNRI's as you can
Venlafaxine, Duloxetine, Milnacipram, Nefazedone
What EEG pattern is seen in cases of absence seizures?
3 cycle/sec Spike and Wave
Antidote for Heparin?
Protamine sulfate
What supplements should be given to women on anticonvulsants during pregnancy?
folate, 4 mg
vit K in the last month to augment coaguability during deliverly
*What is the DDx of ground-glass infiltrates on CXR?
interstitial pneumonia
Pulmonary Edema (CHF, ARDS)
Pulmonary hemorrhage
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
What is the empiric tx for pneumonia in a 2-month old?

in a 2 year old?
neonate: GBS, E.coli = amp+ gent
2month: RSV = macrolide +/- cefotaxime
2 year: RSV, step pneumo = Ampacillin, Amoxicillin
At what point do patients with chronic COPD qualify for home O2

pulmonary HTN, peripheral edema, polycythemia

What is Dx of pulm htn?
Pulmonary pressure >/= 25% of systolic. Should be 1/8th
What is the antidote to the following toxin?

Beta blockers
t-PA/ Steptokinase
Salicylates - activated charcoal, Na-HCO3
Beta blockers - Atropine, Insulin, calcium, glucagon, glucose
Digoxin - charcoal, dig Fab. dont give Ca
Iron- deferoxime
Copper - penicillamine
t-PA/ Steptokinase - amino caproic acid
An elderly pt presents to the ER with a headache and dilated right pupil. During the history, she reports that she fell at home 5 days ago. What is the most likely Dx?
Right Sided Subdural Hematoma
Antidote for Benzos?
what is the next step in the mgmt of an AGUS pap smear?
colposcopy and endocervical curettage.

if they are over 35, or have risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia, then we also do an EMB
What medication is used to close a PDA?
What is the initial Tx of a localized non-small cell lung CA?
Surgical Resection and chemo
Which blood pressure medications should be avoided in patients with ischemic stroke or subarachnoid hemorrhage because of the increase in intracranial pressure associated with them
nitroprusside, nitroglycerine
What medications other than stimulants are used in the Tx of ADHD?
TCA's, Clonodine, Bupropion
Antidote for Barbiturate (phenobarbital)?
give bicarb (HCO3) alkalinize the urine or dialysis
What complications can arise from electrical burns?
myoglobinemia --> renal failure
Cardiac dysrhythmias
Compartment syndrome
Bony injuries
What medications are used in the Tx of Tourette's syndrome?
Fluphenizine, Pemizide, Tetrabenezine*
Antidote for carbon monoxide?
100% O2
What eye abnormality is seen when there is a lesion to the oculomotor nerve III?
Down and out
Eye is fixed and dilated, loss of psymps
What are teh most worrisome side effects of the ADHD drug atomoxetine?
Increased Suicidal tendency
Liver injury
What type of oral contraceptive can be given to lactating women?
Progestin only

combo OCP supresses lactation
What are the differing presentations of

Alzheimers dementia
Picks dz
Lewy-body dementia?
Alz: Memory loss
Picks: personality change
DLB: Alzheimers with Parkinsons, visual hallucinations, unexpected falls
Hypotension + distant heart sounds + distended neck veins
Becks triad for cardiac tamponade
What is the definitive Tx for a subdural hematoma?
burr hole and surgical removal
What is the definintion of primary amenorrhea?
absence of menses at age 16 and everything else being normal
What is the antidote for Tricyclic antidepressants
What serum lab abnormalities might you see in a pt with bacterial meningitis?
elevated WBC, left shift, Leukopenia is possible.

30% of pts have a mild hypOnatremia
What is the antidote for warfarin
Vit. K and FFP
A pt comes to clinic with the complaint of hearing loss and vertigo. On examination of the typanic membrane you note a grayish-white "pearly" lesion involving the TM. what is the Dx?

desquamated keratin debris within the middle ear
what is the antidote for methanol, ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
fomepazole, etoh
what is the tx for arsnic?
dimercaprol, succimer, or penicillamine
What is the parkland burn formula
Using lactated ringers: (4mL) (kg) (% burned)

give 1/2 in 8hrs, give 2nd half over 16hrs
What are the symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syndrome
hot, flushed, altered mental status, muscle rigidity, rhabdomyolysis
What is the tx for neuroleptic malignant syndrome?
dantrolene, d/c meds, IV cooling
Ca/ P/ PTH/ Alk Phos

Paget's dz
Alk-phos: up
Ca/ P/ PTH/ Alk Phos

Osteomalacia/ Rickets
vit d deficiency

Ca: down
P: down
PTH: up
Ca/ P/ PTH/ Alk Phos

Chronic renal failure
vitamin d deficiency, but cant excrete phosphate

Ca: down
PTH: up
Ca/ P/ PTH/ Alk Phos

brittle bones

no change
Ca/ P/ PTH/ Alk Phos

rock like bones

no change
Ca/ P/ PTH/ Alk Phos

primary hyperparathyroidism
Ca: up
P: down
PTH: up
Alk-phos: up
Ca/ P/ PTH/ Alk Phos

Ca: down
P: up
PTH: down
Alk-phos: nml
Ca/ P/ PTH/ Alk Phos

Ca: down
P: up
PTH: up
Alk-phos: nml