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38 Cards in this Set

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3 major structures of the lower urinary tract
ureters - urinary bladder - urethra
ureters carry urine from ____ to ____ ____
kidney - urinary bladder
ureters location is ____peritoneal
____ forces urine into bladder
3 layers of the ureter
mucosa - muscularis - adventitia
the urinary bladder is a temporary urine ____ & is located ____
storage - retroperitoneal
2 major structures of the urinary bladder
trigone - 3 layers
trigone is made of ____ muscle & is the most common site of ____
smooth - infection
3 layers of the urinary bladder
mucosa - muscular layer - adventitia
mucosa is the ____ lining & is made of ____ CT
inner - transitional
major structure of the muscular layer
detrusser muscle
the muscular layer is made of ____ ____
smooth muscle
adventitia of the urinary bladder is the ____ CT covering
infection of the urinary bladder is called
urethra drains urine from the ____
2 structures of the urethra
internal urethral sphincter - external urethral sphincter
internal urethral sphincter is made of ____ muscle & is under ____ control
smooth - involuntary
external urethral sphincter is made of ____ muscle & is under ____ control
skeletal - voluntary
micturition is the act of …
emptying the bladder
micturition need is activated by ____ receptors in walls of ____
stretch - bladder
activation of micturition causes ____ muscle to contract & ____ ____ to relax
detrussor - internal sphincter
5 disorders of the urinary system is
hydronephrosis is ____ in ____ causing back up of urine
blockage - ureters
hydronephrosis exerts pressure on the ____
hydronephrosis can cause ____ of renal tissue
pyelitis is infection of ____ ____ & ____
renal pelvis - calyces
pyelonephritis is infection of ____ ____
entire kidney
pyelonephritis is caused by ____ ____
bacterial infection
glomerulonephritis is inflammation of the ____
glomerulonephritis often are cause by ____ system response
glomerulonephritis causes increased ____ of the ____ ____
permeability - filtration membrane
in glomerulonephitis ____ ____ & ____ may pass through into the urine
blood proteins - blood
in glomerulonephritis water seeps into ____ ____ causing ____ & possible ____ failure
blood tissues - edema - kidney
the cause of polycystic disease is ____
polycystic disease is progressive ____ of kidneys that run in the families
in signs of polycystic disease, blister like sacs of ____, ____ & ____
blood - mucus - urine
uranalysis reading of cystitis
↑nitrites - ↑pH - ↑leukocytes - ↑RBC
uranalysis reading of glomerulonephritis
↑pH - ↑proteins - ↑RBC + WBC