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25 Cards in this Set

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نَصَّ يَنُصّ النَصّ على
Specify stipulate determine define (sth)
مِنْ ضِمْن
Among within included in belonging to. I am among -- the men.
إذن ج اذون/ اذونات
idn uduun, uduunaat
,Permission, authorization. See أذن. I don't need permission, authorization from a religion. I'm "idn" (eatting) what I want, and "uduun" (I'm down) with "uduunaat" a donut. 157 28 Sep 10
One of the plurals of permissions authorizations.
-- I don't need permission authorization from a religion. I'm "idn" (eatting) what I want, and "uduun" (I'm down) with "uduunaat" a donut. 157 28 Sep 10
One of the plurals of permissions authorizations. -- I don't need permission authorization from a religion. I'm "idn" (eatting) what I want, and "uduun" (I'm down) with "uduunaat" a donut. 157 28 Sep 10
Health good health truth trueness. Lucky when I -- see ها I feel good health. It is the truth.
bi mathaabaa
(plus noun in idaafa) Like. Plain and simple مثل like. 157 28 Sep 10 ثوب
مُنَازِع ات
Fighting disputing adversary litigant party dying in the throes of death. The dirty dozen loved fighting having an advesary and wished their were -- more nazis to put in the throes of death.
منصة ج منصات مناص
minaSSa minaSSaat, manaaSS,
Platform, podium, easel. Often when a politician is up on the podium, platform, you’re about to hear a speech minaSSa (from a blank) aat (at) a conferance. Pretty much everyone of those man (man) is an aaSS (blank) 157 28 Sep 10 نصص
One of the plurals of platform, podium, easel
منصة ج منصات مناص
minaSSa minaSSaat, manaaSS
Platform, podium, easel. Often when a politician is up on the podium, platform, you’re about to hear a speech minaSSa (from a blank) aat (at) a conferance. Pretty much everyone of those man (man) is an aaSS (blank) 157 28 Sep 10 نصص
أبرم يبرم, الإبرام
Settle, conclude, establish, confirm, ratify (a treaty), twist (rope). After the politicians settle, conclude, ratify their treaties, a man with abrama (a broom) ropes the area off and cleans it. 157 28 Sep 10
Integration completeness perfection. For the Bedouin -- to camel is to have integration completeness perfection.
منهج مناهج
manhaj manaahij
curriculum manner method
Plural curriculum manner methods
Rising takeoff promotion advancement. With the rising takeoff promotion advancement of a family you usually want to move to a -- new hood.
Erasure wiping out elimination
-- what is هو we don't know after its erasure wiping out elimination.
تدبير ج تدبيرات تدابير
Measure, move, step (takes تدابير). After taking measures, moves, steps to make Doha work everyday, Deborah deserves more than the tad (tad, little) biir (beer) you're allowed to have on the base. That's why people would surprise her by taking measures, moves, steps to be like tadaabir (tada beer)!
One of the plurals of تدبير (tadbiir)
Measures moves, steps. After taking measures, moves, steps to make Doha work everyday, Deborah deserves more than the tad (tad, little) biir (beer) you're allowed to have on the base. That's why people would surprise her by taking measures, moves, steps to be like tadaabir (tada beer)! 119 30 Jan 10 Vocab
مَلأِم ل
Suitable fit agreeing harmonizing consistent (with)
أدار ه
To circulate pass around (sth).
Other meanings with different preps.
اقترحت سوريا اسم "التحالف العربي" أما العراق أرادت الاسم "الاتحاد العربي
sample sentence أدار
ومتوافق مع أهداف
Consistent with the goals of
نقّح يُنَقِّح التَنْقِيح
Review revise correct polish refine (writing) to prune prim a tree. To revise correct polish this paper you should -- knock a few sentences and paragraphs off.
Revised retouched improved
The -- moon I caught in the picture let me know that it had been revised retouched improved.
نقّح يُنَقِّح التَنْقِيح
To revise correct polish this paper you should -- knock a few sentences and paragraphs off.