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52 Cards in this Set

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All _______ and _______ things are made of________.

living nonliving matter

Matter is anything that has _________ and _______________________.

mass takes up space

All matter is made of ___________

tiny parts

___________ are the ingredients that make up all other substances.


Elements ___________ be broken down into other substances with ordinary ________ or _________ processes.

cannot physical chemical

there are more than ________ elements.


Each one has _________ ______________.

specific characteristics

Each element reacts in its own way with ________ __________.

other elements

Most elements are __________.


Metals are good conductors of _______ and ___________.

heat electricity

They can be ___________ into sheets or wires that can __________ without breaking.

shaped bend

Most metals, such as ________, are _________ and have a ________ color.

iron solids gray

Smooth metal surfaces can _________ light, which makes them appear shiny.


Describe aluminum: ________, __________.

light strong

ladders, airplane parts

Describe mercury: ________ ________, ________

liquid metal toxic

thermometers and bulbs

Describe calcium: _________ _________-----________ _________ _________.

from food ---- good for bones


Elements that do not conduct heat or electricity very well are called ___________.


Some nonmetals are _______, such as __________.

gas oxygen

Some nonmetals are _________, such as __________

solid carbon

Semi Metals are elements that are sometimes like _________ and sometimes like __________ such as ___________.

metals nonmetals silicon

Describe silicon: _________


electronic devices

Describe sulfur:___________ ____________

solid nonmetal


What is the smallest part of an element that still has the properties of the element????


How can you see an atom?

Special microscope

What are the same 3 particles that make all atoms the same?

protons neutrons electrons

The number of ________ will determine what element an atom will be.


What is the center of an atom called?


What is located in the center of an atom, the nucleus?

protons and neutrons

Who is Dmetri Mendeleev and what is he known for?

He's a Russian scientist. He made a table of elements caked on repeating cycles of properties.

Why do scientists want to organize the elements?

To help scientists predict and find their physical/chemical properties.

Has Dmetri's table stay the same? If not, what has changed?

CHANGED!!!!! WHY? More elements and information has been added.

All the known elements are organized in a chart called the ________ ________.

Periodic Table

On the Periodic Table each row is arranged according to the number of ________.


the number of protons in the atoms of an element is called its ________ ________.

Atomic number

The columns of the periodic table are arranged so that the elements in each have a similar _________ __________.

chemical properties

What is special about the last column on the Periodic Table?

Noble Gases - do not react easily with other elements.

Explain what a compound is:

2 or more elements joined together = new substance

table salt = sodium + chlorine

The smallest particle of a compound that still has the properties of that compound is called a ___________.


Changing the number, kind, or position of the atom in a molecule would result in a __________ ___________.

different substance

Protons are __________.


Neutrons have ________ _________.

no charge

Electrons are ____________.


States of matter- ___________, ____________ and ____________.

solid liquid gas

Describe the properties and behavior of water as a solid, liquid and gas.

Solid ice, the water molecules are packed close together

Liquid water, molecules weaken and begin to move around each other.

Gas, (water vapor) water molecules move very rapidly and are not bound


Explain how water can change into the different states.

To make a liquid a solid you freeze it and then it becomes ice

to make a water a gas you leave water out to evaporate into gas.

__________ is the amount of matter in a solid, liquid or gas.


__________ is measured by using a balance, often using units of grams and kilograms.


__________ is the amount of space an object takes up and can be measured in millimeters.


__________ is the ability of electricity to move through a substance


A ___________ is a material that electricity moves through easily. Metals are some of the best conductors. Electric wires are often made from copper and aluminum.


__________ are materials that can stop most electricity from passing through.


What are 3 things that can be used as a insulator?

Rubber, plastic and dry cotton.