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19 Cards in this Set

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Is an arrangement of dark and light that creates an impression of beauty. Does not have to be black and white. Can be realistic or abstract

Geometric shapes

Can be measured mathematically. Shapes such as squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, etc...

Shapes that can't be measured

Positive Space

1.the object or the focal point

2.the shapes or forms of interest

Negative Space

1. the Space around the object

2.the empty space between the shapes or forms


an art form consisting of the production of images, usually on paper but occasionally on fabric, parchment, plastic, or other support, by various techniques to create multiple prints, under the direct supervision of or by the hand of the artist.

Reduction printmaking

1. In relief printing, a reduction print is a multicolor print in which the separate colors printed from the same block at different stages. Usually, the lightest color of the design is printed first, then the block is "reduced" by carving to the areas which the artist wants to print the second color from, and so forth. 2. When one block is printed several times, removing a portion and changing Color each time (working from lightest to darkest and registration is critical)


It is a printing method using a sheet of linoleum, in which a subtractive cutting method is used to take away the parts of linoleum where you want to leave the white of the page, and keep the parts you want to be inked! In the result you have a linocut that can reproduce the same image over and over again.


In relief printing, a tool for clearing non-image areas from a block of wood or linoleum


A small, hand-held rubber roller used to spread printing ink evenly on a surface before printing.


an armature is a framework around which the sculpture is built. This framework provides structure and stability

Figure proportion

Average person is 6-8 heads tall with the halfway point being at the hips. The other body parts are all sized in relation to each other.


1. the scale of an artwork we tend to compare its size to the size of our own bodies. Proportion refers to the relative size of parts of a whole.

2. show the size relationship between objects

Illusion of space








In a picture, objects lower directly in front of us are perceived as closest to us and are in the foreground. They are larger, clearer, and brighter than those “behind” them

Middle ground

Objects at a medium distance are perceived as mid-ground;they are in the the middle of the frame.


Objects farthest from us, in the background, are usually higher in the picture;they seem less clear, and their colours are less intense than those in both the foreground and middle ground.


The area enclosed by an outline


Landscapes are works of art that feature scenes of nature. This includes mountains, lakes, gardens, rivers, and any sort of scenic view.