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41 Cards in this Set

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A famous painter of Indians, visited Fort Union
George Catlin
Came to Fort Union in 1843, drew birds, animals
J. J. Audobon
Who was the founder of the American Fur Company?
John Jacob Astor
Who was the man who ran Fort Union?
Kenneth McKenzie
What two companies dominated trade on the Missouri until they merged?
American Fur Company
Columbia Fur Company
Why did fur trading end on the Missouri River by the 1870's?
Extensive Trapping and Hunting
In 1800, who, was an independent trader that established a post at Lake Traverse, Minnesota?
Robert Dickson
Who was responsible for making Pembina a permanent trading post?
Alexander Henry
A food that the Indians developed, was made by drying strips of bison meats over a fire, pounding it into a powder, mixing it with melted bison fat and putting it in a bison hide bag
Who kept accurate journals of the activities at the Pembina post?
Alexander Henry
THe fifth Earl of Selkirk, founded an agricultural settlement near present-day Winnipeg, Canada
T Douglas
Who did Henry Hastings Sibley send into Northern Dakota to trade fur for in 1842
N. Kittson
Where did Kittson and Sibley move their operations to in 1844
The fur trade brought what two destructive elements to the American Indians?
Alcohol and Disease
The _______ were usually willing to rely on luck and nature's resources for survival?
Traders Trappers
__________ were organized that built trading posts in the wilderness where they traded goods for furs
Fur Companies
While in North Dakota, Lewis and Clark hired ________, a French fur trader, as a guide
The boss of the fort
Or traded
Prices were in terms of
Beaver Pelts
The fur trade in North Dakota was located along what two rivers
Missouri and Red River
What company formed in 1670, built fur-trading forts and began to trade with Indians on the Red River
Hudson Bay Co.
Who was the first person to establish a trade post empire on the Missouri River?
Manuel Lisa
________became the northernmost post of the Missouri Fur Company
Fort Lisa
What two men traveled up the Missouri River and told the Indians that the American governmant intended to protect the traders on the rivers
H Atkinson
Ben O' Fallon
Who was the first non-Indian to record a visit to North Dakota
Who would finance his (Answer to #30) search
Montreal Merchants
Who was instructed by the Northwest Company to find the 49th parallel?
D. Thompson
Who was the French explorer who claimed the land drained by the Mississippi for France
Robert LaSalle
Louisiana was named in honor of the French King_________?
Louis XIV
Who defeated the French and took their land claims in North America?
Who sold the Louisiana Territory to the U.S.?
How much did the U.S. pay for the Louisiana Territory?
$15 million
Who was the president that accepted the Louisiana Terr. deal?
Thomas Jefferson
Before the sale of the L. Territory, Pres. Jefferson. had commissioned an expedition to travel the __________
Missouri River
Captain of the expedition
Merriwether Lewis
Captain of the expedition
William Clark
The expedition left from
St. Louis
On Oct. 14, 1804, the Corps arrives at the _________ village
On Oct. 14, 1804, the Corps arrives at the _________ village
The name of the slave on the expediton