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84 Cards in this Set

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How did the Great Awakening contribute to the American Revolution?

It spread the idea that all people are equal before God.

What was the Declaration of Independence written to explain?

Why it was time for the colonies to separate from Great Britain.

What English lawmaking body, established in 1265, was similar to the United States Congress?

Which country's people followed the example of the American colonists, rebelling against their king in 1789?


Which amendment to the Constitution protects religoius rights?
First Amendment
Shay's Rebellion revealed a weakness in the new American government. What was it?
The federal government was too weak.
A bill cannot become a law until it is
approved by Congress and signed by the president.
What is the most important function of a free press in a democracy?
to check the power of the government.
According to Alexander Hamilton, a prominent Federalist, who was best suited to make decisions?
the wealthy and well-education
In his farewell address, what did George Washington warn could split the nation apart?
party loyalties
Why were western War Hawks so eager for war with Britain in 1812?
They hoped to drive the British out of Canada
The Monroe Doctrine seemed to conflict with what U.S. foreign policy?


What were the wide, fertile coastal plains of the South ideal for?
growing cash crops
According to Confucius, what do the following relationships have in common?
-ruler and subject
-father and son
-older sibling and younger sibling
-husband and wife

One person is above the other

What was one key result of the signing of the Magna Carta?

The king could not take away anyone's rights and liberties

The people who killed Julius Caesar wanted to give power back to the Senate, but their actions had an unexpected effect. What was it?
Augustus became Rome's supreme ruler
What effect did the following geographic features have on the development of civilations in China?
-the Tibet Qinghai Plateau
-the Himalayas
-the Taklimakan Desert
-the Gobi Desert
They isolated China from the rest of the world
Ancient Sumerians invented irrigation systems and plows. What did these two inventions help provide?
a steady supply of food
What made Judaism different from other ancient religions?

a belief in one God

Which of the following describes one result of the Northwest Ordinance, passed in 1787?

It banned slavery in new states north of the Ohio River

Which important mathematical concept did muslims bring into wider use?
These three Chinese inventions contributed most to what outcome?
-woodblock printing
-movable type
the spread of learning
Which of the following best describes how government officials were chosen durnig the Song and Ming dynasties?
they had to pass exams
How did Islam spread to the medieval African kingdoms of Ghana and Mali?
Africans mixed Islam with their own religious customs
What did Japan at the time of the samurai have in common with western Europe during the Middle Ages?

lords and vassals

For the Aztecs, what was one benefit of settling on an island in Lake Texcoco?
The island was easy to defend
The word renaissance means "rebirth." What was reborn during the Renaissance?
an interest in classical culture
What was the most important physical feature in ancient Egypt?
the Nile River
Which of the following best describes the relationship between religious and political order in ancient Egypt?
Egyptians believed that their pharaohs were gods
Which of the following was the first monotheistic religion?
Which of the following is a geographic reason for the development of city-states in ancient Greece?

mountains separated settlements from each other

In India, why was it impossible for a person to rise to a higher caste?

because caste is based on a person's past lives

What did Qin Shihuangdi and Hammurabi have in common?
Both developed systems of laws
The following were characteristics of what period in Roman history?
-expansion of territory
-one supreme ruler
the Roman Empire
The Declaration of Independence states that all people are born with certain rights including _________.

the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

What document did the Puritans create to define how they would govern their community?
the Mayflower Compact
Which amendment to the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech?
First Amendment
What is the purpose of the system of checks and balances described in the constitution?

it prevents one branch of government from getting too powerful

In the early years of the United States, which political party believed in a strong national government?
According to the Republican view of government, who was best suited to make decisions?

the common people

In the first half of the 19th century, the economy of the South was based on what?


How did Native Americans learn to survive in different areas?

By adapting to different environmental conditions

Christopher Columbus's four voyages across the Atlantic led to what?

The Columbian Exchange

What was the Columbian Exchange?

A great transfer of people, plants, animals and diseases across the Atlantic ocean

How did Africans come to America?

The were brought as slaves

What was the relationship between French fur traders and native Americans in New France?

They were allies; they became business partners

How did Pocahontas help Jamestown survive?

By bringing food and keeping peace with her people

How did the Dutch in New Netherland prosper?

They became partners with the Iroquis

What happened to Native Americans when the Europeans arrived?

They were killed in great numbers by diseases brought by the Europeans

What made the Southern Colonies unique?

Large plantations; more dependent on slavery; wealthy colonists

The Mayflower Compact, the Fundamental Orders, and town meetings all showed the determination of colonists to form what?

A strong self-government

What type of people founded the English colonies and for what purpose?

All sorts of people (poor people looking for better life; people seeking religious freedom; convicts sent as indentured servants; rich people looking to make money)

Describe what colonial cities were like.

Smaller than today's cities, noisy, smelly, constant fire danger

What did the Magna Carta say?

The King's powers were limited; even the king was not above the law

What was the English Bill of Rights important to colonists?

It supported their own right to self-govern

How did people climb the social ladder in the colonies?

By making a lot of money

Why were colonists upset by the Townshend Acts and the Tea Act?

They imposed taxes on the colonists who believed taxation without representation was a violation of their rights

What was the Boston Massacre?

A clash between rioting Boston Patriots and British troops

What forms of protest did colonists use to oppose the Tea Act?

The "Boston Tea Party"

Explain the Intolerable Acts. What were they a reaction to?

These were a set of laws meant to punish Massachusetts in reaction to the Boston Tea Party

What was the main impact of Common Sense in the colonies?

Persuaded many colonists to support independence

Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the Revolutionary War?

Shortly after this battle, the French and Spanish entered the war against Britain

What was the outcome of the battle of Yorktown?

8,000 British troops surrendered to the Americans and the French

What was the Northwest Ordinance, passed in 1787?

Established procedures for how new territories could become states, spurring westward movement of American settlers

What problems existed under the Articles of Confederation?

Congress could not impose taxes so could not pay debt; no common currency; weak national government; no executive branch (could not enforce laws); no national courts to settle disputes

Explain the 3 main issues facing the Constitutional Convention.

How should states be represented in congress; should slaves be counted towards population when determining representation; how should the president be elected

What was the Great Compromise? How did the delegates balance the needs of large and small states?

This compromise created the legislative branch of our government; large states have more representatives in the House, based on their greater population; small states have equal representation in the Senate

What is the main job of the legislative branch?

To make laws

How does a bill become a law?

Proposed by member of congress; debated, discussed, changes made by committee; sent to House and Senate - discussed, more changes made; if House and Senate vote to pass - sent to President; if he signs - becomes law; if veto - 2/3 vote in both houses = veto override

The Bill of Rights is part of the...

Constitution of the United States; the first 10 amendments

What were the main issues dividing the Federalist and Republican parties?

- Strength of the national government (Federalists wanted strong)

- Economy (Republicans-agriculture; Federalists-business/manufacturing)

- View of human nature

- The French Revolution; Britain/France war

How were the Alien and Sedition Acts viewed by Republicans?

As a violation of their first amendment rights

What was the main accomplishment of the election of 1800?

The first peaceful transition of political power between opposing parties in US history

Washington urged Americans to follow _________ and ___________ in regards to foreign policy.

Neutrality and Isolationism

How did Americans respond to the XYZ Affair?

They were outraged; Slogan: "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tributes!"

Why did France and Britain seize American merchant ships?

To stop American ships from supplying the enemy

What was Britain's reason for impressing American sailors?

They claimed that the men they impressed were British Navy deserters

How did Jefferson try to end pirate attacks on US ships?

He sent a small fleet of war ships to protect the American merchant ships

Who was hurt most by Jefferson's embargo policy?

American merchants; American seamen

Explain the results of the Battle of New Orleans.

20,000 British soldiers killed or wounded compared to only about 20 Americans; unnecessary because a peace treaty had been signed 2 weeks earlier

What was the Monroe Doctrine?

Declared that the US would not accept foreign colonization or intervention in the Americas, North or South

How were Christians treated in the Roman Empire?

They were persecuted, the were either arrested or killed

What period in Roman history was characterized by having one supreme ruler?

The Roman Empire

What is the difference between the Quran and the Sunnah?

The Quran is the word of God; the Sunnah is the actions and words (sayings) of the Prophet Mohammad